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Starting to Smoke


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Don't start smoking cannabis though, "studies" have shown that it has alot of bad consequences.


I'm compelled to hit you very hard with a sledgehammer for saying that.




Do you think it's a good time to tell him those studies were bogus? Or should I wait until you're done with that sledgehammer idea?




Fact is that I said "studies" and not studies, and yes, cannabis has some bad consequences, for example: forgetting small things you normally wouldn't forget, depression, acting weird to people for no reason etc.


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Don't start smoking cannabis though, "studies" have shown that it has alot of bad consequences.


I'm compelled to hit you very hard with a sledgehammer for saying that.




Do you think it's a good time to tell him those studies were bogus? Or should I wait until you're done with that sledgehammer idea?




Fact is that I said "studies" and not studies, and yes, cannabis has some bad consequences, for example: forgetting small things you normally wouldn't forget, depression, acting weird to people for no reason etc.




Does this come with cusual (2-4 times a month) smoking or heavy (daily or nearly daily) use? Most "studies" are based on heavy use and would take a very long time for the casual smoker to come close to achieving those results.

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To all the people suggesting drugs ie. cannabis or alchocol etc. just shut up. Stop trying to show off on an internet forum you know all about them. It's seriously bad advice. Alcohol is a depressant and should never be drunk to stress relief as you will actually end up feeling worse in the long run not to mention the spiraling costs at the moment as well as the possibility of dependancy by associating drinking with relaxing after work.


I do not mean to "show off" my knowledge, I'm simply trying to share it.




Alcohol, when used in moderation, can be extremely benefitial to one's health and longevity.[1] Kicking back with a beer is, for many, a great way to relax.




You say cannabis as a stress-reliever is "seriously bad advice." When used in moderation, how is this so?




It may be a free world, but the Staff make the rules on this board. If they have addressed a policy of not talking about drugs, then we have to follow that guide line. If you cannot comply to them, then don't use the forums. Simple as that.


Of course, tobacco is a drug, and so is alcohol, and so is caffeine. We talk about drugs all the time here at TIF.




Well, the difference is that cannabis is illegal.


Legality is no reason to discourage discussion. Piracy is also illegal, yet we have had many good debates on the topic here at TIF.




So if you take that into account, the staff is actually letting us off on this one.


In the past three or so years that I've been debating here, that rule has never been enforced. Had it been, there would be absolutely no debates at all to be had at TIF.




This isn't about legality -- suggesting salvia, a legal drug, would be met with the same harsh reaction -- it's simply about discouraging and censoring potentially controversial discussion, depending on the given staff's definition of "controversial."

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Fact is that I said "studies" and not studies, and yes, cannabis has some bad consequences, for example: forgetting small things you normally wouldn't forget, depression, acting weird to people for no reason etc.


I'd like to see some of these "studies" you are talking about, because every study that I've ever seen has shown that smoking moderate amounts of cannabis is not harmful. The ONLY affect it would have on you is that it is unfiltered, thus small amounts of tar would go in your lungs. I smoke once or twice per week and have never "forgotten small things" and I certainly do not have depression. Saying that cannabis leads to depression is complete bogus. Although I do agree on the acting weird to other people for no reason part. That only happens when you are actually high, though. That's half the fun of smoking it.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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To all the people suggesting drugs ie. cannabis or alchocol etc. just shut up. Stop trying to show off on an internet forum you know all about them. It's seriously bad advice. Alcohol is a depressant and should never be drunk to stress relief as you will actually end up feeling worse in the long run not to mention the spiraling costs at the moment as well as the possibility of dependancy by associating drinking with relaxing after work.


I do not mean to "show off" my knowledge, I'm simply trying to share it.




Alcohol, when used in moderation, can be extremely benefitial to one's health and longevity.[1] Kicking back with a beer is, for many, a great way to relax.




You say cannabis as a stress-reliever is "seriously bad advice." When used in moderation, how is this so?




I should let Merciful just respond, but your statement kind of bothers me. The bolded is irrelevant unless you are suggesting he drink his stresses away, but I'm sure you're not arguing that.




What you're suggesting is self-medicating a symptom, which doesn't fix the problem; that's "seriously bad advice." Cannabis is fine to use to relax, but not to make yourself relax.

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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.




I wont be some patronising hypocrite, I don't smoke and oppose it for health reasons... But if I were in your situation, I'd probably start smoking 1 or 2 a day for stress relief.

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The bolded is irrelevant unless you are suggesting he drink his stresses away, but I'm sure you're not arguing that.


No, I'm suggesting that, much like exercise, television, music or meditation, kicking back with a beer is yet another way for somebody to "relax."




Cannabis is fine to use to relax, but not to make yourself relax.


I see your distinction, and for this reason my original advice was not to "smoke weed instead," regardless of what pryo's edit implies.

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My view is that at 18 you should be old enough and have more than enough knowledge to make an informed decision by yourself, that's what is supposed happen when you become an adult. If you want to smoke then smoke, make your own decisions.




Asking for this sort of advice on a forum that is mainly viewed by younger teenagers who don't know what they are talking about isn't exactly clever either.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Well, it's up to you to pick what you want to do to relieve your stress. Do some research, and weigh your pros and cons. Like others said, you're old enough to make your own choices now.




Giving yourself a treat once and a while can really help you relax - but don't become dependent on it. Think of it as an unhealthy candy. It's worth having once in a while, but doing it everyday will just cause more problems than you already had when you made this thread. Just remind yourself that moderation is the key.

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The worst way to get stressed is telling yourself that you're stressed. Smoking ends up repeatedly telling you that.




Free, if your parents think that they're still responsible for you, ask them to support you, tell them that you're finding it too difficult to take on both a job and studies, then quit your job. That way you get more free time so late homework nights are less frequent, and you would be able to do an activity other than smoking as a stress-reliever. I suggest a sport, even if you're not good at it, but enjoy it anyway.

~ W ~



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I began to smoke for the same reasons as yourself about 2 years ago.


Work/school/parents... It became too much and i turned to smoking as a way to 'calm myself' down after a stressful day.




I started on 5-6 a day, now im on about 15-20 depending on the day (im 18 currently)...




The thing is, you start off in small amounts but then when you get hooked its impossible to stop... People claim smoking does reduce stress, however, only once you're addicted... When smoking stress makes you crave nicotine, so if you have a stressful life, you'll constantly need a nicotine boost... This is how you gradually begin to smoke more...




In short; Smoking does not reduce stress, unless you're addicted, but even then its the nicotine in the [bleep] which is making you feel even more stress... Its a highly vicious circle, and although i still smoke, i would not reccomend it to anyone as a way to deal with problems.

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Fact is that I said "studies" and not studies, and yes, cannabis has some bad consequences, for example: forgetting small things you normally wouldn't forget, depression, acting weird to people for no reason etc.


I'd like to see some of these "studies" you are talking about, because every study that I've ever seen has shown that smoking moderate amounts of cannabis is not harmful. The ONLY affect it would have on you is that it is unfiltered, thus small amounts of tar would go in your lungs. I smoke once or twice per week and have never "forgotten small things" and I certainly do not have depression. Saying that cannabis leads to depression is complete bogus. Although I do agree on the acting weird to other people for no reason part. That only happens when you are actually high, though. That's half the fun of smoking it.




http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=smo ... eken&meta=




Lots of links for you to look at. And ofcourse, it's different per person, so maybe you are stronger against it then other people.


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http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=smo ... eken&meta=




Lots of links for you to look at. And ofcourse, it's different per person, so maybe you are stronger against it then other people.


You know I'm starting to really doubt that you have any idea what you're talking about. I picked the About.com article to look at and all the negative side affects, aside from the inhalation of smoke (which I already listed as negative), are short term and only occur when you are high. The ones that were listed are actually what makes getting high enjoyable and most of those are only negative when taken out of context. I doubt you have even smoked pot before, because if you have, I think you would better understand what I'm trying to iterate. Try not to nag something you've never experienced, especially when it's not unhealthy.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=smo ... eken&meta=




Lots of links for you to look at. And ofcourse, it's different per person, so maybe you are stronger against it then other people.


You know I'm starting to really doubt that you have any idea what you're talking about. I picked the About.com article to look at and all the negative side affects, aside from the inhalation of smoke (which I already listed as negative), are short term and only occur when you are high. The ones that were listed are actually what makes getting high enjoyable and most of those are only negative when taken out of context. I doubt you have even smoked pot before, because if you have, I think you would better understand what I'm trying to iterate. Try not to nag something you've never experienced, especially when it's not unhealthy.




I smoked it twice, didn't like it and stopped. I won't screw up my life because of one addictive drug, because it CAN have negative effects, and if you can smoke it twice a week without noticing the consequences (maybe they aren't there yet), good for you. But hell, it can screw up your life by alot.


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I had a dream last night where I smoked cannabis, and all I did was cough a lot. :? I am afraid of getting addicted to a drug though, namely caffeine. A cup a day doesn't seem like much, but I hear that it is actually more addicting than cannabis, which is a frightening thought :|

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I smoked it twice, didn't like it and stopped. I won't screw up my life because of one addictive drug, because it CAN have negative effects, and if you can smoke it twice a week without noticing the consequences (maybe they aren't there yet), good for you. But hell, it can screw up your life by alot.


People like you really piss me off. Cannabis is NON ADDICTIVE and it doesn't screw up your life unless you let it. Having an obsessive personality, on the other hand, does screw up your life. I know MANY people that smoke pot, some that are even on Dean's lists that smoke pot. My dad smoked pot for 15 years of his life and it didn't harm him. He's the network administrator for an entire school district. My mother also did for relatively the same amount of time. She's a professional cake decorator. Don't you ever stereotype people that smoke pot. I'm starting to enjoy the middle school health class scare tactics that you're using.




The FACT is that cannabis is a non-lethal drug. Your personal OPINION is that it is bad for you. Don't mix your opinions with facts.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I guess i didnt make this clear enough, i ment that because of stress ive been getting craving for ciggys that ive never smoked, of couse with a craving comes the thought should I.




What i dont mean is: OMG my life sucks i can do it i need to smoke or else i will die waaa!!! Ive handled this stress for over a year (it used to be worse) so im not saying I NEED to smoke, just i thought about it.


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My grandpa used tobacco almost all his life from 15-16 until he died at 74 (if i don't remember wrong). So of course, you can live quite long using tobacco.


I used Snus for 6 years. I've been on and off it a couple of times. My problem is that you can't really do a good workout with it, the heart works much more than normal, higher blood preasure and my government just raised the taxes on it.


Currently i'm off it, and i hope i stay off it.


But i do feel, that when i'm stressed or angry, i really want a snus... But so far i've managed not to buy another "can". Altho this is stuff is different from smoking.


I've personally never really liked smoking cigaretts, costs way too much and smells like hell. Usually only have one or two when i'm at the pub, but not more.


A cigar is something i like, it feels nicer than a cig and especially if you're bbq'ing and having a beer.


Well, you're over 18, so it's up to you. But remember that you can get easily hooked on it and having trouble quitting.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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The name "troll general" seriously does suit you :|
True but I get pretty angry when people are boo hooing about stress and depression when its just a case of simple teenage angst. Everyone has lots of schoolwork, everyone has parents that worry about them. Wait til you grow up and have some real responsibilities and have a job and a mortgage and then look back at your school years and if you can truely and honetly say you were streessed or depressed then i shall buy you a cookie.


Teenagers suffer from emotional stress rather than physical or mental stress on the actual body. It's a confusing time as they start to develop. I'm not suggesting alcohol, or smoking is an solution, but to say teenagers don't suffer from stress is ignorant to say the very least, unless you're the type who likes living twenty years in the past.




For the matter, there is no one type of "depression", at least not clinically. There is a special form of depression used to diagnose some teenagers for that exact reason.

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The bolded is irrelevant unless you are suggesting he drink his stresses away, but I'm sure you're not arguing that.


No, I'm suggesting that, much like exercise, television, music or meditation, kicking back with a beer is yet another way for somebody to "relax."




Cannabis is fine to use to relax, but not to make yourself relax.


I see your distinction, and for this reason my original advice was not to "smoke weed instead," regardless of what pryo's edit implies.




I see what you're saying now. When I read your intial post, it seemed as if you were suggesting self-medication.





The FACT is that cannabis is a non-lethal drug. Your personal OPINION is that it is bad for you. Don't mix your opinions with facts.




The FACT is cannabis is a non-lethal drug. The FACT is it is bad for you. Don't confuse non-lethal for not bad for you. This is off-topic though and there are plenty of marijuana threads floating around (somewhere) where this has been argued again and again. In fact, I think I've said that before in those other threads.

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I am afraid of getting addicted to a drug though, namely caffeine. A cup a day doesn't seem like much, but I hear that it is actually more addicting than cannabis, which is a frightening thought :|


It has been suggested, but there aren't any studies to support such a claim. Both substances are low in physical addiction potential, and most of the addictions are psychological. Addiction potential for these substances (as with any other activities, from video games to sex) largely depends on the individual and their environment. In a world overrun with caffeine, it's easy to get hooked on it.




(Although, for most, an addiction to coffee is far less damaging than an addiction to cannabis!)




Cannabis is NON ADDICTIVE and it doesn't screw up your life unless you let it.


What rubbish. Psychological dependence on a drug is no more the user's fault than physical dependence.




My dad smoked pot for 15 years of his life and it didn't harm him.


Some people have used heroin, crack cocaine, opium, etc. for years without negative side effects. This isn't to say that those drugs are safe to consume regularly, it simply shows that different people react in different ways.




The FACT is that cannabis is a non-lethal drug.


Smoked cannabis doesn't lead to lethal overdose, but neither does smoked tobacco.

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Smoking cigarettes is like smoking a gallon of gasoline. DON"T DO IT. My grandmother died from smoking 2 packs a day for 32 years. Not to mention spent an [wagon] load of money.




This comes out to: 23k packs of cigs = at least 50 grand total.




for every craving you get, pinch your self till you hurt. Thats what my mum did to stop smoking. The pills/gum stop your addiction to ciggs, but make you addicted to the pill/gum/patch lol.




How is smoking cigs like drinking a gallon of gasoline in any way? You're dead within the hour drinking a gallon of gasoline.



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