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Will the TWR focus ever hop from CWA to PVP?


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so, as everyone knows, ther has only been like five pvp wars in the whole twr history, while all the others have taken place in CWA.




However some pvp based clans like CR and KO have joined




and other clans that dont mind pvp are already in like BK or Mori




But must of the twr clans, still, just war in cwa.




There was an attempt for some tip it clans to start explore pvp (deadly alliance) but it looked like the project died




My question is, do you think the TWR will ever become PVP focused, or will almost all wars always be in cwa?




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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It will probably stay focused on CWA, it has the advantage of offering cleaner fights, no crashing, no risk. Personally I think CWA should be able to rival PVP but I'll digress on that later. :P


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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Clans do occasionally do TWR wars in pvp, but the majority of fights are fought in cwa.




Because the TWR is a ranking list based on activity, top clans must fight many wars in order to gain ranks.




With all the drama that takes place in pvp wars, most clans find it isn't worth their time, especially as they would have to repeat the process several times a week.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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It depends on two things: if RSC declines and if Jagex makes more options for the CWA.




If RSC declines, expect some clans to join the TWR looking for some pvp wars.




If Jagex upgrades the CWA, then.. well, we will certainly see more pvp.


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Will TWR / Tip.it Clans go toward PVP rather than CWA based?




Nope never. Unless there is an insentive to gain more points. Clans that wish to become more pvp based leave the TWR ranking list such as Illusion.




If Jagex upgrades the CWA, then.. well, we will certainly see more pvp.


Upgrading CWA makes pvp more apealable? Lol they'll upgrade it to a better/ more realistic items lost on death but if they do not move it out deep into the wild then pkri or 'cwri' with items lost on death will become very boring. Other than that the upgrades they could make for CWA wouldn't encourage clans to do pvp only incourage more to do CWA.




Downfall claimed in one of their recruiting topics I think to focus more on pvp but sounds like a shot in the dark to me.


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I would wish to see the Twr more pvp oriented but it just seems now everyone is afraid of it, excluding Ko, Bk, Reinvented Truth, and Cr.


Maybe if there would be a new rule or point system giving pvp wars more points and hopefully just that more clans would take part in that.

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lol gen, more pvp wars here, more free r00ns for ni? :lol:




^ :D






Even in RSC you dont see many small or low lvl clans that fight in PvP. Powerhouses have forced them to close by recruiting most of their members.




One main reason why Tip.it clans haven't died is because CWA have protected them from being consumed by bigger clans. You cant blame Tip.it clans for having good survival instincts.

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lol gen, more pvp wars here, more free r00ns for ni? :lol:




^ :D






Even in RSC you dont see many small or low lvl clans that fight in PvP. Powerhouses have forced them to close by recruiting most of their members.




One main reason why Tip.it clans haven't died is because CWA have protected them from being consumed by bigger clans. You cant blame Tip.it clans for having good survival instincts.


DF can pull like 40s-50s and LGZ used to be able to not sure anymore. You could definatly have some TWR ranked pvp fights. Look at triforce they have pvp wars in germans and mass amounts of clans hate them but no1 really wants to world hop to german to hit them except mayb LH


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I don't think there will be many PvP wars. I know that CR and BK do pvp wars. DH had one. KO does pvp. I think we (df) might start up pvp soon.


Your clan kinda chose a bad time :lol: NI is out dk is dying somewhat but i geuss still out? so idk I really doubt you guys will go out much but proove me wrong :]


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lol gen, more pvp wars here, more free r00ns for ni? :lol:




^ :D






Even in RSC you dont see many small or low lvl clans that fight in PvP. Powerhouses have forced them to close by recruiting most of their members.




One main reason why Tip.it clans haven't died is because CWA have protected them from being consumed by bigger clans. You cant blame Tip.it clans for having good survival instincts.




This, This, and This.




More pvp worlds (although it would have to be a lot more) might increase pvp wars in the TWR.


True Ownage Co-Leader


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If Jagex upgrades the CWA, then.. well, we will certainly see more pvp.


Upgrading CWA makes pvp more apealable? Lol they'll upgrade it to a better/ more realistic items lost on death but if they do not move it out deep into the wild then pkri or 'cwri' with items lost on death will become very boring. Other than that the upgrades they could make for CWA wouldn't encourage clans to do pvp only incourage more to do CWA.



Sorry for not being more clear.




What I meant is that I was pretty much building up on what BKJordan said about upgrades to the CWA.




I know why people pvp, hell, I had people piss me off about doing more pvp for some time...


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To be honest if jagex weren't dipsticks and made more pvp/bh worlds life would be easier for the smaller clans. Now a days if a small clan goes out either they run into ph, and the idiots that ph are......well we'll leave that there. If they do get past bounty hunter bank they walk up the deep wildy where if a war isn't going on....a clan is out and will rush them and those clans are usually top clans. I remember when i was in df we ran into rsd (LOL) ya wasn't a good experience. The only "new clan" that has successfully been able to leave a mark on the pvp world is Illusion, and they do desrve all the bragging rights because ya their good they started in cwa but was able to quickly move to deep wildy and adapt.




Back on topic I really don't think they will, alot of members are as we call "pixel huggers" and if they do manage to get a war it will guranteed be crashed by ni, ph or some other clan which inturn basically makes them not like pvp wars and they'll stay in CWA.


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Times have changed sir. New clans, new breed, new leaders(some good some bad) they don't focus on pvp as much especially if they're based on cwa. Making a clan used to be just about pking as a group and getting rune. Now clans focus more on power, it's not the same as it used to be at all. So my answer is no probably not unless there is a general agreement



Currently in: Echo Of Silence


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