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Runescape Night-Day mode + You think Jagex planning this?


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But, its hard with the timezones as you wouldn't always want to log in when it's "night" or not be on long enough to see the difference.




Maybe RS could have its own time zone. Maybe not a 24 hour one because the same problem would still happen, but maybe a 12 hour one or something similar to GTA.

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To anyone who comments on the timezones thing. It could be like the Last Chaos game does, I believe that after 2 hours it's been 24 hours. So the time has basically been sped up a lot. You can see the planets moving on the sky, the sunsets are fantastic in the desert :)



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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I agree, i've always wanted a day/night thing in runescape. I think that Jagex has this planned since they came out with the new graphics, they said that now they can accomplish much more with the new graphics. They already have it so that light sources give a certain amount of lighting to the area. Im also hoping for better weather and weather everywhere! Maybe it could rain in Varrock?

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I agree, i've always wanted a day/night thing in runescape. I think that Jagex has this planned since they came out with the new graphics, they said that now they can accomplish much more with the new graphics. They already have it so that light sources give a certain amount of lighting to the area. Im also hoping for better weather and weather everywhere! Maybe it could rain in Varrock?




Have they really made it so light source light up certain area....????




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I would love it if there were more survival elements to the game.




Like, if you were stuck in GWD/trollheim etc at night, then you might have to go near a fire every once in a while to warm up.




Things like that would add quite a tactical element to the game, instead of just walking off to camp at, say aviansies with just armour and food, you would have to bring water, and firemaking kit. You would really have to think about practicality of training.




If there were too many rants about such items explained above taking up inventory space, then maybe there could be a survival bag, which goes around your middle, to hold kindling and essentials, I.E food + water.




Whaddya think?





So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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I like the idea in theory. The more realism the better.




Although, here's a problem you may not have considered: What if you're in the wilderness, say, during the daytime, and you log out. When you come back hours or days later, you won't know what time it is (this could be solved by a game clock on the main site). You're left with a choice, either go it dangerously into the night, or log out and wait until daylight.




I'd love to see a solution other than carrying a light source with you at all times. I would find that annoying.




thats a good way to put it. tht also mught add some more fun to the wildy being night time. ooohhh :evil:


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I agree with some earlier posts that the day should change with the server. It would be a BIG change to runescape and make runescape more of a role-playing feel. If Jagex impliments this it could also lead to weather changes in runescape. :shock:

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I agree, i've always wanted a day/night thing in runescape. I think that Jagex has this planned since they came out with the new graphics, they said that now they can accomplish much more with the new graphics. They already have it so that light sources give a certain amount of lighting to the area. Im also hoping for better weather and weather everywhere! Maybe it could rain in Varrock?




Have they really made it so light source light up certain area....????







If u go into a dungeon and go stand by a torch u can c that the light shines only alittle bit, and also u can c it in the pic of the fire...

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I have always liked that idea. :thumbsup:




How about this. Other fires lit may also be able to light up the area around it (or not). Or maybe being able to use a light source to make yourself seem brighter. We could make them weildable and keep the goblin headlights so one can use hands. I can imagine being in night and sneaking up on people around halloween in my grim reaper outfit :twisted: . Other Things could be implemented like streetlamps (which can be lit with firemaking) or something to make you glow in the dark.




My problem is... What about the sun? The shadows would have to change depending on the time of day. And If the shadows did not change, then is it just going to switch from dark to light?


Ok... Im not that good. But I have an anchor!!!

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I agree, i've always wanted a day/night thing in runescape. I think that Jagex has this planned since they came out with the new graphics, they said that now they can accomplish much more with the new graphics. They already have it so that light sources give a certain amount of lighting to the area. Im also hoping for better weather and weather everywhere! Maybe it could rain in Varrock?




Have they really made it so light source light up certain area....????







If u go into a dungeon and go stand by a torch u can c that the light shines only alittle bit, and also u can c it in the pic of the fire...




That i actually knew, i just thought you guys meant that Lantern, Candles, Oillamps and so on Light up a good area of where your character were at. And by the way, the torches in cave lighting up: is kinda ridicolus, it makes the characters face colours all red.

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alright, doesn't look like this has been proposed yet




what if they had the time of day go by your clock on your computer. If its night time over at your house, it is night time in runescape. Thats an idea.




Not a very good one! I, probably like a lot of people, usually play in the evening which means I would always be playing in RS nighttime, and I wouldn't like that. The RS night/day period would have to be less than the real night/day period to give everyone a chance of experiancing day and night.

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alright, doesn't look like this has been proposed yet




what if they had the time of day go by your clock on your computer. If its night time over at your house, it is night time in runescape. Thats an idea.




Not a very good one! I, probably like a lot of people, usually play in the evening which means I would always be playing in RS nighttime, and I wouldn't like that. The RS night/day period would have to be less than the real night/day period to give everyone a chance of experiancing day and night.




Clearly you haven't read even my first post well. Don't post on my thread if you can't even read through the whole post...




a rather intruiging idea indeed, and i think ive got a solution fot the whole timezone problem: Make a whole day last 2 -4 hours (2 i think is teh best) so anyone who plays longer could see morning , evening, day and night pass. Similiar thing has been introduced into soem other mmo games. and of course they could make servers that are "normal" with only everlasting day , like now.
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umm like the idea but its not practical




like many other mmorpgs, they usually have areas thats seem really dark and jagex already implemented that(draynor grounds and around looks quite creepy)




and the different time zones will be a problem


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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umm like the idea but its not practical




like many other mmorpgs, they usually have areas thats seem really dark and jagex already implemented that(draynor grounds and around looks quite creepy)




and the different time zones will be a problem




Tell me how the timezone will be a problem then?

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alright, doesn't look like this has been proposed yet




what if they had the time of day go by your clock on your computer. If its night time over at your house, it is night time in runescape. Thats an idea.




Not a very good one! I, probably like a lot of people, usually play in the evening which means I would always be playing in RS nighttime, and I wouldn't like that. The RS night/day period would have to be less than the real night/day period to give everyone a chance of experiancing day and night.




Clearly you haven't read even my first post well. Don't post on my thread if you can't even read through the whole post...







I have read this thread thoughly. Perhaps you should read more carefully my comments......




I was referring to the idea raised of setting RS time by your computer time. With this in mind please re-read my comment.




I actually support this idea, but RS would have to have its own time so that people could experiance all times of the RS day.

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I cannot stand night because i cannot do the simplicist tasks...




Just like in gta, i can take out a team of 5 by myself but not find stairs or a door in a dark alley


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It's very funny this topic showed up here, because i talked to my friend about this subject before the realease of the high detail version. It would be great and pretty simple to make. Just go by UK:s timezone which is the "home" country of the game. Everyone would know what time is it on runescape and see the clock/timer, so there wouldn't be a problem. Some people would only play at day and some at night, whats the difference? Nothing really, but the idea of this happening would be great :) The pictures you show'd us and took look both great, I totally would support this idea, if Jagex was really planning something like this.



Total amount of rare drops: 220 ~ Earned over 1.5 Billion from Godwars Dungeon

Ranked 14th in Construction + Best construction level in Finland.

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It's very funny this topic showed up here, because i talked to my friend about this subject before the realease of the high detail version. It would be great and pretty simple to make. Just go by UK:s timezone which is the "home" country of the game. Everyone would know what time is it on runescape and see the clock/timer, so there wouldn't be a problem. Some people would only play at day and some at night, whats the difference? Nothing really, but the idea of this happening would be great :) The pictures you show'd us and took look both great, I totally would support this idea, if Jagex was really planning something like this.




The difference my friend is that it would be unfair on those people who will end up playing only in daytime, or nightime. Think about it. People playing in the evening in Europe (as evening local time is probably the peak time) would only ever get to play in RS "night" (especially in the winter), whereas those playing in Australia in the evening would only ever get to play in RS "day". To make an even playing field, and to re-iterate what has been said many time on this thread, the RS "day" would have to be less than 24hrs.

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Meh, maybe a good idea, but it would never work for me.




My screen doesn't handle dark situations. Most games I can't see a thing when it's supposed to be dark/night something. Already in Runescape I have to turn off Lighting effects to be able to see anything at all in dungeons.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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i would really like a night and day :) it would give the game more of an atmosphere. picture the new mortaynia in HD, that is whats considered 'night time' its not seriously dark, but its dark enough, and would look good in other areas such as varrock and fally,




it wouldnt have real time effects though, it would most likely use a Runescape Standard Time (RST) which goes about 3x or 4x as fast as normal time? each day lasts about 6 hours maybe? 3 hours light 3 hours dark? that way everyone could experience both day and night :P



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Night/Day seems like a good idea if implemented correctly. But the whole survival thing i don't like. I don't know, Runescape never felt like that kind of game to me.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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So long as it was optional (so as not to cause problems on bad monitors, etc), then it would be an ok idea. I would say the varying times for servers based on local times is probably a good idea, thoguh some countries do have multiple tiome zones, so that could be a problem.


Wouldn't like the idea of "survival elements" though, one of the great things about runescape is that it's not particularly complicated, and that you don't have to go prepare a load of stuff just o go for a walk outside the city.

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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