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sleep,nightmaires, must read


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I normally just get falling nightmares. I'm at the top of a huge tower, and there is a wall missing with the floor slanted towards the hole. Somehow I drop something important to me, I can never tell what it is, and it slides down to the edge of the tower. I crawl down slowly to get it. Just as I reach it, I fall off. Of course, I wake up in a sweaty panic just before impact.

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[hide]I don't really have ANY dreams, but on the rare occasion I have one that I can remember, they tend to be, uhh, X-rated in some fashion. Most of those end up with me waking and having to change my boxers (one of the few ways that I bust a nut, so to speak :anxious: ). I can tell you one dream that I had, though. It was when I had some really nasty stomach flu after having too many Advil (it was a really nasty headache). I can officially say with confidence I know what a bad Acid trip is, but anyway.






I wake up, do my regular morning routine, and head off to school. When I get there, every thing's overall normal, until First Lunch. I start hearing rapid gunfire in the direction of the office, and me being the hero/loon of the entire county, I go take a look. Some random-assed person is taking an AK-47 to the staff, and anyone in the way. There's about 6 people on the floor, in varying degrees of damage (clipped-dead). Understandably, I get really pissed at this point, and bull rush the gunman. When he just notices me, I slam into him, knocking the wind out of him.




I then proceed to pummel the guy's head into the ground, then he takes his gun and shoots me in the abdomen. This knocks me off of him, and I can't move with any real speed, or even get up for that matter. He stands up, kicks me once, and heads for the cafeteria. As I'm trying to stand up, I see him start shooting into the student body. Thankfully, the damage I done earlier throws off his aim a bit, making some bullets go by with no effect. Just as I stand up, I see him shoot one of my female friends.




This gives me a massive adrenaline boost, and I then rush to her. about 5 seconds after I get there, she dies. I then hear the monster laugh behind me, saying something to the effect of, "You can't do anything, now! You're dead like the rest of them!" I look around a bit, and I see 20 more people lying, dead or approaching that stage. I then look back at him, and am looking right down the gun barrel. I start feeling a bit of heat all over my body, especially my hands.




I yell, somehow startling him, and grab the gun barrel. That's when I notice that what seems to be heat shift (look right above something on fire, and notice how the things behind it wave a little) is radiating from my hands. The barrel starts to glow a little, visibly showing strain from the heat that's apparently emanating from my palms. I then yank the AK away, and throw it at one of the walls nearby. I hear a crunch, sounding somewhat similar to when a sledgie is taken to a cinder block, and the sound of something semi-soft and metallic breaking.




The gunman says something to, "What the Hell?" and starts running. I run after him, noticing that he seems to be walking through sludge in comparison. I stop in front of the doors, and face him, roaring when I stop. I also notice the heat getting more intense. I also notice the parts of the floor where my feet landed are a little cratered, and have smoldering miniature fires in the middle. The gunman is obviously scared out of his mind, looking like he's seeing the Gates of Hell itself.




I notice him picking up one of the pieces of floor that I pushed up in my dash, and throws it at me. It catches fire when it comes near me, and is ash by the time it hits me. He runs in the opposite direction, and I notice that he apparently crapped and pissed himself. I twitch my eye, imagining a fire wall sprouting about 20 feet in front of him. To my surprise, the floor cracks right where I imagined it, and a flame shoots up. It starts to rise, eventually going up to 20 feet high.




I start to feel my body shifting a little, first my eyes. They hurt a little, but I then start getting vision that apparently is almost superhuman. Even from 60 feet off, I can see the sweat bead off the gunman's face. My nose and mouth then start to hurt, gaining similar aspects. I gain the ability to smell practically everything that's passed through the front doors in the past week, and my teeth are noticeably sharper. My hair starts to grow out, getting to the middle of my back and shifting to a dark red. My ears


then start to elongate backwards, going out to 5 inches, and tapering to


a point. The cartilage that makes up the ear then hardens, becoming bone. My hearing capacity increases, to the point that I can hear the gunman's heartbeat as if he were right next to me.




I then start to feel my skin toughen, developing thick scales, and shift to a blood red. My fingernails lengthen and sharpen, developing into black claws, seemingly able to cut through solid metal. My muscles and bones also undergo similar transformations, the muscles becoming increasingly prominent, and my bones becoming harder and larger, adding to my already above average height, and making me visibly more durable. My heels start to develop claws, which bursts my shoes. My toes start to grow longer, combining into three similar-sized claw-toes.




My feet shift to where my legs connect in the middle, making my heels become the biggest, and fourth, toe. I start to be able to bend each toe more, developing into almost hand-like dexterity. I can't spread my 3 small toes very far, however. I start to feel a pain in my tailbone, which develops and grows, eventually poking out of my body. It goes to about 2 times my full body height from head to feet, and starts to develop musculature. This part feels excruciating, But when it's done, I have a tail with the same skin color as the rest of me, and a little bit of a ball at the end of it, with [bleep]es protruding, and a hand-length blade at the tip.




I then feel a similar pain in my back. It feels like my skin is being ripped off in big chunks, which is what seemingly happens. My back starts to bleed profusely, which soaks my shirt. It catches on fire, probably since my blood is far beyond the normal boiling point of most liquids, including water. Bones start growing out of my back a little bit under my shoulders, but inward enough to be off of my shoulder blades. They grow and fan downward, in equal proportions, until it develops to a total of 3-4 times my height, from tip to tip, and spreads downward to a bit past my knees when held at a 45 degree angle to the floor.




They start to develop muscles as well, which hurts even worse than the tail did. It visibly spreads out to each new bone, save for the tips of each. When that's done, skin starts to spread out from my back, which healed for the most part. It spreads out each bone, and grows into the gaps as well, developing wings. I notice that the tips of the bones are still visible, and can be moved to a degree, about as much as my knee. I then feel my insides move about, and new organs grow and develop. In my opinion, I believe that this gave me a preview of what Hell feels like.




My lungs expand and toughen, allowing me to be able to hold enough air in with them alone for about an hour or two, by my guess. I then feel a third one develop, connected to a little bit above my stomach. It seems to be filling with some sort of thick liquid, but can still hold air, increasing my breathing capacity by 25%, roughly. My heart starts its own transformation, increasing in size and power to handle the new size, as well as the new parts. The sack that it's held in becomes slightly stretchy, as well as increasing in size and durability. By my guess, nothing short of armor-piercing rounds would be able to do much of anything to it, or the organ it encloses.




My other organs also develop, increasing in durability. My stomach grows, then splits into two. They each can hold about 25% more than a normal one can, and are similarly strengthened. They connect to a new organ, which seems to be able to create all sorts of acids, probably even allowing me to survive on pure earth, if needed. Muscles develop around it, allowing me to possibly expel the "acid stomach"'s contents rather forcefully, if needed. My digestive tract increases in durability, as well. My private areas also develop, but I'll skip that for the sake of the more fragile readers here.




My immune system also improves. My white blood cells morph, able to withstand almost anything on this plane of existence, seemingly. They also become under my conscious control partially, allowing me to turn off the immune response in relation to specific things. I am basically develop immunity to any medical affliction on this planet, including allergies, cancers, and viruses. My regular cells also develop strength. They become able to divide almost indefinitely, effectively nullifying age in relation to me. It also gives me vastly improved healing abilities, making me capable of recovering from things that would kill a man from blood loss inside of 30 seconds. Not quite Wolverine-level, but close. My bones also develop this ability, making things like splints and casts unneeded in most cases.




My bones become even stronger, apparently being able to withstand things that even solid diamond couldn't. They then crystallize, further improving their ability to endure. The bones inside my toes and fingers elongate, replacing my fingernails. My elbows and knees also develop small [bleep]es, likely capable of piercing and holding onto steel in their own right. The elbow claws grow pointing away from my shoulder, and the knees away from my waist. They extend outward to about 4 inches, and while the tips are sharp, the other edges are fairly blunt.




My skin/scales are visibly able to withstand even armor-piercing bullets from mid-range outward. The hair that normally is on various parts of my body, save for the normal head hair, is gone. I could conceivably withstand the force from a nuclear bomb dropped right next to me with minimal damage from it. I develop six 5-inch horns pointing upward from my upper forehead, seemingly round with a small point at the end.




This whole process takes about a minute, which the gunman watches, with a small yellow puddle around his feet. He then runs, going down one of the side hallways that's in my school. I snarl, my voice obviously lower, and walk to the corner of the hallway that he ran down to. I take a deep breath, including my new lung, and when I'm at full capacity, let loose a roar that could be heard throughout a fifth of the entire state, in increasing degree the closer the area. The walls down the hallway that I roared visibly crack, traveling down to the running gunman just as he gets to one of the glass doors. The force slams into him just as he opens the door, shattering the half-inch thick glass and propelling him forward about 20 feet. When he lands, he skids about 7 feet, covered in shards and visibly scratched up.




I then walk down the hallway, noticing that the heat that was pouring out subsided, turning into just a little above 100 degrees. The floor cracks and craters considerably more with each footfall than before, belying the massive power behind the feet. The wings are folded back a little and tilted forward, so as to not damage the walls and ceiling further. When I step on the glass shards as I go outside, I notice that they turn into powder, not even leaving a mark on my feet. The metal doors are blown off, so they don't impede my movement. They are in pieces, showing how powerful that roar was. When the gunman notices that I'm walking towards him, he tries to get up and run again.




I grab onto his arm, crushing the bone. He screams, which hurts my ears a little, making me wince. I grab him by the jacket a little lighter, my claws only scraping his skin, which starts to bleed a little where the claws were. I then lift him off the ground, to where we're eye-level. He's about 3 feet off the ground, still. He then says, "What are you, you monster??" I reply something like, "The last thing you see before you're sent to Hell, murderer!" I then jump, going about 50 feet in the air, and then flap my wings once, while dropping him. He hits the ground feet first, breaking both of his legs. I go up about 70 feet more, looking down on him.




I then start to feel my whole body tingling, as if I'm being flooded with some sort of electricity. I attempt to concentrate it into my hands, which start to glow red. When most of the tingling energy is concentrated into my hands, they each develop a baseball-sized orb of energy. I then put them together, doubling the ball's size, and making it start to darken, seemingly becoming so hot that light is being taken apart at the sub-atomic level. I then raise the ball above my head, and throw it directly at the gunman. It streaks at him, seemingly becoming a beam mid-flight, and hits him dead on. The ball explodes into a large ball 15 feet in diameter, centered on the impact point, which lasts for about 3 seconds.




When the blast dissipates, a crater where the ball's energy was becomes visible, appearing as if the ball evaporated everything that encompassed the blast zone. The ground around the new crater is visibly darkened, and heat shift emanates from the crater. I start to feel a little dizzy, lowering in the air to the center of the crater. I start to feel a bit better, as if the heat is nourishing me somehow. I then start to feel tired, and drop to my knee. I shift back into my normal, human self, with the exclusion of my hair color, the loss of all hair except my eyebrows, my normal hair down to my shoulders (seemingly remaining [bleep]y), and some pubic hair, some of my bones' hardness, some of my organs' durability, and a little longer and sharper nails and teeth.




I notice that a slightly glowing mark of what appears to me to be a dragon's head on my left hand is present. The glowing stops 2 seconds later, making it appear as if it's just a normal tattoo. I wonder what it is, and then hit the ground 5 seconds afterward. I almost immediately fall asleep. And here we are.






Yeah, I don't get it either. It seems somewhat insane to me, but what can you do?[/hide]


Damn, man. That was long. How long did that take? :shock:




It took give-or-take 30-45 mins long to type out. I was pretty much out of it for about 3 days, filled with hallicinations, sleep, and general wall-melting. NOT something to be done again! :wall: :wall: :ohnoes: :uhh:

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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One time i had this like 101 degree fever, and i was sleeping on the couch on a couch pillow, i had this freaky nightmare that my pillow was as hard as a rock. i kept waking up and like punching the pillow to make it softer or something. that night sucked -.-




Thats extremely strange, i had a dream like that a couple years ago except I though it was a board.... :shock:

This is a temporary account. Ash6110 is my real one. As soon as I get my account back I will not be using this one anymore.



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[hide]I don't really have ANY dreams, but on the rare occasion I have one that I can remember, they tend to be, uhh, X-rated in some fashion. Most of those end up with me waking and having to change my boxers (one of the few ways that I bust a nut, so to speak :anxious: ). I can tell you one dream that I had, though. It was when I had some really nasty stomach flu after having too many Advil (it was a really nasty headache). I can officially say with confidence I know what a bad Acid trip is, but anyway.






I wake up, do my regular morning routine, and head off to school. When I get there, every thing's overall normal, until First Lunch. I start hearing rapid gunfire in the direction of the office, and me being the hero/loon of the entire county, I go take a look. Some random-assed person is taking an AK-47 to the staff, and anyone in the way. There's about 6 people on the floor, in varying degrees of damage (clipped-dead). Understandably, I get really pissed at this point, and bull rush the gunman. When he just notices me, I slam into him, knocking the wind out of him.




I then proceed to pummel the guy's head into the ground, then he takes his gun and shoots me in the abdomen. This knocks me off of him, and I can't move with any real speed, or even get up for that matter. He stands up, kicks me once, and heads for the cafeteria. As I'm trying to stand up, I see him start shooting into the student body. Thankfully, the damage I done earlier throws off his aim a bit, making some bullets go by with no effect. Just as I stand up, I see him shoot one of my female friends.




This gives me a massive adrenaline boost, and I then rush to her. about 5 seconds after I get there, she dies. I then hear the monster laugh behind me, saying something to the effect of, "You can't do anything, now! You're dead like the rest of them!" I look around a bit, and I see 20 more people lying, dead or approaching that stage. I then look back at him, and am looking right down the gun barrel. I start feeling a bit of heat all over my body, especially my hands.




I yell, somehow startling him, and grab the gun barrel. That's when I notice that what seems to be heat shift (look right above something on fire, and notice how the things behind it wave a little) is radiating from my hands. The barrel starts to glow a little, visibly showing strain from the heat that's apparently emanating from my palms. I then yank the AK away, and throw it at one of the walls nearby. I hear a crunch, sounding somewhat similar to when a sledgie is taken to a cinder block, and the sound of something semi-soft and metallic breaking.




The gunman says something to, "What the Hell?" and starts running. I run after him, noticing that he seems to be walking through sludge in comparison. I stop in front of the doors, and face him, roaring when I stop. I also notice the heat getting more intense. I also notice the parts of the floor where my feet landed are a little cratered, and have smoldering miniature fires in the middle. The gunman is obviously scared out of his mind, looking like he's seeing the Gates of Hell itself.




I notice him picking up one of the pieces of floor that I pushed up in my dash, and throws it at me. It catches fire when it comes near me, and is ash by the time it hits me. He runs in the opposite direction, and I notice that he apparently crapped and pissed himself. I twitch my eye, imagining a fire wall sprouting about 20 feet in front of him. To my surprise, the floor cracks right where I imagined it, and a flame shoots up. It starts to rise, eventually going up to 20 feet high.




I start to feel my body shifting a little, first my eyes. They hurt a little, but I then start getting vision that apparently is almost superhuman. Even from 60 feet off, I can see the sweat bead off the gunman's face. My nose and mouth then start to hurt, gaining similar aspects. I gain the ability to smell practically everything that's passed through the front doors in the past week, and my teeth are noticeably sharper. My hair starts to grow out, getting to the middle of my back and shifting to a dark red. My ears


then start to elongate backwards, going out to 5 inches, and tapering to


a point. The cartilage that makes up the ear then hardens, becoming bone. My hearing capacity increases, to the point that I can hear the gunman's heartbeat as if he were right next to me.




I then start to feel my skin toughen, developing thick scales, and shift to a blood red. My fingernails lengthen and sharpen, developing into black claws, seemingly able to cut through solid metal. My muscles and bones also undergo similar transformations, the muscles becoming increasingly prominent, and my bones becoming harder and larger, adding to my already above average height, and making me visibly more durable. My heels start to develop claws, which bursts my shoes. My toes start to grow longer, combining into three similar-sized claw-toes.




My feet shift to where my legs connect in the middle, making my heels become the biggest, and fourth, toe. I start to be able to bend each toe more, developing into almost hand-like dexterity. I can't spread my 3 small toes very far, however. I start to feel a pain in my tailbone, which develops and grows, eventually poking out of my body. It goes to about 2 times my full body height from head to feet, and starts to develop musculature. This part feels excruciating, But when it's done, I have a tail with the same skin color as the rest of me, and a little bit of a ball at the end of it, with [bleep]es protruding, and a hand-length blade at the tip.




I then feel a similar pain in my back. It feels like my skin is being ripped off in big chunks, which is what seemingly happens. My back starts to bleed profusely, which soaks my shirt. It catches on fire, probably since my blood is far beyond the normal boiling point of most liquids, including water. Bones start growing out of my back a little bit under my shoulders, but inward enough to be off of my shoulder blades. They grow and fan downward, in equal proportions, until it develops to a total of 3-4 times my height, from tip to tip, and spreads downward to a bit past my knees when held at a 45 degree angle to the floor.




They start to develop muscles as well, which hurts even worse than the tail did. It visibly spreads out to each new bone, save for the tips of each. When that's done, skin starts to spread out from my back, which healed for the most part. It spreads out each bone, and grows into the gaps as well, developing wings. I notice that the tips of the bones are still visible, and can be moved to a degree, about as much as my knee. I then feel my insides move about, and new organs grow and develop. In my opinion, I believe that this gave me a preview of what Hell feels like.




My lungs expand and toughen, allowing me to be able to hold enough air in with them alone for about an hour or two, by my guess. I then feel a third one develop, connected to a little bit above my stomach. It seems to be filling with some sort of thick liquid, but can still hold air, increasing my breathing capacity by 25%, roughly. My heart starts its own transformation, increasing in size and power to handle the new size, as well as the new parts. The sack that it's held in becomes slightly stretchy, as well as increasing in size and durability. By my guess, nothing short of armor-piercing rounds would be able to do much of anything to it, or the organ it encloses.




My other organs also develop, increasing in durability. My stomach grows, then splits into two. They each can hold about 25% more than a normal one can, and are similarly strengthened. They connect to a new organ, which seems to be able to create all sorts of acids, probably even allowing me to survive on pure earth, if needed. Muscles develop around it, allowing me to possibly expel the "acid stomach"'s contents rather forcefully, if needed. My digestive tract increases in durability, as well. My private areas also develop, but I'll skip that for the sake of the more fragile readers here.




My immune system also improves. My white blood cells morph, able to withstand almost anything on this plane of existence, seemingly. They also become under my conscious control partially, allowing me to turn off the immune response in relation to specific things. I am basically develop immunity to any medical affliction on this planet, including allergies, cancers, and viruses. My regular cells also develop strength. They become able to divide almost indefinitely, effectively nullifying age in relation to me. It also gives me vastly improved healing abilities, making me capable of recovering from things that would kill a man from blood loss inside of 30 seconds. Not quite Wolverine-level, but close. My bones also develop this ability, making things like splints and casts unneeded in most cases.




My bones become even stronger, apparently being able to withstand things that even solid diamond couldn't. They then crystallize, further improving their ability to endure. The bones inside my toes and fingers elongate, replacing my fingernails. My elbows and knees also develop small [bleep]es, likely capable of piercing and holding onto steel in their own right. The elbow claws grow pointing away from my shoulder, and the knees away from my waist. They extend outward to about 4 inches, and while the tips are sharp, the other edges are fairly blunt.




My skin/scales are visibly able to withstand even armor-piercing bullets from mid-range outward. The hair that normally is on various parts of my body, save for the normal head hair, is gone. I could conceivably withstand the force from a nuclear bomb dropped right next to me with minimal damage from it. I develop six 5-inch horns pointing upward from my upper forehead, seemingly round with a small point at the end.




This whole process takes about a minute, which the gunman watches, with a small yellow puddle around his feet. He then runs, going down one of the side hallways that's in my school. I snarl, my voice obviously lower, and walk to the corner of the hallway that he ran down to. I take a deep breath, including my new lung, and when I'm at full capacity, let loose a roar that could be heard throughout a fifth of the entire state, in increasing degree the closer the area. The walls down the hallway that I roared visibly crack, traveling down to the running gunman just as he gets to one of the glass doors. The force slams into him just as he opens the door, shattering the half-inch thick glass and propelling him forward about 20 feet. When he lands, he skids about 7 feet, covered in shards and visibly scratched up.




I then walk down the hallway, noticing that the heat that was pouring out subsided, turning into just a little above 100 degrees. The floor cracks and craters considerably more with each footfall than before, belying the massive power behind the feet. The wings are folded back a little and tilted forward, so as to not damage the walls and ceiling further. When I step on the glass shards as I go outside, I notice that they turn into powder, not even leaving a mark on my feet. The metal doors are blown off, so they don't impede my movement. They are in pieces, showing how powerful that roar was. When the gunman notices that I'm walking towards him, he tries to get up and run again.




I grab onto his arm, crushing the bone. He screams, which hurts my ears a little, making me wince. I grab him by the jacket a little lighter, my claws only scraping his skin, which starts to bleed a little where the claws were. I then lift him off the ground, to where we're eye-level. He's about 3 feet off the ground, still. He then says, "What are you, you monster??" I reply something like, "The last thing you see before you're sent to Hell, murderer!" I then jump, going about 50 feet in the air, and then flap my wings once, while dropping him. He hits the ground feet first, breaking both of his legs. I go up about 70 feet more, looking down on him.




I then start to feel my whole body tingling, as if I'm being flooded with some sort of electricity. I attempt to concentrate it into my hands, which start to glow red. When most of the tingling energy is concentrated into my hands, they each develop a baseball-sized orb of energy. I then put them together, doubling the ball's size, and making it start to darken, seemingly becoming so hot that light is being taken apart at the sub-atomic level. I then raise the ball above my head, and throw it directly at the gunman. It streaks at him, seemingly becoming a beam mid-flight, and hits him dead on. The ball explodes into a large ball 15 feet in diameter, centered on the impact point, which lasts for about 3 seconds.




When the blast dissipates, a crater where the ball's energy was becomes visible, appearing as if the ball evaporated everything that encompassed the blast zone. The ground around the new crater is visibly darkened, and heat shift emanates from the crater. I start to feel a little dizzy, lowering in the air to the center of the crater. I start to feel a bit better, as if the heat is nourishing me somehow. I then start to feel tired, and drop to my knee. I shift back into my normal, human self, with the exclusion of my hair color, the loss of all hair except my eyebrows, my normal hair down to my shoulders (seemingly remaining [bleep]y), and some pubic hair, some of my bones' hardness, some of my organs' durability, and a little longer and sharper nails and teeth.




I notice that a slightly glowing mark of what appears to me to be a dragon's head on my left hand is present. The glowing stops 2 seconds later, making it appear as if it's just a normal tattoo. I wonder what it is, and then hit the ground 5 seconds afterward. I almost immediately fall asleep. And here we are.






Yeah, I don't get it either. It seems somewhat insane to me, but what can you do?[/hide]


Wow. I want to experience something like that. It's amazing that a simple dream came up with all of this. They can seem incredibly realistic. Once I dreamed that I got stabbed in the stomach, and it felt so real. Like I actually got pierced with a blade in the stomach. It felt horrible...lol. :P




Nice story. :)

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I once had a dream that a giant crab was chasing me down new york city into a river. Once into the river the univurse apperared around me and I avoided missles incoming from a taco-shaped island. Only to be swarmed by the ugliest and distrubing images I have ever seen( :uhh: ). Only to think I woke up and started playing runescape to find out I was banned and that I had no hearing.




Wakes up, and claps then sleeps....

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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3 nightmares that I can think of that affected me pretty badly:




1st - I was walking home from work, through the park at night time; I sat down on the bench for a second to grab my mobile phone to give me a bit of light...




Then I literally felt in my dream something hard pressed against my head and a clicking noise... "Followed by a... if you scream I'm going to kill you"...








2nd - I saw a truck reverse in to my mums side of the car and saw her die.








3rd - I climbed on my bed and tried to fix the light but was electrocuted... I literally felt the pain in my dream and woke up with a jump, my heart thumping and sweating like anything.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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[hide]I don't really have ANY dreams, but on the rare occasion I have one that I can remember, they tend to be, uhh, X-rated in some fashion. Most of those end up with me waking and having to change my boxers (one of the few ways that I bust a nut, so to speak :anxious: ). I can tell you one dream that I had, though. It was when I had some really nasty stomach flu after having too many Advil (it was a really nasty headache). I can officially say with confidence I know what a bad Acid trip is, but anyway.






I wake up, do my regular morning routine, and head off to school. When I get there, every thing's overall normal, until First Lunch. I start hearing rapid gunfire in the direction of the office, and me being the hero/loon of the entire county, I go take a look. Some random-assed person is taking an AK-47 to the staff, and anyone in the way. There's about 6 people on the floor, in varying degrees of damage (clipped-dead). Understandably, I get really pissed at this point, and bull rush the gunman. When he just notices me, I slam into him, knocking the wind out of him.




I then proceed to pummel the guy's head into the ground, then he takes his gun and shoots me in the abdomen. This knocks me off of him, and I can't move with any real speed, or even get up for that matter. He stands up, kicks me once, and heads for the cafeteria. As I'm trying to stand up, I see him start shooting into the student body. Thankfully, the damage I done earlier throws off his aim a bit, making some bullets go by with no effect. Just as I stand up, I see him shoot one of my female friends.




This gives me a massive adrenaline boost, and I then rush to her. about 5 seconds after I get there, she dies. I then hear the monster laugh behind me, saying something to the effect of, "You can't do anything, now! You're dead like the rest of them!" I look around a bit, and I see 20 more people lying, dead or approaching that stage. I then look back at him, and am looking right down the gun barrel. I start feeling a bit of heat all over my body, especially my hands.




I yell, somehow startling him, and grab the gun barrel. That's when I notice that what seems to be heat shift (look right above something on fire, and notice how the things behind it wave a little) is radiating from my hands. The barrel starts to glow a little, visibly showing strain from the heat that's apparently emanating from my palms. I then yank the AK away, and throw it at one of the walls nearby. I hear a crunch, sounding somewhat similar to when a sledgie is taken to a cinder block, and the sound of something semi-soft and metallic breaking.




The gunman says something to, "What the Hell?" and starts running. I run after him, noticing that he seems to be walking through sludge in comparison. I stop in front of the doors, and face him, roaring when I stop. I also notice the heat getting more intense. I also notice the parts of the floor where my feet landed are a little cratered, and have smoldering miniature fires in the middle. The gunman is obviously scared out of his mind, looking like he's seeing the Gates of Hell itself.




I notice him picking up one of the pieces of floor that I pushed up in my dash, and throws it at me. It catches fire when it comes near me, and is ash by the time it hits me. He runs in the opposite direction, and I notice that he apparently crapped and pissed himself. I twitch my eye, imagining a fire wall sprouting about 20 feet in front of him. To my surprise, the floor cracks right where I imagined it, and a flame shoots up. It starts to rise, eventually going up to 20 feet high.




I start to feel my body shifting a little, first my eyes. They hurt a little, but I then start getting vision that apparently is almost superhuman. Even from 60 feet off, I can see the sweat bead off the gunman's face. My nose and mouth then start to hurt, gaining similar aspects. I gain the ability to smell practically everything that's passed through the front doors in the past week, and my teeth are noticeably sharper. My hair starts to grow out, getting to the middle of my back and shifting to a dark red. My ears


then start to elongate backwards, going out to 5 inches, and tapering to


a point. The cartilage that makes up the ear then hardens, becoming bone. My hearing capacity increases, to the point that I can hear the gunman's heartbeat as if he were right next to me.




I then start to feel my skin toughen, developing thick scales, and shift to a blood red. My fingernails lengthen and sharpen, developing into black claws, seemingly able to cut through solid metal. My muscles and bones also undergo similar transformations, the muscles becoming increasingly prominent, and my bones becoming harder and larger, adding to my already above average height, and making me visibly more durable. My heels start to develop claws, which bursts my shoes. My toes start to grow longer, combining into three similar-sized claw-toes.




My feet shift to where my legs connect in the middle, making my heels become the biggest, and fourth, toe. I start to be able to bend each toe more, developing into almost hand-like dexterity. I can't spread my 3 small toes very far, however. I start to feel a pain in my tailbone, which develops and grows, eventually poking out of my body. It goes to about 2 times my full body height from head to feet, and starts to develop musculature. This part feels excruciating, But when it's done, I have a tail with the same skin color as the rest of me, and a little bit of a ball at the end of it, with [bleep]es protruding, and a hand-length blade at the tip.




I then feel a similar pain in my back. It feels like my skin is being ripped off in big chunks, which is what seemingly happens. My back starts to bleed profusely, which soaks my shirt. It catches on fire, probably since my blood is far beyond the normal boiling point of most liquids, including water. Bones start growing out of my back a little bit under my shoulders, but inward enough to be off of my shoulder blades. They grow and fan downward, in equal proportions, until it develops to a total of 3-4 times my height, from tip to tip, and spreads downward to a bit past my knees when held at a 45 degree angle to the floor.




They start to develop muscles as well, which hurts even worse than the tail did. It visibly spreads out to each new bone, save for the tips of each. When that's done, skin starts to spread out from my back, which healed for the most part. It spreads out each bone, and grows into the gaps as well, developing wings. I notice that the tips of the bones are still visible, and can be moved to a degree, about as much as my knee. I then feel my insides move about, and new organs grow and develop. In my opinion, I believe that this gave me a preview of what Hell feels like.




My lungs expand and toughen, allowing me to be able to hold enough air in with them alone for about an hour or two, by my guess. I then feel a third one develop, connected to a little bit above my stomach. It seems to be filling with some sort of thick liquid, but can still hold air, increasing my breathing capacity by 25%, roughly. My heart starts its own transformation, increasing in size and power to handle the new size, as well as the new parts. The sack that it's held in becomes slightly stretchy, as well as increasing in size and durability. By my guess, nothing short of armor-piercing rounds would be able to do much of anything to it, or the organ it encloses.




My other organs also develop, increasing in durability. My stomach grows, then splits into two. They each can hold about 25% more than a normal one can, and are similarly strengthened. They connect to a new organ, which seems to be able to create all sorts of acids, probably even allowing me to survive on pure earth, if needed. Muscles develop around it, allowing me to possibly expel the "acid stomach"'s contents rather forcefully, if needed. My digestive tract increases in durability, as well. My private areas also develop, but I'll skip that for the sake of the more fragile readers here.




My immune system also improves. My white blood cells morph, able to withstand almost anything on this plane of existence, seemingly. They also become under my conscious control partially, allowing me to turn off the immune response in relation to specific things. I am basically develop immunity to any medical affliction on this planet, including allergies, cancers, and viruses. My regular cells also develop strength. They become able to divide almost indefinitely, effectively nullifying age in relation to me. It also gives me vastly improved healing abilities, making me capable of recovering from things that would kill a man from blood loss inside of 30 seconds. Not quite Wolverine-level, but close. My bones also develop this ability, making things like splints and casts unneeded in most cases.




My bones become even stronger, apparently being able to withstand things that even solid diamond couldn't. They then crystallize, further improving their ability to endure. The bones inside my toes and fingers elongate, replacing my fingernails. My elbows and knees also develop small [bleep]es, likely capable of piercing and holding onto steel in their own right. The elbow claws grow pointing away from my shoulder, and the knees away from my waist. They extend outward to about 4 inches, and while the tips are sharp, the other edges are fairly blunt.




My skin/scales are visibly able to withstand even armor-piercing bullets from mid-range outward. The hair that normally is on various parts of my body, save for the normal head hair, is gone. I could conceivably withstand the force from a nuclear bomb dropped right next to me with minimal damage from it. I develop six 5-inch horns pointing upward from my upper forehead, seemingly round with a small point at the end.




This whole process takes about a minute, which the gunman watches, with a small yellow puddle around his feet. He then runs, going down one of the side hallways that's in my school. I snarl, my voice obviously lower, and walk to the corner of the hallway that he ran down to. I take a deep breath, including my new lung, and when I'm at full capacity, let loose a roar that could be heard throughout a fifth of the entire state, in increasing degree the closer the area. The walls down the hallway that I roared visibly crack, traveling down to the running gunman just as he gets to one of the glass doors. The force slams into him just as he opens the door, shattering the half-inch thick glass and propelling him forward about 20 feet. When he lands, he skids about 7 feet, covered in shards and visibly scratched up.




I then walk down the hallway, noticing that the heat that was pouring out subsided, turning into just a little above 100 degrees. The floor cracks and craters considerably more with each footfall than before, belying the massive power behind the feet. The wings are folded back a little and tilted forward, so as to not damage the walls and ceiling further. When I step on the glass shards as I go outside, I notice that they turn into powder, not even leaving a mark on my feet. The metal doors are blown off, so they don't impede my movement. They are in pieces, showing how powerful that roar was. When the gunman notices that I'm walking towards him, he tries to get up and run again.




I grab onto his arm, crushing the bone. He screams, which hurts my ears a little, making me wince. I grab him by the jacket a little lighter, my claws only scraping his skin, which starts to bleed a little where the claws were. I then lift him off the ground, to where we're eye-level. He's about 3 feet off the ground, still. He then says, "What are you, you monster??" I reply something like, "The last thing you see before you're sent to Hell, murderer!" I then jump, going about 50 feet in the air, and then flap my wings once, while dropping him. He hits the ground feet first, breaking both of his legs. I go up about 70 feet more, looking down on him.




I then start to feel my whole body tingling, as if I'm being flooded with some sort of electricity. I attempt to concentrate it into my hands, which start to glow red. When most of the tingling energy is concentrated into my hands, they each develop a baseball-sized orb of energy. I then put them together, doubling the ball's size, and making it start to darken, seemingly becoming so hot that light is being taken apart at the sub-atomic level. I then raise the ball above my head, and throw it directly at the gunman. It streaks at him, seemingly becoming a beam mid-flight, and hits him dead on. The ball explodes into a large ball 15 feet in diameter, centered on the impact point, which lasts for about 3 seconds.




When the blast dissipates, a crater where the ball's energy was becomes visible, appearing as if the ball evaporated everything that encompassed the blast zone. The ground around the new crater is visibly darkened, and heat shift emanates from the crater. I start to feel a little dizzy, lowering in the air to the center of the crater. I start to feel a bit better, as if the heat is nourishing me somehow. I then start to feel tired, and drop to my knee. I shift back into my normal, human self, with the exclusion of my hair color, the loss of all hair except my eyebrows, my normal hair down to my shoulders (seemingly remaining [bleep]y), and some pubic hair, some of my bones' hardness, some of my organs' durability, and a little longer and sharper nails and teeth.




I notice that a slightly glowing mark of what appears to me to be a dragon's head on my left hand is present. The glowing stops 2 seconds later, making it appear as if it's just a normal tattoo. I wonder what it is, and then hit the ground 5 seconds afterward. I almost immediately fall asleep. And here we are.






Yeah, I don't get it either. It seems somewhat insane to me, but what can you do?[/hide]


Damn, man. That was long. How long did that take? :shock:




It took give-or-take 30-45 mins long to type out. I was pretty much out of it for about 3 days, filled with hallicinations, sleep, and general wall-melting. NOT something to be done again! :wall: :wall: :ohnoes: :uhh:




Your dream seems to be related to things that you may have done/watched in real life, Tell me if I am right/wrong




The heating of the hands- Heroes? Peter Petrelli etc


The Gunman and the shooting - was this soon after Virgina Tech?


Erm You Said your were a beast with wings :- Is there something like that in Gears of Wars?

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hmm, well my username comes from the "main character" from one of my nightmares. the "Darkforaster" as i called it, was a human infesting demon made from an eerie plant like substance. If i remember, it infected me and i turned into it's true form. This drove the demon spirit out. So now, because the darkforaster's true form was me, i call myself that in forums. Strange eh?




I think the nightmare ended with the soul of the demon coming back in the form of a dementor (from harry potter) and attacking me.




omg nice i'v had 1 like that were you feel like your going to die wake up and its crazy lol ( did you know you have alteast 5 dreams a night and rarley rember 1




try typing proper english please.




I don't ever have that many dreams. And i can recall most dreams the morning I wake up.

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Wow. I want to experience something like that. It's amazing that a simple dream came up with all of this. They can seem incredibly realistic. Once I dreamed that I got stabbed in the stomach, and it felt so real. Like I actually got pierced with a blade in the stomach. It felt horrible...lol. :P




Nice story. :)




I always feel things in my dreams. I can also hear, see, smell, taste and talk. Unfortunately i have very few happy dreams and have almost non-stop nightmares. Most of my nightmares are the same. With the same evil species at the end of it. I call them the panda due to thier black and white fur and bear like appearance. i've seen them since i was six. Every night i subconciously think of something new for them to do. And then I always feel the pain of them slashing at my back with claws, feasting on my body. And i can feel it all. Even in my happy dreams. there's always one there, waiting in the dark....




I'm out to get myself. Why was i born with such a vivid imagination?!





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Once I dreamed that I got stabbed in the stomach, and it felt so real. Like I actually got pierced with a blade in the stomach. It felt horrible...lol. :P




Nice story. :)


Oh yea, sorry about that. I just needed an outlet for my anger :P


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Once I dreamed that I got stabbed in the stomach, and it felt so real. Like I actually got pierced with a blade in the stomach. It felt horrible...lol. :P




Nice story. :)


Oh yea, sorry about that. I just needed an outlet for my anger :P


It's just a matter of time before I get you, right? :shame:




@darkforaster: Damn, I'm sorry. Interesting imagination. That might be of use to you later. :)

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Once I dreamed that I got stabbed in the stomach, and it felt so real. Like I actually got pierced with a blade in the stomach. It felt horrible...lol. :P




Nice story. :)


Oh yea, sorry about that. I just needed an outlet for my anger :P


It's just a matter of time before I get you, right? :shame:




@darkforaster: Damn, I'm sorry. Interesting imagination. That might be of use to you later. :)


Unlikely. I'm going all Freddy Kruger on ya. Just remember- don't look for the noises :twisted:




Oh, and Soulest, i wasn't going to say anything because I thought you would figure it out yourself, but you mispelled "nightmares" in your topic title. Might want to fix it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Background story:


I was 4-6 years old. My sister had broker her leg so i had to sleep over with a friend of moms because she didn't have time to take care of me for a week.






Well, it first started out in this weird cartoony spaceship. 2 of my friends were in it controlling the ship. I walked to a monitor and looked down into it, and i get sucked in.


Suddenly i appear outside the spaceship, falling to the ground 50 meters below. I fall down on the ground, to find myself surrounded by tousands of very, very small but deep lakes.


So i can't walk trough them. When i go near them a shark jumps out everytime. So i have to jump over the lakes and also trying to get back into the spaceship. When i finally gets up i walk to the monitor, looks down. And it starts over.


Over, and over, and over, and over... The thing is, i can't talk, scream, or do anything but run.






I've never had that nightmare anywhere beside that house. :anxious:

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ember3579 I have a hard time believing that.


Just the incredible description, that would be like impossible to remember all of that




It's an understandable reaction to something like this. But it was just so vivid that I couldn't forget it. To put it into perspective, it would be similar to someone remembering even what they had for breakfast the day they heard about 9/11, or Pearl Harbor, or something similar, but in a dream.

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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did you know you have alteast 5 dreams a night and rarley rember 1




You have way more than 5 dreams a night. I try to remember my dreams every night. Most I've remembered is 7 different dreams with different plots/story lines.




The more dreams you remember, the more lucid dreams you have. I have about 2 a week. Once you start remembering more and more dreams, the more you realize they are dreams, in turn, you get lucid dreams. Those are hella fun.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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I once dreamed that my sister was kidnapped by some evil guy, and me and my mom had to solve some riddle thing to get her back and we couldn't. When I woke up the next mourning, I looked in my sisters room and she wasn't there, so I actually thought it was real. I went downstairs and told my mom


"too bad we couldn't get Alicia back eh?" and she said


"What the hell are you talking about? She's gone to her friends place." :XD:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this thread hasn't died yet, so :P







[hide]I don't really have ANY dreams, but on the rare occasion I have one that I can remember, they tend to be, uhh, X-rated in some fashion. Most of those end up with me waking and having to change my boxers (one of the few ways that I bust a nut, so to speak :anxious: ). I can tell you one dream that I had, though. It was when I had some really nasty stomach flu after having too many Advil (it was a really nasty headache). I can officially say with confidence I know what a bad Acid trip is, but anyway.






I wake up, do my regular morning routine, and head off to school. When I get there, every thing's overall normal, until First Lunch. I start hearing rapid gunfire in the direction of the office, and me being the hero/loon of the entire county, I go take a look. Some random-assed person is taking an AK-47 to the staff, and anyone in the way. There's about 6 people on the floor, in varying degrees of damage (clipped-dead). Understandably, I get really pissed at this point, and bull rush the gunman. When he just notices me, I slam into him, knocking the wind out of him.




I then proceed to pummel the guy's head into the ground, then he takes his gun and shoots me in the abdomen. This knocks me off of him, and I can't move with any real speed, or even get up for that matter. He stands up, kicks me once, and heads for the cafeteria. As I'm trying to stand up, I see him start shooting into the student body. Thankfully, the damage I done earlier throws off his aim a bit, making some bullets go by with no effect. Just as I stand up, I see him shoot one of my female friends.




This gives me a massive adrenaline boost, and I then rush to her. about 5 seconds after I get there, she dies. I then hear the monster laugh behind me, saying something to the effect of, "You can't do anything, now! You're dead like the rest of them!" I look around a bit, and I see 20 more people lying, dead or approaching that stage. I then look back at him, and am looking right down the gun barrel. I start feeling a bit of heat all over my body, especially my hands.




I yell, somehow startling him, and grab the gun barrel. That's when I notice that what seems to be heat shift (look right above something on fire, and notice how the things behind it wave a little) is radiating from my hands. The barrel starts to glow a little, visibly showing strain from the heat that's apparently emanating from my palms. I then yank the AK away, and throw it at one of the walls nearby. I hear a crunch, sounding somewhat similar to when a sledgie is taken to a cinder block, and the sound of something semi-soft and metallic breaking.




The gunman says something to, "What the Hell?" and starts running. I run after him, noticing that he seems to be walking through sludge in comparison. I stop in front of the doors, and face him, roaring when I stop. I also notice the heat getting more intense. I also notice the parts of the floor where my feet landed are a little cratered, and have smoldering miniature fires in the middle. The gunman is obviously scared out of his mind, looking like he's seeing the Gates of Hell itself.




I notice him picking up one of the pieces of floor that I pushed up in my dash, and throws it at me. It catches fire when it comes near me, and is ash by the time it hits me. He runs in the opposite direction, and I notice that he apparently crapped and pissed himself. I twitch my eye, imagining a fire wall sprouting about 20 feet in front of him. To my surprise, the floor cracks right where I imagined it, and a flame shoots up. It starts to rise, eventually going up to 20 feet high.




I start to feel my body shifting a little, first my eyes. They hurt a little, but I then start getting vision that apparently is almost superhuman. Even from 60 feet off, I can see the sweat bead off the gunman's face. My nose and mouth then start to hurt, gaining similar aspects. I gain the ability to smell practically everything that's passed through the front doors in the past week, and my teeth are noticeably sharper. My hair starts to grow out, getting to the middle of my back and shifting to a dark red. My ears


then start to elongate backwards, going out to 5 inches, and tapering to


a point. The cartilage that makes up the ear then hardens, becoming bone. My hearing capacity increases, to the point that I can hear the gunman's heartbeat as if he were right next to me.




I then start to feel my skin toughen, developing thick scales, and shift to a blood red. My fingernails lengthen and sharpen, developing into black claws, seemingly able to cut through solid metal. My muscles and bones also undergo similar transformations, the muscles becoming increasingly prominent, and my bones becoming harder and larger, adding to my already above average height, and making me visibly more durable. My heels start to develop claws, which bursts my shoes. My toes start to grow longer, combining into three similar-sized claw-toes.




My feet shift to where my legs connect in the middle, making my heels become the biggest, and fourth, toe. I start to be able to bend each toe more, developing into almost hand-like dexterity. I can't spread my 3 small toes very far, however. I start to feel a pain in my tailbone, which develops and grows, eventually poking out of my body. It goes to about 2 times my full body height from head to feet, and starts to develop musculature. This part feels excruciating, But when it's done, I have a tail with the same skin color as the rest of me, and a little bit of a ball at the end of it, with [bleep]es protruding, and a hand-length blade at the tip.




I then feel a similar pain in my back. It feels like my skin is being ripped off in big chunks, which is what seemingly happens. My back starts to bleed profusely, which soaks my shirt. It catches on fire, probably since my blood is far beyond the normal boiling point of most liquids, including water. Bones start growing out of my back a little bit under my shoulders, but inward enough to be off of my shoulder blades. They grow and fan downward, in equal proportions, until it develops to a total of 3-4 times my height, from tip to tip, and spreads downward to a bit past my knees when held at a 45 degree angle to the floor.




They start to develop muscles as well, which hurts even worse than the tail did. It visibly spreads out to each new bone, save for the tips of each. When that's done, skin starts to spread out from my back, which healed for the most part. It spreads out each bone, and grows into the gaps as well, developing wings. I notice that the tips of the bones are still visible, and can be moved to a degree, about as much as my knee. I then feel my insides move about, and new organs grow and develop. In my opinion, I believe that this gave me a preview of what Hell feels like.




My lungs expand and toughen, allowing me to be able to hold enough air in with them alone for about an hour or two, by my guess. I then feel a third one develop, connected to a little bit above my stomach. It seems to be filling with some sort of thick liquid, but can still hold air, increasing my breathing capacity by 25%, roughly. My heart starts its own transformation, increasing in size and power to handle the new size, as well as the new parts. The sack that it's held in becomes slightly stretchy, as well as increasing in size and durability. By my guess, nothing short of armor-piercing rounds would be able to do much of anything to it, or the organ it encloses.




My other organs also develop, increasing in durability. My stomach grows, then splits into two. They each can hold about 25% more than a normal one can, and are similarly strengthened. They connect to a new organ, which seems to be able to create all sorts of acids, probably even allowing me to survive on pure earth, if needed. Muscles develop around it, allowing me to possibly expel the "acid stomach"'s contents rather forcefully, if needed. My digestive tract increases in durability, as well. My private areas also develop, but I'll skip that for the sake of the more fragile readers here.




My immune system also improves. My white blood cells morph, able to withstand almost anything on this plane of existence, seemingly. They also become under my conscious control partially, allowing me to turn off the immune response in relation to specific things. I am basically develop immunity to any medical affliction on this planet, including allergies, cancers, and viruses. My regular cells also develop strength. They become able to divide almost indefinitely, effectively nullifying age in relation to me. It also gives me vastly improved healing abilities, making me capable of recovering from things that would kill a man from blood loss inside of 30 seconds. Not quite Wolverine-level, but close. My bones also develop this ability, making things like splints and casts unneeded in most cases.




My bones become even stronger, apparently being able to withstand things that even solid diamond couldn't. They then crystallize, further improving their ability to endure. The bones inside my toes and fingers elongate, replacing my fingernails. My elbows and knees also develop small [bleep]es, likely capable of piercing and holding onto steel in their own right. The elbow claws grow pointing away from my shoulder, and the knees away from my waist. They extend outward to about 4 inches, and while the tips are sharp, the other edges are fairly blunt.




My skin/scales are visibly able to withstand even armor-piercing bullets from mid-range outward. The hair that normally is on various parts of my body, save for the normal head hair, is gone. I could conceivably withstand the force from a nuclear bomb dropped right next to me with minimal damage from it. I develop six 5-inch horns pointing upward from my upper forehead, seemingly round with a small point at the end.




This whole process takes about a minute, which the gunman watches, with a small yellow puddle around his feet. He then runs, going down one of the side hallways that's in my school. I snarl, my voice obviously lower, and walk to the corner of the hallway that he ran down to. I take a deep breath, including my new lung, and when I'm at full capacity, let loose a roar that could be heard throughout a fifth of the entire state, in increasing degree the closer the area. The walls down the hallway that I roared visibly crack, traveling down to the running gunman just as he gets to one of the glass doors. The force slams into him just as he opens the door, shattering the half-inch thick glass and propelling him forward about 20 feet. When he lands, he skids about 7 feet, covered in shards and visibly scratched up.




I then walk down the hallway, noticing that the heat that was pouring out subsided, turning into just a little above 100 degrees. The floor cracks and craters considerably more with each footfall than before, belying the massive power behind the feet. The wings are folded back a little and tilted forward, so as to not damage the walls and ceiling further. When I step on the glass shards as I go outside, I notice that they turn into powder, not even leaving a mark on my feet. The metal doors are blown off, so they don't impede my movement. They are in pieces, showing how powerful that roar was. When the gunman notices that I'm walking towards him, he tries to get up and run again.




I grab onto his arm, crushing the bone. He screams, which hurts my ears a little, making me wince. I grab him by the jacket a little lighter, my claws only scraping his skin, which starts to bleed a little where the claws were. I then lift him off the ground, to where we're eye-level. He's about 3 feet off the ground, still. He then says, "What are you, you monster??" I reply something like, "The last thing you see before you're sent to Hell, murderer!" I then jump, going about 50 feet in the air, and then flap my wings once, while dropping him. He hits the ground feet first, breaking both of his legs. I go up about 70 feet more, looking down on him.




I then start to feel my whole body tingling, as if I'm being flooded with some sort of electricity. I attempt to concentrate it into my hands, which start to glow red. When most of the tingling energy is concentrated into my hands, they each develop a baseball-sized orb of energy. I then put them together, doubling the ball's size, and making it start to darken, seemingly becoming so hot that light is being taken apart at the sub-atomic level. I then raise the ball above my head, and throw it directly at the gunman. It streaks at him, seemingly becoming a beam mid-flight, and hits him dead on. The ball explodes into a large ball 15 feet in diameter, centered on the impact point, which lasts for about 3 seconds.




When the blast dissipates, a crater where the ball's energy was becomes visible, appearing as if the ball evaporated everything that encompassed the blast zone. The ground around the new crater is visibly darkened, and heat shift emanates from the crater. I start to feel a little dizzy, lowering in the air to the center of the crater. I start to feel a bit better, as if the heat is nourishing me somehow. I then start to feel tired, and drop to my knee. I shift back into my normal, human self, with the exclusion of my hair color, the loss of all hair except my eyebrows, my normal hair down to my shoulders (seemingly remaining [bleep]y), and some pubic hair, some of my bones' hardness, some of my organs' durability, and a little longer and sharper nails and teeth.




I notice that a slightly glowing mark of what appears to me to be a dragon's head on my left hand is present. The glowing stops 2 seconds later, making it appear as if it's just a normal tattoo. I wonder what it is, and then hit the ground 5 seconds afterward. I almost immediately fall asleep. And here we are.






Yeah, I don't get it either. It seems somewhat insane to me, but what can you do?[/hide]


Damn, man. That was long. How long did that take? :shock:




It took give-or-take 30-45 mins long to type out. I was pretty much out of it for about 3 days, filled with hallicinations, sleep, and general wall-melting. NOT something to be done again! :wall: :wall: :ohnoes: :uhh:




Your dream seems to be related to things that you may have done/watched in real life, Tell me if I am right/wrong




The heating of the hands- Heroes? Peter Petrelli etc


The Gunman and the shooting - was this soon after Virgina Tech?


Erm You Said your were a beast with wings :- Is there something like that in Gears of Wars?






To answer your possibilities in order:




I haven't ever watched Heroes before this incident, so no.


VT happened waay after this dream.


Not likely, think more anthromorphic dragon.




I'm in a mood for it, so I think I'll make a story out of this. :anxious:

You never know which rabbit hole you jump into will lead to Wonderland. - Ember3579

Aku Soku Zan. - Shinsengumi

You wanna mess with me or my friends? Pick your poison.

If you have any complaints about me, please refer to this link. Your problems are important to me.

Don't talk smack if you're not willing to say it to the person's face. On the same line, if you're not willing to back up your opinions no matter what, your opinion may as well be nonexistent.

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