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Will 2010 continue to be a year of tweaks with little new content?


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2009 started with a clear statement of intent from Jagex. So far I'm unclear as to what 2010 will hold besides a new skill and a focus on social marketing and community events.




They seem to be continuing to tweak old content.




I'm very disappointed in the way they are changing things already this year and they have barely done anything.


The quest cape is now too much of a combat cape, that wasn't neccessary IMHO.


Minor tweaks to agility and a few skils aren't exactly new content.


Taking exisiting content that is useful such as fighter torso and nerfing it, they really know their player base. (Changed back now within a couple of hours but still.)




Will we continue to see Jagex coasting by on minor RS in-game updates that are changes or tweaks to existing content?



While social community events are okay what is the point of marketing something when there is no real new content?

Also why is so much social marketing done off the rsof, it's forcing us to interact with them in ways we may not want to.

They seem to be patting themselves on their back regarding their social marketing this year, but was it really that successful?

The cryptic clue was mediocre and pointless IMHO. Yet another item to add to the millions I already don't use on RS.



Players want and expect updates. I'm tired of tweaks. Especially when there is so much that needed to be fixed that was barely addressed in 2009.





On a side note where are the news archives on RS's website? Why call it archives when it only holds news from 2010.................!

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first off about the quest cape being a combat cape now

this was to be expected. There have only been 2 GM quests released, the "identity" of the quest cape is inherently unstable due to the lack of GM quests

if u want the quest cape to ALWAYS be a stable balance of combat and skills, then EVERY grandmaster quest would need to be a stable balance of combat and skills

and in my opinion, that would be stupid and boring. Hopefully not too many of future GM quests will be combat based, but so far we only have 2 GM quests

way too early to be complaining about a combat oriented quest cape. If jagex releases 10 more GM quests and 7 of them are like nomad, then we might have a problem.


Secondly, tweaks are good. I love tweaks, They give more ways to train, those are lasting updates. Content updates like quests last players a few hours, and then they're done. End of story.

Jagex investing in tweaks is analogous to players investing in skills. Sure each individual level (or update) may have very small impact, but they're lasting impacts and that makes them worthwhile.

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I disagree on your comment with the quest cape. Nomad's Requiem brought it a tad bit more respect. So lower levels can't get it? - boohoo. You're not automatically entitled to the cape; part of having it is being able to meet whatever new challenge is thrown at you. That was an excellent update imo.


This week's, however, was a total fail in my eyes. They just made some skills easier - unnecessarily easier - and made fail tweaks to an already boring game. Oh, and they patched their patches. Reminds you of the beginning of '09 don't it? I'll give them credit for the fishing and thieving bit, but those don't make up for the other failures.

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3 weeks into the new year and you're jumping to conclusions why?



Because in 2009 they were clear in stating what that year would hold, for better or for worse we were warned.



This year so far we haven't been told anything about 2010 in a clear official statement from Jagex.


There will be a new skill.


They will continue to focus on social marketing and the community.




2009 was the year for tweaks to existing in-game content being most of the updates. I hope that doesn't continue this year as the game needs new content.



Will they be returning to their twice a week update schedule for new content?

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Secondly, tweaks are good. I love tweaks, They give more ways to train, those are lasting updates. Content updates like quests last players a few hours, and then they're done. End of story.

Jagex investing in tweaks is analogous to players investing in skills. Sure each individual level (or update) may have very small impact, but they're lasting impacts and that makes them worthwhile.



Are you a new player? Jagex has always been doing tweaks AND new content simultaneously.


It's just that in 2009 they were focussing more on tweaks.


They had a whole year and while a few parts of the game were updated most weren't even touched.


I just want to know if Jagex is planning on doing a two-week new update cycle again. They can do tweaks to their hearts content on the alternative weeks when there is no new content.


Also new content takes more development time, tweaks are easier to do as they are just tweaking existing content.

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You'd be surprised how much you can mess up just by tweaking something in coding. It takes as much work to make sure it works and that people don't start randomly dying for no reason.


2009 was the year of the most bugs we've ever seen.


No coincidence.


The game is more complex now.


QA may have more work but on the development end tweaking existing content is still much easier than making new content.






I still want new content to be a prioriity and focus for Jagex again. Not tweaks repackaged as updates.

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Why assume..? The year has barely started. You can't guess what the year will be like based on three weeks.


And I disagree with what you said about the quest cape. Combat is a skill itself and the quest cape is even more of a challenge to get, like it should be. I've seen a player in the 90s with a cape after Nomad's Requiem - it's not impossible. In my opinion, the quest cape should test everything, combat included, and there are plenty of quests with only skills and no fighting involved. Hopefully there will be more released this year, I agree, but I have no complaints about the GM quest.


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Jagex already stated we'd be getting new weapons/armour up to level 99 this year.

I really doubt that. We *might* get an upgrade to whip but I wouldn't count on it. Weapons up to 99 would basically finish the game lol.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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This was the only point I felt the need to address:

The quest cape is now too much of a combat cape, that wasn't neccessary IMHO.
Are you suggesting that we omit higher level fights in favour of monotonous puzzles, every quest? The fight spiced things up for once.
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I will say though I'm kind of curious why we don't have a BTS for 2010, or are they worried that they'll say something they can't finish by the end of the year?

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I will say though I'm kind of curious why we don't have a BTS for 2010, or are they worried that they'll say something they can't finish by the end of the year?


I thought they forever ditched posting BTS last year.

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I will say though I'm kind of curious why we don't have a BTS for 2010, or are they worried that they'll say something they can't finish by the end of the year?


I thought they forever ditched posting BTS last year.

Yes, but I thought we were led to believe that we'd still have one for the upcoming year. They at least never said they wouldn't when people asked. If they don't do one that kind of sucks. Not like it's that big a deal to do one.

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I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous topic. Have you thought this through at all?

"Jagex should leave old content to rot, no matter how broken and in need of an update it is! They should focus on giving us nothing but new things, like they used to do back when Iddison was in charge and we got Vinesweeper, Evil Trees, Perils of Ice Mountain, Gnomecopters, and other amazing things!"

"The first two updates of a year are indicative of every single update for the next 12 months, therefore 2010 is going to suck!"

"Jagex changed the fighter torso to have no strength bonus, saw the outcry from the player base, and within hours reversed the decision! They are totally out-of-touch with the players!"

"There was no new content at all this year! Just a Grandmaster quest, a massive change to thieving and fishing, a new staff that gives you free runes and has a 1HKO special attack, and an armour set that restores prayer while you wear it! Come on guys, we're already almost three weeks into 2010!"


Quite frankly, I'm appalled at the silliness.

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It's his fair piece of speculation, but I don't expect Jagex to slow down this year. They have to advance their game sometime, right?

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Jagex have released alot of information in Q&A sessions and through interviews with fan sites. And then there's the chaos elemental every few months giving us cryptic clues. (They SO need to do a cryptic crossword in a postbag, I love them!) No need for BTS really. And this way it stops people doing things like hoarding dragon bones for 6 months before the actual update happens.

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To also point out that all of the content and updates that have happened so far in the last 3 weeks were started back in 2009. Some of these may have been designed to be released in the previous year, and were delayed.


Speaking of delay, this is the reason Jagex stopped publishing BTS every month, as it was rushing them and making them either have to delay material and annoy the players, or have to release content too early at times. Obviously, it was nice to have this reference to have an idea of things coming up. I do not mind having the BTS canceled, as it's been annoying for Dragon Bones to be hoarded and merched because of Jagex stating there'd be a big Prayer update.


But I think things are going well, and they will be releasing more new content, not just the majority of it being tweaks and fixes. In 2009, we didn't see a new skill, however, in 2010, we will be seeing that skill released finally, so we know already that we will be getting more, bigger, new content at least. Also, with the beginning of the year having a Grandmaster Quest, it leads to the possibility of having another Grandmaster being released this year, since there's a lot of the year left obviously.


I have a feeling we'll be having a good year. I could be wrong, but don't jump to conclusions already.



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They made their first update of the year on the 11th.


And in 9 days you decided what the entire year was going to look like?


And you failed at that anyway. One of the two updates was A NEW QUEST, that's hardly a tweak. The other one, although "tweaking" a minigame, gave us a new feature for whips, a new magic staff, a new training help, and a new armor set effect that makes some of the previously lackluster penance armor a little more lucrative. Even though neither the trident nor the armor is worth getting, yet. The other was giving players who have high agility some skill bonuses. Yah that's pretty much a tweak, but it's a pretty good one.

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