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first aid


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I have advanced first-aid from being in the army. gunshot wounds, torn off ligaments, hell I'll fix it 8-)


Same here, Swedish Home Guard foo'.


I tooka basic first aid course one sunday when I hadto stay at school and had nothing better to do than go on the internet.


Wait.. You took a "first aid course", and it was just reading? Then i know heart surgery from watching ER.

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I can put on a band-aid. If you need much more than that with me around then you are SOL. If it was an emergency and there was no other option than me fixing it with a first aid kit, I might be able to figure something out.



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I have my first responder certification from Civil Air Patrol. Never know when you might run across a victim.

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I tooka basic first aid course one sunday when I hadto stay at school and had nothing better to do than go on the internet.


Wait.. You took a "first aid course", and it was just reading? Then i know heart surgery from watching ER.


And I can cure polio from watching House.




I haven't had any formal training or anything, but I know the basics- don't move an injured person, check airways, pulse, etc. And I think I can recognize a seizure, too, but I don't have much experience with that.


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I know it, and still learning it.


Been training to become a life guard (or life saver, whatever you'd like to call it, the people who watch pools) for a few years now.


Starting with the advanced 'first' aid now. (Working with machines isn't really 'first' anymore I think :lol: )




I think they should give it more in schools.

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"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

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Got my Life Guard and Water Safety Instructor Certification.


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I know the basics for knocked out teeth. (If its a permanent tooth rinse it in running water with no soap or alcohol. Insert it, if possible, into the socket within 30 minutes for best chance of recovery.)



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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I tooka basic first aid course one sunday when I hadto stay at school and had nothing better to do than go on the internet.




I wouldn't trust you to help me in that case. :-w




I got the certificate and everything. I t was an official course tought by porfessionals.

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