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Man uses Wii calendar to catch cheating wife


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He proved his wife was a liar. Pretty damn good from what I can see. He's a soldier, so he thought "outside the box"... literally :lol:


Actually, he literally thought inside the box. The Wii box, that is. Or the television box, whatever.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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^ Bowling does not have online. He had to physically be in the house to play it with her.


Hm, didn't know that :-k .




Now I'm with the "OWNED" crowd on this one.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Although my usual posting style includes detailed logical responses, all I have for this one is...




Owned. Hard.


And apparantly he wasn't the only one who owned her hard, if you know what I mean :XD:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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How does the fact that they played Bowling together mean anything? :lol:




It proves that he was at her house on numerous occasions, which she denied in the first place. And it also said 'nights', so we can draw conclusions from there. . .




Maybe he is jumping to conclusions, but that's some pretty damning evidence.




Yes, because if I've learned anything from my middle school dates it's that bowling always leads to crazy, dirty sex.




I don't know what you were busy doing in middle school, but it always did for me... :wink:

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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Yes, because if I've learned anything from my middle school dates it's that bowling always leads to crazy, dirty sex.


I don't know what you were busy doing in middle school, but it always did for me... :wink:


Lol, I would siggy that too if I had room. :lol:

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It doesn't prove they had sex but an emotional relationship is more dangerous than a 1 night stand in my opinion. If he was over there lots and shared a kiss my bet is they became pretty attached to one another.




Even if they didn't have sex the man could still view 'an innocent kiss' as cheating. The word cheating has different boundaries for different people and in my books, pashing another bloke is cheating.




Putting myself in the manÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s shoes I would probably look at all sorts of things, as it takes two to tango. A husband getting deployed for up to 2 years at a time and never being around can be bloody hard for a wife. My partner was in the army and I became a wreck after he left for just 6 months.




But on that note the woman shouldn't have married him if she knew she couldn't handle it or at least had the ability to communicate with her husband more effectively to let him know she was missing him because he was barely around.




I told my partner that and he went from full time army to reserves where he can't get deployed for that long.




It's amazing what you can fix when two people will just talk to each other.




If I was in his situation I would need some time to think whether I could forgive it and see if I could be around more for my wife so she didn't feel the need to find another emotional attatchment, or whether I just couldn't find it in my heart to give her another chance.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Haven't you guys heard the if it's a different area code, then it's not cheating rule?




That only applies to men.




They really need to start writing this "Unspoken rules of Man" down. I can't keep up with 'em.




Same. Someone needs to write a book or something. But then again, wouldn't they then no longer be known as unspoken? <.<




On Topic:


That guy did some smart thinking. Checking the Wii calender wouldn't be the first thing to come to my mind. The wife surely would have taken more precautions if she at least knew half of her husbands method of thinking, like going to the other guy's house, instead of risking evidence against herself?




Err, sorry, it sounds like I approve of cheating, I don't. Just, thinking like the enemy.




Oh, and Wii Bowling rules. In fact, it now rules even more now that I know that it helps catch/own cheaters.

~ W ~



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What was that? I could swear I heard the siggification! \'


So I guess this isn;t really too bad for the wife. She has that other guy to go to, right?


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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They should use that in an advert, for people wanting wiis for Xmas.




"I'm Home! Whatcha doin'?"


"Im just checking the wii calendar, it lets me see what happened while i was away........... Oh my God!! You've Been cheating on me!!! I want a divorce!!"




(Wii logo while you hear frantic screaming followed by voice) The Cheatfinder. Only on Wii.


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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They should use that in an advert, for people wanting wiis for Xmas.




"I'm Home! Whatcha doin'?"


"Im just checking the wii calendar, it lets me see what happened while i was away........... Oh my God!! You've Been cheating on me!!! I want a divorce!!"




(Wii logo while you hear frantic screaming followed by voice) The Cheatfinder. Only on Wii.




"Hey dude, I heard you can't cheat on the Wii now that they updated the software"


"Really? I just got this cool GameGenie CD to jumphack on Metroid..."


"Nah, you can't. My Wii just turned off after I tried to turn on cheats. *Shows video on iPod*




Mario: "You's got a cheatsa? Mamma mia!"




"What the @#!*1 man"




OT: I liked the Gameshark cheats on NES though... :cry:

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What was that? I could swear I heard the siggification! \'


So I guess this isn;t really too bad for the wife. She has that other guy to go to, right?




Unless he was just using her to play wii with.


The Scoundrel!


Wait, can you really not use cheats on Wii games? Well, doesn't matter to me. Cheats are for [censored for fear of angry mob of cheat users]


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Woah. That's wierd to find out your wife is cheating on you through a Video Game. I think that Tony was smart to do that, I would have never thought of it. I think that there are alot of possibilities coming from this, as In she could have been cheating. But, It's also possible she was not cheating on him.




But, I wouldn't divorce my "Close Personal Friend" over finding out that she's getting help with skills In runescape from another woman. I'd first try to figure out who it was, or why she did it.





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