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Prayer update, is it around the corner?


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If another prayer update comes, D bones are going to shoot up to like 4k per bone :?




Depending on the update, that is.




Look what the stupid 'Use X' did.. Lol.




It made training Prayer faster. You're complaining?


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If another prayer update comes, D bones are going to shoot up to like 4k per bone :?




Depending on the update, that is.




Look what the stupid 'Use X' did.. Lol.




It made training Prayer faster. You're complaining?


Yeah, it took away the "achievement" of getting it. Well, RS2 did that, the 'X' just made it a more "normal" and recognisable skill.

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If another prayer update comes, D bones are going to shoot up to like 4k per bone :?




Depending on the update, that is.




Look what the stupid 'Use X' did.. Lol.




It made training Prayer faster. You're complaining?


Yeah, it took away the "achievement" of getting it. Well, RS2 did that, the 'X' just made it a more "normal" and recognisable skill.


it made it slower...

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As for a prayer update; I don't really think we need one. Prayer is good the way it is now.


That's why they're updating it




They're updating it because it doesn't need to be updated? I don't understand your logic.


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With new islands would come new quests which would probably come with a teleport to that island...




So we get the teleports and never need to sail back again?


Personally I don't see the use of Sailing. New islands can be introduced normally or via quests, no need to introduce a new skill just to get to another part of the map.

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I'm hoping for a desert treasure typish quest where you can switch the prayer book like you can switch the magic book. So maybe you can switch from the standard spell book which only has combat helping prayers to another prayer book that has skill related prayers :c




I know this wont happen lol but good idea none the less \'




I really like the sound of this. I read in one of the God letters ages ago (I think it was a zamorak one) that Saradomin controlled the different prayers so it would make sense for the other Gods to come out with their own versions.




maybe each god will effect a different aspect of rs...




sara ---> combat




guthix --> skills




zammy --> run/hp restore/heal familiars?

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As for a prayer update; I don't really think we need one. Prayer is good the way it is now.


That's why they're updating it




They're updating it because it doesn't need to be updated? I don't understand your logic.




Its Jagex Logic TM, like updating leprechauns 2 times in like 2 weeks.




@b1ue0wnzz: zammy would have better offensive prayers, in my opinion.

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I have always hoped for a prayer update which included higher level prayers (even though they aren't required) and also benefitted skilling.




I agree.







By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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As for a prayer update; I don't really think we need one. Prayer is good the way it is now.


That's why they're updating it




They're updating it because it doesn't need to be updated? I don't understand your logic.




Its Jagex Logic TM, like updating leprechauns 2 times in like 2 weeks.




@b1ue0wnzz: zammy would have better offensive prayers, in my opinion.


Jagex:If it isn't broken, we'll have to "fix" it.


OT:I realy like the idea of alternate prayer books such as zarosian prayers for mages or armadylian prayers for rangers.



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I do not want Sailing if Jagex considers such a skill now or ever. In every online game there is not many requirements to boss monsters or high level monsters.




With Sailing (It could become a great skill but leveling it would be deadly stupid) you could get levels that lets you sail to new islands.




New islands>New NPCS/Monsters




So it would force us monster killers to do a skill we do not want to do. I am sorry but it's just stupid to always go through a skill for a monster.














Lol quests require skills yo, unless its romeo and juliet.




Anyways there was some screenshot from like two years ago of that resistance of seren prayer. that would mean MEp3 as well... but they're taking their time if it was real

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I see that a lot of people have been suggesting a prayer update that includes benefits for noncombat skills. However, I think that prayer's power should be exclusive to combat skills, because it does affect one's combat level.




Even from a flavorful standpoint, would the gods really grant a hero the power to catch more fish or cut more logs? The gods of runescape seem to only be interested in the glory of warfare, sadly, and I think that the introduction of noncombat related prayers would compromise the existing character of the already crafted deities.




A little more on topic: I would love to see more prayers, but I'm led to believe the quick-prayers update was the update that Jagex was talking about.



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They could still do alot more with prayer. What about an even faster run speed? Invisibility was mentioned. A prayer to help your crops have even less chance of disease.Amplify mage damage.


I'm sure there is better ideas out there.


"Be Excellent To Each Other"

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From the last Q&A we had with the CEO, he hinted at a prayer update to be released this year.




I think there has been a lot of speculation on the sailing update, that I think we forget the update may be prayer soon.




What do you all think. Let's discuss this.


Sailing is one big joke, you know that right?


As for a prayer update; I don't really think we need one. Prayer is good the way it is now.




Well, we still don't have prayers that increase the max damage of magic.

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To Kinggabe,


Well, there was a sailboat icon on the highscores for a small amount of time, it couldn't have gotten there on accident.




And in this picture the cape looks dark blue and white...a sailing cape no doubt. Or a defense one >.>






Confirmed to be fake. Also, see my sig ;)




my sig too ( i loved it lol)

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As has been mentioned I think the prayer update has already happened but I would love to see new prayers. There are still ones that could always be added. Make a high level prayer where you cant be frozen, make a high level prayer that makes you immune to all types of damage but you are unable to attack back (50% block for pvp), could have one where when activated 10% of opponents damage is reflected back. There are plenty of ideas but I do feel that a lot of the older skills need work to fill in useful things for those higher levels.

All skills 80+

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