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Weddings- Extravagant or Basic?


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I recently participated in my dad's 2nd marriage which was very basic and simply involved going to the courthouse and having the magistrate legally wed them. Although for Thanksgiving dinner there was a small ceremony it only involved a few people and was nothing really special. After seeing this I thought about how it compared to my cousin's wedding which had to have cost at least $75,000, included over 300 or so people, was held at a very nice church in downtown Birmingham, and all in all seemed very nice. Although they did end up getting divorced within about 2 months.


My opinion on these weddings was that my fathers wedding, which was very low key, wasn't all that special. I feel that getting married should be something to celebrate. I don't think you should spend tens of thousands of dollars on it, but I think that it should be something that you should remember well not just another day...


What are you're thoughts?

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i don't need a big,nor extravagant wedding..however,i would make sure it is special..i wouldn't need alot of people to come,just the people close to me..and i would pick a special,beautiful place. (somewhere outside,don't want to get married in church nor the courthouse.)

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A party would be alright, I wouldnÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt invite hundreds of people. But I wouldnÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt let it go unnoticed.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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I'm not a sentimental. Who cares about extravagant weddings?




Sad to hear that your cousin got divorced. I'm not sad for them, I just think they're pathetic.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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A marriage should be whatever the people getting married want it to be.




Personally, I'd rather have a small affair with only close friends/family invited in a more special location, probably a place I go on holiday to. That would be much more special to me than a massive function somewhere with hundreds of people and all the usual wedding cliches.

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Does it matter? It's not like the guy is gonna end up choosing how big the wedding is :lol:




But yeah, it's marriage. Something that SHOULD be a one in a lifetime thing. Why won't you celebrate it? But spending more than a few thousand dollars isn't reasonable IMO.




My parents got married more than once, what's weirder is they never divorced once.

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Hm...as you get more things ordered etc...something is bound to go wrong which could make the wedding very stressful. I'd probably just keep it simple and peaceful so you can really enjoy the day.


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As if any of your brides would give you the choice of not having a massive wedding that bankrupts you. :lol: I think most of the guys on this board are underestimating women and their powers..




Let them find somebody wanting to mary them first. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Marriage is a waste of money and time. I'll prefer common law.




Aren't you romantic. Good luck finding a meaningful relationship based on practicality.

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If you can't afford a big wedding, then why start married life hugely in debt because you decided to have a large wedding you couldn't pay for?




Does it matter anyway? As long as you're with the person you love.






Anyway I'm atheist so if I try to enter a church I combust in Holy Fire.

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Marriage is a waste of money and time. I'll prefer common law.




Aren't you romantic. Good luck finding a meaningful relationship based on practicality.




I can be romantic without a materialistic ceremony that binds two people together in an already existent relationship. If one loves another, then its love. No need for materialistic events to make it more.




And if I find a girl that thinks the same way, then I know I have found my perfect girl.




Edit: and errr, Your better then that Insane. You know not to attack another person beliefs and opinions like that.


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I would prefer a small wedding, costs less, and really, does a small wedding make you any less married?


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I'm not a sentimental. Who cares about extravagant weddings?




Sad to hear that your cousin got divorced. I'm not sad for them, I just think they're pathetic.


Wow coming from someone that looks somewhat religious doesn't the bible say to respect your neighbors? Personally I consider my cousin family and I would love for you to get the f*** of this thread if you wanna say things like that.

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I'm not a sentimental. Who cares about extravagant weddings?




Sad to hear that your cousin got divorced. I'm not sad for them, I just think they're pathetic.


Wow coming from someone that looks somewhat religious doesn't the bible say to respect your neighbors? Personally I consider my cousin family and I would love for you to get the f*** of this thread if you wanna say things like that.


Actually I think it's, "honor thy father and mother". But that was a bit rude, why would spending money be pathetic? They just weren;t ready for marriage yet, but they didn't realize it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I'm not a sentimental. Who cares about extravagant weddings?




Sad to hear that your cousin got divorced. I'm not sad for them, I just think they're pathetic.


Wow coming from someone that looks somewhat religious doesn't the bible say to respect your neighbors? Personally I consider my cousin family and I would love for you to get the f*** of this thread if you wanna say things like that.


Actually I think it's, "honor thy father and mother". But that was a bit rude, why would spending money be pathetic? They just weren;t ready for marriage yet, but they didn't realize it.


Yeah, well I don't know the bible all to well but none-the less I think that was really stupid to say.

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Marriage is a waste of money and time. I'll prefer common law.




Aren't you romantic. Good luck finding a meaningful relationship based on practicality.




I can be romantic without a materialistic ceremony that binds two people together in an already existent relationship.




The last time I checked, marriage is much more than a wedding ceremony. It's anything BUT materialistic.




If one loves another, then its love. No need for materialistic events to make it more.




Then why go common law? It is more formal than "just love".






Edit: and errr, Your better then that Insane. You know not to attack another person beliefs and opinions like that.




I wasn't attacking, I was defending. The only belief attacking was done by you when you stated marriage as a waste of time. That is the only insult being thrown around here.

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I'd like to keep mine simple, but still make it a special occasion. I see myself getting married on the beach wearing jandals and shorts.


Jandals? Those dangly jade earrings from the Carribbean? I haven;t seen anyone wearing those in a while. What is it about the beach that people find so romantic? If it's the sunset, do rural areas serve the same purpose?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I beleive you guys call them flip-flops or thongs?








We have alot of beautiful beaches in NZ, one of them is a five minute walk from my house. I'm going to Rarotonga next year for my cousins wedding, which will be cool. But I don't think I will do mine overseas, I will do mine here in NZ. Expecting people to pay large sums of money to come see your wedding, is a bit selfish imo.




I wouldn't mind a rural wedding either, but something about the smell of cow [cabbage] when you're saying your vows isn't overly romantic..

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