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Spike, It's freaking me out!


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Anyone see this "red rev" that has been has the name [bleep]e Beast ( actually ingame its [bleep]e Beaset.)


My sister claims to have seen it. I just read it on the Runescape Forums (14-15-434-57888862)


Here is what it says on the topic:






in other news "[bleep]e" the red rev is not alone, keep your eyes peeled for a running ghost, who quite literally runs towards and through you.






this is no joke, as you will see with other posts, the red rev was originally called that due to its somewhat ghostly characteristics, although IT IS NOT A REVENANT. it is larger than a rev orc, in the shape of what seems to be a fire elemental, but a blood red colour.soon after the red rev was dubbed [bleep]e, with regards to prayer mom, page 3 post 6, who got a part of it's name.


its most common sighting area is around the legend guild, the next is crandor and there was a sighting in edgeville.


[bleep]e is also reported to be agressive and capable of a 1 hit on players, even though he is 90 combat so be carefull.


you will not lose items if he kills you, you will do the death sequence then be stood up like nothing happened.




-This is not a summoning familer, it does not have legs (rules out fire titan), it is not smaller than a human (rules out pyrelord), it does not have wings or have a flapping motion (rules out forge regent and tz-kih) it does not look like a bird of any sort (rules out the pheonix despite this familier not been released yet)-




mentioned above is the "running ghost" which has been spotted near the moss giants near ardougne and near the coal trucks, it has been descibed as been more transparent than ghostly gear and a faded colour of the barrow brother's purple. it runs fast without stop and has ran through and past players. it is aparantly lower than level 60 and not believed to be dangerous but please be cautious.




lets find the red rev, now dubbed as [bleep]e and the running ghost. join my clan chat to find out more about these two strange individuals and possible hunt them down.i will not always be in my cc


I really want to see a picture of this so called "[bleep]e" anyone have such an experience,

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I really don't know what to say... Maybe it's a major glitch? Or Jagex accidentally released some new content in wrong places?

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Reading it i got so scared I was about to run and bank everything lol, then i read further down...you don't die biggest sigh of releaf. i would love to run into it lol but i have a big feeling its a huge hyped up prank of some sort, unless a mod comments on it. What world was this in? was it specified?


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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I dont believe it, ive been in those "hotspots" for the last month very very frequently and have heard nor seen anything of/about the sort. Its a hoax until I see it.




The only thing is that the thread has been open for 5 days now, if it were some kid making up some bs than wouldnt a jmod have locked it already?


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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I dont believe it, ive been in those "hotspots" for the last month very very frequently and have heard nor seen anything of/about the sort. Its a hoax until I see it.




The only thing is that the thread has been open for 5 days now, if it were some kid making up some bs than wouldnt a jmod have locked it already?

what surprises me more is that a jmod wouldn't have at least posted on it, it sounds more like a glitch and if it existed and it was a glitch it should have been removed by now. Therefore I don't believe its real, it seems silly that that would be a teaser lol.
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I dont believe it, ive been in those "hotspots" for the last month very very frequently and have heard nor seen anything of/about the sort. Its a hoax until I see it.




The only thing is that the thread has been open for 5 days now, if it were some kid making up some bs than wouldnt a jmod have locked it already?

what surprises me more is that a jmod wouldn't have at least posted on it, it sounds more like a glitch and if it existed and it was a glitch it should have been removed by now. Therefore I don't believe its real, it seems silly that that would be a teaser lol.




It being a teaser would be a good reason as to why a jmod hasn't replied.

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I dont believe it, ive been in those "hotspots" for the last month very very frequently and have heard nor seen anything of/about the sort. Its a hoax until I see it.




The only thing is that the thread has been open for 5 days now, if it were some kid making up some bs than wouldnt a jmod have locked it already?

what surprises me more is that a jmod wouldn't have at least posted on it, it sounds more like a glitch and if it existed and it was a glitch it should have been removed by now. Therefore I don't believe its real, it seems silly that that would be a teaser lol.




It being a teaser would be a good reason as to why a jmod hasn't replied.

yea, im still skeptical, I need visual proof. Ive been in these areas ALOT recently and havent seen or heard of anything suspicious




Sorry, but I'm with wakka on this one. I think it's a total hoax by a bunch of children thinking they're being clever trying to scare all of the other children into believing they could die at any moment. lol.
Well according to the post its harmless ::'
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Sorry, but I'm with wakka on this one. I think it's a total hoax by a bunch of children thinking they're being clever trying to scare all of the other children into believing they could die at any moment. lol.




Although i agree, italian's got a very legit argument, if it was a hoax by a bunch of kids then FOR SURE a jagex mod or a forum mod would have locked it. And i think j-mods arent posting to keep us from whining about updates for a coupe days trying to prove it :lol:


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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I dont believe it, ive been in those "hotspots" for the last month very very frequently and have heard nor seen anything of/about the sort. Its a hoax until I see it.




The only thing is that the thread has been open for 5 days now, if it were some kid making up some bs than wouldnt a jmod have locked it already?

what surprises me more is that a jmod wouldn't have at least posted on it, it sounds more like a glitch and if it existed and it was a glitch it should have been removed by now. Therefore I don't believe its real, it seems silly that that would be a teaser lol.




It being a teaser would be a good reason as to why a jmod hasn't replied.

yea, im still skeptical, I need visual proof. Ive been in these areas ALOT recently and havent seen or heard of anything suspicious





Let the hunt for [bleep]e begin?

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Wasn't there a big freakout of someone "seeing" like a green monster or something on Karamja right before summoning came out? That turned out to be nothing, so I guess I'd think it's made up. I don't know.




Ya and someone got a picture of it though.




I'd have to say due to the topic not being locked it must be real or Jagex likes messing wiht noobs. They do camp there to look for the beast so maybe if we want conformation we could camp there too. Either way this would be epic if it was true.

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If there was such thing why no one knows its level, name or exact shape/outfit/whatever.. :roll:




EDIT: quotes from RSOF;


Update on my search


Well I went into the wildy on the way to stealing creation and guess what i saw in there? a rev.... luckily it was a lvl 47 one so i killed it BUT then... when it died i left afraid of another rev apearing into edge and kept moving the camera around so i can see if i see a rev or not. i got into edge and guess what i saw? Red Rev world 84 i got a examine but all it said was


Looks scary.....


I got its level something like 138 and it summoned a familiar but it didn't look like one... to me i say he summoned a revenant steel titan... then... someone in edgeville bank attacked it.... died with full drag on (med helm lucky for him they only cost 60K) and he said b4 he killed it he was going to KBD with a dragonfire shield and his spawn point was camelot.... i attacked it (nothing on) and it hit 45 (all my hp) but before he hit me i hit for some reason i found a d long on floor i couldn't weild it but i used it on him and he only had 98 of hid hp left... strange eh?


the name is "[bleep]ed Beaset" and the examine says something like "Looks Scary..."
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I seriously, seriously doubt that this is real. It is simply too random and too powerful to be introduced without any announcement or warning. If I remember correctly, there was also so hoax about a creature near the Brimhaven fruit tree patch that turned out to be false. I have a feeling that this is no different. This is nothing more than a group of kids that decided they wanted their fifteen minutes of fame.




That said, if someone can provide me with some real evidence as to this creatures excistance, then by all means do so.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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I dont believe this because its to powerfull and its outside of the wilderness.




Untill I get some proof, il say this is just a rumour made by some bored kids.

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If there was such thing why no one knows its level, name or exact shape/outfit/whatever.. :roll:




EDIT: quotes from RSOF;


Update on my search


Well I went into the wildy on the way to stealing creation and guess what i saw in there? a rev.... luckily it was a lvl 47 one so i killed it BUT then... when it died i left afraid of another rev apearing into edge and kept moving the camera around so i can see if i see a rev or not. i got into edge and guess what i saw? Red Rev world 84 i got a examine but all it said was


Looks scary.....


I got its level something like 138 and it summoned a familiar but it didn't look like one... to me i say he summoned a revenant steel titan... then... someone in edgeville bank attacked it.... died with full drag on (med helm lucky for him they only cost 60K) and he said b4 he killed it he was going to KBD with a dragonfire shield and his spawn point was camelot.... i attacked it (nothing on) and it hit 45 (all my hp) but before he hit me i hit for some reason i found a d long on floor i couldn't weild it but i used it on him and he only had 98 of hid hp left... strange eh?


the name is "[bleep]ed Beaset" and the examine says something like "Looks Scary..."


oh right, someone with 45 hp easily kills a lvl 47 rev? and some guy telling him about he going to kbd with a dragonfire shield and his spawn point was cammy? 1. he is pure+the other guy types uber fast 2. he fails 3. he is teh epic phail



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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