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96 summoning, 136 combat and 2000 total <3

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Lol grats, awesome level to get mate.




I just did my maths finals aswell (don't know if were on same board or not, i'm on edexcel) but i did mine a year early as i'm a pro nerd ;)


I found it welllll easy, anyways good luck on your results.

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Ooooh why wasn't I told this :o


<3:<3:<3: :thumbup: :thumbup: \' ::' :thumbsup:

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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Why so pro Bruno?10/10

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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Thankies <3




When this thread gets 10 pages ill post the n00ds musky sent me.




Hell. I'll post just for this. 10/10 bruno <3333333.




Wut, are you no longer happy with my n00ds??????





Retired High Leader of the Great Titans


DK: Dragon axe x55, Zerker x40, Warrior x44

GWD: Bandos hilt x2,Bandos plate x8,Bandos tassets x3, Bandos boots x 2, Armadyl helm x2, Armadyl hilt x1, Saradomin sword x3

Dragon drops: d chain x3, d left half x3, d legs x4, d skirt x2, d claws x6

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Thankies <3




When this thread gets 10 pages ill post the n00ds musky sent me.





Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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