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§ The Great Tip Pic of 2009! § ~ FINAL PICTURE RELEASED! ~


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TIF Name: returnofmic




Name to use on picture: Returnofmic




Location (Row and Column): Not sure, I posted my first picture on page 13 though, if it helps.




Current Image:






Replacement Image:






Replacement URL: http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/8951/finaltipll.png



138 Combat as of Summer 2010 - Retired Summer 2010

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Dang, should have got my picture in sooner. Oh well I'll just have to wait for the next release after 1.0 then.




Here's my picture:




Forum Name: Gandorf61


RuneScape Name: Gandorf61


Name to use on picture: Gandorf61


Picture: tipitpic.png


URL: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/7886/tipitpic.png

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Forum Name: Tehskil


RuneScape Name: Down To Skil


Name to use on picture: Down To Skil








URL: http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9334/skil.png








URL: http://www.iaza.com/work/090514C/piccy64412.png

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Forum Name:gilformen


RuneScape Name:Ha1f Elf


Name to use on picture:Ha1f Elf







32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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Forum Name:gilformen


RuneScape Name:Ha1f Elf


Name to use on picture:Ha1f Elf









URL: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh16 ... a1felf.png





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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Forum Name:Aslan


RuneScape Name:2noob4you1


Name to use on picture:2noob








Ty for whoever turns the white into grey. :P




It's not grey, it's transparent


And, no problem. Happy to help. ::'








http://i545.photobucket.com/albums/hh38 ... 8/Help.png

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Forum Name: Deborah_


RuneScape Name: Deborah678


Name to use on picture: Deborah678
















URL: http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/9337/35bh54o.png

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Hello Everyone!




Just a little update. Yes, I know I said it would be done by the end of April (curse me and my awful assumptions), but I have been extremely busy with exams and whatnot, and haven't had the time to really do it. My exams finish this Tuesday, so after that I will get it finished as soon as possible.




Thanks for your patience!

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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Hello Everyone!




Just a little update. Yes, I know I said it would be done by the end of April (curse me and my awful assumptions), but I have been extremely busy with exams and whatnot, and haven't had the time to really do it. My exams finish this Tuesday, so after that I will get it finished as soon as possible.




Thanks for your patience!


Exams are way more important, i'm sure everyone will understand ::' Good luck and relax, just take your time :thumbsup:



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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Hello Everyone!




Just a little update. Yes, I know I said it would be done by the end of April (curse me and my awful assumptions), but I have been extremely busy with exams and whatnot, and haven't had the time to really do it. My exams finish this Tuesday, so after that I will get it finished as soon as possible.




Thanks for your patience!






Good luck! Go get A's. :)


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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Hello Everyone!




Just a little update. Yes, I know I said it would be done by the end of April (curse me and my awful assumptions), but I have been extremely busy with exams and whatnot, and haven't had the time to really do it. My exams finish this Tuesday, so after that I will get it finished as soon as possible.




Thanks for your patience!


Good luck. I can't wait to see the current version. :)


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(And no, im not looking through 29 pages of posts to see if I have.) :P




Wimp. :lol:




Get back to work looking through the pages!




Im not paying you to post comments. :mrgreen:

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