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This morning I had the dentist :sad:


My old dentist butchered one of my bottom right molars, put in a temporary root filling instead of a permanent one because I was pregnant (ignoring the fact I asked for the expensive white filling that I was allowed to have) to look at the tooth it has no top and part of the side is missing from where he drilled, so its basically a shell with a filling in the middle.


My bottom left wisdom tooth started growing some more last week and got super tender so I had to chew on the right side, which has now screwed with the butchered tooth.


tomorrow they are going to take the temporary filling out to see what is going on inside the tooth, put antibiotics in there and put another temporary filling in and then I have to go back next week to see what they are going to do.... I bloody hate the dentist and never really had a problem with my teeth (other than my wisdom teeth) until I started going to my old dentist.... stupid jackass!


I have a lovely swollen jaw/face right now and a lovely headache and earache to boot.... such fun!


They wanted to remove the filling today which would help with the pain, but they wanted me back at 3pm and I have noone to look after the baby so I gotta suffer another night - ghey :-(


I am kinda rooting for them to take the damn thing out! :huh:


Thats my day :sad:

Let me know what having the fillings out is like! I've got some temporary fillings put in and I'm scared about what it might be like when they take them out :ohnoes:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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planned on staying out to 6am with female. get called by boss at 1am to come into work at 9am.


It's is now 8am.


I hate being important.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Why? Because I damn well can and think it'll be funny. (except if im working/at a interview)


Have you managed to get a job Tim?

Waiting for a company to call me back, otherwise calling them Monday, + a school. Had an interview on Wed'. I espec want this company job. W/Telstra and pays about $700 a week minimum


And yes, I'll post like a pirate too.


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Why? Because I damn well can and think it'll be funny. (except if im working/at a interview)


Have you managed to get a job Tim?

Waiting for a company to call me back, otherwise calling them Monday, + a school. Had an interview on Wed'. I espec want this company job. W/Telstra and pays about $700 a week minimum


And yes, I'll post like a pirate too.




Just stand like that and you've got it in the bag.



It's cold and I don't want to get into bed. I need a girlfriend :mellow:


Hear, hear.


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It's cold and I don't want to get into bed. I need a girlfriend :mellow:


there's a thread for that ;)




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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What happens during your graduation ? Is it with all those academic caps and robes ?

You walk up, they say your name, hand you a frame, and you shake some guys hand.

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What happens during your graduation ? Is it with all those academic caps and robes ?

You walk up, they say your name, hand you a frame, and you shake some guys hand.


And everyone who came to watch you graduate will probably miss your name throughout all the hustle and bustle.

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What happens during your graduation ? Is it with all those academic caps and robes ?

You walk up, they say your name, hand you a frame, and you shake some guys hand.

Rinse and repeat about 900 times and you'll have my graduation next year. It's going to take forever...

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It's cold and I don't want to get into bed. I need a girlfriend :mellow:


there's a thread for that ;)


Hah. Only to keep my bed warm thought.


Electric blanket!




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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It's cold and I don't want to get into bed. I need a girlfriend :mellow:


there's a thread for that ;)


Hah. Only to keep my bed warm thought.


Electric blanket!





Is she included?

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Girlfriend currently asleep. She came right over and crashed. Not fair.

That's actually happened EVERYTIME so far my friend comes over. I dont mind though, I let her sleep while I play TF2. (Shes obsessed with the comfortableness of my bed)


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Girlfriend currently asleep. She came right over and crashed. Not fair.

That's actually happened EVERYTIME so far my friend comes over. I dont mind though, I let her sleep while I play TF2. (Shes obsessed with the comfortableness of my bed)

Note to self - get comfy bed.

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Girlfriend currently asleep. She came right over and crashed. Not fair.

That's actually happened EVERYTIME so far my friend comes over. I dont mind though, I let her sleep while I play TF2. (Shes obsessed with the comfortableness of my bed)

Note to self - get comfy bed.

I think there is something pretty cool about having a girl sleeping in your bed while you're gaming or whatever.

Plus later when you go to sleep and it smells like her. Pheromones. :shades::thumbup:

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Girlfriend currently asleep. She came right over and crashed. Not fair.

That's actually happened EVERYTIME so far my friend comes over. I dont mind though, I let her sleep while I play TF2. (Shes obsessed with the comfortableness of my bed)

Note to self - get comfy bed.

I think there is something pretty cool about having a girl sleeping in your bed while you're gaming or whatever.

Plus later when you go to sleep and it smells like her. Pheromones. :shades::thumbup:


Personally I'd rather sleep with the girl, than with the same sheets as the girl....but that's just me.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Girlfriend currently asleep. She came right over and crashed. Not fair.

That's actually happened EVERYTIME so far my friend comes over. I dont mind though, I let her sleep while I play TF2. (Shes obsessed with the comfortableness of my bed)

Note to self - get comfy bed.

I think there is something pretty cool about having a girl sleeping in your bed while you're gaming or whatever.

Plus later when you go to sleep and it smells like her. Pheromones. :shades::thumbup:

Personally I'd rather sleep with the girl, than with the same sheets as the girl....but that's just me.

Agreed there, but it's still nice and can happen with parents at home.

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What happens during your graduation ? Is it with all those academic caps and robes ?

You walk up, they say your name, hand you a frame, and you shake some guys hand.

Rinse and repeat about 900 times and you'll have my graduation next year. It's going to take forever...

My graduating class was 95 :lol: We had about 425 kids in our entire school.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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