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What movie(s) did you last see?


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Watched two of the Futurama movies, Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game.


Why the hell did I EVER think Family Guy was better than Futurama?


I'm not sure, but why would the movies finally make you realize that? The movies actually weren't really all that great.


The series though, that was just epic. I was actually extremely surprised that the new season is just as good as the first four, I didn't think that would happen at all.



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Watched two of the Futurama movies, Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game.


Why the hell did I EVER think Family Guy was better than Futurama?


I'm not sure, but why would the movies finally make you realize that? The movies actually weren't really all that great.


The series though, that was just epic. I was actually extremely surprised that the new season is just as good as the first four, I didn't think that would happen at all.


Nah, it's just coming back to it, it was also the last season, too. ;o


On topic, Into the Wild Green Yonder. Missing Bender's Big Score. >_>




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I just watched Death Race... omg what an epic movie :P

Lol? I usually like Statham's movies, but damn... That movie was [cabbage]e.

What did you like about it?

I liked it :P Not much of a plot - sure - but I thought there was fun action, I enjoyed the racing and the ending was satisfying.

I liked it when they blew up that women lol.


Yeah mindless action in that movie makes it very fun lol. Plus, Joe was awesome. :P


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Watched two of the Futurama movies, Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game.


Why the hell did I EVER think Family Guy was better than Futurama?


I'm not sure, but why would the movies finally make you realize that? The movies actually weren't really all that great.


The series though, that was just epic. I was actually extremely surprised that the new season is just as good as the first four, I didn't think that would happen at all.


Nah, it's just coming back to it, it was also the last season, too. ;o


On topic, Into the Wild Green Yonder. Missing Bender's Big Score. >_>


I gotcha, that makes sense.



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Watched Enemy at the Gates and Defiance. Both are good movies, but I liked Enemy at the Gates a lot more than Defiance. Both were set during WWII, the first follows the battle of Stalingrad and the other follows a group of Jewish resistance fighters.

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Watched a few movies over the weekend, nothing of the new variety.


Resident Evil: Extinction- One of my favorite series of movies, I still need to find a new copy of the first one, though.


Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium- For whatever reason, it makes me laugh every time... and it was on tv when nothing else was worth watching.


The Spiderwick Chronicles- This one was on after Magorium, and I couldn't be bothered to change the channel. I love the movie, though.


Transformers + Revenge of the Fallen (both)- My cousin doesn't want to see any more of them, but I think Transformers will still rock without Megan Fox. I watch these movies for the giant transforming robot deathmatches, anyway.

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I saw Resident Evil: Afterlife at the weekend, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really enjoy the series. I was so confused at the beginning until I remembered the end of the previous film.


I really wanna see Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, but its not out here for another month I think.

-Destroy Topham-




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Watched Austin Powers late at night with some friends. Lulzy movie. Then I missed the opportunity to watch Fight Club and Rocky Horror Picture Show the next night :mad:



Also saw Daft Punk's Interstellar 5555. Very entertaining.


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I watched Blade 1 and 2 for the first time the other day. Watched half of Troy (Director's Cut) last night.

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Pick of Destiny




I need to see that again. Hehe.


I just finished watching American Beauty again.


THE TWIST ENDING IS HE DIES. (Just kidding, he says that in the first few lines ;o)




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The Other Guys

La Bumba

The Soloist


Starship Troopers


All great! :thumbup:


Having a good run with movies at the moe.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

u can control my tip it account, but youll never control how fine i am!

This is by FAR my favorite song:


I love N_odie and would never edit his posts! I love Rainy_Day too <3 And also Cowman_133. <33 Oh, and Laikrob is a going to hunt me down and kill me like a pest kangaroo if I reveal how awesome she is. I owe tripsis skittles. DarkDude feels like he's missing out. This is my siggy! - n_odie Rainy_Day MINE! - n_odie Rainy_Day And meol shouldn't feel left out. Oh, and Y_Guy is a noob awesome


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The Longest Yard (Adam Sandler version)- Pretty funny, but I only watched it because nothing else was on.

The Bourne Identity- I should really read the books...

Bowling for Columbine- Michael Moore has yet to disappoint me.

A Night at the Roxbury- The only one I hadn't seen before, I liked it.

X2- Good movie, but it doesn't have one of my favorite mutants in it.

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That is one of the worst movies I've ever seen: not even that one dude's awesome chin could make up for it.

Total copy of Armageddon, except not as good :P

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