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Tip.it Kingdoms

The Dark Lord

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Mather, considering you wanted to be the incas, the iron and copper techs aren't 1000 BC techs, you barely had copper tools in the 14-1600s CE



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The Incas had mastered copper, stone and gold by that time, only reason the didn't use iron was because they had as good as none of it.

That would totally explain why the only weapons they used were pretty much spears and clubs. Oh, and why the entire empire was defeated by about 170 guys.



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The Incas had mastered copper, stone and gold by that time, only reason the didn't use iron was because they had as good as none of it.

That would totally explain why the only weapons they used were pretty much spears and clubs. Oh, and why the entire empire was defeated by about 170 guys.

Sickness and hospitality was the reasons, the Spaniards came and the Incas and the others welcomed them, thy traded their goods to them as well as work labour, but when they started getting sick the Spaniards sloughtered them.





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The Incas had mastered copper, stone and gold by that time, only reason the didn't use iron was because they had as good as none of it.

That would totally explain why the only weapons they used were pretty much spears and clubs. Oh, and why the entire empire was defeated by about 170 guys.

Sickness and hospitality was the reasons, the Spaniards came and the Incas and the others welcomed them, thy traded their goods to them as well as work labour, but when they started getting sick the Spaniards sloughtered them.

Sickness was a major factor. It wasn't so much hospitality, rather than the inca empire thinking the 168 dudes wouldn't be stupid enough to attack an army of tens of thousands of people. And after that, the incas weren't hospitable, obviously. The spaniards just had much better technology. Swords, armor, and horses.



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Didn't they also have guns?

So at this point I got the .5 research points I need for copper tools. Now I'm researching copper weapons. A mine has been found in the hills northwest of my city, and mining has started.

I might be thinking too far ahead, but when do we get to expand to other tiles?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I don't know Penguin, Ross wants some sort of system where we have to battle monsters for control of tiles but..


For the record, I don't think it's a worthwhile system. Why would it cause problems in the end, Ross?


As it is, battles take ages. People need to edit maps, and blah blah. I don't want to fight unnecessary battles that will take up a lot of my time.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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As soon as I get round to sending the monster list to Sere.

Being able to waltz in and claim land will just cause problems in the end. It means that all the land will get taken really quickly, leaving no room for new players.

I just don't want conquering new tiles to be totally effortless.

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I definitely agree that we shouldn't be able to prance around with our armies and claim land that way. But I'm kind of unsure about the monsters thing.

Maybe let people take a few (or a lot of) squares after their first one without any fighting (though have it take a while), and then have the monsters after that..

I support Paul's trade suggestion, by the way. And I don't think buildings should have a fixed amount of construction time. Just give guidelines and let people pick as long as it's reasonable.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Animal Husbandry 3/4

Everyone check the new trade proposal on the 2nd post on page one, and share your thoughts on this!

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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I like the idea also I would like to propose an oriental alliance or at least a non agression pact.

[bleep] off with the alliances.

Okay then... A non agression pact would be much more interesting though.

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There really needs to be separate OOC and IC threads. I don't want to wade through a bunch of arguments every single time I want to see what new developments occurred, like I just did.


Since I don't see any rules limiting the number of threads per RP scenario, here is what I propose to make things more organized:


1. Limit the current thread to discussion on the ground rules of this RP. We need to streamline the debate from ideas just being thrown out at random intervals, to a set of clear yes/no votes. If no one else wants to make said list, I'll do it. Once the rules have been decided on, that's it. Unless it's a pressing matter which has been overlooked, I'd rather spend my time on actual RPing than arguing with you all.


2. Each civilization creates a "factbook" thread that contains all the necessary history, unit stats, research progress, etc etc. Specific trade agreements, alliance proposals, and whatnot should also be made in these threads. This eliminates having to search through this one thread for all the scattered information. In addition, there's no more issues with opening a hundred hide tags only be to confronted with a gigantic map that's impossible to take in.


3. Likewise, each conflict or situation gets it's own thread. Say I designed a scenario where a renegade Shu ship raids a Han port. I'd post an intro, giving the background information, then wait for the Han player to respond. Obviously, more participants can join in at any time, unless it has been agreed beforehand by the thread founders that there are limits to the action, in which case said limits should be noted in the first post. However, there cannot be limits which infringe on the RPing-possibilities of other players, ie. an army travels through your territory without your permission. Since the format is so open-ended, I find that this really encourages the creative process in everyone involved.


4. There will be more freedom in regards to time. Whereas currently, if you don't post for a few days, you've just missed out on a sizeable chunk of research, having a looser "flow" to the RP opens up more possibilities. Would you like to revisit a conflict that happened 2 weeks ago? Or perhaps you would like to explore an earlier part of your tribe's history and its interaction with neighboring states? No problem. It will move things away from being too dependent on researches and unit stats to focus on writing quality.


5. More IC posts please! Creative and interesting story-telling is the heart of every RP. It's no fun to browse a page of nothing but "The Shu recruit 100,000 spears, and research Advanced Logistics." followed by "A Florentine army moves into square E54 and defeats 5 monsters which attack." Instead, bring in interest by looking at the situation from a more personal view. For example:


Six days had passed without respite from bloodshed.


Trapped by the Viking army camped outside the city gates, the defenders of Guyen had exhausted nearly all their options. What little grain remained from the saboteur's fire had been consumed yesterday, and the last productive well had scraped bottom this morning. Over half the garrison is buried in shallow graves, or lay wounded in one of the few undamaged houses that serve as makeshift hospitals.


As the sun creeps toward midday, the drums begin to sound. Thumping at regular intervals, the muffled noise penetrates every part of the city, calling its soldiers to their positions. The sound reaches Miaowen, who hurries to strap on the last of his armor, dented and smeared with dirt from fighting the day before. He hoists his spear, resting it upon his shoulder so that the cool wooden shaft is pressed against his right cheek. Then, he joins the stream of other soldiers moving toward the outer wall.


The steady rhythm of beats continues. From beyond the haze of dust and smoke lingering above the flat, parched plains, shadows and movement could be seen. The enemy was preparing for the final assault. To his right, Miaowen can see rubble being loaded from stacked piles in the catapults being winched back. To his left, his fellow soldiers had jammed their shields into gaps torn by the Viking siege engines. As one among hundreds stationed on this section of the battered ramparts, he knew that perhaps only a handful would survive until the end of this day. As the sun moves directly overhead, Miaowen gazes to the horizon and grasps at the thought of his wife and child.


He takes a deep breath, then slowly releases the air from his lungs.


As the pounding of war drums reverberated through the stone beneath his feet, Miaowen lifts his head, and his voice joins the roar of a thousand battle cries.


You can also write up a proclamation issued by the king, or draft up a diary entry from one of the refugees fleeing the war. Post an account of action from the view of a common foot soldier, or take a peek into the heated discussion taking place in the inner council chambers. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, but remember, descriptive phrases are an RPers best friend.


Sure, this involves investing in more time and effort, but the increased excitement and fun pays off. Besides, which account would you rather read?


6. To avoid confusion with other RPs, all threads pertaining to this RP will have "TIK" in the title. For example, my factbook for the Shu could be titled: "TIK- Shu Factbook." Or, if I were to declare war on the Romans and make a thread for that: "TIK- Shu Army Advances into Roman Territory."


What do you all think?

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sounds like too many. On other RP's i've played, they have a IC Main page, an ooc/debate page, an Atlas thread (each player posts their nations overveiw there), a map thread, and possibly a new thread for major wars. Also, they have a rule that everytime you post about your army, you have to say 1 thing about your culture.

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Granzi, I agree there is a lot of useless posting in these threads about argument (like 75% of Hegemony is just whining and debating). Maybe now that we have our own subforum, we can allow seperate threads for IC and OOC. The probelm is that we'd be doing the same thing, but it would be seperated into two different areas. It's debatable whether or not that would actually help. Atleast this way it's very easy to track quotes. Any more than two threads is proposterous, because no offense to anybody but I'm not gonna spend my time reading up on everybody's personal threads. That's not gonna happen.


So I have 5 spare points now.


I'm going to be constructing some wagons for trading long distances if anyone would like to trade some metal weapons/armor for food.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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It's absolutely essential that we iron out some rules now.


Factbook wise, I see no reason why it can't be just kept in the OP/your first post in the topic.


I agree that how many threads you've proposed is far too many Granzi, despite agreeing that it's best if everything IS separated like that - but it's too much to ask for some of the more casual players, even though you suggest freeing up the "time" mechanic.


Rpg, please read Paul's suggestion for trading, it's a much more interesting system that - once developed to include things like weapons, will be an exciting aspect of gameplay, in my opinion.

'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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