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Well Done Jagex. You Did it again...




First you kill staking. Spent over 2 months getting melee staking stats for it to be ruined by around 100 lines of useless code. (staking limits)


Then you goto the Tournaments trying to win with 10 other 126's Finishing you off.




Then They release the Grand Exchange. The center for low low low prices. I mean look at the exchange it is a flop waiting to happen. People come in with items looking to sell fast. They put item on lowest price and people buy. The majority buy lowest price so the price drops. Rinse and Repeat.




Then we thought that was bad. But NO Jagex decide to turn Runescape into a Communist Society where we worship Adam & The Noob. They induce a 3k Trading limit which will see us earning average 6k every 15 minutes. I pay 4.50 a month to make 6k in 15 minutes through merchanting.




Soo hmm maybe i could go and kill high level monsters at the god wars for some nice drops with lootshare on! After Janurary we cant do this due to teams not sharing profits from selling of drops! Lootshare should be written of the face of the Earth!




Ok for all the Skillers who assume oh woo hooo we can make pure profit and get 99 in all skills. Think again, take a look at fletching. One of the most popular 99s is now ruined by the 3k Trading limit. As with other skills such as Crafting Rcin (Law running), Cooking. Smithing. Everything is doomed unless you work by yourself and dont talk.




Now finally the Pking issue. To be really honest a majority of rs players do PK no matter what people say. It is a fact most people PK it is a way to relive stress and to make a name for yourslef. Pride and Honour through the stratergies made by people from countless battles. But yes Jagex must destroy this and bring in 2 mini games based around Clans. Oh loook! They take away tele block and give it to overpowering ghosts that can KO you in a place where Players are supposed to do bout. The gravestones are pathetic and basicly ruin the game. These updates were given to us with no warning.




Good fight jagex. Your Forums are down with thousands of posts. Your players online has dropped by 100,000 and you will see an increase in WOW, Xbox 360 and PS3 subscribers/buyers.




Lol what was funny is that I found a Gold crown Mod in Edge. I had a nice little conversation and he got swarmed by un organised "We Pay We Say" Players and he said he will come back in 5 minutes. Seems that even RS Employee's don't even want to play. He did not log back in :)




Basicly Runescape just took away their one good service. Freedom! Welcome to the Second Depression. Begun Q4 2007 End? Who knows maybe when jagex decide to lift this rubbish!




To all the people who stay away from wildy! Don't Worry Runescape will sooner or later make you run from lvl 100+ packs of dark beasts for the simple fact that you are RWT. I won't even start on the RWT

Hyper N | 99 attack | 96/99 Defence | 123 CB | Arma Hilts/3 | Bandos Tassets | Armadyl Skirts/2 | Armadyl Chestplates 1

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When I started in RuneScape Classic, that had a totally different (for the better) gameplay experience than now. Most players were legit and everybody had respect for each other.




Now, what kind of lame era has been brought forth?




Jagex killed staking, by setting a 2k limit. A few days later they actually responded to the feedback. They decided that changing the 2k limit to a 3k limit solved the problem. How the hell did they graduate with this logic?




Then they killed merchanting, with the Grand Exchange, and will completely kill merchanting by disallowing "unbalanced" trades.




And they decided that wasn't enough, the killed Player Killing.




The three MAIN sources of money, gone, all the exciting aspects of RuneScape gone.




Some of you may be saying, this doesn't affect me. But this affects everyone in one way or another. You may say well I'm a skiller, and I mine and sell Rune Ore for a living. How do you think other people afforded to purchase your Rune Ores? They probably staked or merchanted at one point or another. Some people sell off their rares for money. But how can people afford them anymore without a lot of money flowing through the economy? It's a chain reaction.




Jagex is killing our way of life, and attempting to fully ISOLATE us.




All of this just to get rid of a few Real World Traders? All these downgrades to what makes RuneScape the exciting thing it is, well, was just to get rid of a few people?






Contradicting Content?




Why have a 3k limit of trades if:




- There are many high level monsters that require a team effort such as God Wars bosses and the Kalphite Queen for valuable items such as God Sword Shards/Hilts, if you're not able to sell it and share the profit???




- Also related to the previous point, what is the point of the new LootShare system if you cannot share what you get? Is it just there to taunt you?






Unable to perform specific "rituals"?




- Power training. What if the inventory you have exceeds a 3k limit. How are you going to dispose your inventory into other player's inventories now? You can't.




- Runecrafting: Runners. How are you going to hire runners for things such as Law Runes and Nature Runes, if you cannot even pay them anymore?






There are many things that will die because of a chain reaction of Jagex's updates. I hope they're happy.




They finally succeeded in getting rid of Real World Traders! But they got rid of them because they made RuneScape so bad that nobody even wants to buy anything related to RuneScape anymore!




After all, we play online games to get away from life. With all these restrictions and the lack of freedom, I feel like I am still in school.



Hacked on January 5, 2007 --> Lost: 56.4M, Santa Hat, Purple Partyhat, Green Partyhat, Christmas Cracker

people who get rich and do it legit like joob and I always get f'd over in the end.
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Im a f2p I probably wont quick because i worked so hard on my character now no one like block me or anything like that cuz i never swear until im pissed WHAT THE [bleep] IS THIS. my friend who i love like a brother PKs so now thats ruined plus he sometimes dies so i give him money so thats ruined and the thing about dropping im no pk but i would be angry to i mean whats the point of having a target chosen for u in the wild. Also i like just walking around in the wild and hate fighitng but now i have really no choice but to fight because of those "spirits" Jagex is so opssesed in destroying RWT that there destroying the game in the process. On the other hand the clan wars and bounty hunter looks awsome and the duel arena for f2p is good to and especilly the wildnerness capes ive been iching to get my hands on one of those capes

Warning cute killer fluffy bunnies will rule the world after killer furbys BEWARE THE BUNNIES

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with the recent updates, now there is no pking, no item transferring between your accounts, no item giving, a forced economy, no lending items between friends, and even more things i don't want to mention. the point is, Jagex, you have lost more players in the past 2 days than you would have by RWT's in 1 year. way to go. oh yea, way to kill the old wildy too.

Forced economy= Loss of more players than by RTW. Another great update by Jagex. BTW Jagex, I just absolutely "looooveee" the wildy ditch too and how you made pures absolutely useless.

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I might quit, Right now Im in the middle.




Lets see..... There giving F2P tons of good stuff, there giving them duel arena, they gave them the party room, whats next? Castle Wars? They pretty much gonna destory the aspects of trading, They destroying drop Parties , because I want a private party, Looks like there taking that also.




In my opinion, there destroying this game, the main threat they see is RWT, but seems they have to destroy us in the process in order to achieve that...

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Everyone who thinks this update is good needs a break. From life. Forever.




I hated the wildy myself. I feared it's perimeters, and avoided it at all costs possible. That's how it's SUPPOSED to be. It was supposed to be feared, supposed to be respected. Now you can go in and out when you please. The point of the wildy was to make a place with better rewards (runite, chaos alter), but with great danger (pk'ers, harder monsters). Now it's wimpy, and players basically get rewards that were previously hard to get easily.




The grand exchange is like the forums without price variance and for FTP. It makes it slightly more convenient if your buying, but you're screwed is you're selling. You're forced to sell at prices that everyone else decides, and it's quite simply, too easy to get supplies.




Duel arena FTP is bull. That's another reason NOT to become a member! Runescape seems to be killing off the reasons to be a member.


Duel Arena: Killed


Harder PK'ing: Over Killed


More items: Two words. Grand Exchange.


Skills: The skills hardly have a purpose anymore


Quests: No updates in over a month


Other mini-games: Most stunk from the beginning, with mediocre prizes, to impossible gameplay.




The drop and trade updates are obviously the worst, although there are ways for Jagex to get around it. I call it gifting.




During the trade, there is an option on the trade window to "give gift". When clicked, it prevents any further adjustments, and all items from the receiver are removed. The traded items are then marked with (gift), and given to the receiver. These items become untradable, and the options are item specific, destroy, and return. Item specific is whatever you use that item for, destroy is so you can't drop it to another player, and return gives the item back to the sender.




There's a perfect way to please people who want to give gifts.








Runescape is going the way of a large star. It started small, got larger, got huge, and it's currently exploding in a supernova. If it isn't stopped soon, it will become a black hole. And you all now what black holes do.




They SUCK.

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I hope jagex will bring the old wilderness back, if not i wont quit but runescape would be very boring.


Assist = bad update


Grand Exchange = good update


bounty hunter = very bad update




At first I thought bounty hunter would be very similar to the wildy, but boy was i wrong. I went in it for about 20 seconds and a bunch of 89s koed me and im only 68....

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i'm waiting until december 31, at which time, if the changes have not been at least edited by jagex, i will be giving all my items to my friend who is loyal to jagex (for whatever reason)




and here's why: when i started playing in 06 the concept of a free trade economy (i mean completely free) on an online game intrigued me. so i played for a while, i introduced the game to my friend (previously mentioned) and he too was instantly hooked. then i got bored and quit for a while. meanwhile my friend got a membership. when i saw all the extras members got and all the stuff they got to do, i started up again and purchased a YEAR long membership (big mistake) then about 2 or 3 months ago i had a "premonition" if you will that the RS economy would die and the game would fail. so i quit playing... again. then on the 9th i logged in to see what was up. my friend and i helped each other out and he let me barrow a black mask (which has fallen in value in the past 2 months by like 200k if i'm not mistaken) the next day i log in to find this... this... horrid mess that Jagex has created.




it seems my prophecy of the downfall of the economy is coming dreadfully true. They turned it into a form of communism, where the "government" (Jagex) controls the prices within 3k of their "proscribed" value. this limits merchanting by SO much, people who were making millions inan hour will be stuck in the "Proscribed value" you do realize you can't buy and resell and make more then 12k per hour? think about it: some people making 1m+ per hour to making 12k perhour, if they're lucky. sounds alot like communism to me.


since the 9th the price of dragon platelegs has fallen by 10k last time i checked. 3 months ago rune boots were 200k (i think) now they're 45k everything is falling apart around them, yet Jagex will NOT change. they act like dictators! they would be, but we (paying members) are the equivalant of taxpayers to them, and they are refusing to listen. i sent them a formal complaint and a suggestion on how to make it better, (not just a random rant on the 30+k posts on the forum. they responded with the same bureaucratic toro poopoo that any politician uses when the did something stupid: "we're fighting against the bigger threat here: RWT, we will do everything we can, and at ANY cost to stop them from ruining the gaming experience of our loyal players..." does that "ANY cost" include a good portion of your paying customers?"




if you're going to "wait it out" go until Jan. 1st and just boycott your membership. check to see if they changed, if not, don't renew.

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Well Done Jagex. You Did it again...




First you kill staking. Spent over 2 months getting melee staking stats for it to be ruined by around 100 lines of useless code. (staking limits)


Then you goto the Tournaments trying to win with 10 other 126's Finishing you off.




Then They release the Grand Exchange. The center for low low low prices. I mean look at the exchange it is a flop waiting to happen. People come in with items looking to sell fast. They put item on lowest price and people buy. The majority buy lowest price so the price drops. Rinse and Repeat.




Then we thought that was bad. But NO Jagex decide to turn Runescape into a Communist Society where we worship Adam & The Noob. They induce a 3k Trading limit which will see us earning average 6k every 15 minutes. I pay 4.50 a month to make 6k in 15 minutes through merchanting.




Soo hmm maybe i could go and kill high level monsters at the god wars for some nice drops with lootshare on! After Janurary we cant do this due to teams not sharing profits from selling of drops! Lootshare should be written of the face of the Earth!




Ok for all the Skillers who assume oh woo hooo we can make pure profit and get 99 in all skills. Think again, take a look at fletching. One of the most popular 99s is now ruined by the 3k Trading limit. As with other skills such as Crafting Rcin (Law running), Cooking. Smithing. Everything is doomed unless you work by yourself and dont talk.




Now finally the Pking issue. To be really honest a majority of rs players do PK no matter what people say. It is a fact most people PK it is a way to relive stress and to make a name for yourslef. Pride and Honour through the stratergies made by people from countless battles. But yes Jagex must destroy this and bring in 2 mini games based around Clans. Oh loook! They take away tele block and give it to overpowering ghosts that can KO you in a place where Players are supposed to do bout. The gravestones are pathetic and basicly ruin the game. These updates were given to us with no warning.




Good fight jagex. Your Forums are down with thousands of posts. Your players online has dropped by 100,000 and you will see an increase in WOW, Xbox 360 and PS3 subscribers/buyers.




Lol what was funny is that I found a Gold crown Mod in Edge. I had a nice little conversation and he got swarmed by un organised "We Pay We Say" Players and he said he will come back in 5 minutes. Seems that even RS Employee's don't even want to play. He did not log back in :)




Basicly Runescape just took away their one good service. Freedom! Welcome to the Second Depression. Begun Q4 2007 End? Who knows maybe when jagex decide to lift this rubbish!




To all the people who stay away from wildy! Don't Worry Runescape will sooner or later make you run from lvl 100+ packs of dark beasts for the simple fact that you are RWT. I won't even start on the RWT


totally agree

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ive had my rs acount since rsc, and whenever I take a break from it, i always came back. Now however, I believe Jagex has gone too far, and they should be cracking down more on the macros instead. I purchased a 12 month membership in July, sadly, and now I have 6 months left that I don't think im going to enjoy due to the increasing number of bots, as well as the increased risk of being banned accidentally, just because someone offers above the top price during merchanting.




It is sad that it has come to this, but there isn't really any other way i guess to stop the gold farmers.




Now if the estimated 19% of players leave because of these updates, they should mainly be high level characters, or people who have been playing it for a while and grown used to the old ways. Now however, RS will be full of noobs.






There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand binary and those who don't.

64% of teenagers are bad at math if you are one of the 48% who aren't copy this and paste it in your signature.

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Wait it out. The Christmas event is around the corner, and the new skill is next month. Since I'm mainly working on slayer at this time, I can wait to see how things turn out.




Don't forget the behind the scenes 2008...




All I'm gonna say is : better not suck...I can be patient and will wait for them to make some good changes, but they better be for the better

100 Combat

91 Strength

70 Defense

82 Attack

85 Magic =)

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It's sad to see so many people quitting before they see what's going to happen... Seems to me like they're getting upset cause they can't make the kind of money they did pk'ing or merching (assuming it was faster, but I wouldn't know). But you know, those aren't the only ways to make money on RS (You DO have OTHER SKILLS, you know). The trading system is going to royally suck, you can still make money by working on skills, fighting monsters, or whatever. But then again... that won't really help if God-knows-how-many % of the RS players quit just because of a bad update...




As for me, I'm going to keep playing. I have my own ways of making money. I've never pk'ed or merched anything in my life, so this update really doesn't bother me. :mrgreen:



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i started in rsc, quit because of rs2. came back at the start of this year, quit again haha. came back at the closing of november this year, and got members. after what.. 6 or 7 years of knowing the game. i feel stupid, but then again i enjoyed my few days of it.




haha its only a game anyway, who knows, i may come back to it someday. maybe tomorrow or a month after. maybe when i am or you are graduated, married, retired, or even just living the plain simple life. im sure runescape will live on even through this update!




remember theres more people in the world than people playing runescape, (i know that was obvious). but just think about it.. who knows

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I have no plans to leave.




I approve 100% of the intent of the update. I have some quibbles with the fine print, but I expect Jagex will do some fine tuning in the next few weeks.








I was chopping mages just now, and someone from the Pink Brigade was there, taking a break from the protests.




He assured me that "everyone was quitting."




I asked him, "Everyone, or just everyone at the protest? Because all the people I have been around say they like the updates and wouldn't dream of quitting."




I asked him, "So if you are quitting, why do you need logs?" He never answered. :?




There is a bit of a mob mentality right now; the people who are all hanging around protesting are swearing they are gonna quit.




And for everyone I am hanging around with, it's pretty much virtual life as usual. Except for the lack of botters.




Strange dichotomy, this is.

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
Real-world money saved since FT/W: Hundreds of Dollars
Real-world time saved since FT/W: Thousands of Hours

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I know I'm going to be sticking around :) - while I understand the PKer's are slightly upset at their loss of killing random strangers who are in the wildy for reasons other than PKing, forgive me for not feeling much sympathy.




As for the GE and the trade limits, I think they're an awesome thing - they'll finally get rid of item scamming (on a grand level - if I get scammed for 3k, I really don't care and they can only get 3k every 15 minutes... big whoop) and one of my personal pet peeves - begging :). Sure, we can't give gifts, help out new players/friends or lend items without collateral, but I see that as a small price to pay for removing a good chunk of scamming and RWTing from the game.




I think the most annoying part of this update is the sheer number of people complaining about it in game lol. But thankfully we have a mute option :).

~ Dep ~

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To all the people that say.. "i'm going to quit.. I'm going to quit.."




Go ahead and quit already!




Jagex is not putting it back the way it was, so there is no use for you 'waiting to see' - just leave now. Buh-bye.




Let the rest of us, who love the new updates, enjoy our game.




It is clear you obviously do not enjoy it, so go find one you do. Check out Ragnorok Online; Fliff; Rapples; Never Winter Nights; or World of Warcraft.




To those people that have said the number of players went down.. its just like the stock market; it will go back up.




I mean, look how many people have posted in this thread alone, "I quit, but came back..." Why did they come back? Because deep down they did have fun, they might not have liked some changes, but they got over it and came back.




So all of you saying you are going to quit. Do it. I bet only 10% of those that say they are quitting, *really* quit. The rest of you are just acting out, and you will stay around.




If all the ppl that said they were quitting, actually quit, and it affected one third of the subscriptions.. Jagex might change their policy. But you have to quit to test that theory.




And well, if you quit, you will never know if they did change it back.




So.. basically, to everyone who said they were quitting.. Double Dawg dare you to actually quit.. instead of just whining it.

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i got the solution for this :D




everythings free, theres no more member, jagex just doesnt make updates anymore, so nobody has to whine on about the new changes, and theres publicity around everywhere for jagex still to make money for their servers :D great isnt it

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Im really not that broken up over the wildy change... it was gettin out of control anyways... whenever i wanted to kill monsters or do clue scrolls i was constantly gettin attacked and or killed... also for those people who are pures, get over it, the game wasnt designed around you




As for the trading change im really pissed about that... There goes my smithing and mining company ive been running for almost 10 months




The gravestone idea is a good one however i still think that people should be able to get a dead persons items, maybe a suggestion for the theiving skill..




With these new updates Jagex has really stabbed themselves in the back over a problem that very few people complain about... next time before they release an update i think they should turn on their brains and create a poll instead of doin what they feel like and ruinin the game for a great many people

Jagex....... so sad

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well i think the update was horrible




i've been playing for 3 and a half years and nothing has ever happened this fast






personally i dont think we should quit.




if they want to keep it this way lets cancel members and boycott so to speak




when i comes down to it were a big part of money together




if enough of us do they should have no choice

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So.. basically, to everyone who said they were quitting.. Double Dawg dare you to actually quit.. instead of just whining it.




I canceled my subscription if that counts? >_<




I'll stick around forums to see if a change is made.

'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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