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What the .... has happend to h'ween masks????


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when i used to be a noob(like 50cb or so) i remember w2 where pll were selling blue masks for 25m and reds for 50m...


When a couple of months ago i was gonna be f2p for a while i bought a blue for 12.8m, thought it was a good thing and that i would gain a little. Now i see the price of my precious mask going down and down. What happening?


ur not gonna tell me there are more masks now then there were 2years ago are you?



[hide]visage drop 11/01/09


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They have never given any bonusses, but that doesnt explain why they keep on going down while they went up like crazy be4 the GE came.



[hide]visage drop 11/01/09


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98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER![/hide]

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2 years ago there wasn't any high level/high price stuff that was worth buying except for rares. Nowadays we have all the godwars stuff, third age and spirit sigils/shields. So the high level players now have enough items to spend there money on. And therefor no need to buy rares.

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I can't remember Reds ever being 50mil....




Just keep it, they are sure to start rising soon - sell it just before halloween when there is alot of demand.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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They are just junk just like p hats why people should buy one of them.. when they could buy a better lookings armor like bandos or arma, or even the best weapons in game for the same price??






jagex didnt do anything about the price in ge.. the community did


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They are just junk just like p hats why people should buy one of them.. when they could buy a better lookings armor like bandos or arma, or even the best weapons in game for the same price??






jagex didnt do anything about the price in ge.. the community did


thats hard to believe since just after GE release masks/p hats/santa all went down with allmost 50%: street price of a blue was 23-24m and after it was 13, santa was 27 then 15 etc...



[hide]visage drop 11/01/09


all skills 70+ (completed)

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98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER![/hide]

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I have a even better hat, Its Called the Ringmaster Hat and its 0gp. Rares like masks are the most useless things out there. they might have been 50m+ but thats because there were idiots who could easily bend the market back then to whatever they wanted since there wasnt any item close t its value. Now we have things like Elysian Spirit Shield which is I think 1.1b (yes, Billion) GP Street Value at the moment.


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Rares were a mistake, at least the price is going down.




And i agree with aura, once was a time where those hats were the only decent looking hats around, but now those times are over, you can find many unique hats for a fraction of the price =D.


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They're going down because of the whole GE is effecting it.




Examples - Partyhats are now under 300M or so, most are under 100M. Last year, before the GE, the lowest was about 90M.




=] Everything is changing, so are the old items too.

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Rares markets are dying, and are bad this time of year anyway




1) A rare will have it's yearly peak at its appropriate holiday, this means they all are slumped for summer. But msot will gain a little again around halloween and xmas




2) More and more newer players see rares are pointless and a waste of money. This means the demand for the is dying and so the prices slide




3) The GE makes trading a lot easier. Less effort to seel the phat or w/e and less effort to buy it means people will not pay as much




Tbh I fully expect in the next few years the rares market to bottom out as no-one wants to buy them any more and most settle into account who will never sell them and then probably at this point Jagex will swoop in and make them untradable.


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Either people are starting to realise they are worth nowere near the high prices of them or people are scared they are going to become available to everyone and gp will be provided to those who already have some based on the market price at the time

It's tough at the top ;)

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They're going down because of the whole GE is effecting it.




Examples - Partyhats are now under 300M or so, most are under 100M. Last year, before the GE, the lowest was about 90M.




=] Everything is changing, so are the old items too.


The times, they are, a-changing..




Pretty much, you can use this equation to see why rares are going down:




((Usefulness+price)x(How cool it looks+Bragging rights)) divided by (How many cool-er items player can affordx2).




Basically, they're useless, barely have any bragging rights anymore, and we have so much more cooler things to buy.


Glad to know my homies are looking out for me.

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It's kind of like how technology increases, and how old versions of somthing are less wanted.




Think of like, a typewriter as you're mask, and a new laptop as say, a BGS, or somthing of the same price (Sorry, havent been online in awhile, not sure of prices of anything). Now, if you wanted to get you're job done, would you pick the typewriter, or the laptop? Sure, there is going to be people who buy the typewriter because it's old, and might look pretty cool, but the majority are going to buy the laptop because it can help them get done what they want.




I guess that makes sense, its how I see it.




98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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They were once high priced do to the lack of the GE (ease of selling), the lack of other high-priced items (bling), and because of staking. The main reason is the stakers. They knew that there was a limited amount of rares and that they could also show off with them.




See, when such a large number of people invest in rares to use as staking items the amount that people are willing to sell really dwindles. This made rares an easy investment for any staker as the item would continually increase in worth and they could still use it to stake for cash. If you were an active merchanter of rares during the time of the staking removal you will undoubtly remember the huge price crash that it caused. The introduction of the GE at that time also made it really easy to sell those rares - so a lot of people did. The huge influx of people selling rares filled all the buying offers and essentially flooded the market. This caused for a fall in the worth of rares.




Graphs were also introduced later, so even the children who couldn't be bothered to watch the prices fall were able to see it on a pretty picture. Remembering their 3rd grade math they simply decided that the item was unstable (which it was) and decided not to buy any. With no way to stop the rapid price drop rares were doomed to fall to until F2P'ers (the now main buyers of rares) were able to easily afford them.




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It's kind of like how technology increases, and how old versions of somthing are less wanted.




Think of like, a typewriter as you're mask, and a new laptop as say, a BGS, or somthing of the same price (Sorry, havent been online in awhile, not sure of prices of anything). Now, if you wanted to get you're job done, would you pick the typewriter, or the laptop? Sure, there is going to be people who buy the typewriter because it's old, and might look pretty cool, but the majority are going to buy the laptop because it can help them get done what they want.




I guess that makes sense, its how I see it.






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so what would you guys advise me? keep the mask and be happy with it and maybe it would get up 1day (dont realy need the money right now..) or sell it and lose like 4m on this mask?



[hide]visage drop 11/01/09


all skills 70+ (completed)

all skills 80+

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER![/hide]

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OK People...The GE did NOT kill rares. They were only used for staking purposes, and now that staking is gone, they are useless!




All of you think the Ge is killing us. (It isn't the noobs who can't use it are) :shame:

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my best guess is because that before the GE came, couldnt barely find them. now, global trade market finds a trade instantly.




but other than that idk

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People blame it on the g.e, but its not really the fauult of the g.e, they were dropping before the g.e came out. There are so many items now worth more than rares, rares have gone way down in popularity.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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so what would you guys advise me? keep the mask and be happy with it and maybe it would get up 1day (dont realy need the money right now..) or sell it and lose like 4m on this mask?


Well, personally, if I liked the mask, I'd keep it. =)


If you're keeping it just for the money, sell it if you need the cash, or just keep it in hopes of it going up. : D




But personally I like the masks, so I'd keep it. =)

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Rares started declining around December of 07.




Reasons as to why is that the GE with trade limits have been opened and jagex has mistaken the real value of the rare - hard to blame them because nobody really knows...




Stakers also cant stake them




With more updates such as a buyable skill like summoning people would rather use the money on skills then a rare.




A rare is simply a useless item like a junk, but it shows off. there is really nothing to show off and because it is useless they are declining.

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