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22-Feb-2010 - Recolouring Poll Results


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Dark bow? Really? The only items on that list that I actually use are lunar staffs and crystal bows. Sure, maybe the bows will rise a little in price, which is probably a good thing for me, but I would have really preferred a red lunar staff with gold trim. <_<

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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Most players don't enjoy every feature of the game. Just because certain players tamper with the system and create a hornet's nest of thorns wherever we go doesn't mean Jagex should turn away from this simple, undeniable fact. In some cases, items should be given only to players who have directly earned them (items like Castle Wars rewards, or Skill Capes are indications of some sort of achievement and thus lose their meaning if traded). However, allowing the standard, high-end equipment to be purchased allows players to attain the same levels of play in the larger fields, without being forced to play a specific way. In other words, you can earn money in countless ways (killing monsters, gathering resources, processing items in time-consuming processes, select mini-games, fighting other players on PvP worlds, etc). Combat is a significant portion of this game, and for as integral a part of the game as that, the bulk of your ability should be attainable through wealth.


Slight advantages that can not be bought, like Extreme Potions, are fine, but already seem to push the limit. Already, you see discrimination against players without high herblore in monster hunting. Forcing players to get 85 Slayer to use an Abyssal Whip, for example, would be disastrous. Do we really want an 80 Smithing requirement on Godswords? 93 Slayer for the Staff of Light? 99 Smithing for Rune Platebodies?


Allowing items to be traded allows players to play the game the way they prefer to...

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Cheefoo124 you say that people ruin the updates because they buy out the items, and use the SoL as an example, but the SoL should be bought out, it is highly wanted. If you think an update only has to do with the items then you are very badly mistaken. If you wanted to truely experience the update then you should have gone an killed the monsters and gotten your own drops (although I know your stats aren't anywhere close to being able to get a SoL.) That update was intended as a high leveled slayer update, not as just some little magic update. As far as the darkbow goes this is a great solution, they will be waiting quite a while to release the new darkbow, and they will crash before they come out most likely. Say the bow stablizes at 3M (double its current price), this is way better than it being released, and being bought out for a month afterwards. The fact that Jagex is giving us a heads up is making it so that on release day people will have a much greater chance at getting the items, or have longer to try and get the items before hand. Dark Beasts are going to be a great source of money for the next while bringing life back into a task which some people dread.

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(although I know your stats aren't anywhere close to being able to get a SoL)

That's pretty condescending...


I just get frustrated when people vote for the Dark Bow just because they want to get profit off of it. I hope they also allow recoloring to some untradable items too. People always try and profit off of updates, it's really get me pissed. It's like merchants are denying other players their fun just because they want to make a profit. Updates that revolve around buyable items are bad enough, but when you give merchants a heads up, it's almost assuring that nobody else gets their fun unless A. They spent hundred(s) of hours to get the slayer level to get dark bows themselves - or B. Already had one of the worthless pieces of crap.


I really don't like updates that I can't enjoy thanks to merchant clans. Especially when this all could have been avoided if a non-tradable item was voted to be colorable. Honestly, dark bows are ugly. Crystal bows, lunar equipment, hell even pet rocks, would have looked better colored. The fact that I don't get them recolored AND I have to pay through the nose to enjoy the update (as if I would even enjoy it if I got one of the bleeding [cabbage]sticks) really, really gets me annoyed.







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(although I know your stats aren't anywhere close to being able to get a SoL)

That's pretty condescending...


I just get frustrated when people vote for the Dark Bow just because they want to get profit off of it. I hope they also allow recoloring to some untradable items too. People always try and profit off of updates, it's really get me pissed. It's like merchants are denying other players their fun just because they want to make a profit. Updates that revolve around buyable items are bad enough, but when you give merchants a heads up, it's almost assuring that nobody else gets their fun unless A. They spent hundred(s) of hours to get the slayer level to get dark bows themselves - or B. Already had one of the worthless pieces of crap.


I really don't like updates that I can't enjoy thanks to merchant clans. Especially when this all could have been avoided if a non-tradable item was voted to be colorable. Honestly, dark bows are ugly. Crystal bows, lunar equipment, hell even pet rocks, would have looked better colored. The fact that I don't get them recolored AND I have to pay through the nose to enjoy the update (as if I would even enjoy it if I got one of the bleeding [cabbage]sticks) really, really gets me annoyed.


If you don't have a dark bow, then obviously you don't need one, so it doesn't effect you either way. Personally I did vote for inifinty, just because it is a set, and it looks nice to start with but a boost in its appearance would have been nice. There is absolutely nothing we or jagex can do to counter-act updates effecting the price of items so there is no use in complaining about it. Each update is not designed to be directed to the whole Runescape player base either, these past 6 months have been primarily directed towards high-leveled content, so people are going to be left out, but it will give them something to aim for.

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If you don't have a dark bow, then obviously you don't need one, so it doesn't effect you either way.


It would be like I didn't get an update at all then... That is if, however, the dark bow recoloring is the only update they do that day. Given the recent updates (Familiarisation, Implings) I wouldn't be surprised if that's all we get.


The constant "wasted" updates are really getting to me. First with the Strykewyrms, I never get any assigned, and the Staff of Light is going for 60m+ on the street, then Familiarisation, now these implings that have no real use in catching. If I see an update day that says "New Dark Bow Recoloring!" on the homepage, and nothing else, I might just explode.


Jagex wasted the opportunity to make some awesome looking items (recolored lunar, crystal bow, etc.) for a dark bow, which is only really benefiting merchants at this point. Unless the new colors are really that beautiful, but then, it give merchants more of a reason to hoard the bows.


I'm really into having a good looking outfit on Runescape, and the fact that I missed such a good opportunity just because those bastard merchants wanted a few extra (virtual) bucks is really a downer.







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If you don't have a dark bow, then obviously you don't need one, so it doesn't effect you either way.


It would be like I didn't get an update at all then... That is if, however, the dark bow recoloring is the only update they do that day. Given the recent updates (Familiarisation, Implings) I wouldn't be surprised if that's all we get.


The constant "wasted" updates are really getting to me. First with the Strykewyrms, I never get any assigned, and the Staff of Light is going for 60m+ on the street, then Familiarisation, now these implings that have no real use in catching. If I see an update day that says "New Dark Bow Recoloring!" on the homepage, and nothing else, I might just explode.


Jagex wasted the opportunity to make some awesome looking items (recolored lunar, crystal bow, etc.) for a dark bow, which is only really benefiting merchants at this point. Unless the new colors are really that beautiful, but then, it give merchants more of a reason to hoard the bows.


I'm really into having a good looking outfit on Runescape, and the fact that I missed such a good opportunity just because those bastard merchants wanted a few extra (virtual) bucks is really a downer.


Strikewyrms can be assigned just as often as any other task, its not like they are going to give you 50% strikewyrms just because they were just released, it is making them so they are uncampable and that is good. I doubt they would release the colouring update on its own, they normally don't do updates THAT small. You have to keep in mind though last year we got our updates in a large package once a month and everyone [bleep]ed and complained non-stop for them to bring back weekly updates, and now they have to split that one big update into small portions to keep the kiddies interested. The impling update was nice for a lot of people that enjoy hunting the imps, the minigame was kind of dead so this bring life back into it, also brings in a new outfit and increased experience for the imps you catch. The fact that you can now catch imps with your hands is also very useful because now you don't need to carry the imp stuff on you, or bank when you see a decent imp fly by.

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As much as I dislike the choice of Dark Bows (the ONE item on that list I did not own, and not planning to), I think you people are mistakingly assuming 18,000+ people voted on it for merchanting reasons.


It's a case of familiarity. Simple as that. The list was comprised of relatively obscure items, and Dark Bow stood out as the "thing everyone knows". It's why they picked it.

It's also often the reason when people tend vote Combat as favourite past-time, Castle Wars as favourite minigame and Melee/Slayer as favourite skill. It's not always that they like these absolutely the best, it's because they're the first to pop to mind.


All I wish was that Jagex would extend to the top three rather than just #1, I can't imagine recolouring to require TOO much effort (nothing that can be equalled to reimagining the TzHaar race, anyway). Oh well.


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I think these content polls are dumb anyway.

The winning item usually wins by a matter of 100 - 1000 votes, or 1 - 3% and has never been more than 25% of the vote.

Yes its nice tht everyone gets to vote, but they give like 7 options so then like 18% get what they want and the other 92% don't.


They should do top 3 and/or make it multiple choice so you can vote for ALL the ones you'd like.


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Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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I wonder how long it takes to alter the color though....


I mean, depending on how difficult it is to use Photoshop to shift the color balance slightly, maybe several months?


There's no possible way they could have covered ALL of those items.


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