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Would You change your Rs Main Username if you could?/\/\/\


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OOOOOOF! start feeling sorry for me! Qwazx3...sorry but how pants can you get, its not even a word with numbers on the end, although the handy thing is that its in the shape of a c on the keyboard so yeah...thats how i remember it.












like that...ish


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Vorgore. I wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t change it. I thought a lot about it before I chose it.




Ditto, I thought before I choose. I used the same name in many different games, either Ventuz or Ventuzz.

Hacked 10 years old account, permamently quit if Jagex doesn't return items.



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Even though 'Cydoor' is also know as spyware, I wouldn't change it.


I've played with it for more than 3 years, why not more? Also its short, easy and has no numbers in it :lol:

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I'm happy with Iantiger but sometimes I'd like to change my main with one of my newbie characters like "Sunsurge" (awesome name eh?) or "Capt Yates". Also I was quite shocked when I made the account "Drag Pker", a name I thought would be taken. Imaketoilets has an ownage name.






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oh yes id love to change my name, i only did it because of falling into a pungee pit in tony hawks 3, and didnt take time to think of a proper one cuz i thought i would hate the game




i wouldnt mind, but a lot of people have sick minds and instantly think my name is NOT referring to the shaft of a gun, as the name was intended, but rather.,.. you know... i hate sick minded people :shame:

siggity siggity shwa

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I hate my name, with a passion.




I set it up all those years ago (When I was like, 12) thinking that me and a mate could share it (not a confession), only to find out the next day that his internet's been taken away because his mom & dad had just split up and his mom didn't have the money to pay all the bills on her own.




So yeah, I've had it on my own since I started I guess, my mate's never even remembered runescape after we had one small conversation about it and how we could make a joint account, so I've never account-shared. :D




I recently made another character, going to train him up as a pure mage but it'll never become my main character I don't think, unless I get my magic level up to like, 85+




1x Dragon Chainbody (1 Dust Devil Trip)

3x Black Mask (2 trips)

1x Drag Skirt (50+ trips)



1x Robin Hood Hat

1x Guthix Platebody


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Er Ameoba3000 lol. I wish I could change it now, back them it was a sort of a "thing" for me to add a 3000 behind every online game I played, now I've outgrown that "thing", and now it's customary for me to sign up as either "Enigma" or "Celluzion" everytime as my online SN.






Too bad you can't change the names, but hey, it's fine with me now I guess.






I created "Ameoba" though, just for kicks.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Hmm... here's a question I oftentimes


find myself asking. Here are a few of my


pures' names:




Giizus Kryst


Mo No X Ide


Zesty Mayo


The Wraeth


Jiggly Jell0




Hum Drum Bum




All great names if you ask me







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I don't really like my username...




xx_fezzi - There's a space in the middle which I don't really like.


I made this account after the Christmas play in my school. I played fezziwig in "A Christmas Carol" and it sounds really childish, so I want to change it.




I might change it to "TheChoo" but I'm sure someone has taken the name... :(




OHEMGEEE!!! My first post - YAY! :D :D :D


Oh I do like to be beside the Sea Side!

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaaa!!!

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The person who used to have the name I wanted isn't even playing anymore (it was back on RSC) and now no one has it.. So yes, I would want to change it, to the name I wanted it to be (Instead of Wolfhunterxz, make it Wolfhunter) lol :P

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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Yes very much... Not that my name is bad or anything, cuz it dosent have numbers like most names have... but I want another name *crys* :oops:




u want numbers in your name? i tried NOT to get numbers in my name! i love my name

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