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Flag Burning.


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^^Read your post. Do you know how idiotic that sounds? If the Klan or the Black Panthers burn a flag, it's to show hate, which is wrong. But if a normal person does it, it's ok? That's just beyond stupid.




It's our right to express ourselves. Now you're taking away rights, hatred or not. The beauty of our country is that we can express ourselves in the confinements of the law. The KKK or the Black Panthers having meetings is not illegal. It's not wrong. As long as they're not hitting, attacking or insuing a riot, they're fine.




so the thread maker who burnt a flag just to see what people would say was expressing hatred?




and the KKK or panthers having meetings may not be illegal but it is wrong.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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^^Read your post. Do you know how idiotic that sounds? If the Klan or the Black Panthers burn a flag, it's to show hate, which is wrong. But if a normal person does it, it's ok? That's just beyond stupid.




It's our right to express ourselves. Now you're taking away rights, hatred or not. The beauty of our country is that we can express ourselves in the confinements of the law. The KKK or the Black Panthers having meetings is not illegal. It's not wrong. As long as they're not hitting, attacking or insuing a riot, they're fine.




so the thread maker who burnt a flag just to see what people would say was expressing hatred?




and the KKK or panthers having meetings may not be illegal but it is wrong.




It can be expressing hatred. He could be expressing hatred to the troops. Did I say he was? Nope, but it's idiotic to say it's ok, but if a hating group does it, it's not ok.




And how is it wrong? Like I said, the beauty of our country is the right to express ourselves within the confinements of the law. I don't see how it's wrong.


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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It can be expressing hatred. He could be expressing hatred to the troops. Did I say he was? Nope, but it's idiotic to say it's ok, but if a hating group does it, it's not ok.




And how is it wrong? Like I said, the beauty of our country is the right to express ourselves within the confinements of the law. I don't see how it's wrong.




its not okay for a hating group to burn flags because its not okay for them to be spewing hate speech in the first place




and if you see nothing wrongs with groups that express racism and hatred you need to reevaluate your beliefs


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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It can be expressing hatred. He could be expressing hatred to the troops. Did I say he was? Nope, but it's idiotic to say it's ok, but if a hating group does it, it's not ok.




And how is it wrong? Like I said, the beauty of our country is the right to express ourselves within the confinements of the law. I don't see how it's wrong.




its not okay for a hating group to burn flags because its not okay for them to be spewing hate speech in the first place




and if you see nothing wrongs with groups that express racism and hatred you need to reevaluate your beliefs




Uh. It's their right to hate. Look it up. First Amendment. Free Speech. They can believe what they want, do what they want as long as it is legal. And it is ok to burn the flag.


I had a piece of grass on my shoe, and she wiped that off. Yeah. Impressive, eh? That's probably the closest I've ever been to having sex. :P
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It can be expressing hatred. He could be expressing hatred to the troops. Did I say he was? Nope, but it's idiotic to say it's ok, but if a hating group does it, it's not ok.




And how is it wrong? Like I said, the beauty of our country is the right to express ourselves within the confinements of the law. I don't see how it's wrong.




its not okay for a hating group to burn flags because its not okay for them to be spewing hate speech in the first place




and if you see nothing wrongs with groups that express racism and hatred you need to reevaluate your beliefs




Uh. It's their right to hate. Look it up. First Amendment. Free Speech. They can believe what they want, do what they want as long as it is legal. And it is ok to burn the flag.


I believe Saddam had an affair with George Bush's wife before the Iraq War, and that was his real motive.




Oh no, you mean that's slander?! Where is my free speech now? :roll:




Having a blanket rule on free speech is just idiotic, and it doesn't even exist contrary to your belief. Face it.

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I believe Saddam had an affair with George Bush's wife before the Iraq War, and that was his real motive.




Oh no, you mean that's slander?! Where is my free speech now? :roll:




Having a blanket rule on free speech is just idiotic, and it doesn't even exist contrary to your belief. Face it.




That's not slander, that is opinion.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I believe Saddam had an affair with George Bush's wife before the Iraq War, and that was his real motive.




Oh no, you mean that's slander?! Where is my free speech now? :roll:




Having a blanket rule on free speech is just idiotic, and it doesn't even exist contrary to your belief. Face it.




That's not slander, that is opinion.




thats definetely slander, unless you have some evidence that supports it. definition, slander--a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report.




an opinion is something like "spinach tastes bad".


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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an opinion is something like "spinach tastes bad".


That's not an opinion, that's a fact.


Anyone remember the case about that girl who put a picture of George Bush and a gun (Or was it a knife?) on her Myspace? Freedom of expression right?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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an opinion is something like "spinach tastes bad".


That's not an opinion, that's a fact.


Anyone remember the case about that girl who put a picture of George Bush and a gun (Or was it a knife?) on her Myspace? Freedom of expression right?




not familiar with the story but im guessing she got in trouble? You would have to give me some details before I can say rather the girl or authorities went to far.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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an opinion is something like "spinach tastes bad".


That's not an opinion, that's a fact.


Anyone remember the case about that girl who put a picture of George Bush and a gun (Or was it a knife?) on her Myspace? Freedom of expression right?




not familiar with the story but im guessing she got in trouble? You would have to give me some details before I can say rather the girl or authorities went to far.


I don't remember exactly what happened, but yes she got in trouble. There was a thread here about it, I'll try to dig it up later.


I'm not sure what the result was, I'm pretty sure she was let off the hook, as it was a teenager, and it was done as a joke. I'm not really sure why I brought it up, as flag burning for the purpose of rebellion is much different.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I don't remember exactly what happened, but yes she got in trouble. There was a thread here about it, I'll try to dig it up later.


I'm not sure what the result was, I'm pretty sure she was let off the hook, as it was a teenager, and it was done as a joke. I'm not really sure why I brought it up, as flag burning for the purpose of rebellion is much different.




Agreed, I mean did they really think even suggesting a threat to the president could be a good idea? Granted any one burning flags in a protest is going to lose a lot of legitimacy by doing it but it will bring notice to their cause. I still say it is a stupid idea to burn flags, but just burning a flag isnt suggesting any harm to anyone by itself. Its when the message behind the flag burning is harmful that it needs to be dealt with


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Well, you should have enough respect for other human beings to respect their symbol of themselves.




What makes you think that they don't?




What makes some people here so keen to lump all flag-burners in with the likes of Islamic Extremists who hate every little thing about America? I can't understand this attitude at all. People argue all the time that "if you don't like it, leave!" Well then why don't they? Could it be because flag burners actually like many of the things about their country? That they actually like many of these things that some overly-patriotic person sees in the flag? If they were all so against their country, they wouldn't be burning a flag to bring attention to it, they would leave.




So clearly, not all people who burn a flag are doing so to deface all that it stands for. Perhaps many of them just don't like some action of the government?




I'm not pointing any fingers specifically, but too many people are jumping to a very single-minded conclusion. Few people want to actually probe these people and get inside their head to ask why they burn the flag.




As I said on page 1, it's not something I'd do to get a point across, but I don't jump to the conclusion that people who burn a flag must hate everything about that country. That's just nonsense to me.

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Well because I thought about it and my first opinion was, flag burning would be acceptable under disagreement with the institution of government. But then I thought, hold it-a flag does not represent a government, a flag is suppose to represent a people, and the government is there to serve its people.




But it really depends on your opinion, because a law is not suppose to based on one's opinion (this statement is also opinionated) but the average of all opinions of the people and whats best for the people. So it really depends what you belief when your burning a flag.




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As I said on page 1, it's not something I'd do to get a point across, but I don't jump to the conclusion that people who burn a flag must hate everything about that country. That's just nonsense to me.




It's good to see an intelligent post every now and then.




Flag burning doesn't have to be a protest, my flag burning was not done in protest but out of curiosity.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Well because I thought about it and my first opinion was, flag burning would be acceptable under disagreement with the institution of government. But then I thought, hold it-a flag does not represent a government, a flag is suppose to represent a people, and the government is there to serve its people.




But it really depends on your opinion, because a law is not suppose to based on one's opinion (this statement is also opinionated) but the average of all opinions of the people and whats best for the people. So it really depends what you belief when your burning a flag.




Exactly, it depends on your belief when burning the flag, i.e. it all depends on what the person doing the burning thinks and what they feel it represents. My point is simply that I doubt all flag burners do so to disagree with every value, belief, and freedom of the country in question. If they really did, then they would have left already.

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I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.




Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll:

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I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.




Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll:






It's only a bit of cloth :roll:


Since 27 Aug 2002

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I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.




Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll:




People have died for many a thing yet people still disgrace that object. Why should a flag be treated any different? People don't die for the flag, they die for the country it represents. Seven of my family members have died for Irish freedom, yet I don't hold this [cabbage] patriotic view that they died for the flag, they died for Ireland and it's freedom. Not some [bleep]ing [developmentally delayed]ed Green, White and Orange flag :roll:

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I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.




Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll:




People have died for many a thing yet people still disgrace that object. Why should a flag be treated any different? People don't die for the flag, they die for the country it represents. Seven of my family members have died for Irish freedom, yet I don't hold this [cabbage] patriotic view that they died for the flag, they died for Ireland and it's freedom. Not some [bleep] [developmentally delayed] Green, White and Orange flag :roll:




Oh goodness, I'm arguing with an idiot here.




It's what it represents, not what the reality of the situation is. You're looking at the situation as if it were just a piece of cloth.




Dan isn't burning the flag, just for the fun of burning a piece of cloth. He's doing it to send a message (a futile and pointless one I might add, since nobody of any importance in the US could give a crap about what a 20 or so year old in WA thinks about their country) to the country of his particular views towards them. It's what the actions of burning the countries flag represents, if it were purely a piece of cloth, than why are you wasting your time burning it, instead of any other household fabric?




Therefore you can't look at it purely at the fact that it's just burning a piece of cloth, considering your doing the very opposite when burning the flag.




The flag represents a country, and burning a flag of a nation, shows total disrespect to those who have fought for the freedom of their nation. If you did it around any digger (soldier) in Australia you'd have your throat slit. And rightly so.




I doubt Dan you've done anything of any great benefit to contribute to this nation (and most probably the same for your nation Krank) so what gives you the right to show such disrespect to those who have died for your freedom? Honestly this country doesn't need people who have your kind of attitude. You should probably look into doing more positive constructive things with your life than burning flags with your mates.

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It's what it represents, not what the reality of the situation is. You're looking at the situation as if it were just a piece of cloth.
Yeh, 'cause letting something as mundance as reality get in the way of your thinking is just totally not the way to go, like, ever.




I'm perfectly willing to do violence to protect democracy. I'm perfectly willing to do violence to protect human rights. But equaling the latter with being willing to do violence in order to protect a symbol of human rights - whether the symbol is document containing the human rights, a statue or a piece of cloth - is, to put it mildly, ridicolous.




You want to show respect for the people who made the rights you have possible, you excercise them. You protect them. You don't laud violence - in direct contradition to the the same rights - protecting symbols of what people fought and killed for.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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I consider flag burning to be perfectly fine if someone wants to burn an Australian flag, I''l even lend them a lighter.




Show more respect for the Aussie flag than that Dan. Seriously as its been pointed out earlier, people have died for that flag, and all you promote yourself out to be is a disrespectful ignorant [puncture]. Wake up to yourself. :roll:




People have died for many a thing yet people still disgrace that object. Why should a flag be treated any different? People don't die for the flag, they die for the country it represents. Seven of my family members have died for Irish freedom, yet I don't hold this [cabbage] patriotic view that they died for the flag, they died for Ireland and it's freedom. Not some [bleep] [developmentally delayed] Green, White and Orange flag :roll:




They died for your freedom, that includes your right to burn the flag. That's certainly worth respect.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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The reason some Americans take flag burning so seriously is the fact that it's been around for almost 3 centuries and has been a symbol of our country for all that time.




Everyone has different opinions on this. It's pretty ridiculous that they're assuming their correct, also.

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