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Tattoo's, what do you think?


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Well I was wondering everyone's personal opinion on tattoo's. Personally I'm 17 and I have six tattoo's. Really four, because two of them are pairs. What are your thoughts on them? Cool or not? Big mistake or your own choice?
















That's my latest tattoo I got done about 2 weeks ago.

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I've got nothing against them. The reason I don't have any and don't plan on getting any is because of their permanance. I think your tattoos are pretty cool, and I wouldn't mind flames around my ankles, but what about when I'm sixty? I have yet to see an old fart look good in a tattoo :wink:








So yeah, I think tattoos are cool on young people. I think I would look pretty cool with a tattoo. I'd probably get a tiger or eagle or something natural looking. No color, cuz I've always thought that can look kind of tacky (although your dragon looks pretty cool with color). But I'm not staying young and sexy forever, and I don't want to be a sixty year old with skinny wrinkled arms and a grubby lookin tattoo :?








That's just my personal preference, though. If you want to get a tattoo, that's cool. Nothin against it, I kind of admire it, but I wouldn't want to do it to myself.

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Do you shave your legs or something? O.o








Anyway tattoos aren't for me. Will never get one. I don't really care if anyone else gets them as some look alright, but I think sometimes they just look really lame.




Like when I was 17 a couple of friends got a tattoo of an American Indian on their left arms. What will they think when they are like 30 or something.

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Dude, I love the colours. Black + red = always win.








As soon as I turn 18, I'm getting one as well. I'm getting it either on my arm (under the elbow) or... uh... excuse my poor vocabulary but the upper-part of the arm (the biceps area). Nothing colourful, as that looks like crap after a few years. I'll probably get either a full-black or one in black and red. :P








Don't got a clue what motif I want though.
















// Azvi.


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Planning to get something a lil symbolic on my back below my right shoulder. Dunno what yet though...I wouldn't want anything too blatant though cos of in later life.

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Needles are bad mkay, my mate Alan got his... So he pinched me really hard and told me that's what it felt like. Not gonna happen! :lol:








If I didn't have a morbid fear of needles and pain I'd probably get a dragon on my forearm or something, Dragons own.


Notoriously Trollish.

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I personally have nothing against tatoos, mainly because a lot of people for whom I have a lot of respect have them. That's not to say I'd ever get one, or that I respect someone more for having one, but I don't bear disrespect for people simply because they have them.








On the other hand, getting them because they're "cool" I dissaprove of, and I think a lot of designs look silly -- that is to say, out of place / don't really fit with my impressions of the person.

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I think that they look good if you get a few of them, I really like yours. I don't like it when people tatoo their whole body though, then it just all blends together and makes your skin look green...............

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Big mistake, gonna look stupid in old age, they arn't like navy tattoos which mark your life, and you got stupid chinese/japanese writing. Unless you speak or write chinese/japnese it's not cool and actually have no idea what it may say.

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I don't think they look very good. The dragon is a bit weird. And I don't like dragons on that kind of stuff very much either, to be honest. I hate it when people have somekind of white t-shirt with a dragon on it, it looks so cheap'o. But that's just me. I have been considering to get one the last few months, but I don't really know what to do. I mean, this whole tribal thing is more some kind of hype, and it will be boring in ten years. I guess I have to find some kind of special thing. :wink:


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Getting tattoos for attention = bad




Getting tattoos to commemorate something = okay








Personally, I don't plan on getting tattoo'd because I don't want to still have that paint on my body 50+ years from now, might look goofy.

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I'm all for tattoo's as long as they're not the usual clicḫ̩̉̉ crap. Sorry to say it but tribal designs and oriental writing are probably my least favourite of all, simply because everyone has them.




I have 1 piercing and i probably will get a tattoo sometime soon, i'm just undecided on what to have. I'll probably just get a mate to design something for me, that way i know i'm never gonna bump into someone who has the exact same design as me.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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I've got nothing against tatoos. I know alot of people who give tattoos for a living, although, I have seen some bad looking and tacky tattoos. I don't know if I would ever get one. That's a big decision because of permenance. If I was to get one, it would probably be a small one. :D








BTW, your tattoos are really cool. :D

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I am firmly against Americans unrelated in the CHinese/Japenese getting tattoos of it.








On the other foot, I want a fish somewhere, I fish, sometimes everyday. It would symbolize something in my life, though I dont know If I would do it.








What does it matter? That means something to me.... The whole tattoo is a custom design I did myself. Number two the chinese symbol stands for year of the dragon since I was born in 1988 the year of the dragon. The flames I got on my ankles is something myself and my dad both got. The 3 stars I have on each of my collar bones is because of my grandpa, and the chinese symbol on my arm stands for wolf as my last name is Wolfrum and everyone calls me wolf. As for the fact why are you against it? Does it offend you somehow? I mean it's quite honestly an inane statement you made.

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I am firmly against Americans unrelated in the CHinese/Japenese getting tattoos of it.








On the other foot, I want a fish somewhere, I fish, sometimes everyday. It would symbolize something in my life, though I dont know If I would do it.








What does it matter? That means something to me.... The whole tattoo is a custom design I did myself. Number two the chinese symbol stands for year of the dragon since I was born in 1988 the year of the dragon. The flames I got on my ankles is something myself and my dad both got. The 3 stars I have on each of my collar bones is because of my grandpa, and the chinese symbol on my arm stands for wolf as my last name is Wolfrum and everyone calls me wolf. As for the fact why are you against it? Does it offend you somehow? I mean it's quite honestly an inane statement you made.








Ah, you argued that one pretty well! Gj. :P








As for me, I'd say that your tatoos are common, but I know you know that. There's nothing wrong with a common tattoo, its just different opinioins.








I'm actually thinking of getting one soon, but I dunno. Probably not. I guess I'll wait until some sense comes back into my head. Lol. But I want a small tatoo on my left chest muscle or something. I really think tattoos that are large and visible are un attractive. Smaller tattoos in more covered areas (ie chest, lower back, ankle, etc) are more appealing, even tho no one can really see them. Meh, I dunno. I just think its cool. Lol.

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I am firmly against Americans unrelated in the CHinese/Japenese getting tattoos of it.








On the other foot, I want a fish somewhere, I fish, sometimes everyday. It would symbolize something in my life, though I dont know If I would do it.








What does it matter? That means something to me.... The whole tattoo is a custom design I did myself. Number two the chinese symbol stands for year of the dragon since I was born in 1988 the year of the dragon. The flames I got on my ankles is something myself and my dad both got. The 3 stars I have on each of my collar bones is because of my grandpa, and the chinese symbol on my arm stands for wolf as my last name is Wolfrum and everyone calls me wolf. As for the fact why are you against it? Does it offend you somehow? I mean it's quite honestly an inane statement you made.








Ah, you argued that one pretty well! Gj. :P








That's because, unlike most people with such tattoo's, his actually have a said prupose (as explained).




If they were just random crap which was like "yeah that looks cool" it would've been a different issue. But they're not so I have no problem with it either.








It's just the whole "awesome tat man!" *goes off and gets tribal tat done just to be "hip"* which annoys me.




Hence why the only tat's I'd ever get done would be designs I've done my myself or had friends design for me.

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