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Family Guy : Whats your verdict?


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Pretty funny, not as good as southpark though.


You have an opinion. That's great. But since this thread has nothing to do with south park or any show on tv other than family guy, who cares? Imagine if people did that for everything in the world. Tell me I wouldn't be alone in being annoyed?




Of, and Futur, I loved the Stewie Griffon movie, was I the only one?


I thought it was alright, just nothing special. It felt like a really long episode rather than a movie. I just didn't think they really stepped up for it.

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Of, and Futur, I loved the Stewie Griffon movie, was I the only one?


I thought it was alright, just nothing special. It felt like a really long episode rather than a movie. I just didn't think they really stepped up for it.




Isn't that all a cartoon movie from a series will ever be though? Thats all The Simpsons movie was, and alot of other cartoon movies.

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south park is way better on every level.




Anyway...I'll watch family guy and it' is pretty funny, but it's a little too stupid for me. I do think that they use more offensive stuff than they should. ( i don't like when they make fun of jesus. It goes a little too far for me) I don't like how a lot of times someone will say something or make a joke and then they show some clip of it. I don't remeber any of those right now but i'm sure you know what im talking about.


pixel sig and avatar by me.

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south park is way better on every level.




Anyway...I'll watch family guy and it' is pretty funny, but it's a little too stupid for me. I do think that they use more offensive stuff than they should. ( i don't like when they make fun of jesus. It goes a little too far for me) I don't like how a lot of times someone will say something or make a joke and then they show some clip of it. I don't remeber any of those right now but i'm sure you know what im talking about.




What the hell, do you actually watch South Park? You do know God was a goat or some crap on it right? And they hassle the crap out of Jesus?




And the flash backs are the best, haha!




South Park to me even with all the swearing, is a little bit below me now, used to watch it heaps, but it's got a younger audiance then Family Guy I think.

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south park is way better on every level.




Anyway...I'll watch family guy and it' is pretty funny, but it's a little too stupid for me. I do think that they use more offensive stuff than they should. ( i don't like when they make fun of jesus. It goes a little too far for me) I don't like how a lot of times someone will say something or make a joke and then they show some clip of it. I don't remeber any of those right now but i'm sure you know what im talking about.




Dude, in one episode of south park kyle has to KILL Jesus, and you get to watch him die a horrible death.






I love south park (more than family guy, but this isn't the thread for that) but really... this isn't the thread for that.

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south park is way better on every level.




Anyway...I'll watch family guy and it' is pretty funny, but it's a little too stupid for me. I do think that they use more offensive stuff than they should. ( i don't like when they make fun of jesus. It goes a little too far for me) I don't like how a lot of times someone will say something or make a joke and then they show some clip of it. I don't remeber any of those right now but i'm sure you know what im talking about.




Dude, in one episode of south park kyle has to KILL Jesus, and you get to watch him die a horrible death.






I love south park (more than family guy, but this isn't the thread for that) but really... this isn't the thread for that.




Someone will make one soon, then we can all flame each other for a few pages.




I do like it, and there's some really funny scenes, but lately the huge amount of clips(which is the main driving point of the show) has been getting on my nerves. Remeber the episode where Peter fights the chicken for 10 minutes then goes out to dinner with him? Things like that are starting to drag my interest away from Family Guy as a show.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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Hehe, the chicken fights are the best.




I especially like the one that happens in the episode when Quagmire is peeping on Lois, right when the men and women are having the confrontation.




Ima go watch some season 1 FG right now, kthxbai.


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Love it.




The anecdotes are the funniest parts.




The one scene that sticks in my head is where the four guys are on a boat, playing an 'I didn't do this' game.




Peter ends up going through loads of random things because Quagmire has done them all, like 'I never gave a reacharound to a spider monkey whilst reciting the pledge of allegience', then Quagmire pass out, and they write 'penus' on his chin. I lol'd at that.






South Parks works on a more satirical level, though.

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Offensive at times, but man its funny!




Gotta love it. :D




I suppose they could make the show a little less offensive and still get the great laughs, since most of their funniest jokes are from non-offensive situations.

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south park is way better on every level.




Anyway...I'll watch family guy and it' is pretty funny, but it's a little too stupid for me. I do think that they use more offensive stuff than they should. ( i don't like when they make fun of jesus. It goes a little too far for me) I don't like how a lot of times someone will say something or make a joke and then they show some clip of it. I don't remeber any of those right now but i'm sure you know what im talking about.




What the hell, do you actually watch South Park? You do know God was a goat or some crap on it right? And they hassle the crap out of Jesus?




And the flash backs are the best, haha!




South Park to me even with all the swearing, is a little bit below me now, used to watch it heaps, but it's got a younger audiance then Family Guy I think.




calm down. to me south park is still worth watching. What i mean is the rest of it makes up for those times.


family doesnt(for me)


so i can get over it, and not watch the few that i dont like.and im not saying south park is perfect.I jus thinks its better.


lately the huge amount of clips(which is the main driving point of the show) has been getting on my nerves. Remeber the episode where Peter fights the chicken for 10 minutes then goes out to dinner with him? Things like that are starting to drag my interest away from Family Guy as a show.




thats what i mean about that. that one one wasnt that bad( it was really long though) but there are some that arent even funny.


Like the one where stewy does that really tap dance thing with that guy in a sailor outfit, on the episode where they go to get his teddy bear back. (if you know what im talking about)




thats just my opinion.


pixel sig and avatar by me.

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It's like why Monty Python is funny, it's stupid humor. Let's review.




The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch is used to blow up the killer rabbit.




"We are the Knights who say Ni!"




"Now we are the Knights who say fkljgkgjhkgjlg!"




"What is your name?" "Arthur, king of the Britains." "What is you quest?" "To seek the Holy Grail." "What, is the average velocity of a swallow flying carrying a coconut?" "African or European?" "I don't know that... Aaaagh!"




"I fart in your general direction!"






I could have written the script for that movie in ten minutes. But was it successful? Yup. Is family guy? Yup. Is family guy funny? Sure. Is Monty Python funny? Again, the answer is yes.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I;ve noticed in every episode that they use a lot of filler. In the one where Stewie gets attached to Lois, they spend nearly 2 minutes of just "mommy, mommy, mommy, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommy, mommy" over and over. And I saw one today where, without having anything to do with the rest of the show, prettymuch out of nowhere, a sene where Meg walks in on Chris(?) in the bathroom and it shows his scalp lower onto him like Darth Vader. He leaves, scene goes somewhere else. There's another about the "maud" or something theme song, that takes a looong time. It's like they can't think up enough plot for the whole 30 minutes (less, actually, with commercials). Not saying those things aren't funny (though the aforementioned "mommy incident" got quite irritating), but it seems like they just need to fill time.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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If you find it offensive, get over it!




"I hate it because its offensive"




*looks around* "oh wait, sorry, was just looking for somebody who cares"

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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why do people always complain about tv-shows?




I'm not, I'm just asking for your verdict....


For those who think I'm complaining about it, I'm not.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Family Guy is unfreakin' believable.




"One day, [Name of wife from Honeymooners], one day..."


"Yeah, yeah, I know, straight to the moon"


*Looks around*




*Runs off*








It's Alice. My mom happened to be watching from behind me at that part. I LOL'ed and she took major offense..."THat's NOT funny..." and fumed off. Oh well. Still hilarious though.

I don't run races to see who's the fastest, I run to see who has the most guts. -Pre


Currently the best beat out there:

Minuit jacuzzi (DatA Remix) - TEPR

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i don't know, but i'm just praying to god stewey takes over the world.


Peppy: "Do a barrel roll!"

Fox: "That's your solution for everything..."

Peppy: "Just press Z or R twice!"

Fox: "No, Peppy..."

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