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I mow lawns occasionally. When I get charged with mowing a public place, I cut the grass too short.




Take that, that's how we'll free Tibet!




Honestly though, my jobs usually center around lawn work and such. So there's not a whole lot I can do, apart from putting poison on my lawn mower's blades.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Same here; people who intentially make already agro customers more agro are asking to get messed up eventually.




You have to agree though, there is nothing more fun than "spurring" on a angry customer when your manager is on your side :lol:

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Same here; people who intentially make already agro customers more agro are asking to get messed up eventually.




You have to agree though, there is nothing more fun than "spurring" on a angry customer when your manager is on your side :lol:




Every 'side' consists of people ultimately, intentionally pissing off of power tripping on anyone is pathetic and shows weakness of character.




If you're a customer and something's going wrong, think about it from the perspective of the employee. What could he realistically do to help you if there's a power outage/blackout and you need your hamburger? Squat at all. Say 'thanks anyways' and move on to the next place.




If you're an employee and a customer is complaining about a legitimate issue like the floor being littered with trash and being slippery, think about it from his/her perspective. Is it a legit complaint? If it is, don't get pissed at him/her for telling the truth like it is.




Only make a scene when it's needed, in extreme cases (like if a customer says "I'm not paying $10 for this, I'll give you $5" and walks out of the store). And yes, even if the customer is an idiot, he's the one that funds your paycheck. You'll just screw things up worse by throwing a tantrum or thinking "that's it, I quit this *"

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Oh man, how I just want to throw what I paid for back over the counter and start beating on the people who do that type of bs irl.




Don't be an [wagon], your job must not be hard if you're getting paid near minimum wage. :roll:




I have to disagree with this.




You can be the nicest person in the world, always smile, and do everything right, and still get a customer complaining at you. Dealing with jerks like that is not easy, especially if you know that you did everything in your power to do everything right.




I'm sorry if you think retail workers are "below you". Take your arrogance somewhere else.




I agree with bloody. I had a lady freak out on me when I couldn't take her through the Express Lane. She had a whole cart full of stuff and tried coming through... I told her "Ma'am, you have over 12 items, but there is 2 lanes open down there. I can't take you as it will hold up customers who actually have 12 items or fewer." She started screaming at me and throwing items out of her cart and kept saying "Is this enough! Is this enough! Is this enough!". She told me she was going to tell my Manager and I would get fired for not having 'G.R.E.A.T' customer service...




I didn't aggravate her, so I have no idea what you are saying when I am being [wagon] to someone when they are the one who started their bs in my work and attempted to get me fired when I was just doing my job. You act like you are better than us who are paid minimum wage.





Only make a scene when it's needed, in extreme cases (like if a customer says "I'm not paying $10 for this, I'll give you $5" and walks out of the store). And yes, even if the customer is an idiot, he's the one that funds your paycheck. You'll just screw things up worse by throwing a tantrum or thinking "that's it, I quit this *"




I actually had a couple tell me a package of meat was $1.99 when meat is clearly measured in pound either being $1.99 a pound or so on. They started a scene and my Manager had me give it to them for $1.99. They said they were never going to shop there again. Haven't seen them since. The thing is though, they weren't rational nor comprehensive when it came to us telling them how meat is weighed by the pound.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Same here; people who intentially make already agro customers more agro are asking to get messed up eventually.




Agreed. It's one thing if a customer is being a jerk and you ask them to leave. It's not appropriate to spit in their burger, damage their property, or shaft them on service.




Give them 100% or give them none. Don't mess with them personally.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I have to disagree with this.




You can be the nicest person in the world, always smile, and do everything rght, and still get a customer complaining at you. Dealing with jerks like that is not easy, especially if you know that you did everything in your power to do everthing right.




I'm sorry if you think retail workers are "below you". Take your arrogance somewhere else.


When that happens and they keep being a jerk that's when you either: ask them to leave as you apparently can't help them, or direct them to your manager (who most of the time will crunch what you've just done and come to the same conclusion) or by some chance think of something you missed to resolve the situation. Either way they're then out of your hair.






I agree with bloody. I had a lady freak out on me when I couldn't take her through the Express Lane. She had a whole cart full of stuff and tried coming through... I told her "Ma'am, you have over 12 items, but there is 2 lanes open down there. I can't take you as it will hold up customers who actually have 12 items or fewer." She started screaming at me and throwing items out of her cart and kept saying "Is this enough! Is this enough! Is this enough!". She told me she was going to tell my Manager and I would get fired for not having 'G.R.E.A.T' customer service...




I didn't aggravate her, so I have no idea what you are saying when I am being [wagon] to someone when they are the one who started their bs in my work and attempted to get me fired when I was just doing my job. You act like you are better than us who are paid minimum wage.


You were perfectly in the right there, just brush off people like that and move on. If they want to [bleep] to the manager they'll tell them to shut up and bugger off. Security footage will support your version of events if they want to take it further anyways so people like that have no leg to stand on.




I actually had a couple tell me a package of meat was $1.99 when meat is clearly measured in pound either being $1.99 a pound or so on. They started a scene and my Manager had me give it to them for $1.99. They said they were never going to shop there again. Haven't seen them since. The thing is though, they weren't rational nor comprehensive when it came to us telling them how meat is weighed by the pound.
If the meat only said $1.99 with no reference anywhere on it being by the pound (or if it's deli meat that's a seperate issue and is clearly 1.99/lb and it will be indicated as such there); they are 100% entitled to it for that $1.99 (general Retail standards) unless your manager wants to outright tell them that product isn't for sale (since it's grocery that would've been hard). If, however, it said it was $1.99/lb on the packaging then they have nothing to stand on, again.




You have to agree though, there is nothing more fun than "spurring" on a angry customer when your manager is on your side :lol:


No. I never enjoy having to deal with agro customers. And annoying them more is never a good idea, unless you know 100% that you're correct. And even then deliberately annoying them is not a good idea. Explain the situation, if they don't listen point them to the manager and they can deal with it from there.






I worked in retail for over 2 years, I faced a lot of 'angry' customers on various levels both in person and over the phone. I've never made a situation worse purely because if you're in the right, you need to consider the reaction of other customers if you don't try to help. And if you're in the wrong, then you're screwed both ways. Acting like an arse doesn't help your job stability or the repuation of your store. Try and clam them down, if it fails once the situation is explained them and they're still acting like a jerk; just take satisfaction in knowing they won't come back. Either because left left on their own accord, or their manager told them to leave. Just remember if upper management notices you're deliberately making the situation worse, don't expect to have a job for much longer.






In the case of hospitality and 'spitting' in food and similar practices; if you're caught the entire business is at risk. All that needs to happen is the customer to sue and EVERYONE at the store is affect. Always think twice before being an arse to people you're serving, even if they're an arse to you initally. There's more people at risk on the store side when you want to 'fight back' in any manner.

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Honestly though, my jobs usually center around lawn work and such. So there's not a whole lot I can do, apart from putting poison on my lawn mower's blades.




...And run over the owners? ;)




I also am not much of a fan of pulling pranks on employers. I'm luckily still a college student and I'll be in a position where no pitiful low-ranked boss can command me, only the not-so-pitiful high ranking boss. But even if they're [puncture]s, you just have a laugh about it with your colleagues, if possible. If you're a lonely clerk or something, I can understand blowing off some steam by somehow screwing them over, but you'll have to be man enough to face the consequences then.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I actually had a couple tell me a package of meat was $1.99 when meat is clearly measured in pound either being $1.99 a pound or so on. They started a scene and my Manager had me give it to them for $1.99. They said they were never going to shop there again. Haven't seen them since. The thing is though, they weren't rational nor comprehensive when it came to us telling them how meat is weighed by the pound.
If the meat only said $1.99 with no reference anywhere on it being by the pound (or if it's deli meat that's a seperate issue and is clearly 1.99/lb and it will be indicated as such there); they are 100% entitled to it for that $1.99 (general Retail standards) unless your manager wants to outright tell them that product isn't for sale (since it's grocery that would've been hard). If, however, it said it was $1.99/lb on the packaging then they have nothing to stand on, again.




It says on the package 1.99/lb. They were looking at a different sign for some other food that was $1.99. The sign was next to it, in front of the item, saying $1.99/lb.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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Where I work, just for kicks(auto mechanic), I sometimes decide to toy around with the cars I get, i.e. hiding in the car for a few minutes, and if I don't like you, small dent in the side of the vehicle.




Lol the grocery store I work at is just beside the Canadian Tire store, and I often see them doing spins with costumers cars, including police cars, last time I saw them, they were flashing the lights and the got off the siren a few times too. I guess that's a lot of trouble if they get caught (exept by me since I don't tend to go tell the management about that).




As for where I work, If people nicely ask me to see if there's still some amount of an item in stock and I have to got look at the back, I will really try to find it, but if the ask me without manners and all, I'll only do a "surface check".




I only find annoying though that some of them are hard to find back, it's like either you stay and wait till I come back to tell you or you come to the door so I can tell you faster. I will always look for the costumer though. First time I didn't look back for the costumers getting lost in the aisles and all, was today, but that was because I was the only one on the floor and that it was very busy today, as well as the sale on a few things, spent most of the time trying to fill the soda bottles, but when they're at $0.59 for a 2L bottle, that's kind of hard to maintain.




Heh, I wrote more than I was thinking I would :P.

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It says on the package 1.99/lb. They were looking at a different sign for some other food that was $1.99. The sign was next to it, in front of the item, saying $1.99/lb.
Your manager failed then.
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I agree with DarkRick on this. I mean, what if someone was just having a really bad day or they just came off as being rude? I understand vengeance completely, but at your job is not the place to do that.

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I agree with DarkRick on this. I mean, what if someone was just having a really bad day or they just came off as being rude? I understand vengeance completely, but at your job is not the place to do that.


If they were having a bad day then why is it my fault? There are situations when the customer is an [wagon] and when the employee is a lazy blit.




As for me, I don't work. :(

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Some times when people get drunk,and the bouncers are off sending others home,I get to do it.I've a small reputation of getting the hottest girls too. \'


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Some times when people get drunk,and the bouncers are off sending others home,I get to do it.I've a small reputation of getting the hottest girls too. \'




OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-
Probably because they're drunk.


-.- how will I get that to work on someone who won't touch alcohol for atleast 3 years, if she ever will drink any?

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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I agree with bloody. I had a lady freak out on me when I couldn't take her through the Express Lane. She had a whole cart full of stuff and tried coming through... I told her "Ma'am, you have over 12 items, but there is 2 lanes open down there. I can't take you as it will hold up customers who actually have 12 items or fewer." She started screaming at me and throwing items out of her cart and kept saying "Is this enough! Is this enough! Is this enough!". She told me she was going to tell my Manager and I would get fired for not having 'G.R.E.A.T' customer service...




I didn't aggravate her, so I have no idea what you are saying when I am being [wagon] to someone when they are the one who started their bs in my work and attempted to get me fired when I was just doing my job. You act like you are better than us who are paid minimum wage.




I lol'd. When you show people they don't get to you, they become even more aggravated. I'm overly nice to people who try to get on my nerves, it pisses them off even more. If you could imagine them standing in a line, going psycho, while you keep your cool and offering to help them... Every customer and his dog (not literally.. lol) would be on your side thinking "wow what a psycho woman.."




Sometimes you can't hold your tongue though. In my younger years I got told I didn't have a brain by a customer then was asked to agree with her. I laughed at her and said "yeah you're obviously not so bright yourself mam or you'd be earning enough money to order your f*cking coffee from Starbucks instead of McDonalds."



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-
Probably because they're drunk.


-.- how will I get that to work on someone who won't touch alcohol for atleast 3 years, if she ever will drink any?




[bleep]e her drink.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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OMG Cassanova, how do you get girls? I've been trying with one girl for like 6 months... and I've only failed... -.-
Probably because they're drunk.


-.- how will I get that to work on someone who won't touch alcohol for atleast 3 years, if she ever will drink any?


You do realise by "get" I meant "assigned to bring to her house,without being allowed to do anything?Although I do tend to break rules from time to time...


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I lol'd. When you show people they don't get to you, they become even more aggravated. I'm overly nice to people who try to get on my nerves, it pisses them off even more. If you could imagine them standing in a line, going psycho, while you keep your cool and offering to help them... Every customer and his dog (not literally.. lol) would be on your side thinking "wow what a psycho woman.."




Sometimes you can't hold your tongue though. In my younger years I got told I didn't have a brain by a customer then was asked to agree with her. I laughed at her and said "yeah you're obviously not so bright yourself mam or you'd be earning enough money to order your f*cking coffee from Starbucks instead of McDonalds."




Ha ::' I can't believe you actually said that to a customer :lol:


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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You do realise by "get" I meant "assigned to bring to her house,without being allowed to do anything?Although I do tend to break rules from time to time...




oh, good job of word manipulation \'


we seem to alike, I tend to break the rules aswell ::'

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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