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Tip.it Times 18 October 2009


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A couple of thoughts after reading these two tip.it times:


1st one: Had a lot of good points something does need to be fixed in the rs economy, and you really pinpointed most of the issues. HOWEVER, some of your solutions are really not thought out that well. As to rewards from drops only being only up to double what the person was carrying, makes it nearly impossible to profit from pking. If someone risks 100k-200k (which is around the average considering pures risk less mains risk more etc.) And you make on average exactly what they drop (seeing as how the drop between 0-200% of what they were carrying according to your plan) you get 100-200k for a kill that will cost at leas 60k in gear. IF you get a kill every 2 times you fight AND never die your barely breaking even...


A better solution would be for the drops to be statues (as they are now) + the old drops (infinity, barrows, whips etc.) But these "old drops" wouldn't be randomly generated but based on the items lost in all of pvp. For example if 500 whips were lost in a day 500 whips would be dropped as random drops for people (obviously higher percentage if you kill someone risking a whip) This way no extra items are thrown into the economy that were already there and very little (if any) are lost! This will unfortunately still make 76king profitable, but their is really very little we can do about that without ruining pking as a whole! This whole system will keep a balance in the economy (hopefully) and cause the prices of items to go down/stabalize (more items but also more cash still from statues etc.)


A thing I did like was your suggestion to increase the number of corrupt drops and such that are limited to PvP, it keeps things profitable for pkers without affecting prices of anything but those items :)


So as I understand it now, you want to keep the one thing that has caused all this ridiculous hyper-inflation? AND add more drops to it? I'm going to explain you my solution of replacing the statues with actual items again...

The thing with my solution is; the items generated by PVP then do not add anythign to the economy, as the rewards from PVP no longer will be pure cash, but items that will be sold to other PLAYERS (not NPCs) for cash... The items degrade completely after a while, or are untradable, so no additional cash is injected into the economy... I have suggested adding more of such items to PVP drops ON TOP of normal statue/cash drops... BUT as the same time limit the cash one can get by changing the factors deciding this, and limiting it to a maximum of twice the amount your opponent was risking...



we cant blame it 100% on pvp, the other thing that made it go up is bots....


one of the main bots didnt work on runetek 5 for abit making pure ess (the main item to go up) to rise in price, it rised from 90gp ea and hit 228.


now that its back up you can see pure ess is going back down along with lots of other items...

im sorry to tell you this jagex, bots are keeping the econmy good :s thank the bots lolz


1, Yes, I CAN blame it 100% on PVP drops because I think that the sheer cash income from that completely eclipses any other factors currently screwing with the economy...


2, Bots arent putting a dent in the prices anymore these daysm but as you said, if they do mine pure essence, the solution is presented here and in this thread...

Mordendravid earlier suggested to replace everyone's Pure Essence by 3 Rune Essence while reversing the update that made Pure Essence for members back in 06...

only problem with that solution is pking becomes imossible to profit from...the problem isn't that people are making to much money pking, its that the gp added to the economy is causing items (such as whips) to increase drastically in price...


If whips and other items were still dropped, there would be a balance between an increase in CASH and and increase in ITEMS, this balance would stabilize the economy. increased gp is not the only problem because there is a decrease in items as of right now as all whips that are lost in pvp are not being returned into the economy (whip just as an example.)


I am not saying that Item drops should be dropped with statues ( that would be too much loot :P) but a combination of the two would balance prices...Simply because there would be more Items+cash in the economy not more of just 1. :)


Your solution is good, but if they release too many pvp items and have the drops be too common, it could drastically affect the prices of whatever it would replace in Pvp, but this increase in Pvp only items is a good idea :).

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I think the prices rising is sooooooooooo STUPID. People like me that arent rich and can't bother nolifing all the time have no chance anymore to get even near good gear. Ive saved money for a year now (currently working my butt off in lumby swamps) to get a bandos godsword that have gone up 100% in price (it was 14-17m now its 25-28m), im still gonna go for it but i will have to waste all my hard earned money on a sword just cause jagex did a dumb update.


I feel Jagex is responsible of this and should give us back the boss-drops in pvp, the only way to get rid of 76k trickers is having mods banning them on sight in the bounty worlds. When i pvp i see people EVERYWHERE spamming "Looking for 76k partner!!" and so on. Its disgusting that they can chant that and make money of it while jagex wont do anything about it. They can easily put 1-2 mods in each bounty world at edge and ban people who are either asking/offering 76k tricking or actually doing it on sight. SOmething must be done before RuneScape becomes a overpriced game where the ONLY way of affording your usual gear is 76k tricking. Ive always hated Jagex for their dumb updates but this is one of the worst ones so far, they are practically ruining the games economy.




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So there goes PvP tricking.


Will prices fall? I think people are going to panic at first, and prices will drop rapidly. Then they'll realize that Jagex didn't nerf it as hard as they thought, and prices will recover somewhat.


Glad I sold my rares on a hunch, 2 hours before the update.

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So there goes PvP tricking.


Will prices fall? I think people are going to panic at first, and prices will drop rapidly. Then they'll realize that Jagex didn't nerf it as hard as they thought, and prices will recover somewhat.


Glad I sold my rares on a hunch, 2 hours before the update.


There goes tricking? HELL NO...

Once again an update that does nothing AT ALL...


I'll explain first what has happened with The PVP update of Oct 26;


Basicly what has changed is that, should you fight and kill (or be killed by) the same person you just killed or got killed by, your drops will now be "lessened in value" (by however much I do not know yet)


People who make tonnes and tonnes of cash do not suddenly say to themselves "Oh, I'll go back to killing Green Dragons for cash now"... No, they just seek different partners each kill, or worse, start clans that cater to people who this for one another...



0/10 Jagex...


We'll see a short panic-induced dip, but mark my words; the AGS wont even go below the 100m mark, even IF it goes that far down...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Solution around the anti-76k update(I borrowed this from two people's ideas):


3 people stand in hot spots for 30 minutes, and get 25 EP. 25 EP will last 2 kills. Then the order goes as follows:


1 kills 2

2 kills 3

3 kills 2

1 kills 3

2 kills 1

3 kills 1


I do admit Jagex has slightly cut into the profit of 76king, but trickers can still make millions a day.


EDIT: Alternatively you could just do it once, and then find a completely different person and do it again. Minor inconvenience.


I feel Jagex is responsible of this and should give us back the boss-drops in pvp, the only way to get rid of 76k trickers is having mods banning them on sight in the bounty worlds. When i pvp i see people EVERYWHERE spamming "Looking for 76k partner!!" and so on. Its disgusting that they can chant that and make money of it while jagex wont do anything about it. They can easily put 1-2 mods in each bounty world at edge and ban people who are either asking/offering 76k tricking or actually doing it on sight. SOmething must be done before RuneScape becomes a overpriced game where the ONLY way of affording your usual gear is 76k tricking. Ive always hated Jagex for their dumb updates but this is one of the worst ones so far, they are practically ruining the games economy.


76king isn't illegal. According to the runescape KB on the subject, it is perfectly within the rules. It seems illegal because it pushes the rules to the limits to maximize profit, but it really isn't. Mods can't go around banning people if they technically haven't broken any rules.


Even if you ban the idiots yelling "looking for 76k partner" you haven't completely removed the 76king community. There are large private chatrooms set up specifically for finding partners and doing the trick, all in private. To jagex it may look like one guy killed the other, and the other guy comes back to get 'revenge,' and then the first guy comes back to get his revenge, etc. etc.


76king is a problem, but I think inflation is a bigger problem. To fix the biggest problem, they should convert all the artifacts in everyone's bank to coins, and then completely delete artifacts. Then replace the artifacts with a wide variety of tradable, valuable items. The influx of items will eventually balance out the coins, then they can change the drops to give more coins so coins and items will be permanently balanced. The whole artifacts idea was a bad idea in the first place.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Stormrage, you don't know that. You really don't know how they implement it. I'd be willing to bet that it gets tweaked soon to cover loopholes that people uncover. Either way, it slows things down, EVEN IF SLIGHTLY, while they work out a good fix.


I take this as a positive indication that they know there's a problem.

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Mario; I advise you to read my 1st proposal again... There was a huge problem when PVP world drops were actual bossmonster drops, people would rather pvp then hunt the actual boss... This still does not diversify the game and puts people to do only one viable thing for large ammounts of cash...


The thing with PVP drops is, they ahve a number of criteria if they want to have a popular and profitable PVP world without it impacting inflation... To achieve that, PVP drops must be;

- Valuable, while degrading 100% over time (so nothing is added to the game overall, Vesta's is a great example of this)

- Untradable (if drops cant be traded, they add nothing to the economy)


What you are suggesting is to add drops and coins themselves to balance it out... This doesnt solve the problem because there are loads of items that do not drop on PVP worlds ;)




And swampjedi, I've been roaming the RSoF since the second I heard about this update... What it really comes down to is that you need multiple partners to dump your EP in, thats all... Tricking clans, here they come :)


But you are right in them recognizing there is a problem... But they see 76k-ing as a problem, not the whole inflation thing, which is what my article has been about ;)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Mmm yea I just confirmed with some friends that indeed there is a way around this update that's still profitable. They call it the 'triangle trick' now.


And yes tricking clans have already adapted.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Also in some ways this works in favor of the 76k clans. Not only are they going to receive more members, which means faster 76king and more money, but the new update allows for safer 76king. Previously, a 2 partner trick was very risky, since the other partner could betray you by simply logging out after he'd have his first share of turns. Now with the new 3 way trick its much harder to scam, because you have to depend on both partners to get your loot.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I'm not even sure if the GE will respond now on the AGS... People have been selling items on forums WAY below market price, so there is little reason for anyone to buy an item on the GE...


I guess we'll know in a few hours :S


In the mean while, I'll contunue to monitor the RSoF for new facts, but so far, it seems Mario is spot on in what is happening (see previous page)...




The GE updates... AAAAAAAAAND *drumroll*....


Armadyl Godsword: 107m 112.60m 118.20m (Today: +1,200,000gp [+1.1%])


GF Jagex :)


Looks liek this still goes;

"If you kill, or get killed by someone that you killed or got killed by in the last 2 hours, you dont get as much reward... But you dont lose as much EP either"

Your average drops remains the same, but your victim has to sacrifice its 76k much more often... Or you have to find different victims...


The panic sales will probably last a few more days, but by the start of the weekend things will start to bounce back due to everyone having the GP but not the items :)


Thanks though, was an awesome opportunity to get rid of my junk :P I bought a Saradomin Sword 20% under mid market price yesterday, and a friend of mine for 27% under market price... Right now things are already no longer panic sold on forums or at w2, but just minimum price on GE...



If you guys want, you can bump the thread on th RSoF to keep it from being eaten by the page 51 monster...


Lets hope Jagex reads it :)

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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Well due to recent updates this seems even more valuable to read for those of us who read watch the ge prices etc. I think we need to watch out for prices cos although intitally they may go down it wouldnt suprise me if they all shot up again which does cause problems as proved by the AGS prices as mention in stormrages post above.


Gratz on getting your Sword cheaper +P


Hopefully we'll see jagex maybe do some better ideas for 76king perhaps even ones that are mention on ts_stormrages RSOF post


I shall be watching this for more things being said as ive been lurking about this thread since it came out anyway


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Whoever wrote that article was obviously stupid, you HAVE to have high herblore to use the potions but you don't HAVE to have high levels in other skills to use that stuff because it is tradeable, that means that both equal playes have the option to use it.

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We'll see a short panic-induced dip, but mark my words; the AGS wont even go below the 100m mark, even IF it goes that far down...


Armadyl Godsword: 99.70m 105m 110.20m (Today: +5,000,000gp [+5%]


Called it...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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