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[TICT] Silent Ember vs Runescape Elites


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Silent Ember vs Runescape Elites





Starting :

Silent Ember: 20 [ dropped from 48]


Runescape Elites : 20 [ Dropped from 37~]


1 man stood at portal incase of DC's



We knew RE would be a hard challenge. Their really a great matched opts clan. We expected we would be outleveled and were right. After seeing their pile we knew we were to be up against a high cmb ratio. During the fight SE experienced one DC. Where RE experienced 2 DC's[i believe]. Our binds were decent not amazing, but towards the end all our hard work formed together and we took it with 5 people left. Though it was a hard war, with alot of lag (Since we are in a dutch world). Im really happy with Silent Ember today. We weren't expected to win this fight, and we did. Repects to RE for being utterly amazing in this fight.



Silent Ember : 5

Runescape Elites : 0





Thanks to Dandaman / Redrock / Kuru for believing we actually believing that we could win this fight on the Tipit topic. :thumbup:

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Very well done SE, unexpected and outleveled.

Its a shame about RE's DCs, must have made a huge difference. Still they did well to get you down to 5 people.



EU Leader | | CE Retired Admin | | TKO Retired Member | | SE Retired Member

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Was first pile.


It was a very interesting war, gf re


ex lethality head council, warlord, council

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Was a Hell of a fight Runescape Elites.


It was a ton of fun, piled when 15 food and dragged around quite well, Personally I think RE got a few lucky binds on me when I was a few feet off their screen but oh well. Also thought I had 3 ring charges but I only had 2, was saddening, lol.


Thanks again RE.



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GJ. We were winning at the start but some (about 3?) DC's lost it for us, which is crucial with these numbers. Managed to stay in the fight for the majority of the fight though, but lost it at the end unfortunately. Wasn't really fond of one of your guys running out of bounds in spite of it being an accident. Grats on your win, you fought very well in spite of being very outleveld.



Hi I'm Jules.

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Good Job to both clans.


Gratz SE on the win


[spoiler=Clans]Current Events Leader of Tal Shiar Alliance

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Was an amazing fight RE. Was an honor to fight you guys really. Sorry about 009 Leo Sk, running out of bounds like that. I don't wanna start a flame war, so please don't respond to this but one of your members may have been afking out of bounds. I'm not sure but he was there. Great fight RE, hope to have many more.



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I'm making a killing here, I think I should be on top of the world just chilling here.

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