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The Decline of a Runescape Respect


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There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.

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One more thing I'd like to point out;




In the 2008 period the community seemed to get, if anything, tamer. That can be attributed to the fact that quite a number of the vocal pkers "quit", many of them actually quitting the game, the rest just went silent to make it seem like they left.




So, if anything, if the community appears to be going downhill, it's because a lot of these players quit, and are now back thanks to the recent updates of Bounty Hunter and PVP worlds. Simple moments of circumstance.




There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.




Well, if you're interacting with players on positive basees (Trading, etc) less, then the negative moments will just stand out more. But you do make a point.




You're a nasty piece of work.. opened topic for friendly discussion and you alone have somehow made my day so much worse.








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There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.


No it's because the wildy is gone @@@@@@@

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There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.




It's good to know not everyone is the same :).

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sooo can you like umm G1MM3 PHR33 ST00F PL0X :lol:




the "tweens" arent the prollem its the ppl who whine about the tweens




if they dont like you then let them be #-o (ignore list you noobs)




:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: maybe its just no one likes you


Noobs: We pay we say

JaGeX: How much will you pay?


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Damn, looking as some of the replies here (Bauke and Omalii mainly) I'm quite ashamed, a simple 'this has been discussed many times before' would have sufficed.




This topic seems to arise every year, about how the previous year was worse, personally i think its all relative, i've found this year in one community better, but in other communities which were once better are now worse.

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Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Damn, looking as some of the replies here (Bauke and Omalii mainly) I'm quite ashamed, a simple 'this has been discussed many times before' would have sufficed.




This topic seems to arise every year, about how the previous year was worse, personally i think its all relative, i've found this year in one community better, but in other communities which were once better are now worse.




Thankyou for clearing some things up, if I knew that this topic would have turned out like this I would NEVER have posted it.

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Clearly my joke went over your head. I feel sorry for people who try to crack a joke on you.






"Yo mama!"




That's not a joke. Being a National Socialist supporter myself I find that not even close to being a joke.




I'll try to be more quaint when I makes sum funnies next time though, I'll be sure to add a lot of smiley face winkies so you pinpoint the exaggerations in my jokes.


Some of us aren't funny bu nature and we don't find this very funny at all. So sorry to ruin your parade, but you've pretty much been hugely arrogant and you did flame the original poster. And this is no rant as it has been pointed out by him. So don't treat him like a horrible small minded grammar impaired RSOF poster.




I agree with the OP though.

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There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.




It's good to know not everyone is the same :).




Pures are most known for their friendly attitude :thumbup: .

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There's more trolls on TIF than the RSOF (although most of the tip.it trolls are actually pretty funny), you'll get used to it.




In answer to your question I think it's all the Grand Exchange's fault. Now players don't really have to interract with others unless they're arguing about how a certain resource is 'theirs' or killing a player etc.




It's good to know not everyone is the same :).




Pures are most known for their friendly attitude :thumbup: .




No doubt.

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That's not a joke. Being a National Socialist supporter myself I find that not even close to being a joke.




I see what you did there. emot-smugdog.gif




And this is no rant as it has been pointed out by him. So don't treat him like a horrible small minded grammar impaired RSOF poster.




As my good friend Larry King once said, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck. You can call it whatever you'd like, it's still a duck.




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That's not a joke. Being a National Socialist supporter myself I find that not even close to being a joke.




I see what you did there. emot-smugdog.gif




And this is no rant as it has been pointed out by him. So don't treat him like a horrible small minded grammar impaired RSOF poster.




As my good friend Larry King once said, if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck. It's a duck. You can call it whatever you'd like, it's still a duck.




The difference is this duck is asking what other people think of water.

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While the game has certainly changed since I started, and I haven't been playing as long as many people either, I haven't noticed a considerable change in attitude. There was no helping hands to guide me through the game. I do remember someone luring newbies into the Wildy though. I remember lots of scamming going on, too. Oh, and the beggars were quite annoying. I also remember seeing several threads similar to this when I started in early '06. At that time the culprit to be blamed was MiniClip.




Then I also remember reading posts such as this one in the news archives in January 2003: http://news.runescape.com/newsitem.ws?id=48.




This leads me to believe that bad apples have always been in the game.

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I have noticed the serious drop in respect. But what I have also noticed was the lack of common sense in people. Over the past week I've seen people ask "How do I train slayer?!" (He had a d scim and zerker helm, so don't say he was a new member), "What cape is that?" (wearing my quest cape.), among worse things. If you want to get some real laughs, go to a crowded dungeon POH party. Guaranteed you will see atleast 10 "nerd, no-life, kid, owned son" etc etc. It is really funny when people die, come back and pj the person who killed them and say "owned nerd, get a life". It's sad because they care that much.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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I But what I have also noticed was the lack of common sense in people. Over the past week I've seen people ask "How do I train slayer?!" (He had a d scim and zerker helm, so don't say he was a new member), "What cape is that?" (wearing my quest cape.), among worse things.




How do those examples relate to common sense?




That's a lack of knowledge.

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I think you can't really generalize runescape's population and how they behave unless you have met everyone and seen everything that is going on. What you are saying here is based on YOUR perception of what's going on, and YOUR experiences.




For example i have been fishing for the past few months. For the most part during all those days there was someone who felt they needed to act like an idiot and ruin a good fishing conversation. Until recently that has been happening. The past week i have met some of the most intelligent and interesting people fishing. Does that mean that runescape's population is getting better? No, it just so happens i have had a good run with fishing guild conversations. My point here is you feel this from what you experience, but doesn't mean this is a fact.




These experiences can greatly differ from person to person. Combine that with the anonymity of the internet, the lack of real consiquences (what i mean by that is if someone sits there calling you a nerd no one really does anything about it), and the immaturity of the children/teens that play the game, you will find times where you feel the population is on the decline.




I have been playing for a while, and yes this topic always comes up. I heard it in 2003. I heard it in 2004. I heard it in 2005 and so on. Every year people talk about how the year(s) before it were so much better. Honestly i really haven't seen a dramatic decline.




Human beings have a natural tendency to look at the past and only remember the good. Ever since the dawn of this game there have been bad, ignorant, rude people. You just have to learn to live with it.

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I But what I have also noticed was the lack of common sense in people. Over the past week I've seen people ask "How do I train slayer?!" (He had a d scim and zerker helm, so don't say he was a new member), "What cape is that?" (wearing my quest cape.), among worse things.




How do those examples relate to common sense?




That's a lack of knowledge.




The quest cape is definately a lack of common sense though, it has a big symbol for quests on the back, which is right there on your HUD. The slayer one yeah is a bit of lack of knowledge, but it doesen't take much more than common sense to figure out how to train it, or common sense to read the KB. I guess its just a lack of effort on the players side.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I think you can't really generalize runescape's population and how they behave unless you have met everyone and seen everything that is going on. What you are saying here is based on YOUR perception of what's going on, and YOUR experiences.




For example i have been fishing for the past few months. For the most part during all those days there was someone who felt they needed to act like an idiot and ruin a good fishing conversation. Until recently that has been happening. The past week i have met some of the most intelligent and interesting people fishing. Does that mean that runescape's population is getting better? No, it just so happens i have had a good run with fishing guild conversations. My point here is you feel this from what you experience, but doesn't mean this is a fact.




These experiences can greatly differ from person to person. Combine that with the anonymity of the internet, the lack of real consiquences (what i mean by that is if someone sits there calling you a nerd no one really does anything about it), and the immaturity of the children/teens that play the game, you will find times where you feel the population is on the decline.




I have been playing for a while, and yes this topic always comes up. I heard it in 2003. I heard it in 2004. I heard it in 2005 and so on. Every year people talk about how the year(s) before it were so much better. Honestly i really haven't seen a dramatic decline.




Human beings have a natural tendency to look at the past and only remember the good. Ever since the dawn of this game there have been bad, ignorant, rude people. You just have to learn to live with it.




Yes I agree, but I think the topic has rather gone off my intended topic a bit, that I think that the overall "respect" towards players has plummeted, for example:


A player (level 54) came upto me while I was fletching, I wasn't talking at all because I was watching a program, and he starts to slag me off.. I look to the screen and its just him and a mate telling me how I'm a nerd and how I no-life everything. My main point being I don't believe that would of happened when I had started? my opinion but I don't think that would have happened, and about always picking out the good points. That could not be more wrong for me; I remember when I got lured to the zamorak wine and died. When I got lured into the wildy and lost my first ever whip that I'd spent ages earning money to get. But I still remember a high level killing goblins in goblin village with me just for company, and how I met most of my current friends.




What I'm basically trying to say is that: Yes, there have always been nasty and unpleasant people. People out there for their own gain and not caring about who they beat down to get it, it's the same in runescape and even more so in real life. But imo the general population, in runescape, have moved ever so slightly towards the self-gain aspect of runescape and further away from niceties and pleasantness.




This may be the same for everyone, or other people may have different views but that's what I made the thread for, to see if there was anyone else who thought the same as me.




Also another anecdote, that some people might remember for themselves for not:


As a low level, the word noob was thrown round A LOT, even more than today. But at around 2007, as I started to reach the 95-100 cb mark.. I started to notice the word nerd and no-life thrown around much more commonly as the new insult. But even as recently as 6 months ago the word's kid, lad and son were thrown around more than anything as a way of showing superiority. Now, everyone knew that noob meant you didn't know a lot, or weren't experienced in the game etc. and i could live with being called a noob pretty happily as I dished it out as much as I took it; but as personal insults (even when logic tells us that they don't know us at all) were becoming more common, I felt runescape was changing for the worse and that there were so many more angry and bitter people around than ever causing disrespect to our fellow players.

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If you got outside and talked to random people. some of them would be nice, others would not. As simple as that.




And stop considering everyone who doesn't hold your opinions as a flamer/troller.




If you actually read the whole story and not nit-pick then you'd know that I have no problem with people having their own opinions, but I do when they start to have a go at me for raising the issue.. as Omalli (or whatever his name is) and bauku did.

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Hmm, this reminds me of Dan's earlier topic. Maybe that prompted you to write this one. I don't find anyone anymore disrespectful than when I started playing from my experience. When I first saw your topic, I thought you would talk about how all 99's in general are losing respect-value, but even that is a sweeping generalization because two people wanted the agility emote yesterday. I think when we make these topics we take a few recent bad experiences and remember other bad experiences from a long time ago, and those are our only references.




But eh, I don't know you very well Olly.




Spread the love <3


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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If you got outside and talked to random people. some of them would be nice, others would not. As simple as that.




And stop considering everyone who doesn't hold your opinions as a flamer/troller.




If you actually read the whole story and not nit-pick then you'd know that I have no problem with people having their own opinions, but I do when they start to have a go at me for raising the issue.. as Omalli (or whatever his name is) and bauku did.




You need to stop being so defensive and figure out the difference between a debate and a personal attack. And I debate like a UFC Wrestler; expect to be thrown into a table and have a few fingers and possibly a spine broken. Metaphorically speaking of course.






Tip.It's Hardk0r3 Debat0r :ugeek:




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It's not Runescape, it is the Internet.




Over the internet you can be whatever you want, whenever you want and however you want it to be. A 40 year old man can be a 12 year old girl. You lose your identity when you step into the web. Nothing can stop this casual arousal of rudeness and hostility between people over the internet without some form of higher power intervention.

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If you got outside and talked to random people. some of them would be nice, others would not. As simple as that.




And stop considering everyone who doesn't hold your opinions as a flamer/troller.




If you actually read the whole story and not nit-pick then you'd know that I have no problem with people having their own opinions, but I do when they start to have a go at me for raising the issue.. as Omalli (or whatever his name is) and bauku did.


Like I said, grow some e-balls. Not all criticism is a personal attack, and if you can't handle that.. well, then I know where your topic is coming from. You handle criticism or semi harshness like a baby.




This is the intertubes. It's words on a screen. Stop complaining about everything that is said to you.

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