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Things that annoy the HELL out of you.

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You can interpret it as 'be thankful for what you have' (yah, it's a stretch). And that's what I do every time I see something like that. I ignore whatever they actually wrote.


I'm think I know what you mean, though. I don't think you're a cold hearted. ;-)



Cold hearted, I guess not. Cool hearted? Maybe.




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You can interpret it as 'be thankful for what you have' (yah, it's a stretch). And that's what I do every time I see something like that. I ignore whatever they actually wrote.


I'm think I know what you mean, though. I don't think you're a cold hearted. ;-)



Cold hearted, I guess not. Cool hearted? Maybe.





I feel the same way. If you really cared you would do something about it instead of reposting a stupid status. Also, those people who put those "put a cross in your signature if you are a Christian." I do believe in God, but it is still duchy to do in my opinion.

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Your schools are weird. I learned Chem in 10th grade and Physics in 11th.


It really doesn't matter. In my school you're just required one year of life science (ecology, biology), one year of physical science (chemistry, physics), and another year of either one.


Most kids (like me) took/are taking Chem -> Physics -> 2-year Bio course.

Others took 3 years Bio/1 year Chem; etc. etc. It all depends on what you want to do really.

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"Dress witches in pink and avoid white paper to prevent racism in nuseries, expert says"



I have no words to express myself here. These so called 'experts' and other PC maniacs need a good old slap on the head.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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"Dress witches in pink and avoid white paper to prevent racism in nuseries, expert says"



I have no words to express myself here. These so called 'experts' and other PC maniacs need a good old slap on the head.

What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


> No paper or ink

"O M G racist! Are you implying that [speaker's ethnicity] are all illiterate?!?"

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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


GTFO Mein Kampf! I read it, and it wasn't bad.

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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


> No paper or ink

"O M G racist! Are you implying that [speaker's ethnicity] are all illiterate?!?"


From what I've gathered on this planet, those who find any trivial little detail to blow out of proportion and label as "racist" are really the most racist ones themselves.

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When my roommate flirts and acts the nice friendly guy to all the girls, and then complains when they all ask for him to listen to their problems.


I told him yesterday that maybe he should kinda lay off and not act like he's willing to be there for them when they need to vent.


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Three exams in two days. Excuse me while I study...

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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Sometimes, it just seems depressing to observe the way some people view life. It's almost as though they think the world revolves around them, and their 'needs' of drinking, clubbing, smoking pot and sex. There's more to life than getting drunk every day, why won't people realise that?

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Sometimes, it just seems depressing to observe the way some people view life. It's almost as though they think the world revolves around them, and their 'needs' of drinking, clubbing, smoking pot and sex. There's more to life than getting drunk every day, why won't people realise that?


You and I must share a brain. All that people do here at college is get wasted, every weekend. It's like, "isn't there something better that you can be doing besides getting krunked and screwing random drunk people?"

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Sometimes, it just seems depressing to observe the way some people view life. It's almost as though they think the world revolves around them, and their 'needs' of drinking, clubbing, smoking pot and sex. There's more to life than getting drunk every day, why won't people realise that?


Hey, if they want to be scum and go nowhere in life, that's their problem (I realize it's bad for society, but eh). There will always be idiots and lowlifes. We must learn to live with them rather than against them.

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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


GTFO Mein Kampf! I read it, and it wasn't bad.


That scares me.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


GTFO Mein Kampf! I read it, and it wasn't bad.


That scares me.

If you change the dates, locations, and replace Jews with immigrants, the majority of Americans would support it.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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What the [bleep]? What does white paper have anything to do with racism. That expert is a [wagon].

>Black paper with white ink

"O M G racist! The white goes on top of the black and makes you pay more attention to it!"


>White paper with black ink

"O M G racist! The white paper is a foundation for the black ink!"


>Gray paper with grey ink

"O M G racist! I can't read it at all, so it must be a transcript of Mein Kampf!"


GTFO Mein Kampf! I read it, and it wasn't bad.


That scares me.

If you change the dates, locations, and replace Jews with immigrants, the majority of Americans would support it.



Pretty much. The whole book isn't about killing Jews or the final solution. The majority of it is politics.

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It's a cartoon. On cartoon network.


It's [bleep]ing terrible. No lie.

I know that, I'm just saying it's a lot better than a bunch of stuff that we have easy access to. Some of it can be decent I liked ThunderLOLcats and Grey's in Anime. Others are just terrible like that Pokemon/Jurassic Park crossover. I mean, they make caricatures of every celebrity ever, but they couldn't be assed to make any of the Pokemon characters (Both humans and Pokemon) look like they normally do?

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