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Facebook app sucks balls. Never had it on this phone and though it was factory installed on my previous it was the first to go. It is a complete resource hog and privacy invasion. I use Metal.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I'm not a professional, nor do I have the patience to spray every inch of my house for multiple weeks




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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So maybe my family is slightly disgusting, or maybe you're going a little heavy handed, but I've always grown up with a lot of cats (read minimum 2 or 3 - 6) and anytime they've had fleas we've always caught it long before a complete infestation and have never had issues with fleas on anything else or even recurring events so long as we treat all the cats once we catch it. Mind you, no carpets because my parents hate them, but never an issue with an infestation that would require an exterminator to spray.

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I had a flea infestation (didn't take care of things due to depression), and all it took was regular vacuuming and medication for the doggos. The fleas were gone within a week.


And it was bad... You could see them! There were so many... If you went into the living room, you'd have 4-5 on your legs within seconds.


man depression sucked. I mean, it still sucks, but it /really sucked/.


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My apartment was built in the mid 1800s so we think the infestation has been long standing in the foundation, we've only lived here about 5 months. I've only taken care of a pet for 5 months, as I've never had a pet growing up and technically it's my girlfriends cat. We're both pretty clean people, my girlfriend much cleaner than myself. After we treated our cat we started finding the fleas around the couch and carpet that were probably abandoning our cat from the medication. But going nuclear felt like the right option.

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Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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I'm not a professional, nor do I have the patience to spray every inch of my house for multiple weeks

I guess you decided to flea the products then...I've never had pets so I haven't dealt with those issues. Hope it's not too terrible though.

"Fight for what you believe in, and believe in what you're fighting for." Can games be art?






My blog here if you want to check out my Times articles and other writings! I always appreciate comments/feedback.

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An old friend messaged me to tell me that he was going to be in town in December, and wants to have a get together with the old group.


This is the group that included the former friend who stole my cat, another who moved out of the country, a couple of people who I don't really talk to anymore, and his at-the-time girlfriend who I think he's no longer dating, but don't know how to ask to confirm. Like, this group fell apart pretty much as soon as he moved to California, and I don't know how to handle the whole thing.


Like, I wanna hang out, but not really just with him, and everyone else is at best a question mark.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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Yeah unless you had some really good memories i would avoid that gathering. Especially the whole stolen cat thing and the ex-couple. Doesn't sound like a good time. What's wrong with hanging out with California guy by himself?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Today i finally decided that it's time to seriously start talking to a lawyer. I've been stalling, trying to see if we could settle this matter without having to get lawyers involved but i just don't think that's going to happen anymore. A few days after the event happened i spoke to the director of our school and she informed me that he was willing to try and drop the charges if i agreed not to sue. I ended up sending him a message a few days later telling him that if he went to the police and told them what actually happened that night and try and see what he could do about dropping the charges, we could both move on with our lives and pretend none of this ever happened (although i'm pretty sure he would have gotten in a lot of shit). I added that he was more than welcome to stop by the apartment and pick up his stuff whenever he wanted, all he has to do is let me know when so i can make sure there's someone there with me (just as a witness in case he tries to do any of his shit again). As i expected he never replied. He has too much pride. I decided to give him a few days though. 

Yesterday at school my instructor asked me how the whole situation is going, which i thought was kinda weird. Told him it's just been a bit frustrating, but i'm dealing with it. So he randomly asks me if i was drunk that night, which i thought was strange. I told him that i haven't had an alcoholic beverage in about 2 months, so no, i wasn't drunk. He told me that him and my roommate's instructors are friends, and my roommate obviously discussed the situation with his instructor, and then the two instructors talked about it. Long story short, apparently my roommate has been telling his instructor (and god knows how many other people) that i was drunk that night and that's the reason i got so aggressive with him. 


I'm pretty sure that's like the 3rd variation of the story i've heard now, which honestly is great news for me. I don't think this kid understands that the more he keeps talking and the more he keeps lying, the weaker his case gets against me because if i was drunk it would have been in the police report. I actually had to stop buying beer for myself because he kept on begging to buy him alcohol and when i refused he would steal my beer. 


So basically we went from him wanting to drop charges to him deciding he wanted to lie some more. I can't wait to see this kid in court. 

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Only reason i waited as long as i did was because he was thinking about tryong to get the charges dropped, and i wanted to see if it was going to be possible. I don't want to spend money on a lawyer for no reason. And right now it's sort of money i don't have. Everything i had saved up is going towards my flying. So i'm pretty much broke. But now i really don't have much of a choice anyway. 

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So today I finally got my money back from this checking account I tried to open a while ago. Who know it had to be so complicated?


I opened an account at Citibank one weekend, and everything appeared to go fine, with them telling me it would be processed shortly. Sure enough, Monday it was done and I was able to log in. I was also able to transfer a significant amount of money in.


I still had not received my debit card the next weekend, so I called and they sent it. The following weekend I went to try to withdraw money and it wouldn't work ("invalid account type"). I called and they said it was blocked. After some prodding they told me I couldn't take money out because my address was not verified.


I wasn't in any hurry so the next weekend I got a utility statement and mailed that over to them. Unfortunately it took 8 (??) business days + 2 Saturdays for my letter to get to them. By that time, it was "too late" and they had closed my account.


Apparently the government has a rule that checking accounts need to have a verified address within 30 days, which is not only a silly rule in the scheme of things but one that I was conveniently not told about in any of my conversations. So they're supposed to give me the money back, obviously. I call up and ask how I will get it back. To my address. Which one? The one they were unable to verify. OK then..


Today was the 10th business day (and they promised to send it back in no more than 10) and I was about to write some complaints this weekend when I found it's been direct deposited into my original checking account that I sent it from (today).


So if they ever start wondering why Americans don't save money...

"Fight for what you believe in, and believe in what you're fighting for." Can games be art?






My blog here if you want to check out my Times articles and other writings! I always appreciate comments/feedback.

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@Arceus I deal with bank regulations fairly regularly and most of their laws are absolutely stupid. I think it was Citizens United that [bleep]ed everything up? All my finance people at work blame it on something around 2002, but i cant remember what Act it was exactly. Patriot Act? Everything requires an EIN and shit. Anyways...


Idk bottom line is- banks are a scam and shitty and they need to admit that they don't work




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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@Arceus I deal with bank regulations fairly regularly and most of their laws are absolutely stupid. I think it was Citizens United that [bleep]ed everything up? All my finance people at work blame it on something around 2002, but i cant remember what Act it was exactly. Patriot Act? Everything requires an EIN and shit. Anyways...


Idk bottom line is- banks are a scam and shitty and they need to admit that they don't work

I'm sure that's an equal pain, but that seems like a different issue. I am a citizen and have a social - the hangup was address.


Nominally, it's so the government can seize assets if they suspect fraud or money laundering - they need to show account X is tied to address Y of person Z who is not paying their taxes or is doing something else fishy.

"Fight for what you believe in, and believe in what you're fighting for." Can games be art?






My blog here if you want to check out my Times articles and other writings! I always appreciate comments/feedback.

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Anyone played the cowboy shooty yet? Got it yesterday, played a bit, seems super floaty. But so far, so good. That horsey mechanics...

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So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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I've played about an hour of cowboy shooty. All I have to say is that I like the menus, HUDs and snow, because I haven't seen much else.


That sounds like a go at the game, but it's not, I just love stuffing around in the options as soon as I can.




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