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Jagex announces the most challenging quest to date.


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Man, for a quest lover like me this is a gift from heaven! :thumbsup: I think the quest will definitely contain the Stone of Jas, looking at all the new info about it the last few weeks: Eye of Saradomin, Meeting History, and the older hints in anagrams etc. That makes me excited, cause if your dealing with an ancient magical tool made by the Gods, your bound to have some fun! ;) :twss:

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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if this new quest has to do with zaros then id like a choice to either join zaros' side or go against him, the empty lord shall rise once more!!!



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Man, for a quest lover like me this is a gift from heaven! :thumbsup: I think the quest will definitely contain the Stone of Jas, looking at all the new info about it the last few weeks: Eye of Saradomin, Meeting History, and the older hints in anagrams etc. That makes me excited, cause if your dealing with an ancient magical tool made by the Gods, your bound to have some fun! ;) :twss:




That depends on how you are dealing with it. I don't think Zaros had much fun dealing with the Staff of Armadyl.

Hail to The Great Big Penguin in the sky. And Guthix, of course.



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Man, for a quest lover like me this is a gift from heaven! :thumbsup: I think the quest will definitely contain the Stone of Jas, looking at all the new info about it the last few weeks: Eye of Saradomin, Meeting History, and the older hints in anagrams etc. That makes me excited, cause if your dealing with an ancient magical tool made by the Gods, your bound to have some fun! ;) :twss:




That depends on how you are dealing with it. I don't think Zaros had much fun dealing with the Staff of Armadyl.


Ooh nice reply *pats on shoulder* ::'

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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In regard to the quotes above me, LORD DRAKAN was a follower of ZAMORAK as is stated in the ghostly robes miniquest. I believe the only mahjarrat that follow Zaros that we currently know of are Azzandra and the guy who fought Enahkra in her temple (I can't remember his name, the camel guy).




But Mahjarrat aren't the only important people here; the elves are trying to ressurect Zaros, as well. (btw, the camel guy: his name was Anakhamos or something like that.)





Anyways, this whole speculation around the stone of jas seems to be the basis for what we think the quest will be, and probably rightly so. We know that wizards/forces of saradomin maybe are hunting for it, and that Lucien is hunting for it. Lucien believes it to be in the lumbridge cave network. We know that the wise old man is spying on the wizards.




Lucien's FOLLOWERS are hunting for it; probably meaningless, but a difference nonetheless. "That snake Juna guards more than she knows." The followers believe more than just the lumby cave network, they believe it's in the Tears of Guthix. And I imagine they're right. Also, note that the wizard's tower is nearby the lumbridge caves, though I think that's a coincidence.





Therefore it is highly likely that the Dorgeshuun, the Wise Old Man, and the Mahjarrat will be involved. Drakan (myreque storyline), Azzandra (DT storyline), Enahkra and her rival (kind of related to DT but not exactly storyline), and Hazeel (his single absurdly easy quest doesn't count as a storyline lol) are all Mahjarrat, and so could be involved.




And so they could be. However, that's too many storylines to fit in to one quest, isn't it? Consider: the only ones who have stepped into the Stone of Jas picture are Lucien, Wizard Elriss, the Wise Old Man, and Juna (you could consider the cave goblins as well, but they're geographically related and that seems to be it. The elves have good reason to step in, and I believe they will, but they haven't been linked YET.) That's enough storylines wrapped into a quest that advances them (RFD took half the lines across the map, but it didn't do anything with any of them.) Something can happen with these four characters that doesn't involve everybody.





Some other possibilities are the white knights, as share allegiance with the wizards (although it seems that only one wizard may be involved), and the scarabites (well they live in the desert, which is where the mahjarrat come from lol). If we throw in the white knights it's possible but highly unlikely that the slugs will be involved. The only connection to the elves I could think of is the examine of a mine cart in the dark beast area that says (or maybe used to say, idk) "for playing daeyalt ore in" which would tie them in if Drakan is involved. That may have only been a bug because they used the same graphical model of a mine cart in the dark beast area as in the daeyalt mines in meiyerditch. Anyways I think it was removed.




About the white/temple knights: the only relation they have with this whole mess is being religious. And isn't everybody in Runescape mildly religious? About the scabarites: the only relation THEY have with this is being religious (see above) and being in the same general area as a few unrelated Mahjarrat. The elves have been revealed to be ressurecting Zaros (he is the Empty Lord, isn't he?), AND they are also revealed to be looking for a source of power. I believe that that is stronger connection with the rest. (Note: perhaps there is a Mourner-Arposandra-Meiyerditch link, as has been hinted in a few ways, but it doesn't seem that it'll be tied into the Stone of Jas, unless the Mourners look for the Stone as a power source to summoning Zaros.)





I don't speculate about what we do in the quest itself as that is stupid and entirely impossible to figure out. I'll leave it to jagex. :P I think the topic poster should put what we've figured out in the first post so we don't get redundant information.




I agree with all the points in that paragraph, so I'm not going to pretend to add valuable insight to it. ::'

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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My purely speculative thoughts on the potential requirements:




I'd like to see the requirements to complete this new quest equal the cumulative requirements for all the other quests. That way, only players currently eligible for the quest cape could remain eligible.




I really liked the progressive eligiblility from RFD, and I'd like to see that revisited.


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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Therefore it is highly likely that the Dorgeshuun, the Wise Old Man, and the Mahjarrat will be involved. Drakan (myreque storyline), Azzandra (DT storyline), Enahkra and her rival (kind of related to DT but not exactly storyline), and Hazeel (his single absurdly easy quest doesn't count as a storyline lol) are all Mahjarrat, and so could be involved.




And so they could be. However, that's too many storylines to fit in to one quest, isn't it? Consider: the only ones who have stepped into the Stone of Jas picture are Lucien, Wizard Elriss, the Wise Old Man, and Juna (you could consider the cave goblins as well, but they're geographically related and that seems to be it. The elves have good reason to step in, and I believe they will, but they haven't been linked YET.) That's enough storylines wrapped into a quest that advances them (RFD took half the lines across the map, but it didn't do anything with any of them.) Something can happen with these four characters that doesn't involve everybody.




Guess I overdid it lol. In regard to the cave goblins though, didn't Zanik have some bizarre connection to guthix/the tears of guthix cave?





Some other possibilities are the white knights, as share allegiance with the wizards (although it seems that only one wizard may be involved), and the scarabites (well they live in the desert, which is where the mahjarrat come from lol). If we throw in the white knights it's possible but highly unlikely that the slugs will be involved. The only connection to the elves I could think of is the examine of a mine cart in the dark beast area that says (or maybe used to say, idk) "for playing daeyalt ore in" which would tie them in if Drakan is involved. That may have only been a bug because they used the same graphical model of a mine cart in the dark beast area as in the daeyalt mines in meiyerditch. Anyways I think it was removed.




About the white/temple knights: the only relation they have with this whole mess is being religious. And isn't everybody in Runescape mildly religious? About the scabarites: the only relation THEY have with this is being religious (see above) and being in the same general area as a few unrelated Mahjarrat. The elves have been revealed to be ressurecting Zaros (he is the Empty Lord, isn't he?), AND they are also revealed to be looking for a source of power. I believe that that is stronger connection with the rest. (Note: perhaps there is a Mourner-Arposandra-Meiyerditch link, as has been hinted in a few ways, but it doesn't seem that it'll be tied into the Stone of Jas, unless the Mourners look for the Stone as a power source to summoning Zaros.)




Good point about white knights/scarabites.




Zaros is the Empty Lord, but I was not aware of any elves mentioning it... I think I remember a Dark Lord being mentioned, which I assumed was Zamorak or some other entity entirely. If they do mention it somewhere then yeah that would be him.




As long as the elves of Priffindas are involved, it wouldn't be that great a leap to say that the Mourners are, since the Mourners are the elves of Priffindas. I don't think this quest would be terribly relevant to Ardougne/the temple of light though.




The connections between the elves and the gnomes, as well as the elves and the vampires are foggy at best... especially if the elves ARE trying to summon zaros which would put them at odds with the vampires who follow zamorak. That cart thing is the only connection between elves and vampires that I'm aware of, and it could have just been a bug.




In regard to the gnomes, we know they have some elvish technology and are responsible for the giant swamp south of Isafdar... is there anything else?

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I can't see this quest needing MEPII to start it. The elven storyline hasn't been touched / had anything added to it in years, and for all intents and puporses is dead. Or the Vampires. Drakan was a soldier for Zaros if I remember, but I think they're keeping themselves to themselves. The Guthix Edicts thing is probably another storyline.




This new quest is 99% about the Stone of Jas, which is probably hidden somewhere underneath the Tears of Guthix. I'm hoping it gets stolen in some epic battle where you the WOM, Elriss and Juna battle those strange people in the Agility Course, and anyone else looking for it. Then its off to Baba Yaga to learn more about it, since the Moonclan are more adept and know more about Magic than anyone else.




Then after a massive runescape hunt you learn it's gone north.. Round up the 8 masters or whatever Hazelmere said, go up to the icelands which are still black on the map. Epic epic battle. Loads of allies die. You're in some uber-guthix clothing Juna has given you.




.. Here's to hoping. And 70+ in all skills as a req. I'm working towards that now =]




they can't go much north anymore: at coordinate 30 the fairy lands start!

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Guess I overdid it lol. In regard to the cave goblins though, didn't Zanik have some bizarre connection to guthix/the tears of guthix cave?



Good point; I didn't remember that. However, she was chosen by Guthix to lead the goblins to a new destiny and a new realm, not to find the stone of Jas. A definite maybe.



Zaros is the Empty Lord, but I was not aware of any elves mentioning it... I think I remember a Dark Lord being mentioned, which I assumed was Zamorak or some other entity entirely. If they do mention it somewhere then yeah that would be him.




As long as the elves of Priffindas are involved, it wouldn't be that great a leap to say that the Mourners are, since the Mourners are the elves of Priffindas. I don't think this quest would be terribly relevant to Ardougne/the temple of light though.


I apologize, I use the elves and the Mourners interchangably, as the lleytan elves don't seem to be too relevant. Everybody seems to think the elves are summoning Zamorak, so they're probably right. Trash the bit about Zaros. In fact, the energy source seems a bit unlikely as well. So trash the whole thing about elves. I just wanted it to be true so much... #-o





The connections between the elves and the gnomes, as well as the elves and the vampires are foggy at best... especially if the elves ARE trying to summon zaros which would put them at odds with the vampires who follow zamorak. That cart thing is the only connection between elves and vampires that I'm aware of, and it could have just been a bug.




In regard to the gnomes, we know they have some elvish technology and are responsible for the giant swamp south of Isafdar... is there anything else?




We know that Arposandra has connections to the Red Axe, from Forgettable Tale. We know that daeyalt ore was being sent to a refinery in a "big underground city." We know that Arposandra AND Keldagrim are both underground, but I believe it's the former. We know that the chaos dwarves, the Red Axe, the Arposandran gnomes, Drakan, and the Mourners are all followers of Zamorak, planning something important. So is Glough, who may or may not be (an agent of) Glouphrie.




And we know that Hazelmere is prophesizing something about these secretive Zamorakians up in the north. I'm a bit concerned; we seem to have a smaller, Stone of Jas, storyline being thought up, and at the same time, a much bigger EPIC QUEST showing up with these Zamorakians. Maybe the Epic quest involves Hazelmere's Prophecy with the elves, gnomes, and either dwarves or vampyres (I believe vampyres are the least likely), and the Stone of Jas idea is a figment of our imagination. Hmm....




We can't have two different epic mergers, can we?

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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i hope its pretty decent. Wonder what the requirements will be?




Most challenging quest requirements: Sheep Shearer. \'




(RFD req was cooks assistant so its possible. :D)




RFD was the SEQUEL to cook's assistant, but it required a heck of a lot more to do the whole quest. I believe that a Stone of Jas epic would be a sequel to Tears of Guthix, and the Hazelmere phophecy epic would be a sequel to... eh... The Path of Glouphrie.






Here, following, are a list of well-defined storylines. Tell me if I'm forgetting one. However, given the way our Stone of Jas and Hazelmere prophecies are seemingly unrelated, each of these quests seem to tie in to one epic or the other:




Elemental Workshop -- Seems unlikely to be related to anything, probably just a line of smithing/magic quests


Lunar Diplomacy -- Most likely to tie into the Stone of Jas epic.


Dorgeshuun -- Most likely to tie into the Stone of Jas epic.


Plague City -- Most likely to tie into the Hazelmere epic.


Rise of the Red Axe -- Most likely to tie into the Hazelmere epic.


The City of Arposandra -- Most likely to tie into the Hazelmere epic.


Temple Knights -- Most likely to tie into the Hazelmere epic.


The Myreque -- More likely to tie into the Hazelmere epic, but seems mostly unrelated to either.


Spirit of Summer -- More likely to tie into the Hazelemere epic, but seems mostly unrelated to either.




We can't have two epics, but two are definitely emerging. What's going on?

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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How awesome would it be for this quest to tie every quest together in one HUGE quest with amazing fights & stories.




Wow... Doric fighting Elvarg with his anvils whilst the judge of the Fishing Contest comes and helps Pippupstix.




Just wow...


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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not sure if anybody said this but maybe, as its the hardest (apparantly), might involve like the mithril door and the frozen one, hard places, well maybe not hard, but scare plenty of people :P




I believe that would be the first time that a quest would require you to participate in a miniquest, minigame, or special area (special area being places with extra interface popping up; eg. FoG entryway, GWD, Wilderness, etc.) I doubt Jagex would do such a thing in a quest; maybe a miniquest, however. Still, you never know...

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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How awesome would it be for this quest to tie every quest together in one HUGE quest with amazing fights & stories.




Wow... Doric fighting Elvarg with his anvils whilst the judge of the Fishing Contest comes and helps Pippupstix.




Just wow...






At least include the decent ones in your negative analogy. >.>





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I have no intrest in helping "keyers" farm xp.

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What would the rewards be?




Just wild guessing:




Soul altar


Access to crystal city(probably not much to do there except a bank and 3 or so shops).


A new (crystal?) weapon.


Lots, and I mean LOTs of xp.


Addy dragons.


Dragon stuff.




Well, it all depends on the quest's foundations. If it's the Hazelmere epic, it'll almost certainly give the soul altar. We know for a fact it'll give a lot of xp, no matter what it is. If it's MEP3, then it'll certainly give access to Priffidnas (though based on storyline, it could be like Meiyerditch.) However, I think MEP3 as the epic is unlikely. If it's the Jas epic, it'll probably give a Runecrafting benefit in some way, as well as a benefit to Tears of Guthix.




The only thing we can know for sure is that we won't know for sure.




That's pretty much what I'm thinking. I'm also kind of interested to see what the requirements are, just out of curiosity ^_^




Indeed; the requirements depend on what it is, and the reward depends on what it is, and we almost definitely can't know what it is, and we just have to peel every single thing they post for clues.




They had better not keep this epic quest's identity a secret in the same way they kept Summoning a secret... :roll:

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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This is so exciting! :lol: :lol: i can't wait, my personal theory is that, its a very confusing, amazing, exicting plot that the Wize old man somehow becomes etwined into. Also, ever wondered why The Wize old man's Telescope is pointing towards the Wizards tower? And will we find out the mysterious past of his? But at the same time Is it HARD as in fighting monsters type of hard or puzzling type of hard? i Also hope this Quest has an AMAZING reward :pray:

Credit to Dalek403 (Sam) for this Sig


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Might have something related to this thread.






Indeed, it has been already stated that the Stone of Jas/Eye of Saradomin is a very strong possibility for the basis of the quest. But thank you for the link.




I smell the wise old man..............




Eww... he smells that strong that you can smell him across realities? Yuch, what's he doing experiments on, the poison waste?! :D

Proud member of the Tal Shiar Alliance


Goals: Quest cape, skill range 10 or less, all stats above 60. (Although yes, I am aware that in order to do the first two, I have to do the third.)


I am sick and tired of people asking me to put stuff in my signature. If you agree with me, do NOT put this in your signature.

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Personally I think that a lot of you guys on this thread are completely over thinking this...




I mean they said it probably won't in '08 and a lot can happen in the second half of the year.


And I also doubt it will come out so soon in the '09 year seeing as they promise stuff but don't totally follow through as fast as expected. ( Although they did promise something big for the '08 year and that thing was summoning and it came in the third week of the new year.)



Proud Owner Of A Quest Cape As Of 4/29/08

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