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Zombie Plans-Revised


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I think its .32 Ammo.




I know theres a .32 Revolver, and if Fallout is anything to go by, theres a .32 Calibur Rifle aswell. (I.E. The Hunting Rifle in FO3.)




Fallout 3. Hell ya. I say we all live life in a vault :thumbup:

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Someone already said that.




And I pointed out the flaws you need to start YEARS in advance for something that MAY NOT happen.




Then you need alot of machinery and such to be able to live, and people to maintain them. Too much bother overall.




And we don't get to blast zombie heads.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Someone already said that.




And I pointed out the flaws you need to start YEARS in advance for something that MAY NOT happen.




Then you need alot of machinery and such to be able to live, and people to maintain them. Too much bother overall.




And we don't get to blast zombie heads.




K, I must kill zombies. Scrap the vault plan.

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I have an awesome plan; Suicide Bombing Hamsters!




I strap a remote detonating bomb to a hamster, spray the zombie in question with a long range canister of Cheese Wiz, and detonate the hamster right as the zombie is about to eat it.




We're gonna need a LOT of hamsters...

:? Lol nice.
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according to the guide, .22 rifles and handguns are good, because they have the strength to go through the skull, but not back out, so they do extra damage by bouncing around inside the skull, and the ammo is light, cheap, and common.




As for revolvers, pistols, the only real use of a pistol, is if a zombie grabs you, you put the gun up to it's head, and pull the trigger. Or at very close range. And revolvers (I think) can't be silenced, or silencers for them are rare. and silencers for pistols are important.



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Well, technically you could muffle any weapon. I don't use the term silence, because I believe it to be a ridiculous term. Most of those weapons are still quite loud, and just about anything but a Glock still has quite a bright muzzle flash.




Really you just need a really tight pipe. Well, could be big, but you'll lose even more accuracy, and very well may even amplify the noise.




.22 ammo is common, .22s are relatively common hunting rifles. I'm just talking about if you're in a situation where an M16 is considered, a .22 rifle wouldn't even be thought of.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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according to the guide, .22 rifles and handguns are good, because they have the strength to go through the skull, but not back out, so they do extra damage by bouncing around inside the skull, and the ammo is light, cheap, and common.




As for revolvers, pistols, the only real use of a pistol, is if a zombie grabs you, you put the gun up to it's head, and pull the trigger. Or at very close range. And revolvers (I think) can't be silenced, or silencers for them are rare. and silencers for pistols are important.




well I have my doubts about the availability of any standard silencer for weapons post apocalypse. Assuming we get one good mechanical person, basic silencers are pretty easy to construct, its just using a sound absorbing material, and a barrel extension to reduce the gas decompression speed. Also, isnt a silencer for a close quarters weapons a little counter productive, if you want something for close combat then making it have a longer barrel isnt a good idea.


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according to the guide, .22 rifles and handguns are good, because they have the strength to go through the skull, but not back out, so they do extra damage by bouncing around inside the skull, and the ammo is light, cheap, and common.




As for revolvers, pistols, the only real use of a pistol, is if a zombie grabs you, you put the gun up to it's head, and pull the trigger. Or at very close range. And revolvers (I think) can't be silenced, or silencers for them are rare. and silencers for pistols are important.




So use a .22 pistol and revolver, then?

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Silencers add only a little bit more. It's still no where close to a rifle's length. Plus, it beats firing a gun off, and attracting 40 more zombies.




and just a .22. Or another pistol, but revolver ammo would be rarer, heavier, it has a longer reload, a louder sound, huge recoil, and the power isn't necessary.



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After doing a bit of browsing on the net, a supressor would be easy to make with household objects, although attaching them to a gun would be a challenge, but infinately rewarding once we can get them to stick on and not fall off

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After doing a bit of browsing on the net, a supressor would be easy to make with household objects, although attaching them to a gun would be a challenge, but infinately rewarding once we can get them to stick on and not fall off




Teach me how? <3:

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Dunno why you guys want .22s so much. They're only used to hunt possums and raccoons, really. Big game take a good few shots. So a zombie, well, you'd need a relatively lucky shot to certainly take them down. BUT. Because so many people do hunt vermin like I said earlier, it is very easy to get ahold of. Also a great starter weapon. So, I suppose equipping people with one wouldn't be terrible if they aren't exactly star shots in the first place.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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.22s can be used with revolvers and pistols (from what ive heard) and is easily accessed. Its a headshot regardless of what kind of ammo you use, so we may as well take the lighter, longer ranged easier to access ammo.

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I wouldn't call .22 ammo longranged. It's rimfire, which means it's used to tear the insides to hell. So, yes, get inside the skull, a zombie's brains are [cabbage]. But, a typical human's bone, particularly cranial, has a good chance of withstanding a shot from .22 rounds. Need to find the video with the ceramic plate skull and everything...

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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The rifle I got for Christmas is a .22, it is pretty accurate. They also have a pretty good range. You can also get pistols that are 22 caliber such as really small ones, the regular Walter P22 or a target shooting .22 pistol that has a decent barrel on it.



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Why do we always have to shoot the heads off? can't we simply cripple the zombies? Or would then just crawl at us?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

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Why do we always have to shoot the heads off? can't we simply cripple the zombies? Or would then just crawl at us?




Unless shooting them in the arm/leg actually breaks a bone or tears the muscle then it won't even cripple them. Anyways a crippled zombie you may have to deal with again later, and you don't want to have to worry about looking down all the time.



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I see no point in a silencer in a world where your enemies are already running after you.They slow down bullets,I hear.So to put on on my sniper would probably increase my drop rate to something I haven't yet memorised.




Headshots are not important.You need to cause enough damage to make the brain stop pumping power (in the case of infected) or to cause it to be useless (in case of necromancy).Headshots are just for the satisfaction of an exploding zombie head.




And as said,do not use 10mm's.Something about them sucks.I would not use a .22 rifle,personally :twss:


so i herd u liek devarts?

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Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

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That's impossible.


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would a .500 magnum be handy, only 5 bullet clip, but it may even go through a few zombies, as it has a heavy bullet (along with the light one) that would do will if the zombies were lined up at, say, a doorway or corridor.

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I see no point in a silencer in a world where your enemies are already running after you.They slow down bullets,I hear.So to put on on my sniper would probably increase my drop rate to something I haven't yet memorised.




Headshots are not important.You need to cause enough damage to make the brain stop pumping power (in the case of infected) or to cause it to be useless (in case of necromancy).Headshots are just for the satisfaction of an exploding zombie head.




And as said,do not use 10mm's.Something about them sucks.I would not use a .22 rifle,personally :twss:




With the zombie survival guide, a headshot is necessary. Firing without a silencer would just bring lots more to wherever you are. If we're talking about l4d or 28 days later zombies, a headshot isn't important. But, for the other kind, it is.




would a .500 magnum be handy, only 5 bullet clip, but it may even go through a few zombies, as it has a heavy bullet (along with the light one) that would do will if the zombies were lined up at, say, a doorway or corridor.


Unless all the zombies were the same height, and it didn't decrease in height as it went through their heads, it wouldn't help so much.



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