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4th September 2009 -Machinima Competition- Cast Your Votes!


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Me too. It gave me an idea for a video I could have done too..."Where the hell is Mil?" based upon the "
" Youtube videos. Go around places, Varrock, Fally, Deep Wildy, all the different dungeons, etc.


That's what I thought he was making fun of at first :lol:

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Me too. It gave me an idea for a video I could have done too..."Where the hell is Mil?" based upon the "
" Youtube videos. Go around places, Varrock, Fally, Deep Wildy, all the different dungeons, etc.


That's what I thought he was making fun of at first :lol:




There was an entry like that ;) I have an idea for the next competition though, should be entering hopefully this time I make it to the actual playlist lol

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Although Excl's was good, I had to vote for Line Dancing due to the sheer amount of effort put in and the uniquity it has compared to other videos of runescape characters dancing. If I have one criticism though, it's that he switched from a Firemaking Cape to an Obsidian Cape, sorry, but I notice every little thing.

My legions of fans:


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Meh, I'm bored so I'll review them all.


Bumbum007's video - Obnoxious and I didn't laugh once.


Mommakitty2's video - Clever but poorly executed. Also she spelled yourself as urself - that's so unprofessional I actually laughed at the mistake. Also, most of the video was poorly edited and some parts seemed random just for the hell of it.


Excl's video - Finally one with good humor and good voice acting. Didn't vote for it though. Also, O Fortuna gives him bonus points.


Siamsa's video - It's pretty obvious this one took the most effort out of all of them to make. The timing and detail is stunning. I actually feel bad I didn't vote for it.


Arrow Gun 99's video - My favorite that I voted for. It's simple and had me laughing the entire video, even though the ending was a bit cliche. The editing wasn't perfect but much better than the other video's (well, except for Siamsa's).


Kkcomics's video - Most of the video was boring to watch, but the ending was pretty good. It made it worth the watch.


This is exactly how I feel (except I giggled at the Bumbum one a couple times but it never made me LOL). I did vote for Excl because I know he has made better vids in the past and should get recognised for being the best overall even if his entry wasn't necessarily his strongest work. I too feel bad about not voting for the linedancing just based on the sheer amount of time it must have taken. Just getting 2 people to do emotes at once is hard but to do it likely thousands of times with up to 9 (I think) people is insane.

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Here's my order of the top 5 in reverse order:




5) Momma's. Had bits and pieces that were really funny, but it seemed like the usual random video clips put together into a single video that we've seen many times before. Personally I thought Chizle's and Anti's (among others) were better, but it's still a good video.




4) Arrow's. It was very well edited and funny, but a lot of it is taken off of a counter-strike Machinima video of an office fight between two old guys:




3) JinJr's ... Amazing, amazing video, but I get the feeling this wasn't actually done in the two weeks the contest started. It's also a lot like his original Riverdance video:

but still ... one amazing production piece! I can't imagine editing that! :shock:




2) KKComics. I get the feeling that if he had Chizle doing the editing for him, that this video would be the runaway #1. Funny as heck and great ideas! This might be the new up-and-comer of RS vids if he can keep it up!




1) Bumshows. I know a few people don't like the voice, but I thought this one was the best. Very funny, amazing editing ... and a catchy tune to boot. I was singing this for days after seeing it. :lol:






As for mine .... it sucked [wagon]. :mrgreen:

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...Excls video sucked [wagon]...


A little excessive to say that. Especially when Excl is a tip.iter.





Excessive? Not at all. He may be a Tip.iter, but that changes nothing. We're voting on something from http://www.runescape.com, and it's something that'll possibly be someones only chance in a lifetime. And telling the truth about the videos is a part of entering into the competition. You enter you know you will receive both good and bad comments. I personally second whatLep1423 says in saying that "it sucked [wagon]...". I thought it was rubbish. :thumbdown:


How about being constructive about it? Saying "Excl's video sucked [wagon]" is both rude and unnecessary. Maybe politeness doesn't quite resonate with you, but for the more mature posters here it means something. Grow up kid.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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...Excls video sucked [wagon]...


A little excessive to say that. Especially when Excl is a tip.iter.




Excessive? Not at all. He may be a Tip.iter, but that changes nothing. We're voting on something from http://www.runescape.com, and it's something that'll possibly be someones only chance in a lifetime. And telling the truth about the videos is a part of entering into the competition. You enter you know you will receive both good and bad comments. I personally second whatLep1423 says in saying that "it sucked [wagon]...". I thought it was rubbish. :thumbdown:




And as another person above/behind said, we're voting on this video alone. Not their "previous works". Which seems to be the only reason Excl is going anywhere..As I said on the other topic, there really should have been two competitions. One for the big folks that already are famous for their video creating and one for those that don't. Meaning they too will get a real chance of possibly winning.


How about being constructive about it? Saying "Excl's video sucked [wagon]" is both rude and unnecessary. Maybe politeness doesn't quite resonate with you, but for the more mature posters here it means something. Grow up kid.




Mhm, calling one "kid" must really make you feel big. As has been said multiple times over the release of this competition, there's better videos out there. Far better ones. Which, sadly haven't made it to the top 6. However, ones that really are nothing more than a few witty jokes and comments are there at the top. And they win because people set out to who they would vote for before they even seen they video. It's sad, really. I am polite, most of the time. Might I add. You simply don't know me. ;)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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...Excls video sucked [wagon]...


A little excessive to say that. Especially when Excl is a tip.iter.




Excessive? Not at all. He may be a Tip.iter, but that changes nothing. We're voting on something from http://www.runescape.com, and it's something that'll possibly be someones only chance in a lifetime. And telling the truth about the videos is a part of entering into the competition. You enter you know you will receive both good and bad comments. I personally second whatLep1423 says in saying that "it sucked [wagon]...". I thought it was rubbish. :thumbdown:




And as another person above/behind said, we're voting on this video alone. Not their "previous works". Which seems to be the only reason Excl is going anywhere..As I said on the other topic, there really should have been two competitions. One for the big folks that already are famous for their video creating and one for those that don't. Meaning they too will get a real chance of possibly winning.


How about being constructive about it? Saying "Excl's video sucked [wagon]" is both rude and unnecessary. Maybe politeness doesn't quite resonate with you, but for the more mature posters here it means something. Grow up kid.





Mhm, calling one "kid" must really make you feel big. As has been said multiple times over the release of this competition, there's better videos out there. Far better ones. Which, sadly haven't made it to the top 6. However, ones that really are nothing more than a few witty jokes and comments are there at the top. And they win because people set out to who they would vote for before they even seen they video. It's sad, really. I am polite, most of the time. Might I add. You simply don't know me. ;)


This wasn't about whether his video deserved to be there, it was about the way he said it. He could have simply said "I don't think Excl's video deserved to be in the top 6". Instead he chose to be a jerk about it. As far as calling you a kid, you act like a kid, you have a "lololo you just lost the game avatar", as far as I'm concerned your a child.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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No matter who wins (which we know who now) will most definately have deserved it, you can argue about fanbase but it's been earned in fairness, and to be completely honest with you they could closed votes for excl today and in 2 weeks he'll still be leading.

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...Excls video sucked [wagon]...


A little excessive to say that. Especially when Excl is a tip.iter.




Excessive? Not at all. He may be a Tip.iter, but that changes nothing. We're voting on something from http://www.runescape.com, and it's something that'll possibly be someones only chance in a lifetime. And telling the truth about the videos is a part of entering into the competition. You enter you know you will receive both good and bad comments. I personally second whatLep1423 says in saying that "it sucked [wagon]...". I thought it was rubbish. :thumbdown:




And as another person above/behind said, we're voting on this video alone. Not their "previous works". Which seems to be the only reason Excl is going anywhere..As I said on the other topic, there really should have been two competitions. One for the big folks that already are famous for their video creating and one for those that don't. Meaning they too will get a real chance of possibly winning.


How about being constructive about it? Saying "Excl's video sucked [wagon]" is both rude and unnecessary. Maybe politeness doesn't quite resonate with you, but for the more mature posters here it means something. Grow up kid.





Mhm, calling one "kid" must really make you feel big. As has been said multiple times over the release of this competition, there's better videos out there. Far better ones. Which, sadly haven't made it to the top 6. However, ones that really are nothing more than a few witty jokes and comments are there at the top. And they win because people set out to who they would vote for before they even seen they video. It's sad, really. I am polite, most of the time. Might I add. You simply don't know me. ;)


This wasn't about whether his video deserved to be there, it was about the way he said it. He could have simply said "I don't think Excl's video deserved to be in the top 6". Instead he chose to be a jerk about it. As far as calling you a kid, you act like a kid, you have a "lololo you just lost the game avatar", as far as I'm concerned your a child.




Right, where does I start. He chose to be a jerk, yes, so be it? Who cares. Remember, this is the internet afterall. Backing up what Lep said, Excl himself said too "it sucked [wagon]". Not the kind of terminology I personally would use...but it works.


To reply to this personal thing, "The Game. You Lost". Was actually a picture sent to me by a friend who requested I put it in my signature for them. I act like a kid? Heh, hit me with some examples via Pm and we can discuss. Enough of this, anyway. This is unnecessary here.




Smelly; I personally don't see having a fanbase and winning a competition that's based on the video you created for it fair, really. At all. It should be dependant on that video, and that one alone. Not one you made months before. I think this could have been organised a bit better in all honesty.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Smelly; I personally don't see having a fanbase and winning a competition that's based on the video you created for it fair, really. At all. It should be dependant on that video, and that one alone. Not one you made months before. I think this could have been organised a bit better in all honesty.




Yes in the other topic from weeks ago I've stated why I think it wasn't as good as others he's made but the "Fanbase" have been earned in the past, none of this sub4sub etc.




And the video was one of the best there in fairness I did have preference over Arrows but it seems that's a rip off so...




Jins although dancing isnt my thing the amount of footage that must have taken is super but it's one that if someone did a parody or something it would just get boring

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For what seems like the 95th time today, I must stress that Jagex's criteria were 'originality' and 'creativity'.




That really is probably what it should come down to.


Lowest combat (only sub-90) on the TIF high scores list




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Smelly; I personally don't see having a fanbase and winning a competition that's based on the video you created for it fair, really. At all. It should be dependant on that video, and that one alone. Not one you made months before. I think this could have been organised a bit better in all honesty.




Yes in the other topic from weeks ago I've stated why I think it wasn't as good as others he's made but the "Fanbase" have been earned in the past, none of this sub4sub etc.




And the video was one of the best there in fairness I did have preference over Arrows but it seems that's a rip off so...




Jins although dancing isnt my thing the amount of footage that must have taken is super but it's one that if someone did a parody or something it would just get boring




Well, we've all got our opinions. :)




I did rather enjoy the dancing one, it'd have been second on my list. BumBum007 being the first, what I voted for. I thought it was just perfect, the lyrics, the catch tune, the voice & the pictures plus editing fit in just great.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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