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Pretty much buggering off the forums


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Some of you know me, most of you dont. More to the point, im pretty much buggering off from now on. Just told darkwebz lot that i'm stopping visiting there and it was just about the only reason i visit TIF, so i've no reason to post here.




Just to let you know, the truth about darkwebz is that it's not some super-exclusive leet club full of incredibly talented people like MENSA or anything. Most people in there generally do have a talent, or a job at least, but seriously, all we ever do is talk about sex, movies, music and our lives.




There's also a few things i've wanted to say to members, but now that there's no fear of banning, I mayaswell just say them.








Nadril, remove your head from your rectum. You're not that good.




heilo, holy crap, where were you when god handed out brains?




Phil, we missed you at darkwebz. you're an awesome guy. That goes for you too, Herr.




Chris, you rock \o/




KnightLite, either you have a very eventful life or you're lieing, i'm not accusing you, but feel free to pm me with the truth, it's not like im gonna visit these forums anymore. don't take it offensively, maybe i just lead a boring life compared to you :)




Vladmoney, you always were my favourite artist on this forum, keep working hard, you've got talent.




tttia, your drawings are seriously awesome.




Wyrm, you backstabbed Matt, and you should be ashamed of it. Whilst you still trusted me with sensitive information (which i still hold) i'm not gonna do the same, but you should apologise to Matt, especially considering you hang around darkwebz so much.








And finally, a message to most posters : STOP B*TCHING ABOUT TIF SERVERS. This forum in comparison to most is huge. They NEED ads, and they're not gonna have dedicated servers running 24/7. If you adminned this forum, would you fork out your hard earned money for it? Nope. Consider yourselves lucky to have such a central place to chat and trade, and to have such a (usually) idiot-free community.




Also, maybe this is coming from a head-up-rear point of view, but broaden your horizons. Runescape should not prioritize over ANYTHING in your life and since the pixel sig explosion it's all you ever see on the media boards now. There's a lot more to art than just pixelling - Dont get me wrong, some is fine, but it really did get out of hand...




As for me, college has just started. Girls, food, music and parties await...time to get on with life i guess.




Oh yeah. feel free to lock this. just don't delete it.

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I said what i needed to say on msn. Peace to ya Rob. Keep in touch :)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Cheers for your comment Rob, sorry to see you leaving though. Be sure to visit every so often to let us know how things are going.








Good luck at college and with your music. All I can say is stick with it, it'll be worth it.

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I dunno what to say. I respect you, but I don't. Finally, the truth comes out. And I applaude you for that. What needed to be said was said, but its ashame that you're leaving on that note. I bet a lot of what you said is true too.








Anyhow, gonna miss ya posting around here, but I mean, going off to College, time to get a life eh!! Chances are, you're still gonna pop in every now and then on a surprise post or something. Cant just completely drop tif from your life. But if you do, good luck in the future. You were a great poster.








Another one gone...sooner or later, TIF will die. It can't be denied.









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We're gonna miss ya Rob, you and your funny stories when you're drunk. ;)








Hope college works out great for ya and that you decide to pop-in darkwebz once in a while. Take care! *hugs* :)



Member of #darkwebz.

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... danmit, we losing a great guy here...








Sorry, i never got to know you like the people on DW# did, but from what i saw, you were a good guy.
















You'll come back... they always come back, muhahhahaahhahaha


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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You will come in and remind us about your party in was it March...








Or I shall come in the night... Well day time would be more appropriate. I'll probably find a pub too and just sit in it, stuff looking for you. :P








Yet again, Tata Codfish. 8)


Notoriously Trollish.

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You will come in and remind us about your party in was it March...








Whoops, forgot about that. yeah, i'll remind you all in advance.




Pretty cool to know how you all felt about me. Nothing like staying true to yourself i guess.




Probably my last post unless i check back again. Have a wickid time everyone \o/

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Yeah, I think a lot of us here have just outgrown this place. Oh well, I still don't think I'll stop looking in anytime soon, looking doesnt take much time, especially with the lack of topics here :P. Finding one worth posting something quality in is tough stuff though.

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Huh? Rob? You're leaving? Darn, that sucks.








Well, I'm not going to do all the clicḫ̩̉̉ stuff and so, too bad you left, and I'll 'ketchup' every once in a while. :)








See you around Rob, and best of luck with your music and so! :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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