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Holiday Items: Nice but Useless?


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Alright first time making a discussion thread so go easy on me :oops: .




With a lot of speculation on what the new holloween item will be, i cant help but realize all the items theyve given us have seemed to be, well, "noob oriented". Most people in their lvl 80+'s would rather wear a black cav then their easter cape/chicken suits/reaper hoods/etc. because the black cav shows that you worked hard enough to have something worth the 500k range. And at that, i would rather just wear armor that gives the def/attack bonuses i want. So i came across an idea, why not have the holiday items act as a cover up on regular armour? That way you can still have your defense bonuses, and also be in the holiday theme. Do you guys feel the same way? Are these items considered junk to you? Do you just enjoy the holiday quest and the item means nothing to you?




so the discussion questions im asking if you couldnt be bothered to read the crap above:


1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?


2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you? This doesnt mean you literally have bunny ears on top of your dmed -.- it means the dmed hides and the bunnyears is what you see, you just get the def bonuses of the dmed now.


3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.


4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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1. Yes


2. Maybe... first of all if they were better and second of all if it doesn't cause a duping glitch the second it comes out :P


3. Sometimes :D


4. For me yes although I know they really shouldn't.

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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?


I destroy em :lol:


2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you?




3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.


Any1 can do events.. they are enjoyable, but not "special"


4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?





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95/99 Slayer


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1. Unless I use them for my outfits, I drop them. I can always get them back later on.


2. Yes.


3. Depends on what it is. The 2007 Christmas Event, no as it was too short, but the Easter 2008 Event, yes. (Those were just two examples off the top of my head.


4. Not really. I get them as you can only get them once.




Off Topic: This belongs in Questionnaires ;)

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Being able to say "I have a rare item that can no longer be obtained in this game" holds quite a bit of special value, even if they arn't tokens of extreme value like phats (which are bought to then show off). Not everything in this game is combat related either. Keep in mind some people like to make their own outfit to look nice. For example, I use to love naval outfits (except the hats) so I would wear that often when I'm skilling. It didn't help me in combat (which is irrelevant since I'm not fighting) but it looked damn sexy. Wearing a holiday outfit over armor would look pretty bad (although some combination s might be cool). These things are NOT made for combat though, they are made to show off wealth or other. Key difference.




1: In my house but yes.


2: Not interested.


3: For sure! That's an added bonus that I always looked forward to


4: Pretty much, it shows I've been around at a certain time. It has sentimental value too, as the yo-yo came out only 2 months after I started playing this game.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

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if it belongs in questionares i guess move it there :wall: i just wanted to see if anybody agreed. whats the difference between questionares and gen discussion? questionares seems like a bunch of "what ifs"


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?


No, I destroy them.


2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you?


Nope, I find them utterly useless and ugly.


3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.


Sometimes, but most of the time I don't like them.


4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?


Nah, they are too recent.


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1: Sure do


2: Would look a bit wierd wouldnt it?


3: I find they are getting worse and worse each year :wall:


4: I think its good to keep them and do the little quests because you will be able to show off a bit later on in the years to come(If your still playing, haha) I have a rubber chicken and items like that still, and its fun to walk around hitting people with them constantly asking what the hell im wielding.

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The point of the holiday items is to wear them during the proper holiday so you're in the holiday spirit. No one expects you to wear them every single day of the year.




They should not be deemed 'useless.' If you want to go train your combat, go ahead and wear your helm and keep your holiday hat in your bag. No one really cares. Just put your holiday hat back on when you're not fighting. If someone asks you, "Have you done the holiday event?" You can say that you have and put your hat on.






^ Blog.


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this is kinda offtopic but




i think it would be cool to be able to wear a coat/cloak/whatever over your armor




i mean imagine a DFH partially shadowed under a coat and hood made of dark beast hides, and then your Dragon breastplate shining out from the opening in the front and your gauntlet laden hands emerging from the sleeves gripping your godsword




that in my opinion would look bloody amazing


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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The point of the holiday items is to wear them during the proper holiday so you're in the holiday spirit. No one expects you to wear them every single day of the year.




They should not be deemed 'useless.' If you want to go train your combat, go ahead and wear your helm and keep your holiday hat in your bag. No one really cares. Just put your holiday hat back on when you're not fighting. If someone asks you, "Have you done the holiday event?" You can say that you have and put your hat on.








:roll: <-wtf? and all im saying is if it could stack on the real helm it might be more useful, refering to when you said theyre useless? makes sense doesnt it...






Easter, wear bunny ears while slaying, but now, i wont suffer the low def bonuses, now its more useful. but thats not the point of this discussion, im asking who else agrees theyre useless and could use an update on the usefulness area, AND who just discards them.


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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?






2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you? This doesnt mean you literally have bunny ears on top of your dmed it means the dmed hides and the bunnyears is what you see, you just get the def bonuses of the dmed now.






3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.


Not really... it's fun but everyone want to say: yeah I was around then, etc.




4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?


Not so much for new items, but then that's what I thought when I got my yo-yo and a few people are jealous of me now because they weren't around to get that.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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so the discussion questions im asking if you couldnt be bothered to read the crap above:




1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank? Yes




2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you? This doesnt mean you literally have bunny ears on top of your dmed -.- it means the dmed hides and the bunnyears is what you see, you just get the def bonuses of the dmed now.I think it should be like it just sticks on top, like just attaching it.




3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.Yeh




4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?Yeh

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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1: I don't have many holiday stuff, but the snow globe i got is pretty useless.




And the Hallowe'en stuff I got today...We'll see what happens to them :roll:




2: Maybe...




3: I enjoy the quest, yes. But the items are fun too \'




4: Well...New items are always interesting, so you either keep them or not.




'Cause you can get a new one from an NPC when you lose the item, right?

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O look Jagex actually made a useful holiday item: Broom! <3:








I know it's going to be turned into a member's quest for all after this Halloween but still... :D


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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1: Do you find yourself just shoving these holiday items into the back of your bank?


Destroying them doesn't take up my bankspace ;) .


2: Would having the ability to wear them on top of your armor make these items more worth it to you?


No, when I do combat I want to wear combat stuff, hitting 30s with a rubber chicken isn't really, you know, combat-ish.


3: Do you really just enjoy the quest.


Not really, they're quite dumb.


4: I understand that they can show how long youve played (ex:bunny ears), is the chicken suit/new holiday items just that for you?


Yes. The only holiday items I really like are the rubber chicken and the Pumpkin hat, and I won't be wearing the hat for another 2 years because you only see noobs running around with one :P .


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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  • 1 month later...

I sometimes use my holiday items.




Depends if they match my outfit or not.




I also love doing the holiday events themselves.


Gives a little sesonal feeling. :P

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I like holiday items as they can put me in the festive spirit of things. They can also match my outfit. Either that, or I can have fun amazing those newer players who weren't around when the easter ring was out. ;)


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