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Should the playing time be limited when playin RuneScape?


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Firstly isn't this a questionairre?


And I believe its not up to Jagex how much people play, and it wouldn't benefit them in many ways other than people not being able to level as fast and have to buy more subsription :-#


null and void

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quite a few people play more than 8 hours a day, in order to get the most out of the money they spent on playing the game. If Jagex were to limit the time that they could play, they wouldn't be very happy. Also, since the month/3 months/year/whatever you pay for isn't based on time you actually play the game, it would be rather imposing on players who wish to milk their money and time as much as possible.




I do have a sort of addiction, where I'll play quite a lot depending on the day, but I do other things (one example being photography).




As mentioned by others, you pay to play the game however you want, not by restrictions imposed by the developer.


Haha, as if the people playing that much are doing it "to make the most out of their money". Seems nearly a "noble" cause. Trust me, they do it because they are addicted/have nothing else to do, NOT because this game is oh so expensive and they want to make the most out of it.




Hell, I would like to hear other people's reactions when they tell me the play less, and I respond to them "Heck, I play 5 euro's a month, I need to make the most out of it, now leave me alone!"

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I pay for this game, so if I want to play nonstop for 4 days straight, that's my right as a consumer. Besides I don't believe in "gaming addiction"




You don't believe in gaming addiction? I beg your pardon? So people who have to play RuneScape every day, become aggressive when they can't play it and do it more then 8 hours a day aren't addicted? (there were examples of people like that in the article)




That gaming addiction excists isn't even a point of discussion, it's a fact.




Pfft. No.




An addiction is a physical dependence. A game can never alter your body chemistry so that it feels it can't live without it. You can't go through withdrawals from not playing a game. It's all [cabbage].




You see back in the day people had a name for kids like that. It was spoiled little brats. Do you know how they solved it? They made their [wagon] look like someone had set them on fire.




It's not an addiction, it's a complete lack of discipline from parents.




You are talking about a physical addiction. Just because games are not physically addictive does not mean that they are not addicting. There can also be psychological addictions.

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This reminds me of the online restrictions in China. I never really liked them because I don't think it's China's/Jagex' obligation. The parents or the player himself has to react. You may see it like a part of education, so it could be a obligation of the state but never of a company like Jagex. If someone you don't know directly makes restrictions like that you would try to avoid them. But if someone of your friendship or relationship says your playing too much you would perhaps react and play less. Online restrictions don't help but speaking with the addicted players will help.

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I pay for this game, so if I want to play nonstop for 4 days straight, that's my right as a consumer. Besides I don't believe in "gaming addiction"




You don't believe in gaming addiction? I beg your pardon? So people who have to play RuneScape every day, become aggressive when they can't play it and do it more then 8 hours a day aren't addicted? (there were examples of people like that in the article)




That gaming addiction excists isn't even a point of discussion, it's a fact.




Pfft. No.




An addiction is a physical dependence. A game can never alter your body chemistry so that it feels it can't live without it. You can't go through withdrawals from not playing a game. It's all [cabbage].




You see back in the day people had a name for kids like that. It was spoiled little brats. Do you know how they solved it? They made their [wagon] look like someone had set them on fire.




It's not an addiction, it's a complete lack of discipline from parents.




You are talking about a physical addiction. Just because games are not physically addictive does not mean that they are not addicting. There can also be psychological addictions.




Again, no. with a psychological addiction you would begin to manifest physical withdrawal symptoms. Seriously, it's all just kids being [bleep]s because their parents won't let them do what they want. Everything bad in a person's personality is made out to be a disease these days. People should just learn to accept that everything in life is not rosy and that both kids, and adults will act like total [bleep]s if they don't get their way.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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Tobacco is an addiction that can kill you but you don't see Marlboro having selling limits...




It's up to the player, if they want to waste that much of their life consecutively, who are we to say no?

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I dont play runescape much at all anymore, but i'd say no for this one. Jagex is a business and Runescape is what is making them money. They are NOT responsible for players playing for an excessively long amount of time. In a casino, the gambling machines dont stop if you have lost too much money... why should runescape?

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An addiction is a physical dependence. A game can never alter your body chemistry so that it feels it can't live without it. You can't go through withdrawals from not playing a game. It's all [cabbage].




You see back in the day people had a name for kids like that. It was spoiled little brats. Do you know how they solved it? They made their [wagon] look like someone had set them on fire.




It's not an addiction, it's a complete lack of discipline from parents.




An addiction is your brain telling your mind you need something, even though you don't.




If you enjoy the game, or are excited while playing, or any other emotion, your body chemistry is being changed while playing. The reason neuroscientists accept that addiction can be focused on behaviours as well as substances is the consistent data showing the same brain excitation whatever the source. The person who is addicted to gaming has the same area of the brain overactive as the person addicted to heroin. As long as that brain activity is there, neuroscientists consider the person somewhere on the addiction scale.




It is unwise to refer to anything as 'addictive' because it's such a subjective relationship. Lots of people couldn't get addicted to heroin or nicotine because the substance itself makes them so ill they can't take it. Likewise most people won't get addicted to Runescape or any other computer game because they just don't enjoy them (weirdos!) and there has to be some payoff for addiction to develop. But it doesn't matter what the stimulus is as long as the payoff is there - you could get addicted to picking your nose if you enjoyed it enough. As far as your brain's concerned the nature of the stimulus is irrelevant.



Best drop so far: Dragon Chainbody from a Dust Devil.

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Uhm those problems of such "addictions" are really over exaggerated these days.. It seems like everybody needs to have kind of disease/problem nowadays.




Anyways, if you're really addicted to something only 1 thing helps: JUST A FULL STOP! - "Limitation" etc are only moves which focus more on your weak point, not being able to control yourself. Only thing that really helps is if you say: "And from now on I'll never play it anymore". - If you say: "I'll play only 1 hour a day", it soon becomes: "I play only a bit, when I know I have time", then "I play so that I can still to do other things", and that evolves to: "wow I've got to quit school/my job I really have to beat the game" - And you're back to where you started.




Really only thing that helps is a FULL STOP, since that's the only thing that can't be breached.

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Uhm those problems of such "addictions" are really over exaggerated these days.. It seems like everybody needs to have kind of disease/problem nowadays.









Teachers at my elementary school tried to get my mom to put me on Ritalin when i was like 8 because they claimed I had A.D.D.




I most assuredly do not have A.D.D. and my mom told them where they could shove their ritalin.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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off topic, but isn't it rilatine (or relatine).




nope, it's Ritalin


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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its a stupid suggestion, but theyre not going to have a limit anytime soon anyway so its not a huge deal.




it is true that people play for 10+ hours a day, but honestly, if i played for that long constantly i would get incredibly bored, not just with runescape but any game. plus my eyes would hurt really bad and id get a headache :P


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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Some people seem to be very shocked by a suggestion that wouldn't influence themselves, since most of you say you don't play 8 hours+ a day ::' .




Anyway, I didn't mean that JAGeX would ever do that themselves, I'd more meant it like " would it be better if they were forced to limit the time playing to 8 hours a day ".


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Jagex exists as a capitalist enterprise. Imposing any kind of restriction on them like that to limit playing time is ridiculous. I've spent over a hundred dollars on my membership by now, and I'll be damned if I'm ever told that I've played too much and that they refuse to let me play. I would unsubscribe in a heartbeat, and I can assure you I'm not alone. It would be the most upsetting thing to their player base since the removal of the old Wilderness, and cost them much more money in the long run.

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Some people seem to be very shocked by a suggestion that wouldn't influence themselves, since most of you say you don't play 8 hours+ a day ::' .




Anyway, I didn't mean that JAGeX would ever do that themselves, I'd more meant it like " would it be better if they were forced to limit the time playing to 8 hours a day ".




Well the whole question then becomes: "by whom?" - It completely depends on WHO decides it..

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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It should be the responsibility of the players (or maybe their parents) to decide how much is too much, not Jagex. If somebody wants to play Runescape instead of doing other things that most people consider more important, that's their choice, and they should be able to make that choice. I suppose Jagex as a right to limit how much people use their product, but I wouldn't support their decision to do it, and they shouldn't be obligated to do it.




Even if Jagex did set some sort of limit, people would easily find ways around it. I'm sure that most people who wanted to play more than 8 hours in a day would just create another account to use after they played for their 8 hours, and even if Jagex prevents people from playing Runescape for amounts of time that most people consider too long, that doesn't prevent anybody from playing other games for 20 hours a day.

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I think its the parents of the play or the players responsibility to set limits and keep them




I do think that it would be nice for jagex to tell you you total playing or playing time for 1 month time so someone that actaully had a problem could see that he/she does.


dk drops- 35 x dragon hatchet 35 x berserker ring 37 x warrior ring

Dragon drops- 4x left half 2 x med helm 4x skirt 2 x legs 4x shard 9 x claws

Bandos drops-6x Tassets 2x boots 4x chestplate 1x hilt[/color]

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Just yesterday this topic was the focus of Dr. Phil. People were blaming a game addiction as to why their child committed suicide. In addition, a father was keeping his young child up until early in the morning to play with him. Due to the overactive gameplay, he stopped showing for work, letting his marriage hit the rocks. So, I do agree that it can be a problem, game 'addiction.' However, the problem lies with the individual, and not the game. They already have a timekeeper in the lower right screen corner called a clock. Doubtful that blasting it in their face would stop them from playing unhealthy hours, considering the fact that they are already letting it get in the way of their lives in the first place.




Let's start with cigarettes, then Runescape.


I completely agree.

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Let's start with cigarettes, then Runescape.







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as long as i'm paying, they can't limit to how often i am in game, thats absurd.


However- if it is your parents who are paying the bill, they should be able to see how much time per month/day/year etc is spent in game, by request at least.

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