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the new halloween items???


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personally i wish theyd give us something that would just go ontop of the orginial armor/wep.




example: santa hat that apears as a santa hat on you, but your wearing it over a dmed so you get the same def bonuses as a dmed,




or that jack o lantern chins thing, just the skin/cover over the real chins, but it would look cool.




anybody? :oops:


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personally i want a neclace that can turn you into a flock(what is a groupe of bats called anyway??) of bats that you can then move around as.




i would like it to be a neclace because you could then wear the easter ring and become a flock of flying eggs with teeth :thumbsup:




i like the pet werewolf idea to though




major edit!!!!---


wasn't there a guaranteed content poll about summoning a while ago.




and on that poll there was a skelly wyvern pet


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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-Items - LAME... Unless it;s something extra. I hope we don't get something like that Zombie head we got... lol





I resent that...lol


I actually liked the zombie head. He's so much fun to pull out and laugh at every now and again. I will admit though, he doesn't really have that much use after you see all the chat options, but really, do many holiday items have a use beyond having a bit of temporary fun with them?

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-Items - LAME... Unless it;s something extra. I hope we don't get something like that Zombie head we got... lol





I resent that...lol


I actually liked the zombie head. He's so much fun to pull out and laugh at every now and again. I will admit though, he doesn't really have that much use after you see all the chat options, but really, do many holiday items have a use beyond having a bit of temporary fun with them?




Sorry I forgot 3% of the RS population that actually liked it. I still say it's useless, Jagex can do better


But I will have to admit that it can be fun to pull out on noobs, that have no clue what it is.


Then again... so is my scythe


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I wants it now! :ohnoes:




[hide=]The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)[/hide]

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I wants it now! :ohnoes:




[hide=]The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)[/hide]




Den you just owned my post above yours :cry:

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I wants it now! :ohnoes:




[hide=]The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)[/hide]




Den you just owned my post above yours :cry:






But anyway, great find man




EDIT: Hopefully it doesn't just turn us into a pile of bones...


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I wants it now! :ohnoes:




[hide=]The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)[/hide]




Den you just owned my post above yours :cry:






But anyway, great find man




EDIT: Hopefully it doesn't just turn us into a pile of bones...




in the hide box in really small print it says it is a fake.

Yeah I can't spell get over it!


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I wants it now! :ohnoes:




The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)




Den you just owned my post above yours :cry:






But anyway, great find man




EDIT: Hopefully it doesn't just turn us into a pile of bones...




in the hide box in really small print it says it is a fake.














The hide tab is empty!




...or is it...




(Its a fake, just to pump you all up and make you ready for halloween. Halloween next week. Cant wait!!!)





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Guys it's definitely Reaper robes... just type Grim's Robes under quickchat and it'll pull it up.




grim's robes are the robes form the 2007 halloween event, how do i know? well quick chat shows other items that were only available during the past holiday events.








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Maybe a jetblack cape with a sweet symbol for the reaper on the back


Then maybe a threatening laugh emote






I want that one \'




We had a cape last event, so i hope its not another one. #-o Most of the new holiday items have been awful :?

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I REALLY hope they release the event/and quest on Monday because I have nos school Monday! Three day weekend FTW! :D




I think that maybe they should give us an item that is actually useful, and not something that we put on every October to show that we did last Halloween's event. Maybe something like some new [bleep]ed armor (and weapon to match) or something that looks all evily. I wouldnt mind even if it was as good as rune, because some new armor would be nice! Anyway, just thought I would throw in my two cents... ::'

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