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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States


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I'm scared- only because my brother going into the Airforce, and as Obama being his boss, and Obama knowing little or nothing about the army (compared to McCain) uhhh....




Don't worry to much its the Chairforce. ;);) I'm in the same boat, all we can do is wait and see. This is only 4-8 years, tell your brother to be proud of an organization that has been around many more then that and will be around for many more then that.

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I'm scared- only because my brother going into the Airforce, and as Obama being his boss, and Obama knowing little or nothing about the army (compared to McCain) uhhh....




Wow. I hope you're:




1. Joking




3. A younger TIF'er still agreeing with parents' biased views





I'm gonna go with #3




As someone who often ends up debating with Saru, I must say #3 is indeed correct.


To be honest, Saru has nothing to worry about. His brother is likely to go nowhere, since Obama thinks we should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.




Wrong. Obama had the same withdrawal strategy as McCain. We are staying in until we finish the job. However, Obama's plan was to hold Iraq accountable and have them start to reimburse us some of the money they are making over there. As he said "There's no reason we should be so far in deficit while they are pulling in an 87 billion dollar surplus."


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I'm scared- only because my brother going into the Airforce, and as Obama being his boss, and Obama knowing little or nothing about the army (compared to McCain) uhhh....




Wow. I hope you're:




1. Joking




3. A younger TIF'er still agreeing with parents' biased views





I'm gonna go with #3




As someone who often ends up debating with Saru, I must say #3 is indeed correct.


To be honest, Saru has nothing to worry about. His brother is likely to go nowhere, since Obama thinks we should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.




Oh no,he's wrong everyone should stay in a war with no real point.The new democrat president should pay no heed to what the Iraqis want,because that would be a democracy.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I'm scared- only because my brother going into the Airforce, and as Obama being his boss, and Obama knowing little or nothing about the army (compared to McCain) uhhh....




Wow. I hope you're:




1. Joking




3. A younger TIF'er still agreeing with parents' biased views





I'm gonna go with #3




As someone who often ends up debating with Saru, I must say #3 is indeed correct.


To be honest, Saru has nothing to worry about. His brother is likely to go nowhere, since Obama thinks we should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.




Wrong. Obama had the same withdrawal strategy as McCain. We are staying in until we finish the job. However, Obama's plan was to hold Iraq accountable and have them start to reimburse us some of the money they are making over there. As he said "There's no reason we should be so far in deficit while they are pulling in an 87 billion dollar surplus."


Last I hear, Obama wishes to get them out of there in 18 months...


|Signature by Jason321|

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Just got up and looked at TIF, I suppose this is a good morning.


Whack your telly on, this is a [bleep] epic speech.


1. Don't have a TV. 2. They probably don't broadcast it in Finland. I wouldn't know.




Well it was broadcasted here.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I'm scared- only because my brother going into the Airforce, and as Obama being his boss, and Obama knowing little or nothing about the army (compared to McCain) uhhh....




Wow. I hope you're:




1. Joking




3. A younger TIF'er still agreeing with parents' biased views





I'm gonna go with #3




its hard to believe that anyone can still think the president just says things and they happen. particularly in america there is masses of red tape which will restrict any decisions the president makes




you can be trusted someone in this red tape has defence experience (maybe even more than mccain *gasp*) and your brother will be saved from obamas ignorance

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Wrong. Obama had the same withdrawal strategy as McCain. We are staying in until we finish the job. However, Obama's plan was to hold Iraq accountable and have them start to reimburse us some of the money they are making over there. As he said "There's no reason we should be so far in deficit while they are pulling in an 87 billion dollar surplus."








Read his plan. Withdrawl in under 2 years.

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Well.. taxing the "Upper Class" (those who make above 140k a year) and giving the "Lower Class" free healthcare sure sounds like socialism to me.




Someone ought to slap you.






http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/o ... 30.article




I was hoping you would prove me wrong, but obamma is still providing welfare for the lower income familes. And 45% tax on "estates" over 3.5 million? That is absurd.

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im still wondering, if obama turns out to be the shady traveling sales man who sells you "miracle cream". What do we do?






at least with the gore/bush election it was a close call and we could only be like, well half of the country was dumb, now we are talking 2/3rds?










I can only hope obama does what he says with out any repercussions.

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Well.. taxing the "Upper Class" (those who make above 140k a year) and giving the "Lower Class" free healthcare sure sounds like socialism to me.




Someone ought to slap you.






http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/o ... 30.article




I was hoping you would prove me wrong, but obamma is still providing welfare for the lower income familes. And 45% tax on "estates" over 3.5 million? That is absurd.




You do realize that you made a point, which I then refuted, and then proceeded to make two new points, and then say I never refuted the first?




Are you dense?




Obama is helping lower and middle class famalies, and making sure that the richest of the rich aren't given breaks. Someone really ought to stop this madness.

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Im going to laugh when Obama ends up leaving the troops in Iraq longer than McCain would have and since they both have/had "plans" but Im sure he will probaly not follow his plan at all. Im truly scared of what Obama might do, but I will wait and see, because Im thinking he is mostly talk like all presidential canidates which is a good thing.

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Well.. taxing the "Upper Class" (those who make above 140k a year) and giving the "Lower Class" free healthcare sure sounds like socialism to me.




Someone ought to slap you.






http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/o ... 30.article




I was hoping you would prove me wrong, but obamma is still providing welfare for the lower income familes. And 45% tax on "estates" over 3.5 million? That is absurd.












I think, I even qualify for the "tax credit/welfare" of obama. Which does not seem realistically moral. I have been recently employed, and while all this was being said I understood I would get this kind of tax credit even without having job. Now i am not certain on that but, that sounds [bleep]ed up.






either way, now i pay federal tax's

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Why does everyone hate Bush? He is not the idiot that everybody thinks he is. I bet that no more than 3 people on the TIF have a higher IQ than Bush or went to a better school than him. I think that so many people hate Bush, because of the war in Iraq, but a majority of people supported the war at first. Americans just have a hard time with sacrafice and this is why America lost in Vietnam as well. It was, because the American people are a bunch of pansies with no backbone. It takes a leader with a backbone to stand up and keep America as a superpower. We will very soon see if Obama has that backbone and then America will be wanting a leader that does not worry about his image, but about the well being of the country.

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Well.. taxing the "Upper Class" (those who make above 140k a year) and giving the "Lower Class" free healthcare sure sounds like socialism to me.




Someone ought to slap you.






http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/o ... 30.article




I was hoping you would prove me wrong, but obamma is still providing welfare for the lower income familes. And 45% tax on "estates" over 3.5 million? That is absurd.




So with the majority of americans being lower/middle class, your saying its a bad thing to lift some of the burden off of their shoulders at the expense of the upper class being taxed? Hell if your house is worth 3.5 million i'm guessing you could handle some heavier taxes :? just saying..

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Why does everyone hate Bush? He is not the idiot that everybody thinks he is. I bet that no more than 3 people on the TIF have a higher IQ than Bush or went to a better school than him. I think that so many people hate Bush, because of the war in Iraq, but a majority of people supported the war at first. Americans just have a hard time with sacrafice and this is why America lost in Vietnam as well. It was, because the American people are a bunch of pansies with no backbone. It takes a leader with a backbone to stand up and keep America as a superpower. We will very soon see if Obama has that backbone and then America will be wanting a leader that does not worry about his image, but about the well being of the country.




You are about to get BLASTED.

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