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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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Ewww? P.C. kicks the [cabbage] out of any console.




It really is personal preference.




True. But still, PC has a modding communtiy, though it won't be as good as that of a Valve game.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Ewww? P.C. kicks the [cabbage] out of any console.




It really is personal preference.




True. But still, PC has a modding communtiy, though it won't be as good as that of a Valve game.




PC will dominate a 360 when it comes to Valve games. And some RPGS.




Any windows game is not worth getting on pc seeming as the cost you make up from pc gaming which is cheaper games and free dlc .. You now have to PAY for.

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Ewww? P.C. kicks the [cabbage] out of any console.




It really is personal preference. Plus I believe the 360 has timed exclusive map packs.




To be honest the PC should always get more than any console. Just one thing I believe should always happen

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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It really is personal preference. Plus I believe the 360 has timed exclusive map packs.




Got a source for this?




I really doubt IW would be that stupid just to release something for 360. The amount of money they would miss from PS3 and PC sales would be insane.

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It really is personal preference. Plus I believe the 360 has timed exclusive map packs.




Got a source for this?




I really doubt IW would be that stupid just to release something for 360. The amount of money they would miss from PS3 and PC sales would be insane.




I think they sad at E3. Its coming out on PS3 and PC, just at a later date.

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Ewww? P.C. kicks the [cabbage] out of any console.




It really is personal preference. Plus I believe the 360 has timed exclusive map packs.




To be honest the PC should always get more than any console. Just one thing I believe should always happen




Not in this case it's not.





It really is personal preference. Plus I believe the 360 has timed exclusive map packs.




Got a source for this?




I really doubt IW would be that stupid just to release something for 360. The amount of money they would miss from PS3 and PC sales would be insane.




Its just timed exclusive. Whether that means weeks or months is yet to be seen.

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What i don't understand is why they keep putting M60's into games. They are hardly used anymore. These games should get with the times and switch to the M240s. Sorry, being a gun nut and military guy makes me pay attention to details like this. Its like criticizing every war movie made. You don't notice the little stuff in movies until you've been there done that IRL.

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this has been buggin me for ages now..can some1 fix the typo in the title...warpons list?




It is obviously done on purpose to make the title a bit funny. >_>


Somebody else has edited that and I havnt noticed it.. I put Weapons list when I changed it last time and I made sure because I hate typos.. Ill fix it, my bad guys..


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
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1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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4 More months? I can't freaking wait that long...




I hope the demo comes out soon...


Sorry to burst your bubble, but from what my gamestop manager is telling me there probably isnt going to be a beta out until 2 weeks before release. Im not sure about an offline demo, but the beta is set for 2 weeks before release.


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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4 More months? I can't freaking wait that long...




I hope the demo comes out soon...


Sorry to burst your bubble, but from what my gamestop manager is telling me there probably isnt going to be a beta out until 2 weeks before release. Im not sure about an offline demo, but the beta is set for 2 weeks before release.




well that sucks...


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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do you guys think that they will allow you to add multiple attatchments on the same gun, cause thats the main thing i didnt like about the first mw. i dont see a rule saying putting a silencer on a gun wont let you add a scope as well..i really hope to see a more detailed customization for online play. a broader range of attatchments would be nice too.


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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do you guys think that they will allow you to add multiple attatchments on the same gun, cause thats the main thing i didnt like about the first mw. i dont see a rule saying putting a silencer on a gun wont let you add a scope as well..i really hope to see a more detailed customization for online play. a broader range of attatchments would be nice too.


Multi attachments might be cheap. You could have a silenced sniper (g3 or m14 with acog), which would just be ridiculous. Personally I don't want to go against an m16 with a silencer, grenade launcher and a rds.



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do you guys think that they will allow you to add multiple attatchments on the same gun, cause thats the main thing i didnt like about the first mw. i dont see a rule saying putting a silencer on a gun wont let you add a scope as well..i really hope to see a more detailed customization for online play. a broader range of attatchments would be nice too.


Multi attachments might be cheap. You could have a silenced sniper (g3 or m14 with acog), which would just be ridiculous. Personally I don't want to go against an m16 with a silencer, grenade launcher and a rds.




I agree completely. However in real life certain ones may be possible, in a game adding the 2 perks together would be extremely cheap. I mean, come on. A sniper with a silenced AND scoped bolt-action rifle?! Even as a sniper i HAVE to say thats stupid for a game.


Oh and a scoped rifle grenade (if there are any lol im still a CoD5 noob) shooting rifle will be massively broken.




Not even the most [developmentally delayed]ed game-developing team would put in something like that. Unless they made certain ones, like silenced SMG's with enhanced ammo.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Silencers for the actual sniper rifles wouldn't be put in though, I hope. If I remember right, the size of silencer a barett would need would be almost as big as the gun itself, to have the same effect as a pistol silencer. Could be wrong though.




But to be honest, silencers are only really useful for covering muzzle flash in hardcore, because unless you have a surround sound system for your computer, you can't really tell which direction a gunshot is coming from effectively.



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They arn't gonna put silenced sniper rifles in the game, but I'm hoping for the dual attachments. It'd make the game more realistic, which what everyone wants these days in video games.

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Silenced snipers would probably be outshot by unsilenced ones anyway due to the loss in range.




Also I think there was speculation because there is a silenced M21 in a couple of missions in COD4, and IW came in and said that it wasn't going to happen.

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Well, I'm never sniping from all the way across the map, so the range loss would be negligible for me. Unless I'm playing like... wet work or pipeline, and even then only occasionally, would a silencer really hamper my range.




If they put double attachments on, I want to see a penalty to go with that. Like, you run slower or it takes longer to switch weapons or something. But I wouldn't really care too much, I guess, as long as there aren't silenced guns with grenade launchers.


Actually, I would be happy with no grenade launchers at all.



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Silenced snipers would probably be outshot by unsilenced ones anyway due to the loss in range.




Also I think there was speculation because there is a silenced M21 in a couple of missions in COD4, and IW came in and said that it wasn't going to happen.




Touche, the scoped + silenced version would probably drop to average Bolt action rifle length.


But a good sniper is so concealed not even another sniper can find him. ;)




The penalty would be that it would take perk 1. And a silenced grenade launcher equipped weapon would be impossible because it would take up perk 1.




That actually might work, however there are still alot of [developmentally delayed]ed combos that could work.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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From my experiences in COD4 the main combo i can see being used with dual attachments is Assault Rifle with Red Dot Sight + Grenade Launcher which wouldn't be overpowered at all.

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