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Stupidest way you've been injured?


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My one is just plain stupid, it was when i was in yr 7 and was up the school hanging with one of my friends (it was the weekend). We pass by this pole thing and my friend sort of hangs upside down on it (no idea why) so being the person i am i tried to do something even better. I ran at the pole and jumped on it. I landed in a really painful position (i'm not saying where for certain reasons) my legs went stiff and it really hurt. I stayed in that position when i fell sidewards on the pole but i got over it quickily. Although my friend was on the floor laughing. :oops:









"Ive always tried to kill the greatest man alive, but then I finally realize that suicide is not the answer"



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Ran into a solid brick wall, crashing into it, destroying my left arm's bones (2 of them i think) and had to replace my bionic ear(cochlear implant, requires to be put on the skull, making a hole in the skull, not through it... just to fit it in, its shaped like a circle...ah screw the explaination...lol) :P

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i was in town, and there was this hot girl, and i mean-REALLY HOT. so iwas walking along staring at her, not keeping my eyes on where i was going. i walked straight into a fountain, fell over the edge into it. seeing as it had about 2 inches of water i broke my jaw on the bottom. and now if i ever open it too wide it gets stuck... :oops:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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when i was in elementary school, we came up with this fundraiser called "Slow Bicycle Race". Seemed all fun and games. But turned out to be the most evil race of all time. I entered with my little orange huffy bike. The object of the race was to go as slow on your bike as you could without falling, the person who stood up the longest or went the farthest going slow wins that round and goes to the next round. WELL....








I started all the way on the end and we started racing. i was loosing really bad so i was like in the middle of the pack. the stupid kid on the end (who happend to be my best freind jason) fell over and knocked over everyone else in the row. so i got like 3 people on top of my little poor orange huffy. all polished up. anyways when they fell i got my foot caught in the chain of the kid beside me's bike and he started peddling. he cut 2 of my toes almost off, (they were hanging on by like nothing) and i had to get surgery to put them back on and now i cant move one of them.....








go ahead.. laugh at me








laugh of you? thats freaking painfull! arrg... thats gotta hurt!!












Last summer was in mexico with a friend, we snuck out to the pool at like 2am, and decided to dive off the waterfall like we were earlier in the day... Little did we know they drain the dam landing pool at night, so we dove into 2 feet of water. Split my chin, and fractured my jaw.








ooof... "hey! watch out, there aint any water in the pool! dont worry, i cant swim" how did you manage to do that??



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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i was in town, and there was this hot girl, and i mean-REALLY HOT. so iwas walking along staring at her, not keeping my eyes on where i was going. i walked straight into a fountain, fell over the edge into it. seeing as it had about 2 inches of water i broke my jaw on the bottom. and now if i ever open it too wide it gets stuck... :oops:








Ouch :shock:




them hot girls..... :P


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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1) My house has really weak windows, I tried to push the window up by putting both of my hands directly on the glass and tried to push them up..and BAM. I got a cut about a half a centimeter away from my wrist and had to wear stitches..the Hospital thought I tried to commit suicide :lol: :oops:








2) I fell of a second floor roof directly on my head while trying to climb my friends farm house with a normal rope..and it broke while i was halfway up. Stitches bewtween my eyes








3)I sprained my left ring-finger by trying to catch a rubber excersize ball and I sprained it so badly that I had to go to the hospital for injections to make the pain go away. When I tried to move it it stung so badly that it felt broken. It still hurts to this day on when I move it, not as bad though. :)

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i was in town, and there was this hot girl, and i mean-REALLY HOT. so iwas walking along staring at her, not keeping my eyes on where i was going. i walked straight into a fountain, fell over the edge into it. seeing as it had about 2 inches of water i broke my jaw on the bottom. and now if i ever open it too wide it gets stuck... :oops:








Ouch :shock:




them hot girls..... :P








the worst thing was lying in the fountain while the girl stared. :lol:








( by the way tay im vill_ranger0-the one who was bothering you a few evenings ago :P )



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Well, this wasn't really an incident...I was 18 and going to get my tongue peirced. (My friends the guy who does those kind of things) Anyway, instead of puting an actual barbell type thing you put through your tongue, he put a nail wrapped in foil. It was until 3 days later was when I realized it :oops: And I sued him for $3000 and won. I dont know why he would do such a thing but I havent talked to him for the past 4 years :evil:

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well i live on a steep hill and in the winter once all the grass is dead, one year i decided to take a skim board out there so i threw it down the hill jumped on and started riding, i was going way to fast lost balance fell and broke my wrist

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well it wasnt me but......








my friend from school was making fun of me and a couple of friends playing baseball and he took a few swings and he struck out and he got mad so he and his friend took the bat and they got on his brothers bike which he took :roll: it has the pegs so u can have 2 or 3 people on it......








he started riding with the bat in his hand and me and my friend who were the only ones with bikes chased them. then when we went about half a block they got off and started taking swings at us with the bat :shock: so i grabed it when it came to me and being stronger then him 8) he fell forward. :D he got on his bike and took his friend along but they kindoff hurt my brother and gave him a small bruise :evil: so i chased him i was catching up cause he didnt know how to ride a small bike so he fell of the bike with his friend landing on him and the bike in the middle! he got up holdoing his leg and he had a 6 inch long 3 inch wide hole on his thigh by the u know what if ur a guy :lol:

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Hmm.. suing your friend, well, it was an odd behaviour.. Anyway, my friends offered my other friend 12 beers if he pierced his nipple, I'd say thats both a stupid way and reason to get hurt :P








I dont care if he was my friend or not, that wasnt funny. And lol 12 beers for a nipple peirce?

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1.Well when i was 11 i was playing football on this grassy area. I was running after a friend and was closing in and at the end of the grassy area there is a side walk then more grass. Well he got the touch down and i'm still less that a second behind him trying to slow down and al of a sudden he jumps. Now my first thought is wth is he doing... then i find out. Theres a ditch a foot after the sidewalk that is 8 inches wide and completely over grown with grass. I manage to pull my hamstring which sucks because whenever i tryed to explain to someone what happened they always thought i said "hamster".












2. in third grade there was this jungle gym with monkey bars and on the outside bar you can swing up and sit up right if you fast enough. Well i thought i was on the outside bar. But no i had to be on the inside bar and tryed swinging up. Now remember the "you have to be fast" part well you usually used alot of force to swing up. I swung as fast as i could and WHAM "head meet bar" well the bar won. i got stitches above my eye but thats not even the best part. while i was semiconsious i was bleeding really bad and a teacher noticed me after about 30 seconds of bleeding.








3. one word describes this situation. Skateboard. i was trying to do a kickflip and when i went to land i pushed the board from beneath me. My butt hit the ground so hard my friend heard it coming out of my house from like 30 yards. Walking was hard for the next few days.








4. football (not soccer) is awesome when your not wearing pads. THis will be a short one. I was running straight for this kid a year younger and was gonna jump over him and well.... he stuck his had up and tryed to rip the ball out of my hands. He missed the ball and hit my balls and i land and rolled before yelling out in pain. I had to limp home and wasn't able to sit for awhile.

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Hmm.. suing your friend, well, it was an odd behaviour.. Anyway, my friends offered my other friend 12 beers if he pierced his nipple, I'd say thats both a stupid way and reason to get hurt :P








I dont care if he was my friend or not, that wasnt funny. And lol 12 beers for a nipple peirce?








Well they did pay for the piercing +a dozen beers. Oh well, that's just him -.-

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Oh.. Brings back some old memories.. :oops:








I was about 11 when this happened..








My dad confiscated my ps2 (took the car for a joyride..), so I ransacked his drawers while he was gone. In the process, I find a stash of "interesting magazines" in one of them. So.. obviously I couldn't resist taking a peek. :oops:








Then I hear the sound of the front door close. Turns out that my dad decided to come home a bit early. :shock:








I panicked. I tried to slam the drawer shut when one arm was still in it. Hurt like s**t. :x








In excrutiating pain, I try to yank my arm out of the drawer. I succeeded in doing so, but I yanked the whole drawer out of the closet. BAM. 10 pound wooden drawer falls on tip of foot. At the same time, spilling out it's contents on the floor. :oops:








Then DAD comes in room.








We were both like :shock: :oops: :x .








Turns out that I broke my wrist and crushed 2 bones in my foot. But what hurt more was that dad wouldn't talk to me for a month. :cry:

RsN: Arcade

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The stupidest is when I was like 5 at my babysitters, there was like an old shed and I was playing with some other kids, I don't remember exactally what happened, but I jumped off or something and caught my leg on a piece of metal gutter sticking up. I might have just imagined that though since I have real bad memory and don't have a scar from it.








I also fell off a bookshelf leaving a mark above my eye and fell on a pacifier and have a scar on my lip still








Also falling for no reason, I think my right leg muscles stop working for half a second once and a while, I don't know why. I fell on a bridge because of this and had a huge gash on my knee, but I didn't know I cut myself until I got home since it didn't bleed enough to see through my pants.












I haven't had anything recently, I should go fall through some glass or something...

Small Children Scared Count:3


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i was playing on the jungle gym and i fell and landed on my feet and my arm still broke. That was when i was in 2nd grade.








And one time there was a really low bball hoop and i tried dunking and hit myself on the nose and i scratched myself.

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ysterday i was running then kicked a ball, took a step, and triped and sprained my ankle... all before the first day of school :o :(








Much better today, hurts sometimes... lol my stupidity, didnt watch where iw as going.


Sig by Ikurai

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Ok I was like 5 years old and it was Halloween. At the time I was in daycare. I looked accross the playground and just started running (for no reason mind you) I just kept running then... Smack! Right into a dang set of metal stairs. METAL STAIRS. I ended up geting 5 stiches in my chin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

w00t finally a good post lol...i have alot of stupid things with my friends...








first was we decided to roll down this huge verticle hill in a trashcan(we cleaned it first but we wernt in the right state of mind at the time) and i ended up hitting my side on the handles while inside got a huge bruise on my waist and at the end of the hill i hit a fence rolled out onto a rock :shock:




another time was because i own at hacky sack(current record 545 consequative tuimes without dropping it) me and friends decided to fire hack which is soaking a hack in gasoline lighting it on fire and hacky sacking at night...well some gas got on my leg ended up losing all my hair on my leg my shoe was burned and fused :shock: with my foot and first degree burns.....

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Oh geez i have countless battle scars on me, sucks playing sports








Lets See, Ive had broken fingers, legs, arms, noses, uhh fractured cheek bone (that was NOT fun), multiple concussions etc








See, i pitch baseball, and its bad if the ball comes right back atcha, ive had a broken leg that way, omfg that hurt like hell, uhhh another concussion running into the catcher trying to score, and yes he did hang onto the ball, and yes i was knocked out cold








i also had another injury that i hate to explain, but it came playing pick up basketball in the gym








lets say im not the tallest guy in the world, only 5'8-9 was about 5'5 when this happened, i jumped up for the rebound, and at the same time another guy did, i had an elbow jammed into my eye, fractured my cheek bone, i came down on the hard gym floor, a concussion there, had a shiner for weeks, and to this day i still dont remember most of it, i just remember going up and landing, i dont remember what happened for the next 3-5 minutes, but it was humiliating








i also broke a finger once just catching a basketball, caught it wrong and jammed the hell outta it enough it broke, i didnt know about it till the next week xD








i also remember one time walking in the breezeway of my old school theres these poles to hold an awning up, i remember talking to my friend and i went to open a bottle of pop i got and BLAM walked right into a freaking metal pole, gah that hurt like hell

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man the worst thing ive ever done was probley jumped of a 15'ft wall when i was about 8 years old, i lost my footing on the way down a smacked my chin on the floor 'needlessly to say i cried for my Mummy like a little girl' and i still have the war scar to show today.

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