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3 December 2007 - Behind the Scenes - December


Which December update are you looking forward to the most?  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. Which December update are you looking forward to the most?

    • Clan Wars
    • Gravestones
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Letters/Gallery/Diary
    • Christmas Event
    • Wilderness monsters

Recommended Posts

This month is okay, i guess. The bounty hunting has no effect on me, as i'm a f2per. Clan wars would excite me...if i were in a clan. Though that update seems a little unnecessary, as we already have the wilderness. looters and such make the game more realistic, plus there is the constant danger of being attacked by the denizens of the Wilderness. Gravestones are just a little decorative addition to the game. since there is no definitive proof that these will stop piles, i won't support that argument. when the proof comes, well, then you won't see me dying anyway. Christmas event, new hat. yay. <.< "We will even be donning our 'serious hats'. Clue, anyone? Dev diary is nice, and can't wait for summoning. even if i'm a f2per, it would be cool to see you members summon Jad in Fally world 1. I always enjoy the letters and galleries, so that's the main thing i'm looking forward to.




And as always, people are blowing gravestones out of proportion.




okay, LOL? that just made my day.

The internet: A place where the men are men, the women are men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents.
looks like WoW's interface.

Were you too lazy to read 3 posts above or too stupid to comprehend it?

Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?

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bleh boring month for me as i dont pvp much. Might join a clan just for the clan wars though..




99 Range and don't pvp much :o ?! Waste imo! :D


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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One word:








thats not even a word, seriously. you know what it means, its 2 words 1 abreviation. wtf is wrong with you?




Wow, serious ownage.


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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is it just me, or does anyone else wish qeltar would quit so we don't have to listen to him whine about every update?




It's not just you. I can't stand that whiny idiot either!

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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This month's updates are ok. It seems to me that Jagex came up with something to attempt to whet our appetites so they can finish up Summoning. I look forward to the Gravestones and possibly clan wars and the new monsters, because of what they drop. Not a good BTS, but not a bad one, either. :)

Pretty much done with rs now

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My guess is the new "Spectral dark beasts" or whatever will drop the mage version of the whip or dark bow, probably like spectral robes or something.




i was thinking the same thing id freaking love jagex forever if they gave me a new 95+ slayer monster for xmas :) i really hope its a slayer monster ;)

522 to 99 slayer


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How come none isn't an option?




It is, It's called not voting.




I haven't voted yet, but my reason is because I can't decide between the gravestone and diarties update (Explaining the rwt updates? Do I see another large update coming that day?)




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The gravestone thing made me think of Voltagos grave in lummy, bet vthey got the idea from his vid lol.




Can't wait for thebounty hunter game. i don't really train any more so the more minigames the better.. this might even tempt me away from tourneys :lol:



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How come none isn't an option?




It is, It's called not voting.




I haven't voted yet, but my reason is because I can't decide between the gravestone and diarties update (Explaining the rwt updates? Do I see another large update coming that day?)




They won't know I'm not voting.

I would put a cool link here but I don't know how.

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I wonder if you lose your items in the bountyhunter mini game.




I'm pretty sure you do, since BTS classified it as a "dangerous" minigame, which is generally one where you lose all your stuff when you die?


Legends quest completed at lvl 47 on X Legendre X

#3056 to 99 firemaking, achieved on July 4th, 2007.

Tied for #1854 to 99 farming, achieved on September 3rd, 2008.

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spectral dark beasts :shock: :o i just realised this could be a new 90+ slayer monster and with it being in the wildy its gonna make it so unpredictable!dont forget now players have priority over monsters so these are gonna be twice as dangerous and an exponential amount more dangerous if its in multi combat areas.




Good point, I hadn't considered it could be a new slayer monster!


@ the people saying "gf wildy", you're idiots. This looks like a good month for player killing in general and it only stands to make things better.




And I reckon the tombstones are just decorative, not sure




I hope it's not a new slaying monster... It takes me an average of 14 hours to achieve a dark bow from Dark Beasts. I don't fancy spending 14 hours in the Wild with my best equipment in the distant hope that I'll get the best drop. Especially in those first few weeks when everyone will be dropping by, taking pot shots and honest slayers.




Add to that the pkers hungry for your items :P




And they would not notice us of this new monster unless it had some special drop




@harrington, lol u must have horrible luck i get 1-2 bows in way less than that on average like 1 every 2-3 hours or less


@at guy who says pkers will steal my frees, ill bring barraging dds and supers and ill give them a fight worth their troubles lol 99 mage att str and hp ftwwwww

522 to 99 slayer


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I'll put in my two cents on the updates, as a preview:




Clan Wars- Looters may not be able to crash your clan wars, if you lose stuff if you die, then this could be useful in itself. Good fight looters.




Gravestones- This sounds like a VERY interesting update idea, but still, the official article says "If you die while holding any items". Why am I getting the ominous feeling that Jagex is going to horribly mess this up? By messing up, I mean others cannot get your loot, which might be another way to effectively stop RWT'ers. This also could mean that YOU cannot retrieve your own death pile. For all we know, if this update is botched, we might aswell say, "Welcome to SafeScape."




Bounty Hunter- Hmm, this sounds like a very good idea in itself. The BTS article mentions "loot". Does that mean you lose your stuff when you die?


If you do, there probably won't be any high-end fights. What I'm pulling out from the article is that you must kill someone while avoiding the others after you. Also mentioned is three volcanoes for "different combat levels", which I assume will be 3-49,50-89, and 90-126, respectively. If this update doesn't involve you losing stuff, this could have the potential to become a VERY good update.




Letters/Gallery/Diary- The diary about RWT'ing has piqued my interest, and I would like to know what Jagex is TRULY doing about this, despite the mentioning some months back about the issue. The gallery is always a bit interesting, and the letters... meh, not that interested in, despite being a good read in itself.




Christmas Update- Hah, another holiday update. I personally liked the hood from Halloween, we already have the tree and useless reindeer hat, give us something interesting Jagex, like an elven item, or maybe Santa's suit(Remember to shrink down the suit, not ALL of us are that fat :x )




Wilderness Monsters- Meleers got an Abyssal Whip, rangers got a Dark


Bow, Mages need something that has the defense of the midpoint of Adamant-Rune, and has decent mage attack and a SMALL bit of ranged defense, say, 10 or 20 for the full set. Could this monster be the level 95 slayer beast we are looking for?




All in all, this can be either one of the best months Jagex has had yet, or another month where I will quit altogether because of the bull we recently got, mainly the Duel Arena update.





I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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you guys notice the graphic is a "Dread fowl" which is an anagram of the chaos board from last months postbag.




See the TO DO list #3: Add Flower = Dread fowl




New summoning monster I think :D




Wow, nice eye there. I guess that's another hint involving the update itself.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Hmm... gravestones and bounty hunting? Bounty hunting!? Sweet, just sweet. :XD: But that better not replace my desire for playing my Metroid games. Gravestones, though, seem interesting. It will definitely be appreciated by successful pkers. :| I wonder if it might develop an issue? Or just feed an already existing one...





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