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Parental Control


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use my own card to pay for members. Solved. Most banks give out cards to children I think. Easilly ask someone who does have one either way to pay for me and give them the cash.







Shouldn't be able to, assuming you mean credit and debit cards...

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use my own card to pay for members. Solved. Most banks give out cards to children I think. Easilly ask someone who does have one either way to pay for me and give them the cash.







Shouldn't be able to, assuming you mean credit and debit cards...




I've had a debit card since I was a kid, but a debit card? Is completely useless over the internet. You need to enter a PIN for a debit card to work, and I've never seen anything over the internet that lets you do that. As far as I know, you have to be at least 16 to be able to apply for a credit card, but it could even be 18. And then you have to be able to keep up with the bills for that, so the banks will want you to have a job and proof that you can keep up with those bills. Point being: Most kids are not able to sign up that easily by by-passing their parents.

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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.




Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???

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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.




Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???




Umm...So that they don't become unhealthy by spending countless hours sitting on the computer inside their homes? It would prove to make sure that the children playing Runescape will get off and go be the active, and energized young pups they're meant to be. ::'




Or maybe they'll refuse and just go play another MMORPG elsewhere. :XD: After their time is up,



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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.




Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???




Umm...So that they don't become unhealthy by spending countless hours sitting on the computer inside their homes? It would prove to make sure that the children playing Runescape will get off and go be the active, and energized young pups they're meant to be. ::'




Or maybe they'll refuse and just go play another MMORPG elsewhere. :XD: After their time is up,






And then change to another MMO while quitting RS=less money for Jagex=less updates.




EDIT: It's the parents' job to prevent their children from passing too much time on the computer...Not Jagex's

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Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???




Umm...So that they don't become unhealthy by spending countless hours sitting on the computer inside their homes? It would prove to make sure that the children playing Runescape will get off and go be the active, and energized young pups they're meant to be. ::'




Or maybe they'll refuse and just go play another MMORPG elsewhere. :XD: After their time is up,






And then change to another MMO while quitting RS=less money for Jagex=less updates.




EDIT: It's the parents' job to prevent their children from passing too much time on the computer...Not Jagex's




By creating a Parental Control time lapse option, Jagex allows the parents to set an amount of time they would like to allow their children to play Runescape. If their children swap to another MMORPG, then the parents can do their job manually, and kick them off of the computer for a while.




Therefore, Jagex is helping parents do their job, easier =D> ,



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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.




Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???


In addition to what Skiittles said, it gives the parents finer grained control over what their children do online. Sure, you can go out and buy filtering software, but that costs an arm and a leg. At least with this system, I hope, parents will be able to regulate what their kids are doing in RuneScape.




Besides, sitting inside for hours on end on a beautiful Summer holiday is no way for anyone to live their life. Get outside and play, dammit.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Thankfully my dad doesn't care about this... thankfully for him, that is. I am a programmer... programmers have keyloggers. Filtering software would not work either, I'd destroy it. And depending on how they implement it, I'd have gotten to the parent password first anyways. Plus by the time they put it in I'll probably be 18 anyways.




I think I'll go write some more C# now. XNA/DirectX is misbehaving!

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I wouldn't trust the article. There's already the 6 hour limit in place. I'm going to wait until JaGEx posts this on the front page.


What 6 hour limit are you talking about? I can't say I've ever noticed it when playing.




Have you played for 6 hours straight in ONE sitting? That's the 6 hour limit i'm talking about. Unless Jagex increased/decreased the timers lately..



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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.




Ok...why would you want to limit their playtime???


In addition to what Skiittles said, it gives the parents finer grained control over what their children do online. Sure, you can go out and buy filtering software, but that costs an arm and a leg. At least with this system, I hope, parents will be able to regulate what their kids are doing in RuneScape.




Besides, sitting inside for hours on end on a beautiful Summer holiday is no way for anyone to live their life. Get outside and play, dammit.




I would, but when there is a thunderstorm outside (and it happens quite frequently), I'd rather not, you see?




But it's just perfect if the parents can set the amount, if it's optionnal. I thought it was a 6 hours limit for everyone, as we did not have to enter our birthday when I registered(not sure though)).

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Let's hope that this is not optional for 13+, cuz then im screwed! :ohnoes:




But, I wonder how would it work with the parental control? Would you have to add in a password for it separately? Make a parent account? And would they add "0 hours/day", couldn't that be a problem if a hacker comes by? He could just steal the password, then go in set it like that, or something like 1h/day. That would be a big problem...


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Let's hope that this is not optional for 13+, cuz then im screwed! :ohnoes:




But, I wonder how would it work with the parental control? Would you have to add in a password for it separately? Make a parent account? And would they add "0 hours/day", couldn't that be a problem if a hacker comes by? He could just steal the password, then go in set it like that, or something like 1h/day. That would be a big problem...




Don't you mean "Let's hope it is optional..."? Yes, hackers could be a problem with that.

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I still disagree with the people who think RS is a kid's game.. :| But tbh, I don't care one bit about these parental control things and the quickchat worlds as long as they keep the kids away and are completely optional. The day that all of RS is QC only is the day I quit.

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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I wouldn't trust the article. There's already the 6 hour limit in place. I'm going to wait until JaGEx posts this on the front page.


What 6 hour limit are you talking about? I can't say I've ever noticed it when playing.




Have you played for 6 hours straight in ONE sitting? That's the 6 hour limit i'm talking about. Unless Jagex increased/decreased the timers lately..


Well that limit really doesn't limit anyones play-time except for the time it take you to log off/on.

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The game will auto-log you off after 6 straight hours of Runescape.




But I doubt the kids with a problem would tell their parents about this let alone do their parents care about what their kids do seeing they have a problem.




I realy think this is not going to help much except for the preteens people who actually play runescape.

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Parental control dashboard for all the children younger than 13 (guaranteed) and hopefully younger than 17?




It's about damn time. I couldn't be happier for such changes.


It'd be kinda stupid for under 17...




Anyway, 21 skills?*waits for spomebody to make a thread saying that Jagex is going to delete 3 skills because they read this*

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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