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green day concert!


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holy crap the green day concert last night was freakin awesome! i went in the mosh pit and got to crowd surf. during some songs they had fire go off from the side of the stage, and during another they had sparks rain down from the back of the stage. at one time he picked three people who could play the drums, the base, and the guitar and had them play. they were so lucky cuz the person got to keep the guitar, the other guy got to keep the base and th other guy got to keep the sticks. sometimes he even ran to the side of the stage when the fire was going and played the guitar behind his head. he said it was the biggest concert they ever did. there were 35,000 tickets for the pit and 50,000 tickets for the seats and it sold out. the people in the seats did the wave sometimes. they had against me and jimmy eat world open for them which was pretty cool. at the end they played we are the champions and had millions of fireworks go off. at the end as they were leaving on their bus the threw out free posters and t-shirts. i got a poster which was ok cuz i already bought a t-shirt before the concert. it was freakin awesome! :D

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Good to hear you had a great time! :)








I thought the mosh pit was a place where all kind of punkers beat eachother to a pulp. :P Apparantely you can do crowdsurfs there too.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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yeah theyre really good live. sometimes they even changed the lyrics like in holiday they said "the representative from new jersey has the floor"








best concert ive ever been to. and i went to a linkin park concert and an acdc concert and i think a few others when i was little

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Meh.. Greenday was in Atlanta like a week ago and my friends went and said they were good, one called me during it and I was like, Woot.




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my mates a huge green day fan and his dads friend went to a concert in milton keynes a few months back. the guy at the concert phoned him so he could hear them playing (which happened to be Boulevard of Broken Dreams at the time) - thing is, we was at a garden party and my friend was absolutely paraletic off vodka at the time. Watching him trying to sing along is probably one of the fondest memories i'll ever have ^-^

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lol. it so crazy cuz now everyone i know is messaging me on aim saying "did you get anything for me?"




one girl from school who i forgot what her screen name was messaged me and asked if i got anything for her. it was funny.








her: hey did yu get anything for me from the concert you went to?




me: holy crap! now strangers want free crap off of me!




her: what?!?!?!




me: who the hell are you?




her: sarah




me: ..... oh. hi. uhm... no, sry




her: riiiiiiight...... bye




hahahahahhahahahahahaaaaa....... :lol:

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Ew, sell outs.








Agreed. I would have loved to go to their concert a few years ago, but now it's .... meh.








Lemme guess, did they or did they not play any of their old stuff? My guess is no. :?












Glad you had a good time though..

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  • 2 months later...

Hek yeh dood! I went to the Green Day concert in Indianapolis and omfg they rocked hard tasty abs. Sounds like all their shows are the same, i wanted to kill the kid who won billys guitar. I didnt see the bus.... missed that part. Your pretty damn lucky dood. But yeh Greenday is deff my fav band of all time. It was so amazing. Especially when they had everyone get their cell phones out instead of lighters lol. It was fantastic.

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Good to hear you had a great time! :)








I thought the mosh pit was a place where all kind of punkers beat eachother to a pulp. :P Apparantely you can do crowdsurfs there too.








That only really happens at hardcore concerts like metallica.. Moshing is awesome when youve got a few trustable friends with you.

Lvl 80 construction.


Dragon Drops: 11 (4 Chains, 2 Axes, 1 Med, 2 Skirts, 1 Legs, 1 2h)


God Wars Drops: 4 Zamorakian Spears, 1 Godsword Shard 1

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Ew, sell outs.








Agreed. I would have loved to go to their concert a few years ago, but now it's .... meh.








Lemme guess, did they or did they not play any of their old stuff? My guess is no. :?












Glad you had a good time though..








Youre sooo cool for answering your own question (incorrectly, may I add). They play many older songs live, just as good as they used to.








If you dislike them because theyre sellouts, or because theyre a lot more mainstream before, then good for you, but posting it is asking to be flamed.








*leaves MyPurpleCrayon's post alone* :shock:

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Ew, sell outs.








Agreed. I would have loved to go to their concert a few years ago, but now it's .... meh.








Lemme guess, did they or did they not play any of their old stuff? My guess is no. :?












Glad you had a good time though..








Youre sooo cool for answering your own question (incorrectly, may I add). They play many older songs live, just as good as they used to.








If you dislike them because theyre sellouts, or because theyre a lot more mainstream before, then good for you, but posting it is asking to be flamed.








*leaves MyPurpleCrayon's post alone* :shock:









Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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MyPurple is completely right, although I can't say the country thing because I am down here in Aus. Lots of people all hyped up about the upcoming concert here..Seems everyone who is going is under 14 from the looks of it.








I hope it sucks, well don't need to.


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