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Fist Of Guthix - Why Do People Whine So Much About It??


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I recently got hooked on playing Fist Of Guthix, and during my time of playing it I noticed one very obvious thing: people complain waaaay to much about it! I mean I have heard other complaints about other activities like Castle Wars and Fight Pits, but I'm sure this is by far one of the most complained about minigames/activities there are.




There are many complaints so I'll tackle each one individually:




"OMG runner noob!" - Ok the point of being the hunted is to avoid your opponent, I'm not going to just stand there and let myself be killed when I could be running to avoid you and get more charges in the process. I'm sure that you do the same thing so calling me a noob isn't going to lure me out and fight like a "man".




"OMG hider noob!" - If we weren't supposed to hide they wouldn't have made the houses. Just accept that people hide to avoid getting hurt, it's not that hard to find them again most of the time, you just need patience. Also them going into a house is a good thing for you as well because they don't get charges and they get hurt as well. If someone a higher level than you was hitting you like crazy you would hide in a house too wouldn't you?




"I just want exp!" - Well too bad, you only get half exp in here and we die much too fast for your "training". You can go buy runes and arrows like everyone else and go find yourself a training spot and get the levels the hard way. :evil:




"You're a higher level than me!" - Ok just because I'm a higher level doesn't mean I should underestimate your power. And ALL of my stats are weakened so a higher level means nothing most of the time (unless you're like level 10). And combat level sometimes is a misleading judgment of someone's stats. I mean you could have 80 strength or 99 magic for all I know. :ohnoes:




"Chicken, come out and fight like a man" - You would be scared too if your stats were weakened dramatically and someone could easily kill you. I'll stick with hiding thank you very much.




"Your mom's a noob" - Wtf? -.- No, we do not bring mom's into conversations like these and if you want to insult my mom you do it right. And are you just assuming my mom is a noob just because you think I am? Is it because I inherited her genes? So if that's the case why don't you insult my dad as well? I have his genes too! :| No, don't bring these kind of things into conversations like these.




"I'm going to report you" - You could say this anywhere, but this is a safe minigame it's not like you lose all but your three most valuable items. And I could report you for misuse of customer support as well. :roll:




There are many more insults that I have heard, but those are the ones that I can recall. Now I notice something else as well. People complain in F2P more than they do in P2P, is it because F2P wants more so they expect this is to be easy, or do they assume that every F2P is a noob? Or maybe P2P people understand the challenges in Runescape more and they accept things easier than F2P? But P2P people complain as well I'm just saying that I noticed the vast difference of insults.




Now the question is, "why do people complain about Fist Of Guthix so much (F2P and P2P)? It is just a minigame with no risk except for rank loss."




Discuss :geek:


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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That's people.




Internet gives you anoymity, they're naturally going to complain and try to act "cool." They'll fail too. It's always games like this, where the idiots suffer. They don't realise that you're the "Amazing 135 with epic stats" whilst at the same time, you're weakened. They just want something to complain about. It's half the reason I play the game with Public off and private to friends.

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I have no intrest in helping "keyers" farm xp.

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Well that's the problem, people are jerks in fog. "Rofl I beat you hahahahahah loser!!!!" "ZOMG you cheated!" NOOB! "


It's kinda like playing chess online, if you win you get insulted, if you lose you get insulted. I never chess except with people I know are respectful. And that's why I don't play fog. Fog can go to hell -___-

2480+ total

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The game and its rewards are lame. The only reason to play for most players is to get the tokens in order to get the rewards. Games have to be won or lost by these people quickly otherwise the rewards become even lamer. Therefore they do not want hiders or runners. I agree that they should not whine but then I also think they should not play at all. I now never play. (I never moaned either but it is incredibly frustrating to have to spend 15 minutes getting 12 tokens or 15 minutes getting no tokens).

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That's people.




Internet gives you anoymity, they're naturally going to complain and try to act "cool." They'll fail too. It's always games like this, where the idiots suffer. They don't realise that you're the "Amazing 135 with epic stats" whilst at the same time, you're weakened. They just want something to complain about. It's half the reason I play the game with Public off and private to friends.


People will find anything 2 complain about now-a-days, I would play with public off, but sometimes I enjoy watching them get angry and if they ask me a question I'll answer if reasonable :P




Well that's the problem, people are jerks in fog. "Rofl I beat you hahahahahah loser!!!!" "ZOMG you cheated!" NOOB! "


It's kinda like playing chess online, if you win you get insulted, if you lose you get insulted. I never chess except with people I know are respectful. And that's why I don't play fog. Fog can go to hell -___-


I hate those lose-lose situations that you can't avoid unless you command total respect :| But FOG isn't that bad even with that




The game and its rewards are lame. The only reason to play for most players is to get the tokens in order to get the rewards. Games have to be won or lost by these people quickly otherwise the rewards become even lamer. Therefore they do not want hiders or runners. I agree that they should not whine but then I also think they should not play at all. I now never play. (I never moaned either but it is incredibly frustrating to have to spend 15 minutes getting 12 tokens or 15 minutes getting no tokens).


I do admit that the rewards are pretty lame for the time it takes 2 get them and I hate games that last the entire time, but in the end sometimes the feeling of success feels great :D




Thats how fog is.




I let them train on me if they let me kill them with ease.


(with ease, i mean no running and no hiding)




I get tokens and rank, they get exp.


Win Win situation. :thumbsup:


I only do that if I can guarantee a win if they pull something on me :P




People complain because they can.






Too true :(


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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During the first month or so of FoG, i went up against 'sco 99 range' who at the time was ranked like 50th in FoG (atm hes rank 3).




I ended up beating him by like 200 charges, and he was still even then complaining to me in the main area, so it's not just the low levels who whine and moan about FoG. I kinda felt sorry for him bc he got so worked up about it, lol. He's p2p also, which only shows that its not limited to f2pers ::'




There's just too much immaturity around RS, and it will appear no matter what skill or minigame you're taking part in.

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Considering the average maturity level () of an average runescaper, I would say it's normal that they complain. People will whine at whatever the activity... from finding you at the center of the FoG arena, to such simple tasks as logging into the game or entering your bank pin. No matter how good something can be, there are always those who hate it.




That's why I play minigames with all chats on friends, so I wouldn't have to see the constant whinging. ;)

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This happens everywhere. Castle Wars, Clan Wars, Bounty Hunter - you name it. FoG just allows you to use a lot more tactics, and of course other players are going to pick on you for every tactic you use which doesn't allow them to kill you faster...




I love FoG and I don't let people like that get in the way of my fun. It's a normal part in any online game if you ask me. We just have to cope with it.

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The one thing i hate is when after the game I go to the next one and see the person i just beat ( Cause I almost always win :D ) and go up to them and say "good game" or "good fight" and they're like "Not good at all you were a stupid hiding/house hugging noob". And then I just think to myself that it is fair and i decided to use a strategy instead of being of the mind that they can tank at the middle or someother dumb strategy.



Proud Owner Of A Quest Cape As Of 4/29/08

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The one thing i hate is when after the game I go to the next one and see the person i just beat ( Cause I almost always win :D ) and go up to them and say "good game" or "good fight" and they're like "Not good at all you were a stupid hiding/house hugging noob". And then I just think to myself that it is fair and i decided to use a strategy instead of being of the mind that they can tank at the middle or someother dumb strategy.




Exactly. Jagex added houses and all those extras for a reason - so clever players can use them to gain an advantage. Jagex praises strategy.

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I love it when one of them says: "You're a noob for running/hiding (etc)"




My response: "Well then, you just got beat by a noob then" ::'



overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
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i personaly complain about fog because of the ppl 90 levels lower than me who sit near the wall gaining points slow as hell and then it take 3/4 of the time to find themand then i can sit in the middle and just stay and tank for 1/4 of the time and get double the points they got and i end up getting 10 tokens for 15min. of my time chasing some wall huger around the arena

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Wish we could have more intelligent stuff to talk about than "Why Do People Whine So Much About It??" If you just sat and thought about it you would have your answer. Most f2p players are complete idoits. They are 10 years siiting aorund saying will you be my bf or gf? I see so many stupid convo's while firemaking it makes me wonder if they play this game for fun or to use it as a chat room to talk about their love life.. I am f2p and deal with them everyday. Can I have this and can I have that?




The rewards are trash, unless you play FOG for the fun of it, then its a bonus. And most of the time when I go in, its mostly noobs getting free mage xp. So i get my 1200 charges and go kill my self by entereing portals. (or they leave when they realize what I am doing).

Donate to S_U__O__M_I !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I love it when one of them says: "You're a noob for running/hiding (etc)"




My response: "Well then, you just got beat by a noob then" ::'






Yes! exactly my response too.. i've never heard a comeback from it :lol:




People complain when they're outsmarted in this game, any minigame that allows strategy will have people complaining when you have the brains to use the strategy. Duel tournaments are a good one.. i like taking my lvl 70 noob there and fighting the lvl 90-100's. They complain if i pray in a prayer allowed tourney, they complain if i mage in a mage allowed tourney.. little do they realise if they had the brains to bring d hides and an msb they'd destroy me in seconds.



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f2p complian because they think just cause there combat is so harder to lvl so when the get put with 98 and ther 68 they think it impossible but that just wot i found when i was f2p :shame: p2p i have no :idea:




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Well, it's kind of frustrating being a low level player and you keep getting level 70s-80s every time. You earn like 3-4 tokens per match and getting your butt kicked every time gets old.




Another thing, there's a ton of idiot players who play FOG and they remind me of the obnoxious pkers of the old days. I absolutely HATE those people and they're the ones who complain and spoil the enjoyment of the game.




Finally, it's way annoying when high level P2P go in and play FOG in a free world. I think that's real chicken crap of them to do that since not only do they have an unfair advantage in combat, but they have their own worlds for a reason. When I see this happening, I think, "Wow, that P2P must suck real hard at this game if he has to play in F2P to get wins."




So in short, the imbalances in the game cause people to act out of anger or stupidity which kind of ruins the game.

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i moan alot at that game mainly in f2p, mainly coz they always stand around the hut and trap u, its a very annoying games at times but hey not every one can happy all the time.


Goals: 15m Slayer xp | 85 Herblore | 75+ All Stats | Chaotic Rapier | 125k/200k Tokens

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I love it when one of them says: "You're a noob for running/hiding (etc)"




My response: "Well then, you just got beat by a noob then" ::'




I'm using that response next time :lol:




Well, it's kind of frustrating being a low level player and you keep getting level 70s-80s every time. You earn like 3-4 tokens per match and getting your butt kicked every time gets old.




Another thing, there's a ton of idiot players who play FOG and they remind me of the obnoxious pkers of the old days. I absolutely HATE those people and they're the ones who complain and spoil the enjoyment of the game.




Finally, it's way annoying when high level P2P go in and play FOG in a free world. I think that's real chicken crap of them to do that since not only do they have an unfair advantage in combat, but they have their own worlds for a reason. When I see this happening, I think, "Wow, that P2P must suck real hard at this game if he has to play in F2P to get wins."




So in short, the imbalances in the game cause people to act out of anger or stupidity which kind of ruins the game.


Yeah I know how the lower levels feel, but u can always take the alternate strategy and run and hide or maybe this is encouragement to gain a higher level. I personally play in F2P because it is easier and I don't have the equipment I use to play FOG in P2P (I died #-o ) But in F2P I think we do have the same advantage in combat, people in F2P just tend to not train more, but that's just my opinion




i moan alot at that game mainly in f2p, mainly coz they always stand around the hut and trap u, its a very annoying games at times but hey not every one can happy all the time.


Hey that's the strategy I use :shock:


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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u see that everywhere. they r just noobs being ... well noobish. oh wait #-o


Yup :(




Omfg, Its so pathetic people that insult your mom, its like wtf comon? Grow a [bleep] and some balls and get your [wagon] a better insult.




I hope they all burn to death.




I totally agree with u except 4 the vulgar language and them burning 2 death :lol:


[hide=Funny Quote]

Cbow! Cbow!!!!! +120 range is orgasmic. Or maul, thats what I'd get out of those two options.

I agree with baconisbacon, Cbow looks freaking sensual

Runescape: Where strong weapons bring sexual pleasure.

The size of the e-peen0r is directly proportional to the rarity/power of one's equipment.

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