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Mount & Blade: You conquer castles and stuff!


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when you install a mod, does it run with your current game or do you need to start a new one


+ does the troop editor affect all saved games




Most mods are completely different from Native, and so require a new game to play. The troops editor (I believe) requires a new game to take into effect, though I'm not 100% sure on that one. It just modifies the troops.txt and parties.txt file.




and i need some help with the troop editor, Can you make new troops, or just edit existing ones?


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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Nuh uh, it looks like this. Because I downloaded the patches and didn't know where to put them, so I just kept everything as a file.




Then inside the Native Expansion file ...






Are the (I think) patch files outside the inner NE file the problem?




EDIT: Well, now I feel like an idiot. Maybe I should stop putting the mod in the demo's folder? -_-

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On the Native Expansion, has anybody re-named their kingdom using the troops.txt file?




I've tried but whatever i do it won't appear ingame (when using a captured town's manage kingdom option)




Do i have to re-start to have it there or something? I've edited the rile exactly as it should be i'm sure.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Nuh uh, it looks like this. Because I downloaded the patches and didn't know where to put them, so I just kept everything as a file.




Then inside the Native Expansion file ...






Are the (I think) patch files outside the inner NE file the problem?




EDIT: Well, now I feel like an idiot. Maybe I should stop putting the mod in the demo's folder? -_-




It looks like you have an extra file directory there. It goes Native Expansion -> Native Expansion, where there should only be one.


So essentially, it tries loading the module, and all it finds is a file folder and goes "wtf is this [cabbage]" and can't load it :P


Just copy the patch files over the originals, and make it so all the NE files are in Modules -> Native Expansion.





when you install a mod, does it run with your current game or do you need to start a new one


+ does the troop editor affect all saved games




Most mods are completely different from Native, and so require a new game to play. The troops editor (I believe) requires a new game to take into effect, though I'm not 100% sure on that one. It just modifies the troops.txt and parties.txt file.




and i need some help with the troop editor, Can you make new troops, or just edit existing ones?




Not sure. I just edited the peasant woman line, since I think to create new troops you need to start a new module for Native.




Thanks Dusty, your're a life saver! :D :thumbup:


Np :)




On the Native Expansion, has anybody re-named their kingdom using the troops.txt file?




I've tried but whatever i do it won't appear ingame (when using a captured town's manage kingdom option)




Do i have to re-start to have it there or something? I've edited the rile exactly as it should be i'm sure.




You have to have it edited to fit your name before your kingdom is started; you can't already have a kingdom and then edit its name in the txt file, because it won't change. It's a bit idiotic yes, but some mods allow you to change your Kingdom's name on the fly (Native Expansion for example).


At least that's what I think. Try Lent's version first though (down below) and see if that works.

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You have to change the "change_kingdom_name" or whatever (leave the second word "name")) and then the last "1" right after it. Mine worked fine.




It looks like you have an extra file directory there. It goes Native Expansion -> Native Expansion, where there should only be one.


So essentially, it tries loading the module, and all it finds is a file folder and goes "wtf is this [cabbage]" and can't load it :P


Just copy the patch files over the originals, and make it so all the NE files are in Modules -> Native Expansion.


Yeah, that's my demo Mount & Blade folder. That was the problem. I guess if I was playing the demo, I could play Native fine. I got it now, though, and it's rockin'. What would you say are the best troops?

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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You have to change the "change_kingdom_name" or whatever (leave the second word "name")) and then the last "1" right after it. Mine worked fine.




It looks like you have an extra file directory there. It goes Native Expansion -> Native Expansion, where there should only be one.


So essentially, it tries loading the module, and all it finds is a file folder and goes "wtf is this [cabbage]" and can't load it :P


Just copy the patch files over the originals, and make it so all the NE files are in Modules -> Native Expansion.


Yeah, that's my demo Mount & Blade folder. That was the problem. I guess if I was playing the demo, I could play Native fine. I got it now, though, and it's rockin'. What would you say are the best troops?




Swadian top tier cavalry will rampage over pretty much everything. I find them a bit cheap though. Just fiddle around and see what floats your boat. :P


Rhodoks are also pretty good as anti-cavalry, as long as you have the spear wall system on, as they'll brace spears and a cavalry charge will turn into a dead horse pile up pretty quick.

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Yeah its strange, i changed the right parts of the file to change the kingdom name, and its on the native expansion so its maybe just a strange bug.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Yeah its strange, i changed the right parts of the file to change the kingdom name, and its on the native expansion so its maybe just a strange bug.




If you're playing NE, then you can just capture a town, and there will be a "Manage your kingdom" option when you enter the town, where you can change the kingdom's name.

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I have and i've tried. You know theres the two options, you can choose your players name or the .txt file, but, my players name is where the .txt file option is, its strange, I've edited the .txt file perfectly but it still won't appear ingame. for the life of me i can't figuyre out what i've done wrong, or wether i just have a strange bug were the game can't find the file.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Started a new game with some 'tweaks' (biggest being that all bets at tournaments are 10x more, thus 10x more money heh). With a lot more money, I've gone around and just trained. I got my first castle (I'm a Vaegir lord, and I got a castle in the land between KK and Rhodoks >.< with being at war with both). I've just been training and training soldiers, not really doing much else. I was able to stave off a 350 man attack from the Rhodoks with 60 men by having about 15 high tier melle units at the entrance (mix between huscarl\knights\sergeants), and then some Vaegir archers\markmen on the flanking towers. They shot them to ribbons heh.




But yeah, then I went to Nordic lands to train myself. I'd take on groups of 30 Sea Raiders and win, which gave me about 50k exp so far. I have level 7 trainer and I'm level 24. :D




I just get recruits and sit in my castle all day training them. I have around 40 nord vets, 40 marksmen, tons of knights, lancers, etc.

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I'm starting a mercenary company in NE. I'm trying to get me and all the heroes above level 30. Much, much easier when they can't die :thumbup:




So far most of us are above level 20, I'm like 34 and still do terribly in castle sieges. I don't get why, but my hits are always either insta-kills or zeroes. WHAT THE HECK IS UP.




I'm waiting for dark knights so I can take a castle without making any enemies. Well, I really want a town, but I don't know if I can take one. ANYWAYS.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Those dark knights in the NE are too hard for me. To be honest, most of the time you have to rely on the numbers system in fights with them to have a chance of winning. Any time i've gone face to face with them, even with an army of lords, i got wiped out.




It took me and 5 vaeger armies just to siege a dark knight castle, and there werent even any lords garrisonned there.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I'll be using the numbers system. They're pitiful then. But [bleep]ing Vaegirs suck in NE. We took out a Khergit castle (only 100 or so guys in it) with over 800 troops. Their armies lost 100. I only had Achilles wounded, but that's because I had one Elite Huskarl and Achilles for my troops.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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It's a fun game, have been playing it for several weeks when rs got too boring. The fact that there are lots of different mods makes it 'new' everytime, so keeps it interesting. But the basic idea of conquering the enemy you choose stays the same and is awesome :twss:



Dutchy angel2w.gif

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I'm waiting for dark knights so I can take a castle without making any enemies. Well, I really want a town, but I don't know if I can take one. ANYWAYS.




I can't take a Dark Knight castle for the life of me, my top tier troops drop like flies from their archers. The only way I can beat them is with my army of 200+ Cavaliers/Counts/Greater Councilmen on an open field so my cavalry can dominate them. Even then, I take horrendous losses for the level of my troops (all 30+) :x

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I've noticed that in NE bows are a lot more powerful. A normal shot will kill someone. But I've also noticed that there are magnets in people's heads that draw my arrows towards them. I got 30 headshots out of 37 arrows against Rhodoks an hour ago. But in sieges against Khergits, said magnets repel. Seriously.




You know the glitch where an hour just gets stuck in the sky? Imagine that happening during a siege.




WITH ALL YOUR [bleep]ING ARROWS. AAAAAUUUGH. Seriously, I could see all my arrows floating where people's faces were.

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Is archery actually any good? I've never really bothered with it because in most situations i'd never really use it. In seiges i use a halberd to pick people off at range while they climb the ladder, and i'm horrible at aiming with bows.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Is archery actually any good? I've never really bothered with it because in most situations i'd never really use it. In seiges i use a halberd to pick people off at range while they climb the ladder, and i'm horrible at aiming with bows.


i find it really useful on horseback when your trying to chase another mounted troop, especially an archer that tries to avoid getting close to you, + if u cant hit them in the back then just try hitting there horse then eventually it will die then u got them on foot = ez


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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Is archery actually any good? I've never really bothered with it because in most situations i'd never really use it. In seiges i use a halberd to pick people off at range while they climb the ladder, and i'm horrible at aiming with bows.




Very good in sieges. If you're weak in health, it's even better. You just aim a tiny bit above their head (make sure you're on one side of the ladder, not facing them coming up), and with any luck you'll get a headshot. They'll usually KO every unit except upper units (knights, huscarls, men at arms, etc)




I got about 20-30 kills during a ~200 person siege.

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Any deals coming up for this on Steam? I really badly want it but reviews say it gets boring after awhile, so I want to get it like between $10-$20.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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The place Dusty posted earlier has had like three specials on it since I got it a couple months ago. Gamersgate, I think it was called. I'd keep an eye on them. I think there might be one this weekend...

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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The place Dusty posted earlier has had like three specials on it since I got it a couple months ago. Gamersgate, I think it was called. I'd keep an eye on them. I think there might be one this weekend...




It's Saturday now...




Do you mean next weekend, or was there supposed to be one today?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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