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Zombie Plans-Revised


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You guys are making me want to design an entire town prepared for zombie attack :?




Now I'm going to have to do it.




Be sure to include mounted turrets ::'




and a trench full of landmines, zombies fall in then lose the ability to crawl out.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I think [bleep]es would cause less damage, though they would trap zombies if barbed. Does anyone know if basic solutions dissolve cement? If not then a moat filled with something basic could dissolve a lot of zombies, the problem is I dont know of anything besides glass that can hold bases.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Honestly, I feel our best defence would actually be a grounded plane that has been reinforced to withstand alot more punishment, prefferably one that still has its landing gear up, for the extra raise. Buildings would be okay, but honestly, I feel that it would waste supplies that can be used against zombies taking out the first sets of stairs, and not to mention that zombies could get up while we were destorying them.







But grounded planes are small, with only one way out. You need storage space, to avoid trips out into the open, and some sort of emergency escape. I say we just find an abandoned building.




Depends on the size of the plane. Essentially, I'm talking about one of the bigger ones.




An abandoned building wouldn't be that good, for one, we'd need to gain control of it at right at the beginning in order to set up a good enough defence, and you want to try getting the people who decided to stay and fortify in there to leave?




If we worked on hte plane enough, removing seats and such, we'd have more space, and if we have someone who is capable, get rid of almost all electronics in order to provide yet more storage space.




Assuming it is a plane for transport mainly cargo, then don't they have a part at the back which opens up? We'd need something that could really withstand a fall for the scav teams to go out in.




A building can essentially prove our downfall, a number of things can go wrong when you try getting out to look for supplies.




And referring to the grounded boat idea, its also no good, any damage to the hull which is not repaired in time is going to prove to be our downfall by making it impossible to go to the lower levels, leaving them and any supplies down there locked off, and eventually zombies might breach our defences if they attacked in a great enough force.




And anyway, we could use more than one plane, connected to each other by a covered walkway and we have our perfect place for a community.




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_A380 Lets say we can aquire and connect 4 of those, that means alot of space, does it not? And lets face it, we'd have a large enough community perhaps.




Only problem I see is getting a scav team back into the plane, access to a crane could prove useful, mounted on top of the aircraft.




As for the curfew, I'd say that they'd only have daylight hours, which honestly, makes alot more sense.




Say we gather about 100 people from here, and each of those brings 9 others. Thats 1000 people, which is about the size of a small village, and realistically, we'd have more than enough space. One Airbus A380 can hold around 800 people max. Theres a hell of alot of room spare for more people, realistically I'd say a population of 2000 may be supportable if we can get the food, electricity and water. Generators, small wind turnbines and solar panels can help with the electricity, and a water purification system would be helpful, in a pinch.




In a perfect world, we could make a platform over 4 jets in order to help grow food, assuming the virus only affects humans. We'd have a supply of meat and crops, as long as we could get water to it.




Building a huge wall is not practical, by the time we are warned of the zombies, we wouldn't have enough time to build a large enough one and assemble everyone.




[bleep]e pits are useless, as shown by the zombie wikia (somewhere) eventually, the zombies would take up too much space on the [bleep]es, providing a walkway, a mine filled pit would make it deeper, though they would need to be spaced out and greatly measures so not to compromise the ground under our living place.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Anyways, I'll be taking flying lessons as a super-gift from my grandparents on the 18th (hangglider) 19th (helicopter) and 20th (plane) birthdays.








But it wouldn't be as fun for zombies to show up after that. I'll be a boring old geezer. Or a frat boy.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Sworddude I think you've found the perfect community but there's one problem. How the hell are we going to get 4 airbuses? You'd think nearly every plane would be used as an evacuation vehicle and that someone one the plane might have been infected and infected/killed the other on the plane.




I think we'd be better of in a decent sized high school or college campus. For example the high school I currently attend can easily hold 1000 people. There are bars around the entrances so it's already fortified. There are 4 building all arranged in a courtyard type thing. There's the building with all the classes/office, the cafeteria, the gym, and the building which is used for detention and ISS. The classroom building could be our living quarters. The cafeteria will obviously serve it's purpose for food storage and eating. The gym could be the area where we practice shooting and first aid. The detention/ISS building can be used for storage. The school is also next to a bunch of restaurants and a creek.

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True, the chances of us aquiring 4 airbuses is pretty slim.




Essentially, a large building that we feel that no-one will use would be a good alternative, though unable to hold as many people and supplies.




We can pretty much rule out using ground floors as they are pretty much just inviting the zombies to attack everyone assuming they can use stairs/drag themselves up stairs.




So we'd need a higher building than a school. A large department store with 5+ floors (including ground of course) pretty much gives us 4+ usable floors of space (well 5+ if you include the roof). Essentially, we could link multiple buildings via a rope, which gives us access to more, though has the drawback of only being able to take limited supplies across at once, but has 24h access.




I'd still reccomend making a farm like area on roofs though, for the purpose of growing some food, which we will need to do eventually.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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there are only like 13 (I think) airbuses that airlines have. We'd have a better chance of getting an aircraft carrier. Planes are a very bad idea, I have to say. There would be no way to collect water, and even if there was a source only minutes away, what if we were surrounded by thousands of zombies? There would be no way to grow food, and in an apocalypse that could last more than 20 years, we would never have enough supplies for ever 10 people. A city is one of the worst places to be, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of zombies, but at least a high rise building would be infinitely better than a plane. The best possible thing, would be a walled area, with a house of some sort inside it, with enough room for agriculture, a well, that's in some place remote.


And acquiring an airbus beforehand would be impossible, unless one of us has 300 million lying around. Even if they were all abandoned, they would all be likely 1000s of miles away from each other.






I say this is the best thing to do.




1:We all meet up. this is in the early stages of the attack. By this time, one of us will have scouted out an area, hopefully hundreds of miles away from civilization that would be able to sustain us.


2:We get a plane, just a normal one you'd find at like any air port, fill it with weapons, ammunition, water purification equipment, canned foods and MRE's, and building materials and supplies.


3:We fly as close to the place we picked as we can. Even if it means landing in an area we won't be able to take off from again.


4: Begin setting up. Plant seeds, and build a basic perimeter. If there are natural supplies, like trees or rocks, we use those. If not, we probably chose a bad place.


5:We build a stronghold of sorts, or at least somewhere to live.


6: Survive. Have at least one lookout posted at all times, just in case bandits or zombies find us. One zombie will make noise and attract more.


7:In 15-20 years, send a scouting party out to find out what happened. Are there any humans left? Are the zombies still around? Is anything alive? Did the surviving humans and zombies kill each other off?


8: If the zombies are still around, we stay where we are. in 10 years, maybe send another party out. If humans are back in power, we return to civilization. If it is the last option, we could either try to stay where we are, try to search for other pockets of humanity, like ourselves, or do something else, like move into a city. It's up to us.



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Well, theres always the chance that we can have 4 pilots co-ordinating and willing to jack an airbus for us. Though really, it is very unlikely.




Sure, if we got a piece of land out in the country secured, then we'd be almost set, choose a very sparsely populated area so we can essentially build a big enough wall if we have enough people in order to stop the Zombies from reaching us. We'd need a few durable, heavy duty metal doors for when we have to make an excursion out, or use a rope ladder like thing.




Essentially, we'd need a big [wagon] area in order to support 1000 people, with a ratio of 2:1 building walls and defending, high as 4:1 in earlier, quieter times.




Once the wall is build, we'd need to focus on building lookout towers. A helicopter would be great if we could aquire one, it could be sent out for building materials.




We'd need people to run a school, that teaches people to read and write, along with the basics of survival, start training them in first aid and small firearms when they reach 10, teach them to use larger firearms as 15.




We'd also need to designate everyone a job, and really, you might not get the job you want, you could want to be a lookout, but you're going to be a farmer instead.




Also, we'd need to condition younger ones so that they fit perfectly into the job we have planned for them at an early age. Those designated to be scouts/members of scav teams would need to be trained to use bicycles for long periods at a speed if needed, and have alot of stamina. Those destined to be lookouts would need to be taught the basics in recognising a threat, and a potential member of another colony.




I think that a wall should be about 3 feet thick, and around 7 feet high. Thats taller than alot of people and should be able to withstand an attack if done right.




Of course, the area would have to have a source of running water to grow crops, provide drinking water (duh), and if it is fast enough flowing, provide kinetic energy to provide some electricity.




Essentially, we'd pretty much be along the basics of a War-time rule, with rationing of food, and people keeping those responible for food supplies in check to make sure they aren't hoarding more for themselves.




We'd need leaders that just about everyone has agreed upon, those capable of planning out the best way to use our land, though the leaders will still be required to do manual labour, or do a pre-assigned job. They'd be just like everyone else, though they would have the final say in matters of our defence.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I think the logistics of moving 1000 people to through infected territory would be impossible, but if it could be pulled off, having a small town would be a good thing. Walls would be hard to build, since concrete would be impossible to bring in any large amounts. we'd have to use trees and rock. And I call being one of the leaders. haha.



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I still think that a city would be the best. Even if it may contain the most zombies it has the best food and ammo supply out of the 3 possible living enviornments. If we scavenge daily we sould have enough supplies to keep around 500 people alive for a year. By the time a year is over we'll have mowed down enough zombies to expand our empire community.




Maybe we can comprimise and live a mile or two away from a city.




As for leaders we'll need an oligarchy consisting of the decided leaders of the original empire colony.




We'll need somebody to organize shifts.




Ration food as sword said.




We'll need to decide on a work force age. I don't trust 5 year old to bring a glass of water to me.. 9 or 10 is a good age.




Anybody who wrongs the colony 5 times must be exiled. Wronging is defined as stealing from the colony, not doing your job properly, disobeying a direct order from a leader. Killing another member will result in immediate execution.

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A city is crap, I don't care. A million zombies surrounding a tower basically means certain death for us. If the army ever tried to retake it, they might just bomb the city, so they wouldn't have to lose any of their soldier's lives. There would be no way to farm on any scale that would support people. We couldn't mow down a million zombies. Do we have a million bullets? If we killed a zombie a minute for a year, we wouldn't even have cleared a 5th of a large city's population. Agriculture in the middle of no where would be the only real way to have any chance to survive.



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Ok you're right but the middle of nowhere is not the way to go. We'd run out of ammo supply way too fast and then what do we have to protect ourselves with? So yeah we'd need the outskirts of a small town atleast. Middle of nowhere just won't cut it

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The point of being in the middle of no where is that we won't need ammo. If we're 150 miles away from the closest human civilization, the chances of a zombie running into is little to none. Towns are almost always close to eachother. or atleast with in a few hours driving. That's too close. Any gunfire could attract zombies from all over, and the collective noise of the zombies would bring even more to us. Middle of no where would be the only way where we would have more than a 1/5 chance of survival.



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The point of being in the middle of no where is that we won't need ammo. If we're 150 miles away from the closest human civilization, the chances of a zombie running into is little to none. Towns are almost always close to eachother. or atleast with in a few hours driving. That's too close. Any gunfire could attract zombies from all over, and the collective noise of the zombies would bring even more to us. Middle of no where would be the only way where we would have more than a 1/5 chance of survival.


Ok, ok you're right. Since there will be no place to scavenge I'll volunteer as a farmer.




Anyways we still don't know what zombies we'll be dealing with.




Can they survive in sunlight?




Are they fast or slow?




Are they more intelligent in larger numbers?




Are there mutated zombies with special abilities?




Do we need to destroy the brain or can we just stop the heart?




Once we figure out what zombies we'll be dealing with we can decide which location is best. For example, if they're slow moving zombies that don't become more intelligent, no mutations, and can't survive in sunlight we'll be fine in a city. If they're fast moving, intelligent, mutated, and can survive in sunlight middle of nowhere is best.

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I'm using the zombie survival guide type of zombie, pretty much a romero zombie. No problems with daylight, their only intelligence is a instinct to kill everything, though humans would be a priority. They have no survival instinct, so even if they see 10000 fellow zombies cut down in front of them, they would continue towards you without hesitation. A shot to the head or destroying the brain is the only way to do it. They can't climb, though sometimes they might literally climb on top of eachother, and be able to reach slightly higher areas. They don't need to eat, they just do. They don't actually eat brains, because if they infect someone, they wouldn't destroy the infection. They will feast on the body until it comes back though. Middle of nowhere is the best option I think, since in a city there could be millions.




If it's left 4 dead/28days/weeks later, middle of nowhere is best, but it wouldn't guarantee our survival, since they move fast and would keep looking till they found someone.



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I'm using the zombie survival guide type of zombie, pretty much a romero zombie. No problems with daylight, their only intelligence is a instinct to kill everything, though humans would be a priority. They have no survival instinct, so even if they see 10000 fellow zombies cut down in front of them, they would continue towards you without hesitation. A shot to the head or destroying the brain is the only way to do it. They can't climb, though sometimes they might literally climb on top of eachother, and be able to reach slightly higher areas. They don't need to eat, they just do. They don't actually eat brains, because if they infect someone, they wouldn't destroy the infection. They will feast on the body until it comes back though. Middle of nowhere is the best option I think, since in a city there could be millions.




If it's left 4 dead/28days/weeks later, middle of nowhere is best, but it wouldn't guarantee our survival, since they move fast and would keep looking till they found someone.




I say we all go to some remote island, where there was little/no civilization, so there will be no zombies.


The one issue with islands is like minded people. The oceans will be filled with ship trying to escape. How many of those ships have a bitten refugee who hasn't succumbed to the virus yet. Even in the middle of the ocean there is a good chance we would be found by other survivors, who might use force to get us off our island, if there isn't enough space for all of us. But still, that could work. It would also give us the option of fishing.



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I'm using the zombie survival guide type of zombie, pretty much a romero zombie. No problems with daylight, their only intelligence is a instinct to kill everything, though humans would be a priority. They have no survival instinct, so even if they see 10000 fellow zombies cut down in front of them, they would continue towards you without hesitation. A shot to the head or destroying the brain is the only way to do it. They can't climb, though sometimes they might literally climb on top of eachother, and be able to reach slightly higher areas. They don't need to eat, they just do. They don't actually eat brains, because if they infect someone, they wouldn't destroy the infection. They will feast on the body until it comes back though. Middle of nowhere is the best option I think, since in a city there could be millions.




If it's left 4 dead/28days/weeks later, middle of nowhere is best, but it wouldn't guarantee our survival, since they move fast and would keep looking till they found someone.




I say we all go to some remote island, where there was little/no civilization, so there will be no zombies.


The one issue with islands is like minded people. The oceans will be filled with ship trying to escape. How many of those ships have a bitten refugee who hasn't succumbed to the virus yet. Even in the middle of the ocean there is a good chance we would be found by other survivors, who might use force to get us off our island, if there isn't enough space for all of us. But still, that could work. It would also give us the option of fishing.


I can agree on an island. Romero zombies can't swim correct? Anyways if someone wants to take us off an island we found first we'll try being hospitible first. If they still want to take over we kill them and take their supplies. Also don't forget we need an island with a fresh water supply. Maybe if there are wild boars and we take enough people we could live there forever.

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Zombies can't swim, but they can walk under water. If they're particularly bloated, they might float. Supposedly, in the world war z book, after most of the zombies are killed, there are still 30 million or so walking the bottom of the oceans, being dragged by currents, and occasionally drifting on to shore. But we might face 1 or 2 zombies in that way in like 15 years on an island. So unless we're caught unprepared, it's no issue.



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I already explained why slow Romero zombies would not affect 99% of the human population, so planning for them is redundant.




I just wanted to point out that most of the population of the world lives next to the ocean/major rivers: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ensity.png so you might want to take that into consideration.



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I already explained why slow Romero zombies would not affect 99% of the human population, so planning for them is redundant.




I just wanted to point out that most of the population of the world lives next to the ocean/major rivers: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... ensity.png so you might want to take that into consideration.


The type of zombie we're planning for isn't exactly the living dead. It's a more realistic (If possible) version. It's a virus. anyone who's bitten becomes a zombie in about a day. killing the brain is the only way to stop them. The military is not trained to aim for the head, they are taught to aim for the center of mass. Even snipers are. By the time everyone realized the way to kill them was the head, they would have already killed and re-animated millions. Imagine one zombie, in the middle of new york, people would just take him for a drunk or something. He would attack people, bite them. They would be freaked out, but nothing more, if they escaped him. Police might try to detain him, and end up being bitten. If they shoot him, they probably won't aim for the head. they will aim to disable, or for the chest. Let's say a lucky shot hits his head, and he dies. Now there are dozens of people who have been bitten, in new york city. The next day, they would all be zombies, and this would repeat. Soon their numbers would be in the thousands, and a state of emergency would be called. By this time, it probably would not be realized that a headshot is the only way. People would just stay in their homes, or try to escape the city. those trying to escape would be stuck in the mass of traffic, only to be consumed by the zombies. Withing a week most of the population of the city would be infected.


And let's say on the first day, a businessman, rushing to the airport is bitten. He is disturbed, but he can't miss his flight. He arrives in, lets say, london, the next day, checks into his hotel, and reanimates the next morning. It starts in london. London would be even worse due to the lack of firearms.


How this would not affect 99% of the population is beyond me.



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Zombies can't swim, but they can walk under water. If they're particularly bloated, they might float. Supposedly, in the world war z book, after most of the zombies are killed, there are still 30 million or so walking the bottom of the oceans, being dragged by currents, and occasionally drifting on to shore. But we might face 1 or 2 zombies in that way in like 15 years on an island. So unless we're caught unprepared, it's no issue.




We'll be long dead before any find us. Imagine wandering all of earth only on foot, searching for a tiny island? Not exactly quick. Only issue is one washes up during night when we're asleep and infects us all.


The chances would be low, but it's still a risk. So we would want to be prepared. I would be more worried about a ship with a crewmember that had been bitten finding us. Or pirates. Like, modern pirates.



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