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So We WERE playing different games!


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I haven't touched runescape in months ( the whole thing has kind of lost its appeal to me since the anti-rwt updates) but after returning to these forums and checking the rants section I've gained valuable insight on the pker/ skiller controversy.




Fact is...we were playing completely different games!




Don't get me wrong, just about everyone starts out skilling, but some people just felt an unnatural attraction to the wilderness.




I remember starting the game in 2002, killing rats for a bit then wandering into the wilderness. I figured I could get rich by killing rats and selling the "cow meat" to hungry pkers. Being a "noob" I wandered into the wilderness and got myself killed, but I returned to the wild again and again just for the excitement of fighting. Later on, and I mean much later on, I became an experienced staker and pker ( pked 25 2hs in a row xD) and amassed a fortune of four million gp. To be honest, I loved pking. I would have given up all the money I would ever earn ever just to be able to pk without having to worry about money, or potions, or food or arrows. When I discovered staking, I knew I'd found THE WAY.




That's when the updates came about, first staking. That didn't entirely upset me. I liked staking a lot, but I had a deep seated love for pking. The bounty hunter update completely destroyed the game for me. I mean, something about getting 3 vs 1'ed just didn't appeal to me. It made all the backstabbing, all the bs, all the nastiness I'd learned to avoid in the wilderness insurmountable. Worst of all, without a team it was completely impossible.




When the "single" bounty hunter update came, I was excited. I'd put off playing runescape for a few months just waiting for the update. I decided to train my magic for the "locate target" spell and set off for what I thought would be the greatest pking trip of my life. "Just like old wildy," I told myself.




That is until I learned , from experience, that one player could be attacked by as many as five player at once. Not as bad as multi bounty hunter but still complete garbage. Let it be known, it is virtually impossible to make a profit from bounty hunter without a huge team...




That day I dropped everything I owned and logged out.




Two years ago I used to stand in the wild and wonder, wonder how people could spend their time in runescape monotonously skilling while I was having awesome, no holds bars fights in the wilderness. Hell, back then I broke even most of the time but the satisfaction of the fight made the whole thing worth. Well the fact is they weren't playing Runescape and neither was I.




You see, for all intensive purposes we were playing different games. I was playing the killer, the thug, the vagabond and he was playing the working man, the white collar, the silent majority.




That is why you don't see "skillers" sympathizing with pkers who have lost their whole world. To them, that world never even existed.




Tell me what you think.


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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That's what I've been saying. Its like RS3...but people don't get my joke. #-o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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your title doesn't make sense, it is the same game, its just a different aspect of it :P just though id point that out.




but i agree with your statement: "That is why you don't see skillers sympathizing with pkers who have lost their whole world. To them, that world never even existed."




But as a non-pker, i couldn't care less about it myself, but as an ex-nature runner, i know that i was having fun doing it with friends, and i was making a good profit, with the RWT update i lost the possibility to run natures. But i know how you feel, and i dispair jagex for the wildy update :P



~! PM me if you need help with your clans website !~

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I guess nothing replaces the wilderness, and you make a valid point. But I think Jagex made the right choice in a few hundred/thousand people angry. Vs. A few years later having no game due to the loss against RWT. It's a hefty loss, I understand, but people just have to get used to the fact that it's not coming back. And I'm agreeing with some who say it's RS3. It's just...changed. New graphics, the removal of the wilderness, no free trade, quickchat.

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your title doesn't make sense, it is the same game, its just a different aspect of it :P just though id point that out.



You sir have missed the entire point of that essay. Fact is those two "aspects" were so different, we might as well have been playing different games.


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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I though this was a rant form yet another "PKer" :roll: :oops:




Well, I guess that really applies to me, I was always afraid of going into the Wildy because of the Pker's when I was a newbie (I though ANYBODY can attack me -.- ). So what you are saying is true. To those who did not or hardly ever used the Wilderness do not care because it did not affect them. Not much of a discussion, more like an essay really. You're really pointing out the obvious (ex.Fire is HOT!!!!) No offence :D >.>

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I though this was a rant form yet another "PKer" :roll: :oops:




Well, I guess that really applies to me, I was always afraid of going into the Wildy because of the Pker's when I was a newbie (I though ANYBODY can attack me -.- ). So what you are saying is true. To those who did not or hardly ever used the Wilderness do not care because it did not affect them. Not much of a discussion, more like an essay really. You're really pointing out the obvious (ex.Fire is HOT!!!!) No offence :D >.>


Its the obvious things which are hardest to explain v.v


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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It's always been an entirely different game between pking and the rest of the game. Most pkers rarely played the rest of the game, and only did quests for Ancients. Whereas most of the rest of the population never got into pking, and only went into the wilderness to do clues.




Luckily for me, I stopped pking once rs2 came out, after they ruined it the first time. The switch to rs2's permanent fighting style was the end of all good pking days, and the beginning of a new class of pkers.




Off topic:: I hope one day Jagex will create a pvp mini-game in rs2 based on 3 round fighting, such as rsc had.

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It's always been an entirely different game between pking and the rest of the game. Most pkers rarely played the rest of the game, and only did quests for Ancients. Whereas most of the rest of the population never got into pking, and only went into the wilderness to do clues.




Luckily for me, I stopped pking once rs2 came out, after they ruined it the first time. The switch to rs2's permanent fighting style was the end of all good pking days, and the beginning of a new class of pkers.




Off topic:: I hope one day Jagex will create a pvp mini-game in rs2 based on 3 round fighting, such as rsc had.




After reading your post, especially the suggestion at the end, I kind of did a o.O. But after thinking about it for a second, I realize both of us are the same xD. We're both that old man going "back in my day..."


Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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Well you could say we play a different game, but you could also say we play different aspects of a game which would be the truthful statement. I've pk'd in rs2, in some dutch talking people only clan, was mostly with friends though. It was ok but I didn't like the risk, buying everything I'd lost back after I died, it just didn't appeal to me enough to make me want to become a proffessional pker. After members and runecrafting through the abbys and getting pked out of one of my newly aquired glory's most pkers became scum to me :twss: Aswell as those annoying dudes killing me while doing my clue.


When the wilderness changed I was actually happy. No more annoying pkers killing you on a clue or no more abbysal pkers while runecrafting. I was cheering in my chair. There's still stuff like clan wars or castle wars if you want to get kills, you just have to make your money another way. Try monsterhunting or something. Gives atleast as good drops and brings enough risk with it.


It won't be like the old pking was but yeah, things change. Some skills got harder to train, or more expensive to train because of the free trade removal and people got to live with it or not.




Just look what you can make of the new and stop longing back to the old days cause that won't do any good and won't help you have more fun.

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i loved the wildy (even though i never pked more than a dds and lsot several whips ;) ) and staking, there was jsut something fun about clearing a lv 94 magic pure with 70 magic wearing ahrims :) or teaching a pure what happens when people wear armour and pray :roll:


bh is a joke really the only people who do well are the oens within 2 levels of the creator limit and even then for mid creator at least they all have a tank ranger or a bgs with 99 str :| making it impossible to get a kill with honourable tactics and people use things like spec and run which was qutie bad in old wildy but you could be ready for that noob and attackign him when he comes back. but in bh he appears somewhere else and gets someone else. the only place which is free of that is in the middle (which is full of 99 rangers sniping u off :wall: ) the only way to get a kill for anyone who doesnt want to spend there life at yaks/hunting for chins is to spec then go out (darkbow+dragon arrow spec= fr33 whip pl0x?)


your sig is quite accurate really, all skillers got was a double in price for what they sell

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Oh yes, the pkers were playing an entirely different game than the rest of us. For myself, a day wouldn't seem worth it without gaining a level somewhere. For someone else, that same goal may be massing a few hundred mil in the duel arena or destroying that clan of rangers that killed him last week that always hangs out at the graveyard. I don't think either side will ever truly understand what the other side saw so great in what they did.




Was I glad when the wilderness was removed? Absolutely. It stopped me having to deal with many things, such as lurers, edgeville pkers, green dragon, and abyss pkers. The idiots that would waste several hundred thousand gold worth of ancients spells, just for the satisfaction of depriving another player out of an amulet of glory. And of course, we can't forget the many lures into the wilderness. Not all of them took advantage of stupidity, such as the old one where a player would blow a whistle and the person following them would run ahead of them. Obviously not all pkers were like this.




Was removing the wilderness pk system a shame? Absolutely. Was it necessary? Of course.




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You have an adequate replacement in BH. Deal with it.




Ok picture this, they replace your yew and magic trees with a tree that if you attempt to cut it alone your axe breaks, if you cut it with a group as soon as you get a log you get a skull on your head, all the other woodcutters attack you and you cant log out for 3 minutes.

Bounty hunter and tournaments were not a replacement, they are garbage.

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the 3-30k trade llimit made me sorta sad, but since I wasnt a spammer, nor a pker (yet...), I wasnt very sad. but now you think that it's crazy that back tehn you could have gotten a christmas cracker, absolutely free (doubt it ever happened, but it was possible.) It's jsut out of the mind. if you played after the updates and played jsut like you played before, you get sued to it =) now I dont care about it.




Ruenscape is not a real world. it's a game, meant to entertain you and to maek time go by faster.




I dont know why people even hack/cheat/abuse glitches, you dont get any reward in the real world if you get teh maximum amount of xp in each skill, etc.


You jsut get the loss (sorta) by paying 6 bucks a month (if you're a member.)




sorry I went sorta offtopic, but I'm saying this all to proove a point and to remind you that this is all for entertainment.

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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You have an adequate replacement in BH. Deal with it.


Runecrafting is still a reasonable moneymaker now, better enjoy it. Infact, enjoy all of your skills. One day, with one update, it will be swept away because it cant be profitable/training gets made too easy/you wont earn respect because you are just one of those thousands of people who have that skill cape.




If you, the skillers who don't care about pkers, one day will have to deal with the death of runecrafting, all of us will make those annoying signatures who say: 11/ 02 /2009, the day runecrafting died GET OVER IT. We will too treat you like the scum of the earth, just like you did back in the dec 10 updates. Its nothing new that Jagex would make a mistake, but the day that skillers were actually laughing at the pkers, The oh so peaceful and thoughtful skillers who were obviously better then the pkers, is the day that the community became just one step further to the inevitable hell-hole that it is bound to be.




Some day, you will all cuss your way towards the top, fighting for that tree or that ore. Throwing foul words at each other because he took your monster spot, or your arrows, Messaging them on a chat program because they are junk trading. And you will ignore the fact that you are contributing to an ever worsening community. *gets thrown in a truck* You will all pay! REMORSE! *gets taken away*


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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I've read this same topic dozens of times since the update came out and quite frankly, I'm sick of the complaining.








Were you ever a great pker who lived for pking? if so, you wouldent be saying that. people who say that they think runescape's a different place b/c of teh updates who say it in a ncie way (like this thread) are fine- but there's no need to complain about them expressing theirselves in a mean way- you don't know how they feel.




That was a nice way of saying "calm down, here's teh reason...". If I wanted to, I could say this:




"I've read meany people's posts that are annoyed of people complaining about people complaining about the anti-rwt updates and quite frankly, I'm sick of this complaining.








thats all I have to say.

Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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You have an adequate replacement in BH. Deal with it.


Runecrafting is still a reasonable moneymaker now, better enjoy it. Infact, enjoy all of your skills. One day, with one update, it will be swept away because it cant be profitable/training gets made too easy/you wont earn respect because you are just one of those thousands of people who have that skill cape.




If you, the skillers who don't care about pkers, one day will have to deal with the death of runecrafting, all of us will make those annoying signatures who say: 11/ 02 /2009, the day runecrafting died GET OVER IT. We will too treat you like the scum of the earth, just like you did back in the dec 10 updates. Its nothing new that Jagex would make a mistake, but the day that skillers were actually laughing at the pkers, The oh so peaceful and thoughtful skillers who were obviously better then the pkers, is the day that the community became just one step further to the inevitable hell-hole that it is bound to be.




Some day, you will all cuss your way towards the top, fighting for that tree or that ore. Throwing foul words at each other because he took your monster spot, or your arrows, Messaging them on a chat program because they are junk trading. And you will ignore the fact that you are contributing to an ever worsening community. *gets thrown in a truck* You will all pay! REMORSE! *gets taken away*

This may happen one day, and the part of worsening community is occurring as we speak. I sympathize with the PK'ers though I never liked the art. And, if RWT continues, what will Jagex do to stop it? Don't roll your eyes at me. RWT can still be done through the BH, via borrowing items, or even just through account leveling. These methods are far less feasible than the old methods, but if they get more popular do you think Jagex is just going to let it happen?
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Yes, in a way this is RS3. But I still think that BH replaces Wildy rather good, even though I'm sure of that it in some ways are far from what wildy was. I have never been a pker myself and I can just say that I'm sorry for what you guys have lost, but try to forget and try to think that at least RS is still there.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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You have an adequate replacement in BH. Deal with it.


Runecrafting is still a reasonable moneymaker now, better enjoy it. Infact, enjoy all of your skills. One day, with one update, it will be swept away because it cant be profitable/training gets made too easy/you wont earn respect because you are just one of those thousands of people who have that skill cape.




If you, the skillers who don't care about pkers, one day will have to deal with the death of runecrafting, all of us will make those annoying signatures who say: 11/ 02 /2009, the day runecrafting died GET OVER IT. We will too treat you like the scum of the earth, just like you did back in the dec 10 updates. Its nothing new that Jagex would make a mistake, but the day that skillers were actually laughing at the pkers, The oh so peaceful and thoughtful skillers who were obviously better then the pkers, is the day that the community became just one step further to the inevitable hell-hole that it is bound to be.




Some day, you will all cuss your way towards the top, fighting for that tree or that ore. Throwing foul words at each other because he took your monster spot, or your arrows, Messaging them on a chat program because they are junk trading. And you will ignore the fact that you are contributing to an ever worsening community. *gets thrown in a truck* You will all pay! REMORSE! *gets taken away*

This may happen one day, and the part of worsening community is occurring as we speak. I sympathize with the PK'ers though I never liked the art. And, if RWT continues, what will Jagex do to stop it? Don't roll your eyes at me. RWT can still be done through the BH, via borrowing items, or even just through account leveling. These methods are far less feasible than the old methods, but if they get more popular do you think Jagex is just going to let it happen?




I'd rather we stop this conversation now- it's well after taht point- let's not think of the future of rs in posts, soon ruenscape will be in flames of chaos and might even be put to an end in a cruel way. It's almsot like thinking of the apocolypse- the world will end, someday. Everything has a lifespan- the world, ruenscape, a human or any living thing, teh fame of one, etc.




This topic will probably go too offtopic eventually, and there's no good discussion, basically. just about the anti rwt updates.





Death should not be taken as 'the end,' but a very effective way to cut down taxes.

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your title doesn't make sense, it is the same game, its just a different aspect of it :P just though id point that out.



You sir have missed the entire point of that essay. Fact is those two "aspects" were so different, we might as well have been playing different games.




Most people were slaying in recent times before the updates, they killed animals you kill humans, good for you. They weren't two worlds one was just another extension of combat to try and best opponents, the kq is the same thing.




Why should anyone sympathize why pkers? they don't realize that it had to be removed, if it hadn't been removed then there wouldnt be a runescape to pk on.


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

Bandos Drops: Bcp(soloed) 5x hilts 8x tassets

Armadyl Drops:Armadyl Hilt(trio)

Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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I know exactly what you mean, but I've been staying patiently waiting for the PvP minigames Jagex are making to make up for the Wilderness.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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