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i smoke


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Has anyone seen the show Bull****! with Penn and Teller, where they prove theories wrong such as bottled water being safer then tap. They did the same thing with second hand smoke and theres no diehard evidence that proves you can actually die from secondhand smoke and the chance of getting something like lung cancer is a 0.013% chance.








i was like :-o lol!

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Has anyone seen the show Bull****! with Penn and Teller, where they prove theories wrong such as bottled water being safer then tap. They did the same thing with second hand smoke and theres no diehard evidence that proves you can actually die from secondhand smoke and the chance of getting something like lung cancer is a 0.013% chance.








i was like :-o lol!




Keyword Penn and Teller...








They're entertainers, not doctors...

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pff, people whine so much about smoking. If I want to smoke when I'm at somebody's house I ask if I may smoke first, if not then I smoke outside. But things as doing a cough when somebody smokes while your with him/her is such nonsence, except if your an asmathic or something. It's not that I want to 'protect' the smokers from the non-smokers. And I know smoking is bad, but let's not overreact; if somebody wants to smoke, why bother, and if you don't like the secondary smoke you get if somebody smokes in your house tell him to smoke outside.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Has anyone seen the show Bull****! with Penn and Teller, where they prove theories wrong such as bottled water being safer then tap. They did the same thing with second hand smoke and theres no diehard evidence that proves you can actually die from secondhand smoke and the chance of getting something like lung cancer is a 0.013% chance.








i was like :-o lol!








You are missinformed....Use your logic sence; Why do you think the big tobacco cooperations pay out billions to secondhand smokers for injuries they have been caused because of sigarette smoke? You really think they pay out all that money if there were no diehard evidence of such? if you want to know more about what sigarette smoke do to a person, search the Google and you will find tons of links to medical sites wich thouroughly describe what kind of bad things can happen to a body after years of secondhand smoking....


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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Has anyone seen the show Bull****! with Penn and Teller, where they prove theories wrong such as bottled water being safer then tap. They did the same thing with second hand smoke and theres no diehard evidence that proves you can actually die from secondhand smoke and the chance of getting something like lung cancer is a 0.013% chance.








i was like :-o lol!








You are missinformed....Use your logic sence; Why do you think the big tobacco cooperations pay out billions to secondhand smokers for injuries they have been caused because of sigarette smoke? You really think they pay out all that money if there were no diehard evidence of such? if you want to know more about what sigarette smoke do to a person, search the Google and you will find tons of links to medical sites wich thouroughly describe what kind of bad things can happen to a body after years of secondhand smoking....












exactly sunlise








24se7en obviously that show is stupid and so in any1 else that believes that its not bad for ure health second hand smoking!!!








for a dif example if u lost sleep and that was proven to make u die earlier or u had a medical reason why u needed lots of sleep and ure neighbours had parties untill late everyday their like well its not our fault ((which is stupid)smokers thinkin mostly) and that is causing u ill help and the ppl havin the party have an idiots aproach to it and u feel like going up and kicking those ppl (smokers) in the head!!! because they can go die in a ditch somewhere but you dont want them to be hurtin u!!!!

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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When it's your turn you'll die. Why is it that people in the best shape die of a heart attack when they are 30 and someone who smokes 3 packs a day lives to be 90. When it's your time it's your time plain and simple.

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When it's your turn you'll die. Why is it that people in the best shape die of a heart attack when they are 30 and someone who smokes 3 packs a day lives to be 90. When it's your time it's your time plain and simple.








Can you provide some evidence please of healthy ppl just popping off. There is always some medical reason why somone dies at a young age. The fact is that smoking kills and causes an array of diseases. theres no point trying to prove otherwise.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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.Use your logic sence;








Logic? Sense?!?!








On THESE boards........








bwahahahaha :lol:


Since 27 Aug 2002

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When it's your turn you'll die. Why is it that people in the best shape die of a heart attack when they are 30 and someone who smokes 3 packs a day lives to be 90. When it's your time it's your time plain and simple.








I take it that you belive in the destiny? "Its no use using the helmet going into this construction site with all this metal debris flying around...or buckle up when you drive your car - not even buckle up the baby because if its ment to be its ment to be :wink:








The sentence; "Why is it that people in the best shape die of a heart attack when they are 30" -contradict it self. I am pretty sure no surgeon will agree with you there.








This is the sentence I wanted to comment really; " someone who smokes 3 packs a day lives to be 90". That is only partially true. I have seen many many old men and women ( I have worked summers in a nursing home a few years back) that have smoked since they were 10 and 12 and now was in their 80's or 90's. I tell you; the old people that smoked - not one of them was healthy: they coughed so hard every morning or evening, that they coughed up bloody slime. Over half of our pasients that smoked had some sort of health problem related to smoking; either they were in the late stadies of lounge cancer, astma or the most common disease amongst them: chronic bronchitis ( COPD ). Yes they lived til they were 90 some of them, but not one of them were out enjoying life with their grand children...








It was easy to see who had lived a healthy life though; the ones that had never smoked had better complexion, had their own teeths (yes nicotine makes you loose your teeths and ages your skin twice as fast), didnt cough so bad each morning that we were sure they would spew up their stomach....








All in all, the non smokers were so much healthier it was obvious to see.












On THESE boards........








bwahahahaha :lol:








Lol Dan! :lol:




Well, I have confidence in the guys and gals venturing these boards :wink:


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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pff, people whine so much about smoking. If I want to smoke when I'm at somebody's house I ask if I may smoke first, if not then I smoke outside. But things as doing a cough when somebody smokes while your with him/her is such nonsence, except if your an asmathic or something. It's not that I want to 'protect' the smokers from the non-smokers. And I know smoking is bad, but let's not overreact; if somebody wants to smoke, why bother, and if you don't like the secondary smoke you get if somebody smokes in your house tell him to smoke outside.












The only problem are the people that don't ask. or the people who may smoke just walking outside, or perhaps in a crowded resteraunt next to you.








There are alot of ways to get secondhand smoke.

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i smoke too, but I actually dont smoke too publicly..








when i'm at parties and that, i'll walk away from everybody when I do it. I wont just light up next to a bunch of non-smokers..

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yes smoking is bad but it makes u chil and calm.




Yes i smoke just swift mcvae...not to public..when i'm on parties i'll go outside or i go to the bathroom








But are you ready to pay the price for "chilling and calming"? It's very ignorant to say "nothing will happen to me". That's what every smoker thinks until they get high blood pressure, lung diseases, or even lung cancer. Are you sure you want to inhale over 100 different toxins and several heavy metals into your body just to "calm"?

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yes smoking is bad but it makes u chil and calm.











Chill and calm, eh? Hm, y'know... there's a much cheaper way.




Blessed be.
















// Azvi.


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if it calms and chills u down does it mean u werent calm and chill in the first place r u smokers so pathic u that u have to stick a piece of dryed leaf, rat poision, tar, stuff they put in dead ppl. u might as well be dead. sure the rate of ppl dieing is low but so is the rate of ppl dieing from aids but OF COURSE u want to avoid aids because not smoking. if u say smoking doesnt affect u prove it by quitting smoking, prove me wrong then still drug free. the ppl smoking look as stupid as the ppl sticking glue up their nose to sniff it. i dont give a **** if ure polite about smoking, u could be polite about killing someone, that doesnt make a different. most smokers are in self-denial saying well i'm still health. good for u. maybe u wont die. BUT then y not quit ehm Y? because ure addicted. simple as that u live to smoke. some smokers would kill their familys to smoke, would u? would u pass the moral boundarys for a stick of **** think about it. think about u stupid underage idiots who cant come up with a reason to smoke, probably for attention, rebellion, peer pressure? ask YOURSELVE are u that weak that U cant get of a piece of ****




AND if u cant i pity u i pity your weak pathaic simple mind which cant handle a little temptation.-RAJA

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lots of rambling
Yes, as hard as it is to believe not everybody is as mentally superior as you and some people actually enjoy other things.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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The only problems with smoking in America.




It's still allowed in public places.




The taxes need to be raised to help our deficit. (Why not tax the smokers. They're addicted enough to pay it :) )




Parents are allowed to smoke on their children.








On my drive to school every morning, I see parents driving their kids to school SMOKING with the windows closed. If it were up to me that would be a capitol offense. Talk about bad parenting.... Abortion isn't supposed to be legal after the birth.

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i bowl a lot and im 14.. imagine what bowling centers do to you...thank god the bowling center i bowl at is non smoking..except in bar etc..but it is so dumb to smoke....it looks bad, smells bad, and just plains isnt cool....








waht really makes me mad is when im bowling, people just come down to my pair to watch next to my mom and just light it up...im like "go away". any common sense in you...








same thing in Las Vegas...like in the airport how the designated smoking areas have no roofs or doors....or i would be sitting ona bench or something then someone ahs the guts to come it down and smoke and blow it away from the kids and towards me...








or when your ina a peaceful place like a park or something and someone is just sitting there smoking...









99 Fishing

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I think everyone needs to understand that you say it doesn't look cool, smells, etc., but do you think a smoker is really concerned about those facts if they have gotten into smoking?








As I said before, I just hate seeing people get helplessly addicted to it. If they could do it anytime they wanted and not get addicted, then I would have no problems with it. But not everyone is so fortunate. I don't like seeing people my age smoking either, but it makes me feel good about the choices I've made in life thus far. I saw some guy driving around, talking on his phone, and smoking in his $200,000 Ferrari. That's just ridiculous.

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