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Once I downloaded an album and someone replaced all the audio with Seinfeld sound clips.


That's what you get for pirating.



My rules, when I pirate music, are very simple. If I enjoy the artist's work, I will then support him/her by buying their music. If I don't like the song, then I won't give them my money.

Not to start a debate here, but most pirates aren't hurting the industry.


Anyways, going to my school tomorrow to get my schedule fixed up. Fun, Fun.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Once I downloaded an album and someone replaced all the audio with Seinfeld sound clips.


That's what you get for pirating.


Lets not go there....




Not going to school today. Sick unfortunately :( Ah well, I can catch up on some school work which is good.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Lets not go there....




Not going to school today. Sick unfortunately :( Ah well, I can catch up on some school work which is good.

School... *smug*

Under 30 days till I go back though :( It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't compulsory to do subjects such as English, which I find utterly pointless, and infuriating. I find myself over-analysing EVERYTHING because it's what you have to do in English lit >.< . When I write essays about poems/books I'm just making stuff up and talking out of my arse.





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Lets not go there....




Not going to school today. Sick unfortunately :( Ah well, I can catch up on some school work which is good.

School... *smug*

Under 30 days till I go back though :( It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't compulsory to do subjects such as English, which I find utterly pointless, and infuriating. I find myself over-analysing EVERYTHING because it's what you have to do in English lit >.< . When I write essays about poems/books I'm just making stuff up and talking out of my arse.


I want to use this program during my poetry unit:



Just to see if English teachers can tell the difference between meaningful poetry, and poetry with no meaning at all.

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that's pretty cool, though i'm of the opinion that it's highly subjective and you can't really look at it like "my teacher says this has meaning; it must have" or "my teacher says this has no meaning; it must not". there were many poems i studied that i found to mean something to me that the rest of the class/teacher thought were bad or boring or whatever.


out of the stuff i studied i really used to dig simon armitage when i was a disaffected 15 year old. not so much now (i'd rather enjoy some yeats or blake) but yeah. never did feel much in carol ann duffy's writing, found it pretty trite and even seeing her live just made me think it's all the more trite and boring.

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We could make a game show out of that. Give an English teacher a randomly generated haiku and a legit one. If they can figure out which one is which, they win money. If not, they get eaten by a grizzly bear. Who wouldn't want to see their 8th grade English teacher getting eaten by a large, furry, vicious mammal?

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We could make a game show out of that. Give an English teacher a randomly generated haiku and a legit one. If they can figure out which one is which, they win money. If not, they get eaten by a grizzly bear. Who wouldn't want to see their 8th grade English teacher getting eaten by a large, furry, vicious mammal?


I'd have a hard time telling my 8th grade English teacher apart from a large, furry, vicious animal.

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SO, got a phone call at 10.30 PM last night for a "job" to earn "quick cash"



...It wasnt until 5 mins into the convo I realized he wanted to pay me for sex. (I was half asleep)




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What's made worse is that one of my best friend's girlfriend is really pissed off with me because she takes everything seriously

Funny how just last night I made a joke at the expense of my best friends girlfriend and she left the party and won't return any of our calls.


You guys tell me if I was too harsh:

Her: [to me] are you gonna take off your panties and chug your beer? (I had no reason to chug and didn't feel like it)

Me: nah, go [bleep] yourself

Her: uhhhm, no thanks

Me: why not? all the cool kids are doing it? (bad joke, but it was a hidden set up :thumbup: )

Her: i'm perfectly fine with not being cool

Me: yeah, we all know that.


Doesn't it make her even less cool that a comment like that which I spun ever so perfectly even in my drunken state made her so sad? Major respect points lost.

That's uncool. All I did was joke that her boyfriend was in the mood. She'd also gotten a penguin holding a smaller penguin in its arms for her birthday, and I made a joke that the bigger one had a midget fetish. She's also blaming me for when my friend changed the song playing to one that's 'their song.'

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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that's pretty cool, though i'm of the opinion that it's highly subjective and you can't really look at it like "my teacher says this has meaning; it must have" or "my teacher says this has no meaning; it must not". there were many poems i studied that i found to mean something to me that the rest of the class/teacher thought were bad or boring or whatever.


out of the stuff i studied i really used to dig simon armitage when i was a disaffected 15 year old. not so much now (i'd rather enjoy some yeats or blake) but yeah. never did feel much in carol ann duffy's writing, found it pretty trite and even seeing her live just made me think it's all the more trite and boring.

You did the same poets as me :P I rather liked Carol Ann Duffy but my favourite poem on the sylabus was 'those bastards in their mansions' by Armitage. Liked his work too, Hitcher was a very popular poem for most of my class too.


My Last Dutchess has been the most useful poem though, I had it both in my GCSE English exam AND my AS English Literature exam so... I can recite the first line or so off by heart, I've analysed the [bleep] out of it :D


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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To me, poetry is a joke. At least while in class. If a professor says it means X, then you have to go with it. Isn't that defying the entire purpose of analyzing literature?




The fact that nobody understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

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To me, poetry is a joke. At least while in class. If a professor says it means X, then you have to go with it. Isn't that defying the entire purpose of analyzing literature?

The job of the teacher is to introduce pupils to the idea of an analytical mindset, to show them the techniques and approach needed to analyse poetry, and give examples that are right because they are an individual interpretation, but they are not meant to exclude other viewpoints. You don't usually have to go with it, just most people do because it's easier.


Anyway, even in poetry, there are wrong interpretations. Take this poem, for example:


"By blood, we are immersed in love of you.

The youth lose their heads for your sake. I come to you and my heart finds rest.

Away from you, grief clings to my heart like a snake. I forget the throne of Delhi

when I remember the mountain tops of my Afghan land.

If I must choose between the world and you,

I shall not hesitate to claim your barren deserts as my own"


This was written in the 18th century by an Afghan monarch. If Bill O'Reilly were analysing this poem, he'd probably say something about how it shows liberal hatred for America and that Barack Obama and his army of illegal immigrants are trying to enslave the true American people (the whites, in his mind). This would be totally wrong. Interpretations of poetry can certainly be wrong. My example was a bit extreme and not quite serious, but the point still stands.

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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@Tim: Well aren't you selfish. With the economy nowadays, I'm sure dozens of people would've killed to make some money.



Like hell im selling off my (sort-of) innocent body to some sleezy guy.


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@Tim: Well aren't you selfish. With the economy nowadays, I'm sure dozens of people would've killed to make some money.



Like hell im selling off my (sort-of) innocent body to some sleezy guy.

1) Your body is far from innocent. I have pictures. :thumbup:

2) It isn't your body. I purchased it (hence, the pictures).


Have a nice day!


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