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Has jagex just destroyed the most succesfull minigame in rs?



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Soulwars is rapidly replacing castlewars, THe most sucessfull and fun minigame. mainly because these leechers getting gamble, its enraging to a man with 15k cw's tickets!!! i cant stand the new minigame :/ anyone else have the same feelings?




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I don't think it's replacing it. Granted, I haven't actually played the new minigame, so I can't say.




Btw, 15k ticks :o I've only got 1.9k lol

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Nonsense. like all new mini games it will have its place for a while before it dies. i doubt it'll replace Castle Wars, CW is the ICON of CTF in Runescape and has been one of the first mini games too. as for 15k tickets somehow i doubt that unless you no-lifed with a clan for 4 years. :lol:


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I can't see Soul Wars being a replacement for castle wars. At the moment of course it is much busier because of the hype, but it would definitely die down. A lot of people also dislike many aspects of SW, so they would play castle wars instead.




Will Castle Wars be somewhat less popular now, however slightly?





"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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I love soul wars! It does get laggy sometimes, but oh well. :P






And fun is always your opinion, remember that. ;) And I've made 500k from gambling at SW lol.






Besides, GWD replaced DKS, which replaced barrows, people still barrow. ;)

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Nah, it needs a LOT of tweaking to do that. And even then, the requirement for slayer and the uselessness of lower leveled players will still be obstacles to the number one spot. Castle Wars will always be one of the most, if not THE most, accessible competitive minigame.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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They're totally different.




I personally hate CW since I feel flag holding (the accepted 'strategy') is just plain stupid and annoying. While in Soul Wars there is chance for tides to turn. And there are actual rewards for playing SW as opposed to CW. To quote the a Slayer Guild motto, "It's like peeing on yourself, only you can appreciate the warm feeling you get" while SW has experience and item rewards.


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They're totally different.




I personally hate CW since I feel flag holding (the accepted 'strategy') is just plain stupid and annoying. While in Soul Wars there is chance for tides to turn. And there are actual rewards for playing SW as opposed to CW. To quote the a Slayer Guild motto, "It's like peeing on yourself, only you can appreciate the warm feeling you get" while SW has experience and item rewards.




The tides dont turn that easy, same as CW, if the team consists of a ton of high levels, the other team is as good as dead, there IS no turning around. the mini game is litteraly all about POWER.


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Nothing can replace castle wars not even SW.




Soul wars can be won by sheer numbers because all it requires is capturing the oblesik then having a few of the better players kill the avater. Where is castle wars a sheer numbers can help but it won't win because an experienced scorer can score past almost anything. Soul wars is is geared more for the lower levels as an alternative to training where castle wars is for the high level players because it offers more of a challenge. Also it's new so sure it's crowded.

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SW will not replace CW unless a [cabbage]load of changes are made.




First and foremost, it's very unbalanced. Lower levels are utterly useless in this minigame, whereas they can at least contribute some in CW. They need level tiers, but Jagex said that is not possible. :wall: I find that both sides lose out due to this. When you have a clan like Corr or DI or what-have-you stack one side with their players, that side is not fun because you don't really have to do much and you'll still obliterate the other team. On the flip side, what's the point in trying when your team is predominantly level 80s with less than 70 slayer, who are wielding rune/granite armor with dragon weapons? What's worse is that most higher-levels I know just AFK for 20 minutes to get the mercy point when they realize they are on a horrible team.




Also, barricades are useless and Bandages are too easily obtained. Jagex needs to set a limit of 56 bandages per 5 minutes on each individual player. That's two full inventories.




It'd also be nice if players could obtain free runes and ammunition in this minigame. Of course, to balance that, they'd need to nerf the experience. *shrugs*

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Like other people above me have posted, I think that once the hype dies down CW will see some players come back to it. I also don't think that CW is the "most successful mini-game" in RS. I'd actually like to think the most successful mini-game is Pest Control. After all, its the mini-game which almost completely changed the way people trained combat when it used to offer 100k+ combat exp/h. Its also (or I think it is), the mini-game which has the most clans dedicated solely towards it such as Heart Unit and Void Rebels.


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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.

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Well, I never really cared for Castle Wars, so I enjoy having another mini-game that I have fun playing. I still prefer Stealing Creation, but Soul Wars is a second. Without a doubt in my mind, Mobilizing Armies will replace the both of them as my most favoured game. I only believe that because it is of the RTS genre which I prefer.




As for Soul Wars replacing Castle Wars, I doubt it ever could. Soul Wars isn't much for a game, and will die down when people realize a good portion of it is just leechers. I also don't see it as viable combat xp for anyone who doesn't mind actually training. Just give it some time, and your castle walls will be busy once more. ::'




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To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.





That's a little harsh, that guy was level 9, I do think there should be some system similar to the zeal system at pest control though.




I think many people will play soul wars for the experience rewards, this means that higher levels will be more likely to play castle wars as they already have those levels. I also think many people are just trialling soul wars to see what it is like and castle wars players will increase once the hype of soul wars dies down.


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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.


It should just have a combat level requirement of 70-80, the fact that level 3s can now compete in slayer xp/hour with level 130s is just ridiculous :?


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.


It should just have a combat level requirement of 70-80, the fact that level 3s can now compete in slayer xp/hour with level 130s is just ridiculous :?


Not entirely my dear Dorkius. The Exp thats given is varied to the skill's level, so a lv3 who might say, have 30 slayer could only end up getting 40-70 slayer exp per zeal, (rough guess) so that way there isnt a major loophole in leveling up slayer or another skill.


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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.


It should just have a combat level requirement of 70-80, the fact that level 3s can now compete in slayer xp/hour with level 130s is just ridiculous :?


Not entirely my dear Dorkius. The Exp thats given is varied to the skill's level, so a lv3 who might say, have 30 slayer could only end up getting 40-70 slayer exp per zeal, (rough guess) so that way there isnt a major loophole in leveling up slayer or another skill.


Level 4 skiller was at SW yesterday with 71 slayer, while I don't know how much xp exactly that gives, it would still be a good 5k or so per hour, more than anyone with no combat stats should be able to achieve, imo :? Especially when they're contributting next to nothing in the game :-#


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.


It should just have a combat level requirement of 70-80, the fact that level 3s can now compete in slayer xp/hour with level 130s is just ridiculous :?




There should be two games where you have to be, say, 1). Under 85 combat and 2). Over 86 combat.




This way there won't be so many defence newbs stealing my in-game xp :thumbsup: .

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We need to have segregation from lower level players...


To see a stupid level 3 just walking around is just hopeless.


To find a teammate is in blue d hide and magic comp bow is just depressing.


I know I was once like them ( D2h in CW ), but at least I was doing jobs useful, like healing my flag holder.


It should just have a combat level requirement of 70-80, the fact that level 3s can now compete in slayer xp/hour with level 130s is just ridiculous :?


Not entirely my dear Dorkius. The Exp thats given is varied to the skill's level, so a lv3 who might say, have 30 slayer could only end up getting 40-70 slayer exp per zeal, (rough guess) so that way there isnt a major loophole in leveling up slayer or another skill.


Level 4 skiller was at SW yesterday with 71 slayer, while I don't know how much xp exactly that gives, it would still be a good 5k or so per hour, more than anyone with no combat stats should be able to achieve, imo :? Especially when they're contributting next to nothing in the game :-#




....Well with that kinda level good point.


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Just posting for some input.




I think it should be like PC but with slayer levels and the higher level games should have the high slayer level beasts that drop more shards at once.

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