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What ticks you off most in a video game?


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One of the things that used to wind me up back when I played MK:DS religiously was how people disconnect when they start losing. Then they just reset their online record so no one would know they disconnected all the time.




You'd be half way through Race 3, two players out of four have already disconnected and you'd be a good 20 seconds ahead of the remaining guy... when he just logs out.




Pathetic. -.-




Thankfully, on the Wii you don't have to stay for 4 whole races and there's now 12 people instead of 4. ;)

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People who never played Portal and yet joined in on the "cake is a lie" meme are douches


People who never played Portal, period.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Long pointless introductions. I just want play the game already!




Thats one thing i loved about half life games, adds atmosphere.




I hate whoever designed most console FPS's to default to inverted Y axis, no explination needed.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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People who never played Portal and yet joined in on the "cake is a lie" meme are douches


People who never played Portal, period.


Racist. /sarcasm




frickin companion sphere.




People who teabag. Yes if i see you teabag while on my team I will tk you.




When 98% of the game is cutscenes. MGS4. Xenosaga.




People who think graphics are greater than gameplay.




The aforementioned horrible voice acting.




When team killing is turned off in a game.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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I hate whoever designed most console FPS's to default to inverted Y axis, no explination needed.


I have to agree. Who thought Up was down and down was up? All this crack spreading around, Jesus christ....its awful. #-o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I hate whoever designed most console FPS's to default to inverted Y axis, no explination needed.


I have to agree. Who thought Up was down and down was up? All this crack spreading around, Jesus christ....its awful. #-o


I hate when the default isn't inverted. I think of it like a seesaw: when you press dowhn, the other end goes up and vice versa. Pressing up and looking up just doesn't make sense. It's like flying a plane.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I thought of another: crappy AI.




I want the computer to be smart. I want a challenge. I don't want to shoot a guy who's standing in the middle my view doing nothing.


I think the first game I ever played that had good AI was Rainbow Six (the original, the new ones are bleh). It's hard to find a game with smart AI, but it is getting easier. One you play games like F.E.A.R and Homeworld 2, you can't go back to playing Halo where their idea of challenging AI is making their weapons more powerful and you weaker.

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I hate the games that are bad enough to annoy me, but not bad enough to be funny. So ones with enemies that have magic heatseeking bullets, every game with 'xtreme' in the title, stuff like that. Oh, and ones where the AI cheats.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I'm quite the opposite when it comes to enemies.




I hate ones who you can run up and aim at from two feet away before they even notice you are there.




I like easy games, but ones like those just annoy me =)




Definetly. Clueless enemies have to be the worst.

Let your yellow mellow.

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Unskippable cutscenes


Cutscenes or an event that you cannot interact with, even if its just turning around.Only started ticking me off after playing the halflife games


Checkpoints which arent actually checkpoints, when it says checkpoint i expect to come back to that place not to the beggining of the level...


Elitist people in multiplayer games or MMO's.


Heres a specific one though, when playing call of duty 4 the host quitting the game either wright away or waiting till hes at the top of the scoreboards with all his aimbots and his riggged selection of maps like shipment.

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Unskippable cutscenes


Cutscenes or an event that you cannot interact with, even if its just turning around.Only started ticking me off after playing the halflife games




I agree with you but are you sure you're thinking of the half-life games? I never once remembered a scene in which you couldn't interact with. Even the "cut scene" spots allowed you to move around. In fact thats why I always liked them, they always made sure it was you that was in control of what was going on.

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  • 3 months later...

Boring storyline (let's watch paint dry!)




Bad voice acting (lukh, aim drunk dnand I chanth spheak phropherly)




Too good AI/almost invincible AI (I can shoot you from 3 mile distance through 10 walls!)




Too bad AI (oh my god look I stand here just waiting to get a bullet in my head!)




Horrible graphics (expect in really old classic video games \')




Loading.. loading.. loading.. loading.. loading.. (continues for 2+ minutes)




XBox360 games with nearly undoable achievements (play this and this this way not doing this with the setting "invincible AI" on)




Unskippable cutscenes (watch me, I'm boring!)




No subtitles/"subtitles"-option (ima talk as unclearly and silently as possible so you hate me)








There, that should include the worst things :lol:

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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Major bump, I see. Oh well.









Unskippable cutscenes




Cutscenes or an event that you cannot interact with, even if its just turning around.Only started ticking me off after playing the halflife games








I agree with you but are you sure you're thinking of the half-life games? I never once remembered a scene in which you couldn't interact with. Even the "cut scene" spots allowed you to move around. In fact thats why I always liked them, they always made sure it was you that was in control of what was going on.




Exactly, that's why non-onteractive cut scenes started ticking him off, since he got used to being able to control himself in Half-Life but couldn't otherwise.








As for the above, i agree on the subtitles thing. It would have made FEAR so much better if I actually knew what they were saying.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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A game that has graphics that has high-end graphics with [cabbage] gameplay.








14 year olds who're going through puberty and have a squeaky voice and talk about sex every second on XBL. I mean c'mon, I'm 12 and I'm the sterotypical age for the "sex and cussing" thing, and I don't go, "What the [bleep]? You [bleep]ing dildo! I [bleep]ed your mom last night! What you going to do about it [bleep]wad?" i go, "Damn. You won. Maybe next time."

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I disagree with wanting to skip cutscenes. Story is almost as important as gameplay. I think you should only be able to skip cutscenes when you have already watched it, get killed, and have to come back to that part.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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One of my complaints would be games that have long cut scenes at the beginning of a level that you have to watch every time you die/lose (Lord of The Rings: Return of the King had a few of those, one on the level I could never beat. I must have spent 5 hours watching the same damn scene. The worst part was they were clips from the movie, which I've probably seen 30 times.) I never skip cut scenes if I haven't seen them yet, but after that I don't want to watch it again.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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One of my complaints would be games that have long cut scenes at the beginning of a level that you have to watch every time you die/lose (Lord of The Rings: Return of the King had a few of those, one on the level I could never beat. I must have spent 5 hours watching the same damn scene. The worst part was they were clips from the movie, which I've probably seen 30 times.) I never skip cut scenes if I haven't seen them yet, but after that I don't want to watch it again.




Whenever I find myself in a similar situation I learn all the lines and act out the cutscene in its entirety when I have to watch it 50 times. It's made even better with fun character voices.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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One of my complaints would be games that have long cut scenes at the beginning of a level that you have to watch every time you die/lose (Lord of The Rings: Return of the King had a few of those, one on the level I could never beat. I must have spent 5 hours watching the same damn scene. The worst part was they were clips from the movie, which I've probably seen 30 times.) I never skip cut scenes if I haven't seen them yet, but after that I don't want to watch it again.




Whenever I find myself in a similar situation I learn all the lines and act out the cutscene in its entirety when I have to watch it 50 times. It's made even better with fun character voices.




I'm not going to lie, I've done that quite a few times :oops:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Major bump, I see. Oh well.









Unskippable cutscenes




Cutscenes or an event that you cannot interact with, even if its just turning around.Only started ticking me off after playing the halflife games








I agree with you but are you sure you're thinking of the half-life games? I never once remembered a scene in which you couldn't interact with. Even the "cut scene" spots allowed you to move around. In fact thats why I always liked them, they always made sure it was you that was in control of what was going on.




Exactly, that's why non-onteractive cut scenes started ticking him off, since he got used to being able to control himself in Half-Life but couldn't otherwise.








As for the above, i agree on the subtitles thing. It would have made FEAR so much better if I actually knew what they were saying.








Oh, after. I get it now. :P








I agree with him as well, custscenes that you can not interact with are horrible design theory I think. I mean, of course it depends on the game and the context of the game, but you shouldn't get cut out in the middle of it for a cutscene.












Dead Space is a good example of a game that finally has it right. Even the "Cutscenes" in the game allow you movement. I wish more games would take notice of that. I mean, if I wanted to watch a damn movie I would, right?

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One of my complaints would be games that have long cut scenes at the beginning of a level that you have to watch every time you die/lose (Lord of The Rings: Return of the King had a few of those, one on the level I could never beat. I must have spent 5 hours watching the same damn scene. The worst part was they were clips from the movie, which I've probably seen 30 times.) I never skip cut scenes if I haven't seen them yet, but after that I don't want to watch it again.




Whenever I find myself in a similar situation I learn all the lines and act out the cutscene in its entirety when I have to watch it 50 times. It's made even better with fun character voices.




I'm not going to lie, I've done that quite a few times :oops:




Lol, I love doing that while playing BioShock / Halo 3 campaign. :lol: Helps me a bit with my English pronouncation, too. ;)

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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