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Jmod quote from RSOF regarding real world trading


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What do we lose? our cash....wonder why the Dragon Ful helm is around 50 mil? because ppl have it and are willing to spend it, because they have more money then brains, and most bought it from cheat sites. I refuse to believe you can legitamently make 1 billion gp with a character who has 500 total stats.....I could care less about paper hats, but look at the prices....585+ mil for the highest one.....come on....RL gp buying is the reason. Look at the god sword prices. They ARE hurting the legit players....




I have 59 whip and 14 dark bows dropped and sold to date....96 mage all from alching the logs I cut to maximize profit....I make my money legit, and I can not even think about affording the God armors, swords, DFH...etc....ridiculous, THEY ARE ruining the game. Of course from your perspective, it "isn't" a problem. I won't even get into an integrity discussion, we all know that isn't a concept 95% of RS players understand. Yes it is a game, but it is being played with real people, who have real life time invested, and are emotionally connected in various levels with their characters...so cheating does matter.




Anything they can do to prevent RL gold buying, and prevent bots, I am in full support of.




Wow, I never realized RWT was why I was able to get 27 and 24.5m for 2 Bandos Plates. Or why Bandos Godsword was 43-50m, or why DFH was 45-50m, or why rares were so high :shock:. I truely thought it was just because Bandos/Mith Drags were difficult monsters and the drops were rare. With rares, I thought it was simply because supply always goes down and demand always goes up. I also thought that most people found RWT to be too risky or not worth their money. I support updates that stop RWTers too, but if prices drop too low, I might get 91 RC. It looks like a better way to make money than combat, barring extreme luck at Mith Drags/God Wars :-w.



4x Phat owner: Blue, Green, 2x Purple


3100+ GWD bosses soloed.

Solo GWD Drops:

5 Bandos Plates, 4 Bandos Boots, 3 Bandos Hilts, 2 Arma Helms, Arma Skirt, Arma Plate, 3 Arma Hilts, 4 Zammy Spears, Steam Staff, 15 Sara Swords, 6 Sara Hilts, 29 Shards.

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I'm honestly getting worried about the GE too meili. If anything, rares are going down not because of duel arena changes, but because people are afraid jagex will make it so you can only trade 3k cash at once or something.




I'm not sure what Jagex has in mind, I really wish Paul or Andrew Gower would post something to make playing RS right now so worrying.




Oh well, no matter what happens I still have my self-sufficient skills so I should be fine but I hope GE is fun.

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I had a theory on why they might have stopped staking. I have no actuall evidence or anything and its purely speculative, but basically staking is just the same as gambling except with no age limit.. perhaps they were tryng to protect themselves from a lawsuit? :-k As qeltar has said, they're either being plain dumb, or deceptive.




DING DING DING we have a winner! And jagax can never admit that because it would admit guilt and any kid that gets caught gambling online can blame it on runescape. Then they have a fat lawsuit on their hands and that will cost ALOT more then all the jokers that quit over this.

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I believe Jagex will delete the Trade Button so the Grand Exchange will take Place of it.




Jagex are also probably going to add Set-Prices to the Grand Exchange. But very close to Player Values, Maybe every week they will update the Prices? But Still they will probably be Set Prices.

My Runescape Account "Lilrich08" has been permanently Banned,

after being Scammed of a Purple Partyhat and Dragon Fire shield.

The Account lasted from March 2006 through September 2007.

It was 114 Combat, 99 Hunter and had an Overall Level of 1776.

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Another Jmod quote i found on RSOF.






Mod Marvin


Jagex Mod




21-Nov-2007 19:01:29


We can't really increase the stake limit. If it's high enough that hardcore stakers will like it, it's high enough for RWTers to abuse it.




I've heard suggestions of tying it to combat level, but we all know how fast bots can level up combat. The only way we can eradicate the RWTers and the bots from the game - something people have been screaming at us to do for years - is to take steps like these. We accept that some people won't like it, but we feel it really does need drastic measures.

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I did not say that anyone who can make money is a cheater, you are taking my words WAY out of context. Your last name isn't Sharpton is it? hehe sry, he is a sorta famous jerk in US who can take anything you say and swing it around on you. No where did I assume only 2-3 ppl can afford p hats...there isn't a phat store.....obviously ppl have them, tons....what I said, if you go back and actually read it, is there are probably 2-3 (maybe a few more), very skilled, experienced, powerful high level stakers who throw money back and forth like they are lobbing tennis balls at each other. THEY can easily make that kind of cash if they are consistent. What I was implying was that the large portion of the "stakers/pures" running around with their 600mil gp headpiece, dancing around the willow trees in draynor, most likely got that kind of cash from less legal means...i.e. rs gold buying.




Now the way I presented my opinion might have come across a bit abrasive and assuming, I did not have the time, desire or patience to write a book. so I pounded out a quick reply and moved on. Now that I have had a night to dwell on it, I take most of what I say back, as in hindsight it was written in a moment of annoyance from my two encounters the other evening. I know there are players who enjoy to stake, and that is their prerogative. It was wrong for me to backhand something as significant as this update. Furthermore to shoot the cow to cure it's toothache is a bit extreme, which is what Jagex may have done. Like all things, they will probably adjust soon. As much as I hate cheaters and scammers, to negatively affect thousands to get a few hundred slackers.....is a bit overkill. This coming from a guy who usually gives no quarter, and zero sympathy to slackers, scammers and cheaters. In RS or RL. However, I am man enough to say maybe I had my arrogance/ego cinched up a little high, and made some harsh assumptions which is beneath me. So, I will admit this seems a bit extreme of an update, well intentioned, but extreme.




So for all you legit stakers out there, I feel for you. I would be PO'd if they adjusted my slayer exp rate from the deplorable hourly rate that it is now, and took away half of it to prevent some kind of perceived issue.




I still believe that RWIT brings an exorbiant amount of cash into the game at the click of a player, who then has billions to throw at coveted items, thus increasing their "value". I feel that if RWIT/RS gold buying did not exist, those items would be valued at a significantly lower number.




There, done, said my piece, moving on. have a great day, I just got assigned another 196 abbies, so I am gonna go do those and pocket another whip hopefully.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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The day barbarian training was introduced i went to check it out.


Because of full bank space and eagerness to go and see i did the stupidest thing ever in my RS career - went in the dungeon with all my money (5.5M) and forgot to take a antidragon shield. Got firebreathed twice by a brutal green and woke up in falador (in shock). The dungeon was full of people then and surely someone had a nice present.




See where i am going?




How can anyone draw a line if I was RWT or just stupid/unlucky?




And there are many scenarios how to make that less suspicious ...

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Glad we could come to an agreement, and my bad on misreading that section of your post :P .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I say, good for Jagex. This is a great step towards stopping rl trading.


This isn't a great step. This is epic failure.






I am a HEAVY merchant, I understand how much damage this update did to 2 aspects of the game, but guess what, the only thing Jagex could have done better is take Commision on the dual Arena Tourniments, for one reason, REAL WORLD TRADERS DESTROY THIS GAME. And because they have been allowed to exist for this long there is WAY to much currency in the game, No matter what anyone says, eventually it will be eather buy gold online of have no good armor. I understand how frustrating this can be but guess what, its not about how it hurts 1/10 of the players, its about how not doing this hurts EVERYONE.

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The day barbarian training was introduced i went to check it out.


Because of full bank space and eagerness to go and see i did the stupidest thing ever in my RS career - went in the dungeon with all my money (5.5M) and forgot to take a antidragon shield. Got firebreathed twice by a brutal green and woke up in falador (in shock). The dungeon was full of people then and surely someone had a nice present.




See where i am going?




How can anyone draw a line if I was RWT or just stupid/unlucky?




And there are many scenarios how to make that less suspicious ...


Well for one, there are so many other EASIER ways to do RWT here, and to die in a dungeon full of people, and not just your customer (hypothetically) would be plain stupid.




And why did you bring all your money? I understand no-bank-space, but there are so many other items you could've noted and brought instead.

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Hey I have an idea to help stop auto'ers.




Jagex is making roughly FIVE MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH in member fees. Why not "hire" players to monitor and report auto'ers.




It's not that difficult and we all know the most common places that auto'ers hang out ie. gold mining at crafting guild, spinning wheel in Lumbridge, flax fields as a fe examples.




Let me ask this:




Who are the auto'ers really hurting? I mean think about it. Other than the few places where they hog the limited resources they really have no impact on my game at all.




Jagex should focus on the auto'ers that hog rsources in limited areas.




If an autoer wants to stand in a wooded area and cut oak trees what do i care, there are tons of oak trees.




Now when they get to magic trees in limited resource then we focus in and stop them. much easier to do because it allows to focus on a much smallerarea.




Since we have basically admitted that those stupid random events have done nothing to stop autoers, can we get rid of those. They are annoying to those of us that actually PLAY the game.

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Im not sure about this but is Jagex just banning characters, or are they IP banning computers?




I think the IP ban would be a far better route to go through first before changing game systems. But if they do IP ban and people are still getting around it, then I think it is okay for them to make updates like this.

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IP numbers these days are easy to change, with Dynamic IP Addresses being the easiest to change. Banning by IP just doesn't work the way they want you to think it does :(

Of those who say nothing, few are silent -=Thomas Neil =-

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Maybe a solution could be to increase the stake limit to around 500k - 1 mil but make it so you could only duel the same person 1 time per hour/day or what not.




That way if they truly wanted to exchange 10 mil or so, it would take 10 hours or force them to pay members on 10 different charcters

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I don't think the duel arena was the method of choice for the gold farmers, rather it was the preferred method of a few of the buyers. I believe that, with Jagex's new focus of banning the buyers, it was an attempt to 'flush out' some more buyers and take away the gold sellers business.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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well, for some reason i bet someone will create an auto-staker or somthing haha :shock: ...we have A LOT of aout-things so tomorrow or someday youll see


Im not a stacker so this doenst affect me :mrgreen: but some of my friends quit cause of this...


Another thing that i hate from JAGEX about the report abuse is that i can only use it 1 time every like min and when i want to report autoers in like the flax ground or the place to mine pure ess i cant remeber those f***ing names and they leave :wall:


Back to the topic, i heard (saw) in other forum they say that Jagex gave this new "hint" (it was difficult for me to understand it was gonna be Summoning) from Summoning just co calm down the ppl for the DA tournamen...i dont think its because of this but it has sense


Proud owner of a Questcape

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see, this is what pisses me off about jagex




you simply, under no circumstances other than changing the nature of people, cannot make a game, or a civilization with no cheating or unfairness




it seems that people have an inate desire to benifit themselves




look at the US, the majority of people are law abiding, and dont do things for fear of punishment




however, there are ALWAYS people who break the law, it doesn't matter what time period








stop [bleep]ing with the game to achieve something that's impossible

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Intresting, very intresting. So this mod ask ous about what we prefer. I have to pick fewer goldsellers. There are still loads of other ways to make money.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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